Simple question: Will you accept Mueller's report as the truth?

will you accept Mueller's report as truth?

  • Total voters
Q: What's the specific crime being investigated?

A: I haven't the vaguest idea, but a bunch of republican stooges say that the Grand Inquisitor is a good guy, so everything is legit!

Folks, it doesn't get any stupider than this.
I initially voted "Yes" but quickly changed it to a more logical "Only if I agree with the contents". Before I accept it as the "complete truth" it is only right to provide Trump the opportunity to defend himself if the report goes against him. If that's the case I'll weigh the 2 sides and then decide which one I find more believable.
So you don't like it when I post facts to support the claims I make.

Ok then.
If your argument is irrelevant, which it is, then so are the "facts" underpinning it.

Ok. So then how is it irrelevant?
First of all, it's an appeal to authority...A junior high logical fallacy.

Secondly, it doesn't answer the direct question of " what specified crime is to be investigated"?

But go ahead and list all the republicans who say the Mule is a good guy again.
Cannot trust these mother humpers.

They come Right out and tell you to your face they think you are stupid.

Anyone remember Jonathan Gruber, Pelosi and Obama Lying their asses off to get Obama Care Passed?

Clinton herself is a pathological liar.

Well its a simple enough question, and the poll is simple so....go ahead, respond. you know you want to..
Liberals never tell the whole truth and sometimes lie totally. So no.
Dude, they think we believe open the government then talk! They have no honor
So you don't like it when I post facts to support the claims I make.

Ok then.
If your argument is irrelevant, which it is, then so are the "facts" underpinning it.

Ok. So then how is it irrelevant?
First of all, it's an appeal to authority...A junior high logical fallacy.

Secondly, it doesn't answer the direct question of " what specified crime is to be investigated"?

But go ahead and list all the republicans who say the Mule is a good guy again.

1) "Appeal to authority"
I didn't say it's the correct thing to do because lots of people agreed to it. I said it happened because the people in power agreed to it. Similarly, a bill gets passed because certain people in power agree to it. That's not an appeal to authority, that's just a fucking fact.

2) "What specified crime"
I already stated 3 times that I don't know what specified crime is being investigated. If you let me know how many times you'd like me to repeat this, I'll be happy to copy/paste it for you the necessary number of times.
Then, whether you care to admit or not, there's now lawful reason for the Mule's inquisition to exist.... Specific criminal acts
are required to be named prior to investigations being launched.... Nondescript "links" aren't a criminal act.

Your elected representatives apparently think otherwise, as they agreed to the appointment of Mueller.

Maybe you should try voting them out.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.: “My priority has been to ensure thorough and independent investigations are allowed to follow the facts wherever they may lead. That is what we’ve been doing here in the House. The addition of Robert Mueller as special counsel is consistent with this goal, and I welcome his role at the Department of Justice. The important ongoing bipartisan investigation in the House will also continue."

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif.: “Robert Mueller is the right man to lead this investigation. He’s a strong, independent leader who built an impeccable reputation over decades in law enforcement. And as special counsel, I’m confident he’ll pursue the facts – wherever they may lead. As I’ve said before, Vladimir Putin’s acts of aggression pose serious threats to the U.S. and our allies. We’ve got to get to the bottom of Russia’s efforts to meddle in our democratic process so we can keep it from happening again.”

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.: “It’s time to get to the bottom of this. I’ve been pressing the DOJ to take this step for nearly 3 months because the Americans deserve nothing less than the truth. I have faith that Robert Mueller will provide the independence necessary to be sure this investigation is conducted with the trust and confidence of the American people.”

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb.: “Robert Mueller is an exceptional public servant -- from his days as a decorated Marine, through his years as a federal prosecutor, to his time as head of the criminal division and then as Acting Deputy Attorney General, and then onto his twelve years of principled leadership as the Director of the FBI. His record, character, and trustworthiness have been lauded for decades by Republicans and Democrats alike.”

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine: “The Deputy Attorney General made an excellent choice in selecting former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as special counsel. He has sterling credentials and is above reproach. Because of his experience leading the FBI for more than a decade, Mr. Mueller has established relationships with FBI agents and will be able to move forward quickly. He is well respected on both sides of the aisle and will inspire public confidence in the investigation. In the meantime, the Senate Intelligence Committee will continue our investigation into Russia's attempts to influence elections. This investigation will be broader than the special counsel’s charge, and it is important that we continue to follow the evidence wherever it may lead. “

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.: “The decision by the Deputy Attorney General to appoint former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a special counsel confirms that the investigation into Russian intervention into our election will continue, as stated last week by Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will also continue its investigation into this matter.”

Robert Mueller appointment to lead Russia probe wins bipartisan praise
That’s after the investigation was forced on Americans cause leftists couldn’t accept election results.

Looks like elected Republicans went along with it. Maybe you should try voting them out if you feel this strongly about them agreeing with the appointment of Mueller.
They had no choice
Your elected representatives apparently think otherwise, as they agreed to the appointment of Mueller.

Maybe you should try voting them out.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.: “My priority has been to ensure thorough and independent investigations are allowed to follow the facts wherever they may lead. That is what we’ve been doing here in the House. The addition of Robert Mueller as special counsel is consistent with this goal, and I welcome his role at the Department of Justice. The important ongoing bipartisan investigation in the House will also continue."

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif.: “Robert Mueller is the right man to lead this investigation. He’s a strong, independent leader who built an impeccable reputation over decades in law enforcement. And as special counsel, I’m confident he’ll pursue the facts – wherever they may lead. As I’ve said before, Vladimir Putin’s acts of aggression pose serious threats to the U.S. and our allies. We’ve got to get to the bottom of Russia’s efforts to meddle in our democratic process so we can keep it from happening again.”

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.: “It’s time to get to the bottom of this. I’ve been pressing the DOJ to take this step for nearly 3 months because the Americans deserve nothing less than the truth. I have faith that Robert Mueller will provide the independence necessary to be sure this investigation is conducted with the trust and confidence of the American people.”

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb.: “Robert Mueller is an exceptional public servant -- from his days as a decorated Marine, through his years as a federal prosecutor, to his time as head of the criminal division and then as Acting Deputy Attorney General, and then onto his twelve years of principled leadership as the Director of the FBI. His record, character, and trustworthiness have been lauded for decades by Republicans and Democrats alike.”

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine: “The Deputy Attorney General made an excellent choice in selecting former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as special counsel. He has sterling credentials and is above reproach. Because of his experience leading the FBI for more than a decade, Mr. Mueller has established relationships with FBI agents and will be able to move forward quickly. He is well respected on both sides of the aisle and will inspire public confidence in the investigation. In the meantime, the Senate Intelligence Committee will continue our investigation into Russia's attempts to influence elections. This investigation will be broader than the special counsel’s charge, and it is important that we continue to follow the evidence wherever it may lead. “

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.: “The decision by the Deputy Attorney General to appoint former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a special counsel confirms that the investigation into Russian intervention into our election will continue, as stated last week by Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will also continue its investigation into this matter.”

Robert Mueller appointment to lead Russia probe wins bipartisan praise
That’s after the investigation was forced on Americans cause leftists couldn’t accept election results.

Looks like elected Republicans went along with it. Maybe you should try voting them out if you feel this strongly about them agreeing with the appointment of Mueller.
They had no choice

If it's in fact unlawful for them to conduct this investigation, then why would Republican officials be forced to comply with it?
If it's in fact unlawful for them to conduct this investigation, then why would Republican officials be forced to comply with it?

Circular reasoning and begging the question (Google them)......Not an argument.

LoL, I don't think you know what those terms mean. They clearly don't apply here.

I guarantee that you won't be able to demonstrate how they are.
If it's in fact unlawful for them to conduct this investigation, then why would Republican officials be forced to comply with it?

Circular reasoning and begging the question (Google them)......Not an argument.

LoL, I don't think you know what those terms mean. They clearly don't apply here.

I guarantee that you won't be able to demonstrate how they are.
I know exactly what they mean, and you provided textbook examples....Along with another appeal to authority.
If it's in fact unlawful for them to conduct this investigation, then why would Republican officials be forced to comply with it?

Circular reasoning and begging the question (Google them)......Not an argument.

LoL, I don't think you know what those terms mean. They clearly don't apply here.

I guarantee that you won't be able to demonstrate how they are.

I know exactly what they mean, and you provided textbook examples.

Any idiot can say "begging the question" and then run off without justifying how that even remotely fits.

Still waiting on that demonstration. You're nowhere even remotely close.
Mueller is part of The Deep State and anyone stupid enough to trust a man who has knowingly put innocent men in jail is a moron.

Please name other member of the deep state, and explain in the process how can it be deep, if someone like you TOT knows what you claim.
If it's in fact unlawful for them to conduct this investigation, then why would Republican officials be forced to comply with it?

Circular reasoning and begging the question (Google them)......Not an argument.

LoL, I don't think you know what those terms mean. They clearly don't apply here.

I guarantee that you won't be able to demonstrate how they are.
I know exactly what they mean, and you provided textbook examples....Along with another appeal to authority.

Who should he appeal to? You, TOT, CrusaderFrank?
Well its a simple enough question, and the poll is simple so....go ahead, respond. you know you want to..
Nope. It was based on lies from the VERY beginning,people working on it were proven to be COMPLETELY Anti Trump partisan hacks and have been fired or demoted AND its made up entirely of leftist lawyers or those that donated to leftist causes/candidates. Not a chance in hell NO MATTER WHAT IT SAYS will I believe it.
Well its a simple enough question, and the poll is simple so....go ahead, respond. you know you want to..
The other thing that is simple to understand is that he isn’t going to report anything without evidence.


A lot of things depend on evidence. Like evolution.
In fact, evidence is the cornerstone of science.

It’s like the exact opposite of what Republicans believe.

Which is any old thing, no matter how ludicrous or strange.
"evidence" can be faked,invented,just like the dossier was. I will ALWAYS back Trump because the enemies of America: Leftists,The propaganda machine of the democrat party media,the establishment etc etc HATE him and by extension hate me and TRUE Americans and America its self.
So you don't like it when I post facts to support the claims I make.

Ok then.
If your argument is irrelevant, which it is, then so are the "facts" underpinning it.

Ok. So then how is it irrelevant?
First of all, it's an appeal to authority...A junior high logical fallacy.

Secondly, it doesn't answer the direct question of " what specified crime is to be investigated"?

But go ahead and list all the republicans who say the Mule is a good guy again.

The President will be lucky to only be convicted in the Senate, for he is sure to be impeached for when all the facts have been sent to a criminal grand jury which sustained criminal activity.

Furthermore, as the H. of Rep. committee's bring forth witnesses under oath, we will see a number of witnesses taking the 5th Amendment, and that may include Nunes and a few other member of the R Party. And, even the AG if he is confirmed and messes with the Mueller Report (even if he won't release it, someone is sure to do so).

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