Silencing the opinion of others is anti-intellectual and dangerous

I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.

What really makes me wanna :102: is the fact that those celebrating Infowars censorship are the same people who are supposedly so afraid of fascism taking over. I’m seriously saddened that people are this retarded. Also every time Trump threatens to shut down the media here those same people come whining about him being a threat to democracy, yet when big corporations silence a right-wing source they think it’s the best thing ever?

Check your heads, fools because you’re the worst kind of hypocrites. Get a fucking clue!

FYI I don’t care for Alex Jones so if you’re ready to type a snarky comment about my support for a conspiracy theorist nut-job, don’t waste your time.
It is a really difficult decision to make, when it comes to free speech...but they ARE private platforms.

Yes and they are making it clear they’re not supportive of free speech. They claim Infowars promotes hate speech well show me an example bc I’m sure as hell not gonna take their word for it. Promoting the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory is NOT hate speech, it’s just an unpopular opinion but many of the people celebrating this censorship are too stupid to know that and that is why these companies can get away with accusing Jones of hate speech.
Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

More then that banned him. A couple more at least. You can't tell me they didn't all get together to do that.

It would be funny if Alex Jones became more popular because of this.

That is definitely a possibility.
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.

Look, I found a secret link to his web site ---> Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Apparently the Dems didn't think of everything.
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
Alex Jones is not insane, if he were he'd be just another nut on a street corner soapbox. What he is is a very successful modern snake oil salesman.

So is the NFL when you buy their shirts and they are tax free the NFL make millions and pay no taxes.
Same with baseball

He has great products that are not watered down and are natural which beats BIG PHARMA shit that will eat your liver in six years .

For the dumb fks who can't comprhend business that is how he funds his news, UNLIKE NBC MSM who are funded and ordered what to report by BIG CORPORIATIONS.

Man you leftist really have no comprhension how business corporations run do you I mean big ones with power..


CAN you connect how the power of money can stick together controling whatever NEWS they want.......

it's called how many have ARE INVESTED IN STOCKS

ALEX has NO STOCKS where millionair fks dump billions into it

he doesn't have a STOCK NARKET FUND or code........

yet you all still can't get it.

The most you LEFTIST can do is attack never can PROVE a fkn thing.
hate speech
They don't seem to have a problem with the Twitter lady that is openly prejudice towards white people.
Of course not. They're fine with speech they like. If they don't like it, they want it brought down.

Illiberal Leftist Authoritarians. Hypocrites. Cowards. Liars. Phonies. Anti-freedom of expression.
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Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

They are censoring because the attack is coming the left /elites don't want information getting out on both sides once this happens.

They must keep and gain control of the population...... the assholes will poke fun, they won't have a clue the warnings they were given.

There is also a ploy for when the elections come ............

There's more to it all than this obviously but that's the short jist of why they want to keep information restrained and INFOWARS HAD SUCH AN IMPACT they are being used at the EXAMPLE being set for the rest of what is to come.


Get it
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
Alex Jones is not insane, if he were he'd be just another nut on a street corner soapbox. What he is is a very successful modern snake oil salesman.

So is the NFL when you buy their shirts and they are tax free the NFL make millions and pay no taxes.
Same with baseball

He has great products that are not watered down and are natural which beats BIG PHARMA shit that will eat your liver in six years .

For the dumb fks who can't comprhend business that is how he funds his news, UNLIKE NBC MSM who are funded and ordered what to report by BIG CORPORIATIONS.

Man you leftist really have no comprhension how business corporations run do you I mean big ones with power..


CAN you connect how the power of money can stick together controling whatever NEWS they want.......

it's called how many have ARE INVESTED IN STOCKS

ALEX has NO STOCKS where millionair fks dump billions into it

he doesn't have a STOCK NARKET FUND or code........

yet you all still can't get it.

The most you LEFTIST can do is attack never can PROVE a fkn thing.
And the Jones nut sucking acolyte chimes in. And claims I'm a leftist........ :rofl:
Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

They are censoring because the attack is coming the left /elites don't want information getting out on both sides once this happens.

They must keep and gain control of the population...... the assholes will poke fun, they won't have a clue the warnings they were given.

There is also a ploy for when the elections come ............

There's more to it all than this obviously but that's the short jist of why they want to keep information restrained and INFOWARS HAD SUCH AN IMPACT they are being used at the EXAMPLE being set for the rest of what is to come.


Get it
Perhaps they`re censoring it because Alex Jones is all bullshit and he makes dumb people dumber. Why should Facebook or anyone else be an unwilling enabler? AJ actually has millions of idiots believing 9-11 was an inside job.
People don't need Facebook if they want to get the thoughts of Alex Jones. So I don't see how anybody can make the case he's being silenced. Heck, is it wrong that each of us here doesn't have their own radio show?
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.

It's very selective. The same people who find Jones worthy of banishment probably stood and laughed as a bloody fake Trump head was held up on CNN live
I think it might be time that someone stood up and actually said "Here's the line between truth and fiction."

And just who should that ‘somebody’ be?
I’ll tell you.
Each and every one of us.
WE ourselves are responsible for what we choose to read and how much effort we put into fact checking.
I tend to agree...however, that doesn't mean Facebook has some kind of duty to post whatever content its members contribute.
Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

More then that banned him. A couple more at least. You can't tell me they didn't all get together to do that.

It would be funny if Alex Jones became more popular because of this.
That is a likely outcome, I think. Reading comments in the U.K. press today, so many of them said they’d never heard of this guy or his site before, and now they were going to visit his site. That doesn’t mean they’ll agree with what he has to say, but he’ll be getting more hits and more attention.
but he’ll be getting more hits and more attention
Good, shine a light right on that fool. That's the way i think assholes like him should be dealt with. Drag his embarrassing ass into the light, and just let him be him.
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
Progressives are pussy whipped bitchs, They can’t tolerate anybody that disagrees with them
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
I am neither Dem nor Rep...but what are you talking about?

This is free enterprise in action...not lefty censorship/control. Heck, there is not even a lefty in the White House and ''righties' control both houses.

YouTube, Facebook, Spotify and Apple banned him. These are all (or owned by) multi-billion dollar corporations. And I bet you the majority of the shareholders of these corporations are not 'lefties'...they are probably mostly 'righties'.

They made a business decision. They decided that having Alex Jones content displayed within their companies was detrimental to their bottom line. Period.
Heck, Spotify is not even American - it's based in Sweden.

I love free speech and detest censorship.

But I also strongly encourage free enterprise...and feel that corporations should be free to have or not have whatever content they wish within their products/services.

And that is all this is, until I see unbiased, factual proof to the enterprise.

I'm not saying the companies aren't completely within their rights. I'm shaming the left for celebrating the silencing of opposition. They'd rather shut people down than deal with their opinions.
No, you’re exhibiting your ignorance and stupidity.

No one is ‘celebrating’ anything – including ‘the left.’

‘The left’ does not advocate ‘shutting people down’ – that’s a ridiculous lie on your part.

Alex Jones has been neither ‘silenced’ nor ‘shut down’; no government has enacted a law that sanctions or punishes Jones in any manner for the type of speech he engages in.

And private companies don’t have the authority to punish anyone in an effort to silence his speech, only government has that authority.

The premise of your thread is as idiotic as it is ignorant and wrong.

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