Simple Proof Climate BS is Hoax to Starve & Control Us: China CO2 Twice All Others


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
If climate alarmism was a real thing, and not a Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum hoax to herd us into smart cities and shut down independent food production, the UN and all the scientists would be screaming about China. Population doesn't explain it, because India has about the same population, 1.4 billion, yet 1/5 the emissions.

Instead there is dead silence. Because this has nothing to do with the environment.

If climate alarmism was a real thing, and not a Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum hoax to herd us into smart cities and shut down independent food production, the UN and all the scientists would be screaming about China.

The UN Secretary is pretty much screaming at everybody, including China. But the UN wasn't designed to address or respond to a problem like climate change, other than talking about how potentially serious it is.

Population doesn't explain it, because India has about the same population, 1.4 billion, yet 1/5 the emissions.

China is more technologically advanced and developed than India. In fact, if you compare GDP by country, you'll see that China's GDP is nearly $18 trillion and India's is around $3 1/2 trillion - about 1/5 the GDP. Emissions is very closely tied to GDP because GDP is possible by having access to available energy.

Instead there is dead silence. Because this has nothing to do with the environment.

Or maybe you just don't understand science and economics.
The UN Secretary is pretty much screaming at everybody, including China. But the UN wasn't designed to address or respond to a problem like climate change, other than talking about how potentially serious it is.

China is more technologically advanced and developed than India. In fact, if you compare GDP by country, you'll see that China's GDP is nearly $18 trillion and India's is around $3 1/2 trillion - about 1/5 the GDP. Emissions is very closely tied to GDP because GDP is possible by having access to available energy.

Or maybe you just don't understand science and economics.

If they really wanted to fight global warning they would focus on China not cow farts in Kansas.
Very sympathetic to your contention , Munkle .
But I believe all the other big players know that effective pressure cannot be put on China because whatever they might say , China will not take a blind piece of notice .
And the UN is simply a front face for the WEF and they will only toe the required Deep State script .

But I do believe China and others are hoping to bring down the US as fast as possible but using financial means alongside its inevitable formal bankruptcy to thereby reduce the value of the dollar to close to zero as BRICSPlus take over .

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