simple question for the WTC collapse

More opinion eots?

You know all about Opinions, don't you?

Try cold hard physical fact and proof sometime instead of opinion...And I don't give a rats ass who the opinion is coming from, they are still just opinion...And opinion from people who did not have access to the investigations.

please do try physics...I would love to see the hard physical fact and proof of your collapse theory

As I have admitted before, I am not a physicist....... And the Official investigation is my proof.... I have seen no hard evidence that it is wrong on any major points.....

Good then like NIST you conced free-fall of the three buildings in question
I don't claim to be a civil engineer. I rely on experts for that, but I do know people.
Sure it is possible to crash a plane and kill a Cabinet secretary, maybe even kill a sitting President and blame it on a stooge, but bringing down a building, killing 2,500 people and causing hundreds of billions in property damage and economical chaos is beyond the scope of any conspiracy ever perpetrated.

Covering up something of this magnitude defies logic. Even you should see that.

No not at all...I see both now and historically that government will cause the death of thousands of innocents even its so called own and that with control of the media most anything can be silenced or contained
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Daniel Ellsberg: “Secrets … Can Be Kept Reliably … For Decades … Even Though They Are Known to THOUSANDS of Insiders”
Posted on May 25, 2011 by WashingtonsBlog

It is a commonplace that “you can’t keep secrets in Washington” or “in a democracy, no matter how sensitive the secret, you’re likely to read it the next day in the New York Times.” These truisms are flatly false. They are in fact cover stories, ways of flattering and misleading journalists and their readers, part of the process of keeping secrets well. Of course eventually many secrets do get out that wouldn’t in a fully totalitarian society. But the fact is that the overwhelming majority of secrets do not leak to the American public. This is true even when the information withheld is well known to an enemy and when it is clearly essential to the functioning of the congressional war power and to any democratic control of foreign policy. The reality unknown to the public and to most members of Congress and the press is that secrets that would be of the greatest import to many of them can be kept from them reliably for decades by the executive branch, even though they are known to thousands of insiders.

Daniel Ellsberg: ?Secrets ? Can Be Kept Reliably ? For Decades ? Even Though They Are Known to THOUSANDS of Insiders? | Washington's Blog
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I don't claim to be a civil engineer. I rely on experts for that, but I do know people.
Sure it is possible to crash a plane and kill a Cabinet secretary, maybe even kill a sitting President and blame it on a stooge, but bringing down a building, killing 2,500 people and causing hundreds of billions in property damage and economical chaos is beyond the scope of any conspiracy ever perpetrated.

Covering up something of this magnitude defies logic. Even you should see that.

No not at all...I see both now and historically that government will cause the death of thousands of innocents even its so called own and that with control of the media most anything can be silenced or contained

Explain how and why.

How did the masterminds of the WTC collapse and the damage done to the Pentagon silence a thousand people?

Then, if you will, explain why, if the level of skill required to pull off this monumental conspiracy has so far been successful in covering it up, (so far) the 3rd attack culminated in a plane crashing in a field in Pennsylvania.

Please be detailed in your explanation. Refrain from deflection and the opinions of "former" CIA and military "experts".
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I don't claim to be a civil engineer. I rely on experts for that, but I do know people.
Sure it is possible to crash a plane and kill a Cabinet secretary, maybe even kill a sitting President and blame it on a stooge, but bringing down a building, killing 2,500 people and causing hundreds of billions in property damage and economical chaos is beyond the scope of any conspiracy ever perpetrated.

Covering up something of this magnitude defies logic. Even you should see that.

No not at all...I see both now and historically that government will cause the death of thousands of innocents even its so called own and that with control of the media most anything can be silenced or contained

Explain how and why.

How did the masterminds of the WTC collapse and the damage done to the Pentagon silence a thousand people?

Then, if you will, explain why, if the level of skill required to pull off this monumental conspiracy has so far been successful in covering it up, (so far) the 3rd attack culminated in a plane crashing in a field in Pennsylvania.

Please be detailed in your explanation. Refrain from deflection and the opinions of "former" CIA and military "experts".

thousands of people is your estimate
wouldint a collapse of this nature leave the core intact ..and take longer than secs ?..

None of the WTC buildings fell any where near free fall speed. The roof truss transferred the exterior weight to the damaged & heat weakened core.
We saw the planes hit the buildings. A sinister government plot to destroy the Towers is impossible unless you want to indict the Clinton administration. What's left?

You can not implode a building without Bill Clinton ? ..

If it's alleged to be a government plot it has to involve the administration that was in power from the first attempt to the destruction about seven months after the administration left office. Let's hear it. What did Bill and Hill know and when did they know it.
feel free to post Lies, you have plenty of company in this thread. It isn't as if the roof lines have not been timed and compared to free fall acceleration a million times by now. They fell at free fall. WTC7 fell at exact free fall ... both towers hesitated while the demolition wave got out ahead of them and then they fell at free fall. Everyone knows what happened and that's what happened. Argue semantics and split hairs over a couple of seconds but it won't change what happened, you can't alter history with Lies, history will be recovered and reviewed by the angels at the end of this age, all your Lying will be tossed in that fire, your brief life on this planet was wasted telling lies that will be exposed once your lives have ended. You kid yourselves mightily thinking that you have covered up the truth. The truth shines through your darkness, you haven't stopped the truth... darkness will never be able to snuff out the light, no matter how thick you lay it on. Everyone posting this lie that the buildings didn't fall at free fall speed knows they are lying and obviously i know you are lying, yet you keep trying to push your lies.
It isn't as if the roof lines have not been timed and compared to free fall acceleration a million times by now. They fell at free fall. WTC7 fell at exact free fall...

Your OP is a total lie. Neither you or father are engineers if you believe that free fall BS. So further discussion with an idiot like you is a complete waste of time.
fact is, you post exactly the way i described. Now please review how many posts you have made in this thread and then locate a single one that actually replied to the simple question i asked in the OP. Fact is, you spread disinformation. You don't discuss the subject at all.
We saw the planes hit the buildings. A sinister government plot to destroy the Towers is impossible unless you want to indict the Clinton administration. What's left?

You can not implode a building without Bill Clinton ? ..

If it's alleged to be a government plot it has to involve the administration that was in power from the first attempt to the destruction about seven months after the administration left office. Let's hear it. What did Bill and Hill know and when did they know it.

It was the same CIA AND FBI Regardless of which half of "the party' was playing president at the time
wouldint a collapse of this nature leave the core intact ..and take longer than secs ?..

None of the WTC buildings fell any where near free fall speed. The roof truss transferred the exterior weight to the damaged & heat weakened core.

So then you disagree with NIST ?

In the collapse videos notice that debris are falling at twice the rate of the collapse. How is that possible if the building fell at "free fall speed" :lol:
None of the WTC buildings fell any where near free fall speed. The roof truss transferred the exterior weight to the damaged & heat weakened core.

So then you disagree with NIST ?

In the collapse videos notice that debris are falling at twice the rate of the collapse. How is that possible if the building fell at "free fall speed" :lol:

twice the rate ? ..don't be ridiculous NIST concedes "essentially free fall"
So then you disagree with NIST ?

In the collapse videos notice that debris are falling at twice the rate of the collapse. How is that possible if the building fell at "free fall speed" :lol:

twice the rate ? ..don't be ridiculous NIST concedes "essentially free fall"

Essentially free fall for the entire collapse, or just for one portion of it?
In the collapse videos notice that debris are falling at twice the rate of the collapse. How is that possible if the building fell at "free fall speed" :lol:

twice the rate ? ..don't be ridiculous NIST concedes "essentially free fall"

Essentially free fall for the entire collapse, or just for one portion of it?

After admiring free- fall..NIST did a bit of a spin and claimed during the portions not visible in film or obscured by dust that the collapse was slightly less than free fall but where forced to fully admit 3 secs of free fall
What was the distance the building fell? Remember the rubble pile was 50 feet high & the collapse started at the 78th floor impact area.

The time it took to collapse did not end when the building disappeared behind other 500 foot tall buildings.

Debris fell to the ground much much faster than the building did.

The fact that you retards can't comprehend physical facts makes any discussion with you a complete waste of time.
What was the distance the building fell? Remember the rubble pile was 50 feet high & the collapse started at the 78th floor impact area.

The time it took to collapse did not end when the building disappeared behind other 500 foot tall buildings.

Debris fell to the ground much much faster than the building did.

The fact that you retards can't comprehend physical facts makes any discussion with you a complete waste of time.

Ya.. thats right us retards that can not understand "physical facts"

Dwain Deets, MS Physics, MS Eng – Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. Before this appointment, he served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden. Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988). Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics, a distinguished speaking engagement sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1986). Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000. Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology. 37 year NASA career.

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:
"The many visual images (massive structural members being hurled horizontally, huge pyroclastic clouds, etc.) leave no doubt in my mind explosives were involved [in the destruction of the World Trade Center]." World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth

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