simple question for the WTC collapse

No, that's your false information, all three buildings fell at free fall speeds and that's widely available on the internet, someone has it posted in this thread. You are posting Lies, that's all. And you are labeling the truth I'm posting as "garbage information". So, you have an agenda, you are out to push, which is to smear the truth with disinformation. You aren't discussing anything, neither are you engaged in discussion, you are just attacking the truth with your own bag of Lies and disinformation. I've patiently answered as many of your false posts as I could and you respond by calling the truth a bunch of garbage. So you have an agenda to discredit the truth in this area. I've noticed a couple of your cohorts are busy tossing negative reputation at my posts in this thread, so they are attacking like jackals while you are attacking with false debate, but the group of you obviously came here to attack the thread, not discuss it.
You may call those that have sent you neg rep attacking jackals, but most would call what we are doing, slapping an asshole.

You still haven't addressed how hundreds, if not a thousand or more people that had to be involved in the preparation and cover-up have been kept silent.

Let's hear you address that. Show some verifiable proof.
no, that's your false information, all three buildings fell at free fall speeds and that's widely available on the internet, someone has it posted in this thread. You are posting lies, that's all. And you are labeling the truth i'm posting as "garbage information". So, you have an agenda, you are out to push, which is to smear the truth with disinformation. You aren't discussing anything, neither are you engaged in discussion, you are just attacking the truth with your own bag of lies and disinformation. I've patiently answered as many of your false posts as i could and you respond by calling the truth a bunch of garbage. So you have an agenda to discredit the truth in this area. I've noticed a couple of your cohorts are busy tossing negative reputation at my posts in this thread, so they are attacking like jackals while you are attacking with false debate, but the group of you obviously came here to attack the thread, not discuss it.
you may call those that have sent you neg rep attacking jackals, but most would call what we are doing, slapping an asshole.

You still haven't addressed how hundreds, if not a thousand or more people that had to be involved in the preparation and cover-up have been kept silent.

Let's hear you address that. Show some verifiable proof.

physics is not interested in your imaginings of how many people would need to be silent and how that was done..
Your attacks are baring more and more teeth. Did you confess that your sole purpose in coming into this thread was to attack the truth and discredit it? First let's re-read Politico's post...

Wow all that to ask this....

So, let me ask you... how did those towers collapse?

Planes hit them. Hope that helped.

then let's look at my reply...

The towers didn't collapse when the planes hit them. Neither did anyone, except you, attribute their collapse to the jet impacts. So, No, it didn't help.... and it is totally untrue.

... and then your attack...

Now for your garbage.

Nobody is saying it was just plane impacts. It was the plane impacts and the resultant fire. Why do you keep getting stuff wrong? Is that why your view is wrong? Because it's based on incorrect facts?

here, you are actually agreeing with me, we both claim that the towers did not fall solely from the planes hitting them. And yet, you are still somehow attacking me and calling my reply garbage. Pretty soon, you will just be name calling and cussing, that's inevitable, isn't it? You are a jackal, are you not? Starting to froth at the mouth, yet? Is it dripping onto your key board? Take a look in the mirror, is your face beet red? C'mon, admit it, you are a jackal and your only purpose in posting is to attack the truth and attack the poster who's posting the truth.

It's already obvious what you are and what you doing, there's no point in us discussing anything. I walk in the light, you walk in darkness. I post the truth, you post Lies. We are like oil and water, we can mix it up, but we don't mix.
no, that's your false information, all three buildings fell at free fall speeds and that's widely available on the internet, someone has it posted in this thread. You are posting lies, that's all. And you are labeling the truth i'm posting as "garbage information". So, you have an agenda, you are out to push, which is to smear the truth with disinformation. You aren't discussing anything, neither are you engaged in discussion, you are just attacking the truth with your own bag of lies and disinformation. I've patiently answered as many of your false posts as i could and you respond by calling the truth a bunch of garbage. So you have an agenda to discredit the truth in this area. I've noticed a couple of your cohorts are busy tossing negative reputation at my posts in this thread, so they are attacking like jackals while you are attacking with false debate, but the group of you obviously came here to attack the thread, not discuss it.
you may call those that have sent you neg rep attacking jackals, but most would call what we are doing, slapping an asshole.

You still haven't addressed how hundreds, if not a thousand or more people that had to be involved in the preparation and cover-up have been kept silent.

Let's hear you address that. Show some verifiable proof.

physics is not interested in your imaginings of how many people would need to be silent and how that was done..
No it's not, but logic is.

Try to answer instead of deflecting, OK?
you may call those that have sent you neg rep attacking jackals, but most would call what we are doing, slapping an asshole.

You still haven't addressed how hundreds, if not a thousand or more people that had to be involved in the preparation and cover-up have been kept silent.

Let's hear you address that. Show some verifiable proof.

physics is not interested in your imaginings of how many people would need to be silent and how that was done..
No it's not, but logic is.

Try to answer instead of deflecting, OK?

High ranking Military,FBI and CIA do not seem to have a problem with this concept and it is their field of expertise
Col. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran (two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart). Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to serve on the American Battle Monuments Commission (1990 - 1994), and on the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces. Military Historian and Deputy Director of Field Operations for the U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C. 1990 - 1994.
Article 7/1/06: "The former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran and Colonel has gone on the record to voice his doubts about the official story of 9/11 - calling it ‘the dog that doesn't hunt.’ ‘I'm astounded that the conspiracy theory advanced by the administration could in fact be true and the evidence does not seem to suggest that's accurate,’ he said."

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
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Official Account of 9/11 a “Joke” and a “Cover-up”

September 23, 2007 – Seven CIA veterans have severely criticized the official account of 9/11 and have called for a new investigation. “I think at simplest terms, there’s a cover-up. The 9/11 Report is a joke,” said Raymond McGovern, 27-year veteran of the CIA, who chaired National Intelligence Estimates during the seventies. “There are a whole bunch of unanswered questions. And the reason they’re unanswered is because this administration will not answer the questions,” he said. McGovern, who is also the founder of VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity), is one of many signers of a petition to reinvestigate 9/11.

Funny this is not the case with all other building collapses


all that resilience yet the tower collapse in a matter of secs

no testing for explosives was done

if you call a computer simulation by NIST evidence

Even NIST coincides the initial fireball burned up most of the fuel

When metal under pressure is heated it deforms. Those are irrefutable reproducible facts. There are no facts for any "demolition

there is no evidence in forensic testing of the steel to show temperatures anywhere near what NIST predicted as required to cause structural failure


It will be a cold day in hell when I need to learn how to direct my posts in a thread from you. I have over ten years experience doing that and my posts are placed exactly where they belong... yours, on OTOH, and consistently misplaced and tossed about nilly-willy in the thread. All you are doing is making as big a mess of the thread as you possibly could. That's not brand new to me, Ollie, I've been watching hucksters post like that for over a decade. It's called disinformation, at least it is one more part of posting disinformation.... attempting to cloud the issue and confuse the reader. I've never seen anyone more blatant about making their droppings than you. You must be proud.

Actually I almost always quote the idiot I'm referring back to.

Now please provide your proof of freefall speed in all three buildings. Fact is that the only thing to fall at freefall speeds were those parts ejected away from the mass of the buildings and the facade of building 7. And the facade only held the speed for 2.25 seconds.

Do try again.......
Col. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran (two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart). Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to serve on the American Battle Monuments Commission (1990 - 1994), and on the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces. Military Historian and Deputy Director of Field Operations for the U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C. 1990 - 1994.
Article 7/1/06: "The former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran and Colonel has gone on the record to voice his doubts about the official story of 9/11 - calling it ‘the dog that doesn't hunt.’ ‘I'm astounded that the conspiracy theory advanced by the administration could in fact be true and the evidence does not seem to suggest that's accurate,’ he said."

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

No doubt you could get a dozen people to remain silent by appealing to patriotism, religion or duty or their pocket book, but the number of people that would have to be involved in a cover-up of this magnitude is staggering. No way could you keep that many people silent.
More opinion eots?

You know all about Opinions, don't you?

Try cold hard physical fact and proof sometime instead of opinion...And I don't give a rats ass who the opinion is coming from, they are still just opinion...And opinion from people who did not have access to the investigations.
Funny this is not the case with all other building collapses


all that resilience yet the tower collapse in a matter of secs

no testing for explosives was done

if you call a computer simulation by NIST evidence

Even NIST coincides the initial fireball burned up most of the fuel

there is no evidence in forensic testing of the steel to show temperatures anywhere near what NIST predicted as required to cause structural failure



lol exactly Ollie NIST lots of steel untested that would almost certainly have shown temperatures well in excess of what can occur in a office fire so NIST could not test those..the test they did do however do not show the temperatures they predicted as required for failure
More opinion eots?

You know all about Opinions, don't you?

Try cold hard physical fact and proof sometime instead of opinion...And I don't give a rats ass who the opinion is coming from, they are still just opinion...And opinion from people who did not have access to the investigations.

please do try physics...I would love to see the hard physical fact and proof of your collapse theory
Col. Ronald D. Ray, U.S. Marine Corps (ret) – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran (two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart). Appointed by President George H.W. Bush to serve on the American Battle Monuments Commission (1990 - 1994), and on the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces. Military Historian and Deputy Director of Field Operations for the U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D.C. 1990 - 1994.
Article 7/1/06: "The former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under the Reagan Administration and a highly decorated Vietnam veteran and Colonel has gone on the record to voice his doubts about the official story of 9/11 - calling it ‘the dog that doesn't hunt.’ ‘I'm astounded that the conspiracy theory advanced by the administration could in fact be true and the evidence does not seem to suggest that's accurate,’ he said."

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

No doubt you could get a dozen people to remain silent by appealing to patriotism, religion or duty or their pocket book, but the number of people that would have to be involved in a cover-up of this magnitude is staggering. No way could you keep that many people silent.

well thats one non-professionals opinion...
More opinion eots?

You know all about Opinions, don't you?

Try cold hard physical fact and proof sometime instead of opinion...And I don't give a rats ass who the opinion is coming from, they are still just opinion...And opinion from people who did not have access to the investigations.

please do try physics...I would love to see the hard physical fact and proof of your collapse theory

As I have admitted before, I am not a physicist....... And the Official investigation is my proof.... I have seen no hard evidence that it is wrong on any major points.....
We saw the planes hit the buildings. A sinister government plot to destroy the Towers is impossible unless you want to indict the Clinton administration. What's left?
I don't claim to be a civil engineer. I rely on experts for that, but I do know people.
Sure it is possible to crash a plane and kill a Cabinet secretary, maybe even kill a sitting President and blame it on a stooge, but bringing down a building, killing 2,500 people and causing hundreds of billions in property damage and economical chaos is beyond the scope of any conspiracy ever perpetrated.

Covering up something of this magnitude defies logic. Even you should see that.
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