Silencing the opinion of others is anti-intellectual and dangerous

Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

More then that banned him. A couple more at least. You can't tell me they didn't all get together to do that. Now I gotta go to InfoWars to find out who all banned him, argh!

No, I don't want any SuperMegaTesto 12000!

"iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and other platforms – along with YouTube banning The Alex Jones Channel."

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
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Lesson one in undermining conspiracy theorists is not doing stuff to them that looks a whole lot like a conspiracy.

Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify ban Infowars, touching off censorship debate

More then that banned him. A couple more at least. You can't tell me they didn't all get together to do that.

It would be funny if Alex Jones became more popular because of this.

If would really be funny, wait, no.

I was going to say if he started his own thing, He could never stop

himself from interjecting his snake oil sales into the entire


Poor MindWars
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I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.

Where do you draw the line between informed dissent (or informed support) and flat out bad taste?

Answer that, will you? you feel that propagating the myth that Sandy Hook was a hoax, 9/11 was an inside job, that no plane hit the Pentagon, and OBL is still alive should use up a third party's bandwidth?

I don't care how outrageous his opinions are. I'm not a fan of his at all. That's beside the point. It's about principle.

Yes, I understand that.
That answers the first question....the 2nd question is important too. Nobody is silencing these individuals; they have X amount of bandwidth and if the user of the bandwidth is going to not be responsible with what they use it for...I have no problem with these entities making a decision to distance themselves from the irresponsible parties. Now...if it were the government denying a license to someone to broadcast on public airwaves...that is a different matter.

Now, What if Alex Jones asks USMB to give him his own subforum and it's denied...isn't that censorship as well?
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.

Where do you draw the line between informed dissent (or informed support) and flat out bad taste?

Answer that, will you? you feel that propagating the myth that Sandy Hook was a hoax, 9/11 was an inside job, that no plane hit the Pentagon, and OBL is still alive should use up a third party's bandwidth?

I don't care how outrageous his opinions are. I'm not a fan of his at all. That's beside the point. It's about principle.

Yes, I understand that.
That answers the first question....the 2nd question is important too. Nobody is silencing these individuals; they have X amount of bandwidth and if the user of the bandwidth is going to not be responsible with what they use it for...I have no problem with these entities making a decision to distance themselves from the irresponsible parties. Now...if it were the government denying a license to someone to broadcast on public airwaves...that is a different matter.

Now, What if Alex Jones asks USMB to give him his own subforum and it's denied...isn't that censorship as well?

Wake up guy, these social media outlets are trying to control the narrative.

All over the place. It's a sad day for internet freedom.

The internet was wide open when I first signed on, and Google sucked.
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.

Where do you draw the line between informed dissent (or informed support) and flat out bad taste?

Answer that, will you? you feel that propagating the myth that Sandy Hook was a hoax, 9/11 was an inside job, that no plane hit the Pentagon, and OBL is still alive should use up a third party's bandwidth?

I don't care how outrageous his opinions are. I'm not a fan of his at all. That's beside the point. It's about principle.

Yes, I understand that.
That answers the first question....the 2nd question is important too. Nobody is silencing these individuals; they have X amount of bandwidth and if the user of the bandwidth is going to not be responsible with what they use it for...I have no problem with these entities making a decision to distance themselves from the irresponsible parties. Now...if it were the government denying a license to someone to broadcast on public airwaves...that is a different matter.

Now, What if Alex Jones asks USMB to give him his own subforum and it's denied...isn't that censorship as well?

Wake up guy, these social media outlets are trying to control the narrative.

All over the place. It's a sad day for internet freedom.

The internet was wide open when I first signed on, and Google sucked.

So, hypothetically if I want you to put my business's sign on your truck's tailgate, you're obliged to do it? I don' think you are.
I'm a leftist and I have no problem admitting that the vast majority of attempted censorship is coming from the left these days. Finding the opinion of another person outrageous and offensive does not justify preventing that person from expressing their opinion.
You're not a leftist, you're a true liberal.
Silencing Alex Jones is easy. He's just the first. This is something that becomes easier the more it's done. It eventually comes down every person drawing a breath.
IN their silencing conservative opinions, it seems the Big Tech companies. Are meddling in our free and open elections.
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
But, he is not silenced. He still has plenty of forums. Personally, I am outraged the HBO hasn't given him his own nightly series! Censorship!
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.

The regressive left isn’t about protecting any of our freedoms. They have their Agenda and will do whatever it takes to achieve it. You’re pretty damned naive to be surprised the left would take this sort of action.

Conservatives have warned you all that the far left, which is now mainstream left, are a lot like fascists when it comes to freedom of speech rights. Free speech rights are curbed horrendously in many countries in Europe that have already been overrun by these leftists.

Leftists have been trying to silence political commentators like Rush Limbaugh for decades.
Silencing the opinion of others is anti-intellectual and dangerous

In other words, the GOP "way".
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
I am neither Dem nor Rep...but what are you talking about?

This is free enterprise in action...not lefty censorship/control. Heck, there is not even a lefty in the White House and ''righties' control both houses.

YouTube, Facebook, Spotify and Apple banned him. These are all (or owned by) multi-billion dollar corporations. And I bet you the majority of the shareholders of these corporations are not 'lefties'...they are probably mostly 'righties'.

They made a business decision. They decided that having Alex Jones content displayed within their companies was detrimental to their bottom line. Period.
Heck, Spotify is not even American - it's based in Sweden.

I love free speech and detest censorship.

But I also strongly encourage free enterprise...and feel that corporations should be free to have or not have whatever content they wish within their products/services.

And that is all this is, until I see unbiased, factual proof to the enterprise.

I'm not saying the companies aren't completely within their rights. I'm shaming the left for celebrating the silencing of opposition. They'd rather shut people down than deal with their opinions.

Fair enough...but I see nothing wrong with celebrating this. His ideas were whacked.

Now, if this had come from government - I would be 100% in agreement with you. I DESPISE censorship. It is for the weak. That is why I hate the crap that Trump is spewing forth about the press that he does not like being 'enemies'.

But this Alex Jones stuff is purely free enterprise (again, unless I see unbiased, factual evidence to the contrary).

Now, I myself will not 'celebrate' this. But I am not sorry it happened either. I think he got what he deserved.

With you 100%. If the government had moved to block Jones content, I’d be shoulder to shoulder with that batshit monger, defending his right to free speech.

But a Facebook ban has nothing to do with free speech. Jones can say whatever he’d like on his own website. He has no right to use anyone else’s.

But that’s the thing, when these left wing lunatics get power in government, they do the exact same thing - they censor their opposition.

Why do you think Tommy Robinson was thrown in prison for standing on a sidewalk in public and asking questions? The left cheered the fact he was thrown in prison, even though the judge that release him said all that was done to him was improper and wrong.

I agree that these tech companies have the legal right to do what they did. But they have just announced to the world they are not about freedom of speech and expression. You must pass their lunatic fringe leftwing litmus test. Personally I am glad the leftists are coming out of the closet to show the world what they are really about: silencing the opposition to their globalist Agenda.
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
Alex Jones is not insane, if he were he'd be just another nut on a street corner soapbox. What he is is a very successful modern snake oil salesman.

The only difference is the snake oil guy was selling an actual product, claiming actual benefits. All Jones does is spread wacky stories.
Wacky stories...kind of like CNN and MSLSD does every day....right?

Jones is nutty, CNN and an the rest of the MSM are hacks.

there is a difference, i.e. CNN and their ilk should know better.
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
Alex Jones is not insane, if he were he'd be just another nut on a street corner soapbox. What he is is a very successful modern snake oil salesman.

The only difference is the snake oil guy was selling an actual product, claiming actual benefits. All Jones does is spread wacky stories.
Wacky stories...kind of like CNN and MSLSD does every day....right?

Jones is nutty, CNN and an the rest of the MSM are hacks.

there is a difference, i.e. CNN and their ilk should know better.
That is your opinion. I agree Jones is nutty, but I think CNN is too.

So, now, whatever are we to do?
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
Alex Jones is not insane, if he were he'd be just another nut on a street corner soapbox. What he is is a very successful modern snake oil salesman.

The only difference is the snake oil guy was selling an actual product, claiming actual benefits. All Jones does is spread wacky stories.
Wacky stories...kind of like CNN and MSLSD does every day....right?

Jones is nutty, CNN and an the rest of the MSM are hacks.

there is a difference, i.e. CNN and their ilk should know better.
That is your opinion. I agree Jones is nutty, but I think CNN is too.

So, now, whatever are we to do?

CNN to me is far more dangerous because they cloak their bias and overall animosity about anyone to the right of Mitt Romney in a veil of "impartiality and balance"

At least with Jones you know where Jones is standing.

What do we do? Continue to ridicule CNN like Trump is doing, and continue to let Jones spew his idiocy.
Alex Jones is not insane, if he were he'd be just another nut on a street corner soapbox. What he is is a very successful modern snake oil salesman.

The only difference is the snake oil guy was selling an actual product, claiming actual benefits. All Jones does is spread wacky stories.
Wacky stories...kind of like CNN and MSLSD does every day....right?

Jones is nutty, CNN and an the rest of the MSM are hacks.

there is a difference, i.e. CNN and their ilk should know better.
That is your opinion. I agree Jones is nutty, but I think CNN is too.

So, now, whatever are we to do?

CNN to me is far more dangerous because they cloak their bias and overall animosity about anyone to the right of Mitt Romney in a veil of "impartiality and balance"

At least with Jones you know where Jones is standing.

What do we do? Continue to ridicule CNN like Trump is doing, and continue to let Jones spew his idiocy.
This is supposed to be a free nation. The FIRST Amendment says we all have the right to freedom of speech. It does not say only political speech acceptable to some of us, is okay.

Let everyone have their say. Most of us know Jones and CNN are propagandists.

History tells us limiting speech never ends well.
The only difference is the snake oil guy was selling an actual product, claiming actual benefits. All Jones does is spread wacky stories.
Wacky stories...kind of like CNN and MSLSD does every day....right?

Jones is nutty, CNN and an the rest of the MSM are hacks.

there is a difference, i.e. CNN and their ilk should know better.
That is your opinion. I agree Jones is nutty, but I think CNN is too.

So, now, whatever are we to do?

CNN to me is far more dangerous because they cloak their bias and overall animosity about anyone to the right of Mitt Romney in a veil of "impartiality and balance"

At least with Jones you know where Jones is standing.

What do we do? Continue to ridicule CNN like Trump is doing, and continue to let Jones spew his idiocy.
This is supposed to be a free nation. The FIRST Amendment says we all have the right to freedom of speech. It does not say only political speech acceptable to some of us, is okay.

Let everyone have their say. Most of us know Jones and CNN are propagandists.

History tells us limiting speech never ends well.

I have never advocated shutting down of any speech, however today the left is equating criticism from Trump with censoring.
I happen to think Alex Jones is somewhat insane, but I am disgusted by the left's celebration of the silencing of his message. Controlling dialogue is fine as long as it's beneficial to your world view, right? Maybe you need to reassess that view if the opinion of others is making you so uncomfortable that you feel the need to have them silenced.
Lying is just as hostile to intelligent discourse and dangerous, and your thread premise is a lie; no one on the left advocates for Jones being "silenced."

No one on the left seeks to enact a law subjecting Jones to punitive measures because of his speech.

Indeed, the left would like nothing more than for Alex Jones to continue to exhibit his ignorance, stupidity, and hate; it reflects poorly on conservatives to the benefit of liberals.

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