Simone Bails

She is a filthy ass hate filled Negro bitch that supported the six months of Negro and Communists destruction in over 200 American cities so who gives a shit about her?

She is a fucking coward in many ways.
Who the fuck are you again? What have YOU EVER done in your miserable life, loser?
Who the fuck are you again? What have YOU EVER done in your miserable life, loser?

I have very few posters on my ignore list, but Flash is now one of them. It goes without saying those posts are entirely unacceptable.
Try again, you illiterate douche.

"It's EXACTLY that. When we start viewing mental health problems like physical injuries fewer of these athletes (and everybody else) will stop suffering, and just maybe fewer regular folks out there will push shit down in shame until it busts out in a horrible tragedy."
:icon_rolleyes: Is a physical injury a mental health problem?
Or are you suffering from a mental health problem?
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She'll now be remembered as the girl who cost the American women's gymnastic team the gold medal in Tokyo.

Truly unfortunate, it looks like she let social media get the best of her.

The Boston Globe

Simone Biles cites mental strain for Olympic team final withdrawal: ‘I just never felt like this’​

You exemplify the generally primitive attitude toward mental health issues in this society. Somehow she's weak, duplicitous, insincere, and cowardly for feeling badly. You know, she is under no obligation to win a medal for the USA so you'll feel better, though since she's black you probably are ok with her being treated badly anyway in this country.
Fuck that.

When an athlete reaches a certain level, as Biles has, there's no question they're going to be met with an incredible amount of pressure.

But they know that. Biles knew it. If you're not mentally tough enough to handle it, you shouldn't be there, period. I remember once seeing Tiger Woods lose his shit when someone took a picture of him as he started his backswing. Woods stopped and said "C'MON, MAN!! REALLY?"

My take on it is that if you're the best in your field, and a single snap of a camera shutter sends you over the edge, you might not be mentally fit enough to compete.

So, the US Women's Gymnastic Team won the silver. That's good, but not as good as it could've been. It would be a travesty if she, too, were awarded a silver medal. She should either choose to compete and remian in Tokyo, or quit the team, pack her shit and come home...
This "mentally tough" line is utter nonsense. I suppose you'd tell that to a WW1 soldier with "shell shock". Get over it, stiff upper lip, be a man, steady on...

That stuff is psychotic.
Hear, hear!

One of the greatest Olympic performances ever, and a most perfect example of putting the team first...
Your vile racism is unacceptable. Monkeys? Someone needs to go ape shit on your ass, boy.

Naturally a WHITE gymnast is preferable for you. You should be glad Biles withdrew, to avoid having a black person receive accolades which must gall you interminably.
Mental strength is as important as physical strength, especially at that level. You can blame it on the media all you want. The mental weakness was hers. A couple of years from now, she won't be remembered as anything in sports, one way or the other.
She will be remembered as the one that quit. She will not be forgotten but will wish she was forgotten.
That's plainly not true.there is no entirety of a nation's eyes on her. This has been a sparsely watched Olympics as it is. This is the Olympics no one cares about. Except for those who want each and every competitor to make an anti American statement. That pressure must have been tremendous. No doubt the other blacks were demanding her fist in the air moment.
You and the country would be a lot better off if you stopped worrying about what "the blacks" are doing or thinking.
She is not a kid. She is 24 years old, she has 30 gold medals.
I find this stunning and beyond forgivability on the surface. She was their leader, the best of the best of the best in history.
For her to quit one day before it is over is simply unbelievable.
Something else is going on from what she is saying-----
You exemplify the generally primitive attitude toward mental health issues in this society. Somehow she's weak, duplicitous, insincere, and cowardly for feeling badly. You know, she is under no obligation to win a medal for the USA so you'll feel better, though since she's black you probably are ok with her being treated badly anyway in this country.
Maybe Simon Biles has to get back to her cotton fields working for old massah?
I should be treated as "badly" as Biles is.

I see most of the posts defending Biles going straight for the racism card.
You do your cause no favors, although a few posters do seem racist themselves.
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This "mentally tough" line is utter nonsense. I suppose you'd tell that to a WW1 soldier with "shell shock". Get over it, stiff upper lip, be a man, steady on...

That stuff is psychotic.
Are you seriously comparing a gymnastic competition with World War I?

You're a fucking retard...
Your vile racism is unacceptable. Monkeys? Someone needs to go ape shit on your ass, boy.

Naturally a WHITE gymnast is preferable for you. You should be glad Biles withdrew, to avoid having a black person receive accolades which must gall you interminably.

I've been a BIG Biles supporter for a long time. When she was being criticized for the whole "GOAT" thing on her jacket, I rose to her defense. Why? She worked hard to reach the level she did, and I greatly admired that. I don't give a flying fuck what her skin color is.

But she's proven that she's actually not the greatest of all time and, as quickly as I lauded her accomplishments, so will I criticize her just as quickly for this cowardly act. The "greatest of all time" wouldn't step out in her teammates. The "greatest of all time" limps to the end of the runway with a badly sprained ankle and tendon damage after her coach tells her "We need you one more time."

THAT'S what the "greatest of all time" does...
You exemplify the generally primitive attitude toward mental health issues in this society. Somehow she's weak, duplicitous, insincere, and cowardly for feeling badly. You know, she is under no obligation to win a medal for the USA so you'll feel better, though since she's black you probably are ok with her being treated badly anyway in this country.
Well, we sure the fuck didn't send her there to lose.

No one has an obligation to win, but everyone there has an obligation to try their hardest to do so. That's why they're there...
Well she is the greatest of all time and has changed the sport.
She hasn't changed the sport at all. She's exceptional at it, but she hasn't changed it.

As far as being the "greatest of all time", just having medals doesn't mean shit if you've let your teammates down...

That is due respect even from a fat old bitch like yourself.
She's deserving of no respect at all.

On the grandest stage of all, she's proven that she's just not up to the task...
But she didn’t rule it out when it was announced that she quit the team competition. Both of us are only speculating. You believe. I don’t. To me this smells like a stunt.
I wonder how many of that are criticizing her were celebrating her when she was winning Gold medals.

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