Silencing the opinion of others is anti-intellectual and dangerous

It is a really difficult decision to make, when it comes to free speech...but they ARE private platforms.

Yes and they are making it clear they’re not supportive of free speech. They claim Infowars promotes hate speech well show me an example bc I’m sure as hell not gonna take their word for it. Promoting the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory is NOT hate speech, it’s just an unpopular opinion but many of the people celebrating this censorship are too stupid to know that and that is why these companies can get away with accusing Jones of hate speech.
I’ve been trying to find a report that alleges Jones indulges in hate speech which also provides examples of the alleged hate speech, but to no avail.
It would be nice to see some evidence and be able to judge ourselves.
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
I think it might be time that someone stood up and actually said "Here's the line between truth and fiction." The right wingers are doing their damndest to make sure that line no longer exists, but there are actual facts and then there are endless "what if's" and "maybe this" stories.
Says a CNN fan
I’ve been trying to find a report that alleges Jones indulges in hate speech which also provides examples of the
Then you are not looking hard enough. If the examples shown are not, in your opinion, "hate speech", then say so.
Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

They are censoring because the attack is coming the left /elites don't want information getting out on both sides once this happens.

They must keep and gain control of the population...... the assholes will poke fun, they won't have a clue the warnings they were given.

There is also a ploy for when the elections come ............

There's more to it all than this obviously but that's the short jist of why they want to keep information restrained and INFOWARS HAD SUCH AN IMPACT they are being used at the EXAMPLE being set for the rest of what is to come.


Get it
Perhaps they`re censoring it because Alex Jones is all bullshit and he makes dumb people dumber. Why should Facebook or anyone else be an unwilling enabler? AJ actually has millions of idiots believing 9-11 was an inside job.
Actually it’s not really ‘censorship.’

Jones has ample other means of communication to express his moronic ‘message.’
Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

They are censoring because the attack is coming the left /elites don't want information getting out on both sides once this happens.

They must keep and gain control of the population...... the assholes will poke fun, they won't have a clue the warnings they were given.

There is also a ploy for when the elections come ............

There's more to it all than this obviously but that's the short jist of why they want to keep information restrained and INFOWARS HAD SUCH AN IMPACT they are being used at the EXAMPLE being set for the rest of what is to come.


Get it
Perhaps they`re censoring it because Alex Jones is all bullshit and he makes dumb people dumber. Why should Facebook or anyone else be an unwilling enabler? AJ actually has millions of idiots believing 9-11 was an inside job.
Religious people believe in unverifiable gods, miracles etc and there are millions of followers. Should they too be prevented from using social media to discuss their beliefs and to proselytise? Or is it just things you find particularly irritating that should get the boot?
Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

They are censoring because the attack is coming the left /elites don't want information getting out on both sides once this happens.

They must keep and gain control of the population...... the assholes will poke fun, they won't have a clue the warnings they were given.

There is also a ploy for when the elections come ............

There's more to it all than this obviously but that's the short jist of why they want to keep information restrained and INFOWARS HAD SUCH AN IMPACT they are being used at the EXAMPLE being set for the rest of what is to come.


Get it
Perhaps they`re censoring it because Alex Jones is all bullshit and he makes dumb people dumber. Why should Facebook or anyone else be an unwilling enabler? AJ actually has millions of idiots believing 9-11 was an inside job.
People can believe whatever they like. Does it infringe on any of your rights or hurt you that people believe 9/11 was an inside job?
I think it might be time that someone stood up and actually said "Here's the line between truth and fiction."

And just who should that ‘somebody’ be?
I’ll tell you.
Each and every one of us.
WE ourselves are responsible for what we choose to read and how much effort we put into fact checking.
I tend to agree...however, that doesn't mean Facebook has some kind of duty to post whatever content its members contribute.
I agree - they aren’t obliged, as the OP also stated.
Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

They are censoring because the attack is coming the left /elites don't want information getting out on both sides once this happens.

They must keep and gain control of the population...... the assholes will poke fun, they won't have a clue the warnings they were given.

There is also a ploy for when the elections come ............

There's more to it all than this obviously but that's the short jist of why they want to keep information restrained and INFOWARS HAD SUCH AN IMPACT they are being used at the EXAMPLE being set for the rest of what is to come.


Get it
Perhaps they`re censoring it because Alex Jones is all bullshit and he makes dumb people dumber. Why should Facebook or anyone else be an unwilling enabler? AJ actually has millions of idiots believing 9-11 was an inside job.
People can believe whatever they like. Does it infringe on any of your rights or hurt you that people believe 9/11 was an inside job?
Some Dems believe 9/11 is Trumps' fault.

I’ve been trying to find a report that alleges Jones indulges in hate speech which also provides examples of the
Then you are not looking hard enough. If the examples shown are not, in your opinion, "hate speech", then say so.
As we discussed yesterday, I’ve read the allegations over and over again, including in the links you so kindly provided, but there are no actual example of hate speech. If he indulges in that, how hard can it be to provide quotes???
Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

They are censoring because the attack is coming the left /elites don't want information getting out on both sides once this happens.

They must keep and gain control of the population...... the assholes will poke fun, they won't have a clue the warnings they were given.

There is also a ploy for when the elections come ............

There's more to it all than this obviously but that's the short jist of why they want to keep information restrained and INFOWARS HAD SUCH AN IMPACT they are being used at the EXAMPLE being set for the rest of what is to come.


Get it
Perhaps they`re censoring it because Alex Jones is all bullshit and he makes dumb people dumber. Why should Facebook or anyone else be an unwilling enabler? AJ actually has millions of idiots believing 9-11 was an inside job.
People can believe whatever they like. Does it infringe on any of your rights or hurt you that people believe 9/11 was an inside job?
Some Dems believe 9/11 is Trumps' fault.

View attachment 209085
...In all 57 states and under sniper fire
Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

They are censoring because the attack is coming the left /elites don't want information getting out on both sides once this happens.

They must keep and gain control of the population...... the assholes will poke fun, they won't have a clue the warnings they were given.

There is also a ploy for when the elections come ............

There's more to it all than this obviously but that's the short jist of why they want to keep information restrained and INFOWARS HAD SUCH AN IMPACT they are being used at the EXAMPLE being set for the rest of what is to come.


Get it
Perhaps they`re censoring it because Alex Jones is all bullshit and he makes dumb people dumber. Why should Facebook or anyone else be an unwilling enabler? AJ actually has millions of idiots believing 9-11 was an inside job.
People can believe whatever they like. Does it infringe on any of your rights or hurt you that people believe 9/11 was an inside job?
Some Dems believe 9/11 is Trumps' fault.

View attachment 209085
And some Trumpkins will believe ANYTHING....
Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

They are censoring because the attack is coming the left /elites don't want information getting out on both sides once this happens.

They must keep and gain control of the population...... the assholes will poke fun, they won't have a clue the warnings they were given.

There is also a ploy for when the elections come ............

There's more to it all than this obviously but that's the short jist of why they want to keep information restrained and INFOWARS HAD SUCH AN IMPACT they are being used at the EXAMPLE being set for the rest of what is to come.


Get it
Perhaps they`re censoring it because Alex Jones is all bullshit and he makes dumb people dumber. Why should Facebook or anyone else be an unwilling enabler? AJ actually has millions of idiots believing 9-11 was an inside job.
People can believe whatever they like. Does it infringe on any of your rights or hurt you that people believe 9/11 was an inside job?
Some Dems believe 9/11 is Trumps' fault.

View attachment 209085
And some Trumpkins will believe ANYTHING....
In all 57 states and under sniper fire?
but there are no actual example of hate speech. your opinion. And that's fine. Apparently , some disagree.
No, it’s not an opinion. In all the articles that I’ve read, including those you linked to, there was not a single quote showing hate speech. If you’re so sure I missed them, post them.
I am not going to spoonfeed you quotes you have already decided , in your opinion, are not hate speech. Your opinion is noted.
It is a really difficult decision to make, when it comes to free speech...but they ARE private platforms.

Yes and they are making it clear they’re not supportive of free speech. They claim Infowars promotes hate speech well show me an example bc I’m sure as hell not gonna take their word for it. Promoting the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory is NOT hate speech, it’s just an unpopular opinion but many of the people celebrating this censorship are too stupid to know that and that is why these companies can get away with accusing Jones of hate speech.

As private organizations they don’t have any require to allow everyone on their platform. They can choose not host conspiracy theorists if they want and their customer base will let them if they are unhappy with that decision.

The United States government isn’t bringing the hammer down on Jones. This isn’t a political issue, as badly as Jones might want to pretend otherwise. YouTube, Facebook, Spotify, and Apple are all private companies. They’re allowed to enforce their own set of guidelines, and change those guidelines however they like. It’s also not a First Amendment issue when accountability behind certain words has repercussions for people who abuse the guidelines.

“Like any marketplace, the marketplace of ideas that the First Amendment was meant to protect cannot function properly without accountability for reprehensible conduct like the defendants,” plaintiffs argued in a recent defamation case against Jones, as reported by Rolling Stone. “The First Amendment has never protected demonstrably false, malicious statements like the defendants.”

By the ACLU definition of censorship, “the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are ‘offensive,’ happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others,” it could sound like Jones has a point. But the ACLU adds, “expression may be restricted only if it will clearly cause direct and imminent harm to an important societal interest.”

YouTube and other companies have had this asterisk sewn into their community guidelines for years. Jones’ content does “cause direct and imminent harm to an important societal interest”: the families of Sandy Hook victims have left their homes because of ongoing harassment; Jones perpetuated and promoted the dangerous conspiracy theory known as PizzaGate, which ended with a man showing up to a Washington pizzeria with guns; recently, Jones promoted the growing #QAnon conspiracy theory that experts have labeled as potentially dangerous.
but there are no actual example of hate speech. your opinion. And that's fine. Apparently , some disagree.
No, it’s not an opinion. In all the articles that I’ve read, including those you linked to, there was not a single quote showing hate speech. If you’re so sure I missed them, post them.
I am not going to spoonfeed you quotes you have already decided , in your opinion, are not hate speech. Your opinion is noted.
There were no quotes other than him saying he was going to take down Meuller, which many lefties decided was a physical threat even though the quote showed that Jones used the word POLITICALLY twice.
There were no other quotes, so I’m not making a decision on whether or not he has indulged in hate speech -I CANT as I’ve yet to find anyone who makes the allegations also provide evidence.

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