Simple Point Missing in the Union threads

I used to deal with permits for state construction jobs and I can tell you that union labor does nothing but slow down work and inflate prices.

I've told this story before so here's the link

Yes, you have. Incessantly.

And if only union folks did this, you might have a point. But frankly, non-union shops do the same thing. I've been charged an hour for labor for repairs that only took ten minutes to do, and they charge me travel as well.
I've never hired a nonunion plumber or electrian who refused to cut a hole in drywall.

The fact union labor necessitates the hiring of 4 or 5 people when one is sufficient makes unions the problem

yeah I worked at a place called Sunbury components in Sunberry, Ohio. We made shocks for Geo Trackers and Metros. I was on the line assembling the components to make the final shock.
I was very good at it, then they had to bring in a union guy to do it and he had no clue. So business productivity was messed up because of that crap and that stuff happens all the time and I can imagine the huge losses for companies just to fuck around with these guys.

I've seen union guys walk a guy to a job site, but before they got there, he had to take a break, then came back to pick the guy up and walk him to the site. He could have walked him to the site then took his break, but rules is rules. What crap.
Did employer make any promise to hand out bonuses?

In any case, if your job sucks the only one with any control to positively change that situation is you.....Whining-n-crying on the innertubes don't pay the bills.

I've lost count of how many promises that this employer has broken, and the current one is vastly better than the last one was. They will always try to cheat you if they can get away with it, and they will usually get away with it becasue they have more power than you do. Now, true, if we had unemployment like we had under Clinton, (you know, when our worst problem was worrying if the president got a blow job) you have a bit more power, because changing jobs was easier.

Look, all a union does is make sure that the working guy ain't bringing a knife to a gunfight. They get promises from employers and they hold them to those promises. I'm just not seeing why so many working people see that as a problem.

Or why they think that it's okay if the other guy gets a raw deal.

Joe, if you dont like your employer, CHANGE jobs. ALOT of people do that. And heck in non union states we dont have union dues or as crazy of taxes.

So that "little guy" you guys talk about banks more money, even if his wages are less (and they really arent that different)
What promises are you talking about? If they dont deliver tell em to pound sand.

Yes if we had JOBS in this country, it would be easier, but to get jobs, it helps to encourage businesses not scare, berate, or gin up hatred of them.

Joey is a classic Statist that thinks companies exist ONLY to provide jobs...nothing else...and the fallacy of "Zero Sum Game".
I'd rather be a Statist than a sadist who enjoys how unfair life is and wallows in the idea that people could starve instead of eating, could go homeless instead of getting welfare, and could die instead of getting health care.

If given a choice between being an asshole, or a person with compassion and heart, I choose compassion and heart.
If given a choice between being an asshole, or a person with compassion and heart, I choose compassion and heart.
There's no evidence you've made that choice. :lol:

Except that I don't espouse the cold-hearted, asshole views of a Conservative. But I'll admit I've been asshole to Conservatives here. I just thought that was how you guys communicate. You don't seem to be able to say anything that doesn't make you look like giant, money-worshiping assholes.
If given a choice between being an asshole, or a person with compassion and heart, I choose compassion and heart.
There's no evidence you've made that choice. :lol:

Except that I don't espouse the cold-hearted, asshole views of a Conservative. But I'll admit I've been asshole to Conservatives here. I just thought that was how you guys communicate. You don't seem to be able to say anything that doesn't make you look like giant, money-worshiping assholes.
Yeah you do...You favor imposing your view of "compassion" upon everyone else, via the use of cold-blooded proactive force.

The asshole is in your mirror, chump.
Are we still on this. Again show me the benefits of a union. you are FORCED to pay dues, for WHAT????
Ive lived in union and nonunion states and not much difference, except taxes are lower in the nonunion states.
And I've shown non union companies have comparable pay to union ones, so why do we need unions?


Someone besides the Government needs to take a bite out of your pay.

Union Bosses have a family to support so they need your dues.

The average worker cannot think for him/her self.

We need Strikes, it helps our economy.

Politicians need those Contributions from Unions to get elected.

To have a truly free market, it MUST be reasonably regulated, and in our democracy many people regard minimum wage laws to be part of a well regulated market.

Regulated and Free? You are an oxymoron.

To have a free market, the only government needed and the only government compatible with a free market is one that prevents people from coercing or defrauding others.

What you think is good regulation is the idiotic thinking of a moron.
To have a truly free market, it MUST be reasonably regulated, and in our democracy many people regard minimum wage laws to be part of a well regulated market.

Regulated and Free? You are an oxymoron.

To have a free market, the only government needed and the only government compatible with a free market is one that prevents people from coercing or defrauding others.

What you think is good regulation is the idiotic thinking of a moron.

Bolded the part that means "regulations."
There's no evidence you've made that choice. :lol:

Except that I don't espouse the cold-hearted, asshole views of a Conservative. But I'll admit I've been asshole to Conservatives here. I just thought that was how you guys communicate. You don't seem to be able to say anything that doesn't make you look like giant, money-worshiping assholes.
Yeah you do...You favor imposing your view of "compassion" upon everyone else, via the use of cold-blooded proactive force.

The asshole is in your mirror, chump.

I KNOW! What I dick I am to think our Government should focus first on making sure we have smart, well-fed, healthy, well-rounded citizens and THEN go bomb people. Weird!
Except that I don't espouse the cold-hearted, asshole views of a Conservative. But I'll admit I've been asshole to Conservatives here. I just thought that was how you guys communicate. You don't seem to be able to say anything that doesn't make you look like giant, money-worshiping assholes.
Yeah you do...You favor imposing your view of "compassion" upon everyone else, via the use of cold-blooded proactive force.

The asshole is in your mirror, chump.

I KNOW! What I dick I am to think our Government should focus first on making sure we have smart, well-fed, healthy, well-rounded citizens and THEN go bomb people. Weird!

Your "thought process" (for lack of a more accurate term) is weird.

It is not the "purpose" of government to make sure we have smart people. It is also not the "purpose" of government to make sure people are well fed. Nor is it the "purpose" of government to make sure citizens are well-rounded.

This doesn't even address your simplistic, bombastic, absurd rhetoric about bombing people.

The purpose of the American Government is to serve those LIMITED purposes for which we crafted the Federal government and for which we permit the Federal government to exist. And to put it more succinctly to clear all of this up for you, it IS the purpose of government to attend to the things we need collectively to enable us to TAKE THE FUCK CARE OF OUR OWN NEEDS. A law-crafting branch? Check. An executive branch to put into effect those laws that meet the test of Constitutional LIMITATIONS? Check. A Judicial branch to help referee appropriate disputes? Check. A military to protect us from militant enemies? Check. Common roads to make commerce do-able? Check. Maybe a postal service? Check.

Go peruse the Founding and Framing documents, you ass hat. When you find the parts that call upon the government to serve us as a nanny, hurry back. Until then, you have more pressing things to do with your time. Educating yourself is WAY the fuck up on the list. For it is a lock-certain guarantee that you have NO concept about the true "purpose" off OUR government.
Public/Private Unions = Apples & Oranges. I'm ok with you wanting to give a sizeable portion of your paycheck to corrupt Union Bosses and Big Brother. That's your call. Just don't force others to. I'm a bit flexible when it comes to Private Sector Unions. But Public Unions should be abolished. Their time has now passed.

A couple of points here.

A public sector union exists for exactly the same reason private ones do- to make sure they are getting paid fairly and not abused by their employer.

You must not be old enough to remember what happened before Public Sector unions. Where government professionals who had jobs for years were booted out of their jobs and replaced by the idiot cousins of alderman when elections changed parties in charge.
Your "thought process" (for lack of a more accurate term) is weird.

It is not the "purpose" of government to make sure we have smart people. It is also not the "purpose" of government to make sure people are well fed. Nor is it the "purpose" of government to make sure citizens are well-rounded.

Yes. That is true. For the last 30 years your party has definitely made sure our government is not interested in things like infrastructure development (which education is most definitely a cornerstone of).

And look what those 30 years has gotten us!

In ranking, U.S. students trail global leaders -

I know that since Conservatives hate critical thinking and intellectualism, you may not care. But where do you think this country is headed if we end up being predominantly stupid and ignorant? You want to know why we're falling behind? Education. You want to fix America, fix education first. If you want to further fuck us over, keep giving money to the rich folks instead.

This doesn't even address your simplistic, bombastic, absurd rhetoric about bombing people.

How much bigger is the Defense budget than the DOE budget? That's my point, fuckstick. I know you don't care because at your age you've done learned all the shit you're gonna learn, Hoss. But some of us don't want our kids to grow up around the stupids. It's bad enough WE had to.

The purpose of the American Government is to serve those LIMITED purposes for which we crafted the Federal government and for which we permit the Federal government to exist. And to put it more succinctly to clear all of this up for you, it IS the purpose of government to attend to the things we need collectively to enable us to TAKE THE FUCK CARE OF OUR OWN NEEDS. A law-crafting branch? Check. An executive branch to put into effect those laws that meet the test of Constitutional LIMITATIONS? Check. A Judicial branch to help referee appropriate disputes? Check. A military to protect us from militant enemies? Check. Common roads to make commerce do-able? Check. Maybe a postal service? Check.

Look, I can tell that human evolution passed you up, but what you need to realize here is that you're on the losing side of history, mothafucka. This is how it works, Liberals push human progress to the point that real change is made, and then you Conservative twats spend 30 years chipping away at it. I get that's what makes you scared. And angry. But you will lose. You always do. Because natural human evolution dictates that we move away from the old and towards the new. Gay people aren't all pedophiles and criminals, pot isn't like Heroin, and you guys again, will lose.

Go peruse the Founding and Framing documents, you ass hat. When you find the parts that call upon the government to serve us as a nanny, hurry back. Until then, you have more pressing things to do with your time. Educating yourself is WAY the fuck up on the list. For it is a lock-certain guarantee that you have NO concept about the true "purpose" off OUR government.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, dickface. Those three are the real mandates not just of the government, but of the nation itself. Those mandates are why the founding documents are living documents; open to edits, revisions and changes. We down own black people in this country, anymore. But dumbfucks in your movement would have argued in the 1860s, "Show me in the founding and framing documents where it says black people shouldn't be property."

The founders' biggest mistake was in assuming the American people wouldn't become half-stupid by this time. Had they seen your average Red State voter, they'd probably have just mailed a white flag back to Britain with a note that says, "Why fucking bother?"
Public/Private Unions = Apples & Oranges. I'm ok with you wanting to give a sizeable portion of your paycheck to corrupt Union Bosses and Big Brother. That's your call. Just don't force others to. I'm a bit flexible when it comes to Private Sector Unions. But Public Unions should be abolished. Their time has now passed.

A couple of points here.

A public sector union exists for exactly the same reason private ones do- to make sure they are getting paid fairly and not abused by their employer.

You must not be old enough to remember what happened before Public Sector unions. Where government professionals who had jobs for years were booted out of their jobs and replaced by the idiot cousins of alderman when elections changed parties in charge.
TFB...Who says being a bureaucrat should be a cushy lifetime job?
Public/Private Unions = Apples & Oranges. I'm ok with you wanting to give a sizeable portion of your paycheck to corrupt Union Bosses and Big Brother. That's your call. Just don't force others to. I'm a bit flexible when it comes to Private Sector Unions. But Public Unions should be abolished. Their time has now passed.

A couple of points here.

A public sector union exists for exactly the same reason private ones do- to make sure they are getting paid fairly and not abused by their employer.

You must not be old enough to remember what happened before Public Sector unions. Where government professionals who had jobs for years were booted out of their jobs and replaced by the idiot cousins of alderman when elections changed parties in charge.
TFB...Who says being a bureaucrat should be a cushy lifetime job?

"Life isn't fair so hurry up and die already" - The Conservative Mantra Since Forever
Hey, idiot TeaPublicans, here's why you should give a fuck about the day when union membership goes away altogether. Oh, I know, it's our patriotic duty to work for $2/hr. Dummies.


Hey dip shit, try proving they go hand in hand.

I doubt you have the brains to add the two let alone explain the correlation. Blowhards are like that.
Except that I don't espouse the cold-hearted, asshole views of a Conservative. But I'll admit I've been asshole to Conservatives here. I just thought that was how you guys communicate. You don't seem to be able to say anything that doesn't make you look like giant, money-worshiping assholes.
Yeah you do...You favor imposing your view of "compassion" upon everyone else, via the use of cold-blooded proactive force.

The asshole is in your mirror, chump.

I KNOW! What I dick I am to think our Government should focus first on making sure we have smart, well-fed, healthy, well-rounded citizens and THEN go bomb people. Weird!
That's not their job, slapnutz.

They should be protecting the freedom of everyone, not transgressing one man's liberties in order to feather the nest of another.
Yeah you do...You favor imposing your view of "compassion" upon everyone else, via the use of cold-blooded proactive force.

The asshole is in your mirror, chump.

I KNOW! What I dick I am to think our Government should focus first on making sure we have smart, well-fed, healthy, well-rounded citizens and THEN go bomb people. Weird!
That's not their job, slapnutz.

They should be protecting the freedom of everyone, not transgressing one man's liberties in order to feather the nest of another.

Yeah, everyone in the US. Not everyone in the whole fucking world.

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