Since 1999 the chance a public school student being killed by a gun in school is 1 in 614,000,000

The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252

Amazingly, you have an excellent point. There's a "but" and I'll get to that -

A while back I saw a documentary concerning the actual numbers of such things as children being kidnapped, your home being broken into and so on. For the most part, the point was that we see one single thing happen and go all to pieces believing its common and coming to neighborhood near you.

healthmyths - You do this often but so do most of the rest of us. You can scroll up and down the board and find quite a few examples.

Here's the BUT -

To the survivors, the families whose lives are shattered for ever, it really doesn't matter how common or rare it is.

I posted it before - what an AR15 does to the human body. Now imagine its YOUR child, YOUR little 5 year old, YOUR wife/husband, YOUR mother who is literally blown to bits -

You really believe you'll be comforted in the knowledge that it doesn't happen often?

For that matter, define "often". A hundred gun deaths a day is often, especially to the families, survivors who must go on.

Saying that we should not care or be concerned or that we should not do all we can to lessen those numbers is despicable. Period

More people are killed by lawn mowers than by mass shooters......even more people are killed by lawn mowers than by mass shooters using AR-15 civilian rifles......or the more popular tool, the hand gun...

Now imagine it is your child, your little 5 year old, YOUR wife/husband who is killed by a lawn mower......imagine those loved ones in the blade of a lawn mower..............

You really believe you will be comforted in the knowledge that it doesn't happen very often...or will you call for a ban of lawn mowers......

One has no relation to the other and you know it.

You're the biggest coward on this board. You never face up to the consequence of your constant lies.

The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252

Amazingly, you have an excellent point. There's a "but" and I'll get to that -

A while back I saw a documentary concerning the actual numbers of such things as children being kidnapped, your home being broken into and so on. For the most part, the point was that we see one single thing happen and go all to pieces believing its common and coming to neighborhood near you.

healthmyths - You do this often but so do most of the rest of us. You can scroll up and down the board and find quite a few examples.

Here's the BUT -

To the survivors, the families whose lives are shattered for ever, it really doesn't matter how common or rare it is.

I posted it before - what an AR15 does to the human body. Now imagine its YOUR child, YOUR little 5 year old, YOUR wife/husband, YOUR mother who is literally blown to bits -

You really believe you'll be comforted in the knowledge that it doesn't happen often?

For that matter, define "often". A hundred gun deaths a day is often, especially to the families, survivors who must go on.

Saying that we should not care or be concerned or that we should not do all we can to lessen those numbers is despicable. Period

Lawn mowers are deadlier than AR-15 rifles...

Lawn mower deaths...

Lawn Mower Accidents Rise This Time of Year | MU News BureauCOLUMBIA, Mo. — It can travel at speeds of more than 200 miles per hour, and with little warning it can severely injure someone. That is how University of Missouri Extension safety expert Bill Casady describes a rock thrown from a lawn mower. Each year, more than more than 75,000 Americans are injured in lawn mowing accidents, and 10,000 of them are children.

“A projectile traveling at 150 to 250 miles per hour has great potential to tear the skin, and usually those injuries heal. However, an object could just as easily hit you in the face or directly in the eye, and that will put an eye out immediately,” Casady said.

Each year, more than 75 people die in lawn mower accidents.

Many lawn mowing accidents involve children, Casady said. He advises parents to not allow children under the age of 12 to use a push mower and to keep children under the age of 16 off riding lawn mowers.

Mass Shooting deaths by year.....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

Rental Truck in Nice, France, 86 murdered in 5 minutes...

Total number murdered in mass public shootings by year...

Lawn mower deaths every year.... more than 75

(Lawn Mower Accidents Rise This Time of Year | MU News Bureau)

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones
1985...(none listed)
1983 (none listed)

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760
The goal is not public safety. The goal is communist revolution with no resistance.

That's silly.

If you were actually worried about The Commies, you would not have voted to put 4 of them into Mar a Lago North.
The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252

Amazingly, you have an excellent point. There's a "but" and I'll get to that -

A while back I saw a documentary concerning the actual numbers of such things as children being kidnapped, your home being broken into and so on. For the most part, the point was that we see one single thing happen and go all to pieces believing its common and coming to neighborhood near you.

healthmyths - You do this often but so do most of the rest of us. You can scroll up and down the board and find quite a few examples.

Here's the BUT -

To the survivors, the families whose lives are shattered for ever, it really doesn't matter how common or rare it is.

I posted it before - what an AR15 does to the human body. Now imagine its YOUR child, YOUR little 5 year old, YOUR wife/husband, YOUR mother who is literally blown to bits -

You really believe you'll be comforted in the knowledge that it doesn't happen often?

For that matter, define "often". A hundred gun deaths a day is often, especially to the families, survivors who must go on.

Saying that we should not care or be concerned or that we should not do all we can to lessen those numbers is despicable. Period

I certainly don't disagree that the deaths from these school shootings ARE personal.
The relatives, etc. have reason to question.

Now here is my "BUT"...
It is NOT these people's fault that were shot or their relatives.

Plain and simple as the studies I've reported it is the "claim for fame"... the 15 minutes of being in the spotlight!

Re-read what I've posted and think about the role the MSM has played in these exaggerated situations.
Again remember the premise of this topic... exaggeration sells advertising!

Does media coverage of mass murders encourage others to kill?
The most compelling anecdotal evidence of a copycat effect may have come from the 26-year-old who killed 10 students at Umpqua Community College in Oregon in 2015.
In a blog post about the television journalist who killed two of his former colleagues in Virginia earlier that year, he wrote,
I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are.
A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone.

His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day.

Seems the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.”

Does media coverage of mass murders encourage others to kill?

That is the major point that is NOT being publicized and for good cause!
Why would the MSM admit their glorification causes copy-cat killers!
Your faulty premise is that the guard will just get shot first.

Now, take that logic and transfer it to the following scenario.

Deranged lunatic with gun enters classroom. There is a teacher and 50 kids. Who gets shot first because they may be armed?
So, the teacher shouldn't have a chance to stop the shooting, because teacher will be shot and killed anyway?

What about the teacher in the next classroom who hears the shooting and is armed?

Well, the guy was stating that the reason armed guards was a bad idea is because they would be killed first.
What was the golden era when everything was peachy and great before the regressives took over and started degrading it?

If you're over 50 and can't recognize the decline in the moral fabric of this country over the years, just says you're part of the problem. The programed destruction of the nuclear family, removing discipline from the schools and the home and encouraging deviant behavior, trying to portray it as somehow normal are just a few of the examples. It's all part of the regressive utopian vision, own it, but spare me the crocodile tears when undisciplined kids kill other kids.

You didn’t answer my question. What was this golden era you want to progress back to?

Golden era, your term, not mine. Others may allow you to set the vernacular for a discussion, I chose not to. I'll discuss things the way I chose, you're not obligated to respond.

Call it whatever you want. You blame liberals for destroying our country and I’m simply asking which decade you would revert back to before the libs destroyed it? We can learn a lot from history so let’s look at it. Which decade was America Great before the liberal takeover? Simple question

You're assuming I think any particular decade was somehow perfect, I haven't made any such claim. What I've said, there have been government policies put into place over time that have had a detrimental effect on our society as a whole. I provided examples of some of those policies, you can either agree with my assessment or not. If you wish to discuss why I hold the opinion on those policies, fine. Don't try to put me in a hole you define.

Not perfect nothing is perfect but your statement leads me to thinkbyoi thought that there was a better time that was ruined by liberal initiatives and I’m wondering when that was
If you're over 50 and can't recognize the decline in the moral fabric of this country over the years, just says you're part of the problem. The programed destruction of the nuclear family, removing discipline from the schools and the home and encouraging deviant behavior, trying to portray it as somehow normal are just a few of the examples. It's all part of the regressive utopian vision, own it, but spare me the crocodile tears when undisciplined kids kill other kids.

You didn’t answer my question. What was this golden era you want to progress back to?

Golden era, your term, not mine. Others may allow you to set the vernacular for a discussion, I chose not to. I'll discuss things the way I chose, you're not obligated to respond.

Call it whatever you want. You blame liberals for destroying our country and I’m simply asking which decade you would revert back to before the libs destroyed it? We can learn a lot from history so let’s look at it. Which decade was America Great before the liberal takeover? Simple question

You're assuming I think any particular decade was somehow perfect, I haven't made any such claim. What I've said, there have been government policies put into place over time that have had a detrimental effect on our society as a whole. I provided examples of some of those policies, you can either agree with my assessment or not. If you wish to discuss why I hold the opinion on those policies, fine. Don't try to put me in a hole you define.

Not perfect nothing is perfect but your statement leads me to thinkbyoi thought that there was a better time that was ruined by liberal initiatives and I’m wondering when that was

I guess you're not nearly as smart as you think you are. If you were you would have picked up on the fact that I was talking about multiple policies, implemented over an extended period of time.

You didn’t answer my question. What was this golden era you want to progress back to?

Golden era, your term, not mine. Others may allow you to set the vernacular for a discussion, I chose not to. I'll discuss things the way I chose, you're not obligated to respond.

Call it whatever you want. You blame liberals for destroying our country and I’m simply asking which decade you would revert back to before the libs destroyed it? We can learn a lot from history so let’s look at it. Which decade was America Great before the liberal takeover? Simple question

You're assuming I think any particular decade was somehow perfect, I haven't made any such claim. What I've said, there have been government policies put into place over time that have had a detrimental effect on our society as a whole. I provided examples of some of those policies, you can either agree with my assessment or not. If you wish to discuss why I hold the opinion on those policies, fine. Don't try to put me in a hole you define.

Not perfect nothing is perfect but your statement leads me to thinkbyoi thought that there was a better time that was ruined by liberal initiatives and I’m wondering when that was

I guess you're not nearly as smart as you think you are. If you were you would have picked up on the fact that I was talking about multiple policies, implemented over an extended period of time.

I don’t think I’m very smart. That’s why I ask questions. It’s too bad you can’t just give a straight forward answer
Which school? How many armed defenders per student? What’s required to determine a school safe?

Just getting rid of the democrat gun free zone status will do the trick....since we know from actual mass shooters that they target democrat gun free zones.....armed guards are nice, but trained and armed staff are better since shooters can't know who is and isn't carrying a gun, which will make them stop targeting schools

Parkland had an armed deputy .

Who didn't go into the building. He was one guard for a campus of 3,000 people and over 10 separate buildings....and then he didn't go in......
How many armed guards should a school like Parkland have? And how many times do I need to ask you?

How many......that depends, and I don't have the facts about their would be far easier to just end their gun free zone status....... A security company could come in and assess what they need...more than one cowardly deputy, that is for sure, they have over 3,200 students and staff and over 10 buildings and fields on campus....

do you think one deputy was enough?
I think a deputy with a gun that is on campus means it’s not a gun free zone as you continue to call it. If you don’t think that is adequate then give your proposal of how many there should have been or at least a process to use to evaluate it.
Why not just keep the doors locked like they already are?

Did you have trouble comprehending my post? I don't think I advocated any changes, just pointed out possibilities.


Correcting a problem that does not exist is liberal-level stupidity.

I see denial ain't just a river in Egypt. A problem definitely exist, it's just not with the shiny object the regressives are using to try to deny Americans their constitutional rights. It's with the decaying society the regressives have created over the last 7-8 decades. The current manifestations of that decay are proof positive of that fact.

Regressives create problems and then pretend to be the white knight with the only solutions. Of course those solutions never include reversing the policies that created the problem in the first place, it always involves more government control and a consistent chipping away at personal freedom.

What was the golden era when everything was peachy and great before the regressives took over and started degrading it?

The violence started around the mid 1960s, right around when the LBJ war on poverty began....and the break up of the family started....
Do you think it had anything to do with the civil rights movement?
I’m not closed to the idea but you are making it sound much more simple then it actually is. You are talking, funding, training and safety. Teachers are there to educate first and foremost, that shouldn’t get lost. Also the fact that many parents may not feel comfortable with armed teachers. I school 20 minutes away from where I live had an ex cop doing a gun safety course and the gun was accidentally discharged earlier this year. Accidents happen because people are idiots. So yeah, not as simple as you make it all sound

Teachers are teaching subjects that were considered when I was in school totally the responsibility of the parents.
Again... it is simple. If the teacher wants to be authorized LET them have the option.
Then qualify them. It is that simple. We have teachers qualified to be driver's ed. Teachers qualified to teach kids how to cook. So what is the problem?
Why don't you let the teachers decide if they want to carry?
And by the way YES accidents happen. But you are again making the EXCEPTION drive the RULE...i.e. how many accidental deaths have happened by guns in schools over 19 years?
You are dismissing all the other factors that I brought up which tells me you don’t really want to think this thing through.
Of course I'm dismissing them!
Because they are NOT relevant!
A) You have rogue cops carrying guns! So it is possible some mentally deranged teacher could be armed. Odds??
B) Parents aren't comfortable around "armed teachers"...? Risk reward ratio here at play... how many uncomfortable?
C) You read the headlines about teacher with gun discharged right? Again... you ONLY paid attention to the headlines!
Here are the facts: School district officials told the Monterey County Weekly that Alexander was not authorized to carry a firearm on school grounds.
3 teens hurt when California teacher fires gun during safety course
So please state your facts not the headlines!

AGAIN AND AGAIN I have pointed out to you the Occam's razor approach is better....and I suggest you look up what is Occam's razor... lex parsimoniae!
Yes Alexander was not permitted to have the gun and that’s why he was placed on leave however he is a reserve officer with the local PD and was a teacher and accidentally discharged a weapon in front of a classroom of kids. That has to give you pause as you push to allow more teachers to arm up.

Have you ever worked at a school and really seen how parents act? My girls school just went to war with the parents over a dress code that didn’t allow girls to wear leggings, the parents got it over turned. You think armed teachers is going to be an easy landing? I don’t think so.

Occams Razor in this case would say. To reduce the chances of gun violence in school the simple solution would be to reduce the amount of guns in school... not add more.

There are already 18 states who have had armed teachers for years....nothing you fear has come the real world.
I don’t think you know what I fear. Thats excellent if 18 states have been doing it successfully and it has created safer schools then we have a good model to look at for other states to adopt. Which states are those btw?
Dear healthmyths
Do you have any stats that show the percentage of increase
in the incidents over shorter and shorter periods of time?
How about the influence of copycat shootings, or the amount
of publicity causing others to replicate similar stunts?

What gets me healthmyths is the same cure
for mental illness that spiritual healing provides,
can prevent not only school shootings but the causes
of most of the other types and incidents of crimes.

Instead of comparing one type or case to another to compete for which deserves
more attention, why not focus on common solutions to prevent
ANY and ALL of these deadly crimes and attacks?

If you want to end the already rare school shootings, get rid of democrat gun free zones.....

I almost feel like a broken record repeating it, but when was the last time there was a serial attack/killing at a:

1). Police Barrack?
2). Gun show?
3). NRA convention?

Or any other event when many/most people were known / expected to be carrying guns?

If you want to end serial mass killings, quit giving them easy targets.

The NRA Convention is a gun free zone. Nice try though. And at Gun Shows, all guns have to be unloaded essentially making it a gun free zone as well. Oh, did I mention that the GOP Convention is also a Gun Free Zone as well? Why aren't you up in arms about those? You mean if the nutcases knew about them being gun free zones that they just might come into a killing zone? Wow, look out. The word is out.
The NRA Convention is a gun free zone. Nice try though. And at Gun Shows, all guns have to be unloaded essentially making it a gun free zone as well. Oh, did I mention that the GOP Convention is also a Gun Free Zone as well? Why aren't you up in arms about those? You mean if the nutcases knew about them being gun free zones that they just might come into a killing zone? Wow, look out. The word is out.
We want those removed too.

The NRA Convention is a gun free zone. Nice try though. And at Gun Shows, all guns have to be unloaded essentially making it a gun free zone as well. Oh, did I mention that the GOP Convention is also a Gun Free Zone as well? Why aren't you up in arms about those? You mean if the nutcases knew about them being gun free zones that they just might come into a killing zone? Wow, look out. The word is out.
We want those removed too.


I demand 20 discussion threads on these alone just like your bunch has on every other thing. It's my right to see it..
Dear healthmyths
Do you have any stats that show the percentage of increase
in the incidents over shorter and shorter periods of time?
How about the influence of copycat shootings, or the amount
of publicity causing others to replicate similar stunts?

What gets me healthmyths is the same cure
for mental illness that spiritual healing provides,
can prevent not only school shootings but the causes
of most of the other types and incidents of crimes.

Instead of comparing one type or case to another to compete for which deserves
more attention, why not focus on common solutions to prevent
ANY and ALL of these deadly crimes and attacks?

If you want to end the already rare school shootings, get rid of democrat gun free zones.....

I almost feel like a broken record repeating it, but when was the last time there was a serial attack/killing at a:

1). Police Barrack?
2). Gun show?
3). NRA convention?

Or any other event when many/most people were known / expected to be carrying guns?

If you want to end serial mass killings, quit giving them easy targets.

The NRA Convention is a gun free zone. Nice try though. And at Gun Shows, all guns have to be unloaded essentially making it a gun free zone as well. Oh, did I mention that the GOP Convention is also a Gun Free Zone as well? Why aren't you up in arms about those? You mean if the nutcases knew about them being gun free zones that they just might come into a killing zone? Wow, look out. The word is out.

Once again you need to do a little more research regarding "Gun free zones"...

The Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) is an act of the U.S. Congress prohibiting any unauthorized individual from knowingly possessing a loaded or unsecured firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(25). The law applies to public, private, and parochial elementary schools and high schools, and to non-private property within 1000 feet of them.

It provides that the states and their political subdivisions may issue licenses that exempt the licensed individuals from the prohibition.

It was first introduced in the U.S. Senate in February 1990 as S. 2070[1] by Senator Herb Kohl of Wisconsin and then was incorporated into the Crime Control Act of 1990 that was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

Now the legal definition is what was being discussed. Not the voluntary that occurred at NRA which still allowed authorized individuals.
As far as "gun shows"... you got to be kidding! You really think some nut case is going to a GUN SHOW to kill people that make a living using guns?
Dear healthmyths
Do you have any stats that show the percentage of increase
in the incidents over shorter and shorter periods of time?
How about the influence of copycat shootings, or the amount
of publicity causing others to replicate similar stunts?

What gets me healthmyths is the same cure
for mental illness that spiritual healing provides,
can prevent not only school shootings but the causes
of most of the other types and incidents of crimes.

Instead of comparing one type or case to another to compete for which deserves
more attention, why not focus on common solutions to prevent
ANY and ALL of these deadly crimes and attacks?

If you want to end the already rare school shootings, get rid of democrat gun free zones.....

I almost feel like a broken record repeating it, but when was the last time there was a serial attack/killing at a:

1). Police Barrack?
2). Gun show?
3). NRA convention?

Or any other event when many/most people were known / expected to be carrying guns?

If you want to end serial mass killings, quit giving them easy targets.

The NRA Convention is a gun free zone. Nice try though. And at Gun Shows, all guns have to be unloaded essentially making it a gun free zone as well. Oh, did I mention that the GOP Convention is also a Gun Free Zone as well? Why aren't you up in arms about those? You mean if the nutcases knew about them being gun free zones that they just might come into a killing zone? Wow, look out. The word is out.

If you really think the average NRA convention, gun show or convention doesn't have people walking around armed with loaded guns, you are even dumber than you look. I notice you dance around the police barracks---- ---- I guess you think all the cops are unarmed too? Try going into a gun store or gun show; those running the place are packing live heat. But nice try at trying to dodge the real issue, no one tries to pull out a gun to attack, rob or kill others when they know there are other guns all around them. Gun free zones and liberal policy and stupidity is what kills.
I demand 20 discussion threads on these alone just like your bunch has on every other thing. It's my right to see it..
Go start some threads.

Gun-Free Zones are never really gun free. Criminals will bring guns into gun-free zones and shoot all the unarmed within.

The best way to stop a gunman is to shoot back. Being unarmed prevents it.

This should all be really simple.

The fact that the City of Dallas and the Secret Service demand gun-free zones is not really relevant or dismissive of the argument against gun-free zones.
Golden era, your term, not mine. Others may allow you to set the vernacular for a discussion, I chose not to. I'll discuss things the way I chose, you're not obligated to respond.

Call it whatever you want. You blame liberals for destroying our country and I’m simply asking which decade you would revert back to before the libs destroyed it? We can learn a lot from history so let’s look at it. Which decade was America Great before the liberal takeover? Simple question

You're assuming I think any particular decade was somehow perfect, I haven't made any such claim. What I've said, there have been government policies put into place over time that have had a detrimental effect on our society as a whole. I provided examples of some of those policies, you can either agree with my assessment or not. If you wish to discuss why I hold the opinion on those policies, fine. Don't try to put me in a hole you define.

Not perfect nothing is perfect but your statement leads me to thinkbyoi thought that there was a better time that was ruined by liberal initiatives and I’m wondering when that was

I guess you're not nearly as smart as you think you are. If you were you would have picked up on the fact that I was talking about multiple policies, implemented over an extended period of time.

I don’t think I’m very smart. That’s why I ask questions. It’s too bad you can’t just give a straight forward answer

I answered your question, if you're not satisfied with it, that's your problem.

Did you have trouble comprehending my post? I don't think I advocated any changes, just pointed out possibilities.


Correcting a problem that does not exist is liberal-level stupidity.

I see denial ain't just a river in Egypt. A problem definitely exist, it's just not with the shiny object the regressives are using to try to deny Americans their constitutional rights. It's with the decaying society the regressives have created over the last 7-8 decades. The current manifestations of that decay are proof positive of that fact.

Regressives create problems and then pretend to be the white knight with the only solutions. Of course those solutions never include reversing the policies that created the problem in the first place, it always involves more government control and a consistent chipping away at personal freedom.

What was the golden era when everything was peachy and great before the regressives took over and started degrading it?

The violence started around the mid 1960s, right around when the LBJ war on poverty began....and the break up of the family started....
Do you think it had anything to do with the civil rights movement?

No.....It had to do with the breakdown of the family through the War on Poverty, where single teenage girls no longer needed men to be husbands and fathers to their children......this is also what is now happening in Britain and the rest of Europe.

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