Simple Question: Did we (USA) win Iraq War?

Did We Win the Iraq War

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 46.4%
  • No

    Votes: 37 53.6%

  • Total voters
The neo-cons went to war, CF, and then proceded to throw away an incredible military victory. When we are gone the Iraqis will ally with the Iranians. If that is what Bush had in mind, then we "won" the war.

I've been hearing this crap as long as I've heard "The War is looooost"

You fucking Librul loser lowlifes will do and say anything to make it look like we lost.

Mooky Al Sadr and his Iranian backers tried to take Basra and the ISF beat the crap out of them; your team got its ass kicked out of Iraq

Swearing, the last refuge of the mentally incompetent. Put up a pole and denigrate anyone who votes differently than you.

Here is a question for you. Was the war effort worth the objectives achieved. The cost would be the dollars spent, lives lost and the effect on our raltions with other nations. To that i would answer no.
The neo-cons went to war, CF, and then proceded to throw away an incredible military victory. When we are gone the Iraqis will ally with the Iranians. If that is what Bush had in mind, then we "won" the war.

I've been hearing this crap as long as I've heard "The War is looooost"

You fucking Librul loser lowlifes will do and say anything to make it look like we lost.

Mooky Al Sadr and his Iranian backers tried to take Basra and the ISF beat the crap out of them; your team got its ass kicked out of Iraq

Swearing, the last refuge of the mentally incompetent. Put up a pole and denigrate anyone who votes differently than you.

Here is a question for you. Was the war effort worth the objectives achieved. The cost would be the dollars spent, lives lost and the effect on our raltions with other nations. To that i would answer no.

Granted that has little to do with this thread.
On what do you base that? What were the alternatives and how would things have played out otherwise?
If it means defeating our enemies, saving thousands of American lives in the process, and making America the pre-eiminent power then hell yeah bring it on.
5k dead? More people than that die in traffic accidents in 3 months. How many were killed in one morning on 9/11?

Wow. You really are one sick puppy.

And you are one deluded asshole.
A good thing you weren't around for WW2 when 50k plus Americans were killed. I could just see your posts: Germany never attacked us. The war is weakening us. FDR lied to get us into war. Whine whine whine.

I enlisted in the US Navy at age 19, in 1967. YOU? FYI, in 1967 our nation was engaged in armed conflict in the Republic of Vietnam, another war of choice brought forth by the same stinking thinking that lead us to invade Iraq.
When I've visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall in The District, I don't simply see names, I see the faces of guys I served with, went to schools with, grew up with and who died in vain.
My guess is you're a typical chicken hawk, and I'm sure as hell if we were toe to toe you'd call me Sir.
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Wow. You really are one sick puppy.

And you are one deluded asshole.
A good thing you weren't around for WW2 when 50k plus Americans were killed. I could just see your posts: Germany never attacked us. The war is weakening us. FDR lied to get us into war. Whine whine whine.

I enlisted in the US Navy at age 19, in 1967. YOU? FYI, in 1967 our nation was engaged in armed conflict in the Republic of Vietnam, another war of choice brought forth by the same stinking thinking that lead us to invade Iraq.
When I've visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall in The District, I don't simply see names, I see the faces of guys I served with, went to schools with, grew up with and who died in vain.
My guess is you're a typical chicken hawk, and I'm sure as hell if we were toe to toe you'd call me Sir.
And you dare insult them and their loved ones by claiming they died in vain. How very selfish of you.
And you are one deluded asshole.
A good thing you weren't around for WW2 when 50k plus Americans were killed. I could just see your posts: Germany never attacked us. The war is weakening us. FDR lied to get us into war. Whine whine whine.

I enlisted in the US Navy at age 19, in 1967. YOU? FYI, in 1967 our nation was engaged in armed conflict in the Republic of Vietnam, another war of choice brought forth by the same stinking thinking that lead us to invade Iraq.
When I've visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall in The District, I don't simply see names, I see the faces of guys I served with, went to schools with, grew up with and who died in vain.
My guess is you're a typical chicken hawk, and I'm sure as hell if we were toe to toe you'd call me Sir.
And you dare insult them and their loved ones by claiming they died in vain. How very selfish of you.

The truth hurts, dwiddle dumb. If it saves one life from the stinking thinkers even a right wing chicken hawk such as you ought to excuse a minor affront.
[and, your edit of Rabbi's quote shows how dishonest you are]
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How do you fire proof "steel"?

I don't even know why he brought that up.

Because some other fool said my knowledge comes from msm sound bites

Oh wait, it was not some other fool, it was you.

I only verbalized what your posts scream. You couldn't write a single paragraph on this is that would not contain msm soundbites. Instead of wasting time complaining about what others see, your time would be better spent getting educated beyond CNN. Nah, I'm sure you still think calling people names is a better use of energy.
I enlisted in the US Navy at age 19, in 1967. YOU? FYI, in 1967 our nation was engaged in armed conflict in the Republic of Vietnam, another war of choice brought forth by the same stinking thinking that lead us to invade Iraq.
When I've visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall in The District, I don't simply see names, I see the faces of guys I served with, went to schools with, grew up with and who died in vain.
My guess is you're a typical chicken hawk, and I'm sure as hell if we were toe to toe you'd call me Sir.
And you dare insult them and their loved ones by claiming they died in vain. How very selfish of you.

The truth hurts, dwiddle dumb. If it saves one life from the stinking thinkers even a right wing chicken hawk such as you ought to excuse a minor affront.
[and, your edit of Rabbi's quote shows how dishonest you are]
You are a selfish asshole, but most know that already.

I didn't edit a goddamn thing, you lying sack of shit.
"And you are one deluded asshole.
A good thing you weren't around for WW2 when 50k plus Americans were killed. I could just see your posts: Germany never attacked us. The war is weakening us. FDR lied to get us into war. Whine whine whine."

A lie, dwiddle dumb, by omission, is still a lie.
Yeah. Not a clever one either.

Did you know that the steel columns on the upper floors of the WTC were not fireproofed?

How do you fire proof "steel"?

Insulate it from heat with flame retardent.


It is only "fire proofed for one hour". I know that's called "fire proofing", but seems an exaggeration.

From your link:

"fire tested in accordance with ASTM E-119 (UL-263, ULC-CAN 4-5101, NFPA-251) has
been assigned fire resistant rating of 1 hour"
Wow. You really are one sick puppy.

And you are one deluded asshole.
A good thing you weren't around for WW2 when 50k plus Americans were killed. I could just see your posts: Germany never attacked us. The war is weakening us. FDR lied to get us into war. Whine whine whine.

I enlisted in the US Navy at age 19, in 1967. YOU? FYI, in 1967 our nation was engaged in armed conflict in the Republic of Vietnam, another war of choice brought forth by the same stinking thinking that lead us to invade Iraq.
When I've visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall in The District, I don't simply see names, I see the faces of guys I served with, went to schools with, grew up with and who died in vain.
My guess is you're a typical chicken hawk, and I'm sure as hell if we were toe to toe you'd call me Sir.

In 1967 I was five years old. I don't need some guy with an Agent Orange haircut and 1000 yd stare who probably shoveled shit in the repple deppel somewhere lecturing me on anything. I might call you sir if you were spending money at my shop. But since all you do is talk big I'd probably be telling you to get your sorry overage ass out my door and stop wasting my time.
And you are one deluded asshole.
A good thing you weren't around for WW2 when 50k plus Americans were killed. I could just see your posts: Germany never attacked us. The war is weakening us. FDR lied to get us into war. Whine whine whine.

I enlisted in the US Navy at age 19, in 1967. YOU? FYI, in 1967 our nation was engaged in armed conflict in the Republic of Vietnam, another war of choice brought forth by the same stinking thinking that lead us to invade Iraq.
When I've visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall in The District, I don't simply see names, I see the faces of guys I served with, went to schools with, grew up with and who died in vain.
My guess is you're a typical chicken hawk, and I'm sure as hell if we were toe to toe you'd call me Sir.

In 1967 I was five years old. I don't need some guy with an Agent Orange haircut and 1000 yd stare who probably shoveled shit in the repple deppel somewhere lecturing me on anything. I might call you sir if you were spending money at my shop. But since all you do is talk big I'd probably be telling you to get your sorry overage ass out my door and stop wasting my time.

Actually you're still five years old; and my overage ass is still supporting a 6'2", 235 pound man. You would call me Sir as you peed your pants, sonny.
But, I digress. In 1980 you were old enough to join the frey, you could have invaded Panama or Granada, if you were not a yellow belly chicken hawk coward.
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Wry I spent 16 years in the Marine Corps. 1979 to 1995. And I find your bullshit offensive as hell. Go cry to your yellow crybaby liberal buddies.
Wry I spent 16 years in the Marine Corps. 1979 to 1995. And I find your bullshit offensive as hell. Go cry to your yellow crybaby liberal buddies.[/QUOTE

And I find chicken hawks offensive as hell. What part do you call "bullshit"? My calling out some clowns who never served, but are willing to send you into harms way without blinking an eye? I've seen the wounded, and it ain't pretty. And when I've walked along the mall and read those names, I wonder what hey gave their life for. The Domino Theory, thought up by some chicken hawk right wing asshole who never served?
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I enlisted in the US Navy at age 19, in 1967. YOU? FYI, in 1967 our nation was engaged in armed conflict in the Republic of Vietnam, another war of choice brought forth by the same stinking thinking that lead us to invade Iraq.
When I've visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall in The District, I don't simply see names, I see the faces of guys I served with, went to schools with, grew up with and who died in vain.
My guess is you're a typical chicken hawk, and I'm sure as hell if we were toe to toe you'd call me Sir.

In 1967 I was five years old. I don't need some guy with an Agent Orange haircut and 1000 yd stare who probably shoveled shit in the repple deppel somewhere lecturing me on anything. I might call you sir if you were spending money at my shop. But since all you do is talk big I'd probably be telling you to get your sorry overage ass out my door and stop wasting my time.

Actually you're still five years old; and my overage ass is still supporting a 6'2", 235 pound man. You would call me Sir as you peed your pants, sonny.
But, I digress. In 1980 you were old enough to join the frey, you could have invaded Panama or Granada, if you were not a yellow belly chicken hawk coward.

Who's probably due for his first (maybe not his first) MI.
Yeah, like 90+% of guys my age I had better things to do than join the military.
Your pissing contest with your prior alleged military service is frankly pathetic. You are frankly pathetic, an overage bully who spends his days recounting how wonderful he was because he was too fucking stupid to avoid a draft.
Go get a life and leave the adults to talk.
The truth hurts, dwiddle dumb. If it saves one life from the stinking thinkers even a right wing chicken hawk such as you ought to excuse a minor affront.
[and, your edit of Rabbi's quote shows how dishonest you are]
You are a selfish asshole, but most know that already.

I didn't edit a goddamn thing, you lying sack of shit.
"And you are one deluded asshole.
A good thing you weren't around for WW2 when 50k plus Americans were killed. I could just see your posts: Germany never attacked us. The war is weakening us. FDR lied to get us into war. Whine whine whine."

A lie, dwiddle dumb, by omission, is still a lie.
Your dishonesty knows no bounds. What a worthless piece of lying shit you are. I edited nothing. I omitted nothing.

You dishonest fuck (post no. 165) [emphasis added so that the lying sack of shit, Wry Catcher, can see his lie]:
And you are one deluded asshole.
A good thing you weren't around for WW2 when 50k plus Americans were killed. I could just see your posts: Germany never attacked us. The war is weakening us. FDR lied to get us into war. Whine whine whine.

I enlisted in the US Navy at age 19, in 1967. YOU? FYI, in 1967 our nation was engaged in armed conflict in the Republic of Vietnam, another war of choice brought forth by the same stinking thinking that lead us to invade Iraq.
When I've visited the Vietnam Memorial Wall in The District, I don't simply see names, I see the faces of guys I served with, went to schools with, grew up with and who died in vain.
My guess is you're a typical chicken hawk, and I'm sure as hell if we were toe to toe you'd call me Sir.
And you dare insult them and their loved ones by claiming they died in vain. How very selfish of you.

You are so easy to discredit that I find you fascinating.
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