Since 1999 the chance a public school student being killed by a gun in school is 1 in 614,000,000

Teachers and staff had to undergo a mental health evaluation and 80 hours of training by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to carry a weapon at district campuses, Kelly said, adding each petition to carry also has to be approved by the school board.
In Texas, 172 school districts allow teachers, staff to carry guns in schools

And it's been shown by the Pros that at least once a month training in a high stress condition is required to stay up on the type of situations that those armed teachers might be required to react to if they are armed. Professional Security People do this. It's very costly. So they Teachers get the 80 hours and that conditioning lasts about a month. Then they go back to succumbing to human reactions. It's not a normal reaction for most to charge into a fire. MOST people will never be Fire Fighters and even then, a Fire Fighter has to train constantly to stay up on how to do it right. To do what is necessary without thought. You bunch of Rambo chairwarriors think you can do it but in reality, without the constant training, you will just get yourself and others killed. I used to be a Professional and trained to be a professional. But today, I don't know if I can even pull the trigger or not if push comes to shove. Will I hesitate too long? Will I shoot too quick? Will I panic and empty my gun without proper aiming? Those of us that have that have been in actual combat know the score. And when faced with a well armed mass shooter, that's about as down and dirty combat as you can get. So when you go off and say that all teachers can do it or even most teachers can do with even 80 hours of training then let us all know what schools those teachers are guarding so we can send out children to other schools.

All that is well and good. Sounds like you read a manual.

The best thing YOU could do is get after your local media and keep them from making these 15 minutes of fame- idiot shooters to dream about!
That's my major point in all of this!
Blowing out of proportion the shootings by the MSM has created this vicious circle.

Do your share by not adding fuel to the fire and get after this terrible biased MSM that lusts after these shootings for ratings and help defuse the issue. Telling others how poorly trained teachers with guns may make you feel superior but it DOESN"T solve the major problem which is the copy-cat killers that watch the MSM news.

I would hope you understand this really is the ONLY true way to combat this truly rare and totally overblown situation. Again the shootings are good for ratings.
MSM loves them. Do your part to spread the word that the MSM will not have an audience that pays attention to this crap!

We almost had a school shooting here. It made the local news once and was forgotten. No names were mentioned. But it did herald the Cop Prodecures, the local community involvement and the schools reactions to it. It worked well. It didn't make national news. And it wasn't run into the ground locally. School Shootings as well as community gathering shootings are hard to do when the Community is aware that it can happen and they are not afraid to report things that don't quite look right. Like in this case, a young person walking towards a school in a rain coat on a dry day favoring one side. The Cops were called and surrounded him in force and the school went into a lockdown for two hours. He never even had a chance to get his AR out from under his coat when he was taken down hard. He couldn't even commit suicide like he had planned. He had "Borrowed" his fathers AR and his 2 30 round clips even if it was against the law for the under 21 year old to have them. His trial was not publicised, his prison sentence was not broadcast and his name was not released. But you can rest assured he is with the State until he is at least 21 as it is. Yes, we need to not make them into heroes. But we also need to have common sense gun laws to keep the body counts down and to educate the Police, Community and Schools in what to do to prevent it as well. Even if they make it to the school, if they have no one to shoot at due to the lockdown, it buys the cops the time to do their jobs. There isn't a single Federal Law that can be put in place to prevent this. It's all up to the State and Locals.

Well see it worked!
What kind of "common sense gun laws"?

In Colorado, we have had 2 mass shootings. One school and one Theater. What has been passed has been: (get ready for the gun nutters to go off once again)

Raised the age to buy a firearm to 21
Reduced the mag size to 15 (I would have accepted 20 myself)
Removed the mounts for Military Addons
ALL gun sales had to have background checks including private sales

Those seem to be common sense that we all can pretty well live with even if you don't agree with them. Life doesn't end.

One more was on the floor a few days ago. When a person was deemed Violent or Unstable by the Police, the Police would be able to temporarily confiscate his weapons until a Judge could rule one way or another. This means that the Mentally Ill could be disarmed before he could harm anyone. But a Judge would have to be consulted in a timely manner for it to be permanent. The State House of Representatives (including some Republicans) passed it and sent it to the Senate which is Republican Controlled. The Bill never made it out of committee and was voted down in committee. I don't get it, the Republicans all jump up and down and say we need to do something about the Mentally ill getting their hands on guns and when something comes up to do just that, they vote it down. This bill was common sense and would save lives.
Teachers and staff had to undergo a mental health evaluation and 80 hours of training by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to carry a weapon at district campuses, Kelly said, adding each petition to carry also has to be approved by the school board.
In Texas, 172 school districts allow teachers, staff to carry guns in schools

And it's been shown by the Pros that at least once a month training in a high stress condition is required to stay up on the type of situations that those armed teachers might be required to react to if they are armed. Professional Security People do this. It's very costly. So they Teachers get the 80 hours and that conditioning lasts about a month. Then they go back to succumbing to human reactions. It's not a normal reaction for most to charge into a fire. MOST people will never be Fire Fighters and even then, a Fire Fighter has to train constantly to stay up on how to do it right. To do what is necessary without thought. You bunch of Rambo chairwarriors think you can do it but in reality, without the constant training, you will just get yourself and others killed. I used to be a Professional and trained to be a professional. But today, I don't know if I can even pull the trigger or not if push comes to shove. Will I hesitate too long? Will I shoot too quick? Will I panic and empty my gun without proper aiming? Those of us that have that have been in actual combat know the score. And when faced with a well armed mass shooter, that's about as down and dirty combat as you can get. So when you go off and say that all teachers can do it or even most teachers can do with even 80 hours of training then let us all know what schools those teachers are guarding so we can send out children to other schools.

Wrong...... you don't know what you are talking about and neither do those so called experts....we have actual, real world events where armed citizens have stopped mass public shooters. They did not have extensive training, they were not Navy SEALs or members of the FBI Hostage Rescue teams....

We are not talking about combat soldiers here, we are talking about armed civilians who simply have to engage the shooter until the police arrive.....with the most likely outcome that the shooter will commit suicide, run away or surrender as soon as he is challenged by someone, even a civilian, with a gun.

Do you realize that most cops fire their weapons once or twice a year? Tops. So don't sell that crap here, we know too much about actual self defense events that show you don't understand anything....
Teachers and staff had to undergo a mental health evaluation and 80 hours of training by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to carry a weapon at district campuses, Kelly said, adding each petition to carry also has to be approved by the school board.
In Texas, 172 school districts allow teachers, staff to carry guns in schools

And it's been shown by the Pros that at least once a month training in a high stress condition is required to stay up on the type of situations that those armed teachers might be required to react to if they are armed. Professional Security People do this. It's very costly. So they Teachers get the 80 hours and that conditioning lasts about a month. Then they go back to succumbing to human reactions. It's not a normal reaction for most to charge into a fire. MOST people will never be Fire Fighters and even then, a Fire Fighter has to train constantly to stay up on how to do it right. To do what is necessary without thought. You bunch of Rambo chairwarriors think you can do it but in reality, without the constant training, you will just get yourself and others killed. I used to be a Professional and trained to be a professional. But today, I don't know if I can even pull the trigger or not if push comes to shove. Will I hesitate too long? Will I shoot too quick? Will I panic and empty my gun without proper aiming? Those of us that have that have been in actual combat know the score. And when faced with a well armed mass shooter, that's about as down and dirty combat as you can get. So when you go off and say that all teachers can do it or even most teachers can do with even 80 hours of training then let us all know what schools those teachers are guarding so we can send out children to other schools.

All that is well and good. Sounds like you read a manual.

The best thing YOU could do is get after your local media and keep them from making these 15 minutes of fame- idiot shooters to dream about!
That's my major point in all of this!
Blowing out of proportion the shootings by the MSM has created this vicious circle.

Do your share by not adding fuel to the fire and get after this terrible biased MSM that lusts after these shootings for ratings and help defuse the issue. Telling others how poorly trained teachers with guns may make you feel superior but it DOESN"T solve the major problem which is the copy-cat killers that watch the MSM news.

I would hope you understand this really is the ONLY true way to combat this truly rare and totally overblown situation. Again the shootings are good for ratings.
MSM loves them. Do your part to spread the word that the MSM will not have an audience that pays attention to this crap!

We almost had a school shooting here. It made the local news once and was forgotten. No names were mentioned. But it did herald the Cop Prodecures, the local community involvement and the schools reactions to it. It worked well. It didn't make national news. And it wasn't run into the ground locally. School Shootings as well as community gathering shootings are hard to do when the Community is aware that it can happen and they are not afraid to report things that don't quite look right. Like in this case, a young person walking towards a school in a rain coat on a dry day favoring one side. The Cops were called and surrounded him in force and the school went into a lockdown for two hours. He never even had a chance to get his AR out from under his coat when he was taken down hard. He couldn't even commit suicide like he had planned. He had "Borrowed" his fathers AR and his 2 30 round clips even if it was against the law for the under 21 year old to have them. His trial was not publicised, his prison sentence was not broadcast and his name was not released. But you can rest assured he is with the State until he is at least 21 as it is. Yes, we need to not make them into heroes. But we also need to have common sense gun laws to keep the body counts down and to educate the Police, Community and Schools in what to do to prevent it as well. Even if they make it to the school, if they have no one to shoot at due to the lockdown, it buys the cops the time to do their jobs. There isn't a single Federal Law that can be put in place to prevent this. It's all up to the State and Locals.

Well see it worked!
What kind of "common sense gun laws"?

In Colorado, we have had 2 mass shootings. One school and one Theater. What has been passed has been: (get ready for the gun nutters to go off once again)

Raised the age to buy a firearm to 21
Reduced the mag size to 15 (I would have accepted 20 myself)
Removed the mounts for Military Addons
ALL gun sales had to have background checks including private sales

Those seem to be common sense that we all can pretty well live with even if you don't agree with them. Life doesn't end.

One more was on the floor a few days ago. When a person was deemed Violent or Unstable by the Police, the Police would be able to temporarily confiscate his weapons until a Judge could rule one way or another. This means that the Mentally Ill could be disarmed before he could harm anyone. But a Judge would have to be consulted in a timely manner for it to be permanent. The State House of Representatives (including some Republicans) passed it and sent it to the Senate which is Republican Controlled. The Bill never made it out of committee and was voted down in committee. I don't get it, the Republicans all jump up and down and say we need to do something about the Mentally ill getting their hands on guns and when something comes up to do just that, they vote it down. This bill was common sense and would save lives.

Timely manner? That will be the day......

Stripping people of their rights on the say so of beat cops isn't the answer.....better safe guards need to be in place or the anti gunners will have a field day...
The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252
About 30 people a day are murdered by a gun.

That means you are billions of times more likely to be killed by an armed American than by a Muslim.

When will you people that get so agitated about banning Muslims wake up to reality!
The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252
About 30 people a day are murdered by a gun.

That means you are billions of times more likely to be killed by an armed American than by a Muslim.

When will you people that get so agitated about banning Muslims wake up to reality!

Gun crime is essentially based in democrat cities, in tiny areas in democrat cities. Muslim terrorists are a dedicated movement trying to get weapons of mass destruction.....random criminal encounters are one threat, muslim terrorists are another threat, we would like to stop both....
Teachers and staff had to undergo a mental health evaluation and 80 hours of training by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to carry a weapon at district campuses, Kelly said, adding each petition to carry also has to be approved by the school board.
In Texas, 172 school districts allow teachers, staff to carry guns in schools

And it's been shown by the Pros that at least once a month training in a high stress condition is required to stay up on the type of situations that those armed teachers might be required to react to if they are armed. Professional Security People do this. It's very costly. So they Teachers get the 80 hours and that conditioning lasts about a month. Then they go back to succumbing to human reactions. It's not a normal reaction for most to charge into a fire. MOST people will never be Fire Fighters and even then, a Fire Fighter has to train constantly to stay up on how to do it right. To do what is necessary without thought. You bunch of Rambo chairwarriors think you can do it but in reality, without the constant training, you will just get yourself and others killed. I used to be a Professional and trained to be a professional. But today, I don't know if I can even pull the trigger or not if push comes to shove. Will I hesitate too long? Will I shoot too quick? Will I panic and empty my gun without proper aiming? Those of us that have that have been in actual combat know the score. And when faced with a well armed mass shooter, that's about as down and dirty combat as you can get. So when you go off and say that all teachers can do it or even most teachers can do with even 80 hours of training then let us all know what schools those teachers are guarding so we can send out children to other schools.

Wrong...... you don't know what you are talking about and neither do those so called experts....we have actual, real world events where armed citizens have stopped mass public shooters. They did not have extensive training, they were not Navy SEALs or members of the FBI Hostage Rescue teams....

We are not talking about combat soldiers here, we are talking about armed civilians who simply have to engage the shooter until the police arrive.....with the most likely outcome that the shooter will commit suicide, run away or surrender as soon as he is challenged by someone, even a civilian, with a gun.

Do you realize that most cops fire their weapons once or twice a year? Tops. So don't sell that crap here, we know too much about actual self defense events that show you don't understand anything....

That's a lot of stray lead flying around. You still don't gt it. Without the proper training and retraining you don't want the masses armed like a company of soldiers that do the training and retraining. The Company has a definite chain of command with built in discipline. Your Mob is must a Mob One of the reports I saw on tv was the problem in Las Vegas was the Civilian Hardware that was drawn by your heroes. It made the Cops jobs much more difficult figuring out where the shots came from by the Cops on the ground. The Cops showed remarkable restraint and discipline by not blowing some of those well meaning people away. In reality, having the crowd armed almost made it much more worse and not a single on had a chance to prevent it anyway. The Cops stopped it through discipline from getting any worse than it already was.

If your cops are spending only once or twice a year on the range then you need to start by firing your Police Chief. That's extremely dangerous. I would think once or twice a month would be sufficient and MOST cops try and do that. If yours doesn't then you live in a very dangerous place. Let us know the general location so we all can stay the hell away from there where the Civilians are armed and the police force are a bunch of Barney Fifes.
The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252
About 30 people a day are murdered by a gun.

That means you are billions of times more likely to be killed by an armed American than by a Muslim.

When will you people that get so agitated about banning Muslims wake up to reality!

Gun crime is essentially based in democrat cities, in tiny areas in democrat cities. Muslim terrorists are a dedicated movement trying to get weapons of mass destruction.....random criminal encounters are one threat, muslim terrorists are another threat, we would like to stop both....

Mass shootings do happen wherever there are large masses of people gathered. And it doesn't matter whether it's in a Democratic or a Republican area. And the shooter is normally unhinged with no real political party affiliation. Don't try and link one party to it. It's not about the Party, it's about the Record and Violence. But when a couple of simple laws are presented to help prevent this you gun nutters go off about how it's against Gods Plan for your Guns. Well, cupcake, we DO need to help prevent the mentally unstable from possessing guns. How about getting the hell out of the way so we can do that.
Teachers and staff had to undergo a mental health evaluation and 80 hours of training by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to carry a weapon at district campuses, Kelly said, adding each petition to carry also has to be approved by the school board.
In Texas, 172 school districts allow teachers, staff to carry guns in schools

And it's been shown by the Pros that at least once a month training in a high stress condition is required to stay up on the type of situations that those armed teachers might be required to react to if they are armed. Professional Security People do this. It's very costly. So they Teachers get the 80 hours and that conditioning lasts about a month. Then they go back to succumbing to human reactions. It's not a normal reaction for most to charge into a fire. MOST people will never be Fire Fighters and even then, a Fire Fighter has to train constantly to stay up on how to do it right. To do what is necessary without thought. You bunch of Rambo chairwarriors think you can do it but in reality, without the constant training, you will just get yourself and others killed. I used to be a Professional and trained to be a professional. But today, I don't know if I can even pull the trigger or not if push comes to shove. Will I hesitate too long? Will I shoot too quick? Will I panic and empty my gun without proper aiming? Those of us that have that have been in actual combat know the score. And when faced with a well armed mass shooter, that's about as down and dirty combat as you can get. So when you go off and say that all teachers can do it or even most teachers can do with even 80 hours of training then let us all know what schools those teachers are guarding so we can send out children to other schools.

Wrong...... you don't know what you are talking about and neither do those so called experts....we have actual, real world events where armed citizens have stopped mass public shooters. They did not have extensive training, they were not Navy SEALs or members of the FBI Hostage Rescue teams....

We are not talking about combat soldiers here, we are talking about armed civilians who simply have to engage the shooter until the police arrive.....with the most likely outcome that the shooter will commit suicide, run away or surrender as soon as he is challenged by someone, even a civilian, with a gun.

Do you realize that most cops fire their weapons once or twice a year? Tops. So don't sell that crap here, we know too much about actual self defense events that show you don't understand anything....

That's a lot of stray lead flying around. You still don't gt it. Without the proper training and retraining you don't want the masses armed like a company of soldiers that do the training and retraining. The Company has a definite chain of command with built in discipline. Your Mob is must a Mob One of the reports I saw on tv was the problem in Las Vegas was the Civilian Hardware that was drawn by your heroes. It made the Cops jobs much more difficult figuring out where the shots came from by the Cops on the ground. The Cops showed remarkable restraint and discipline by not blowing some of those well meaning people away. In reality, having the crowd armed almost made it much more worse and not a single on had a chance to prevent it anyway. The Cops stopped it through discipline from getting any worse than it already was.

If your cops are spending only once or twice a year on the range then you need to start by firing your Police Chief. That's extremely dangerous. I would think once or twice a month would be sufficient and MOST cops try and do that. If yours doesn't then you live in a very dangerous place. Let us know the general location so we all can stay the hell away from there where the Civilians are armed and the police force are a bunch of Barney Fifes.

We are not talking military combat.....we are talking a civilian dealing with an armed attacker who, if they follow type, will commit suicide, run away or surrender as soon as they are confronted by the civilian with a gun.....
The MSM blows these events so out of proportion so as to sell advertising!
When will you people that get so agitated about banning guns wake up to reality!
Perspective | School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Why is fear of them driving policy?

View attachment 192252
About 30 people a day are murdered by a gun.

That means you are billions of times more likely to be killed by an armed American than by a Muslim.

When will you people that get so agitated about banning Muslims wake up to reality!

Gun crime is essentially based in democrat cities, in tiny areas in democrat cities. Muslim terrorists are a dedicated movement trying to get weapons of mass destruction.....random criminal encounters are one threat, muslim terrorists are another threat, we would like to stop both....

Mass shootings do happen wherever there are large masses of people gathered. And it doesn't matter whether it's in a Democratic or a Republican area. And the shooter is normally unhinged with no real political party affiliation. Don't try and link one party to it. It's not about the Party, it's about the Record and Violence. But when a couple of simple laws are presented to help prevent this you gun nutters go off about how it's against Gods Plan for your Guns. Well, cupcake, we DO need to help prevent the mentally unstable from possessing guns. How about getting the hell out of the way so we can do that.

Democrats are fighting to keep school gun free they are democrat gun free zones.
Teachers and staff had to undergo a mental health evaluation and 80 hours of training by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to carry a weapon at district campuses, Kelly said, adding each petition to carry also has to be approved by the school board.
In Texas, 172 school districts allow teachers, staff to carry guns in schools

And it's been shown by the Pros that at least once a month training in a high stress condition is required to stay up on the type of situations that those armed teachers might be required to react to if they are armed. Professional Security People do this. It's very costly. So they Teachers get the 80 hours and that conditioning lasts about a month. Then they go back to succumbing to human reactions. It's not a normal reaction for most to charge into a fire. MOST people will never be Fire Fighters and even then, a Fire Fighter has to train constantly to stay up on how to do it right. To do what is necessary without thought. You bunch of Rambo chairwarriors think you can do it but in reality, without the constant training, you will just get yourself and others killed. I used to be a Professional and trained to be a professional. But today, I don't know if I can even pull the trigger or not if push comes to shove. Will I hesitate too long? Will I shoot too quick? Will I panic and empty my gun without proper aiming? Those of us that have that have been in actual combat know the score. And when faced with a well armed mass shooter, that's about as down and dirty combat as you can get. So when you go off and say that all teachers can do it or even most teachers can do with even 80 hours of training then let us all know what schools those teachers are guarding so we can send out children to other schools.

Wrong...... you don't know what you are talking about and neither do those so called experts....we have actual, real world events where armed citizens have stopped mass public shooters. They did not have extensive training, they were not Navy SEALs or members of the FBI Hostage Rescue teams....

We are not talking about combat soldiers here, we are talking about armed civilians who simply have to engage the shooter until the police arrive.....with the most likely outcome that the shooter will commit suicide, run away or surrender as soon as he is challenged by someone, even a civilian, with a gun.

Do you realize that most cops fire their weapons once or twice a year? Tops. So don't sell that crap here, we know too much about actual self defense events that show you don't understand anything....

That's a lot of stray lead flying around. You still don't gt it. Without the proper training and retraining you don't want the masses armed like a company of soldiers that do the training and retraining. The Company has a definite chain of command with built in discipline. Your Mob is must a Mob One of the reports I saw on tv was the problem in Las Vegas was the Civilian Hardware that was drawn by your heroes. It made the Cops jobs much more difficult figuring out where the shots came from by the Cops on the ground. The Cops showed remarkable restraint and discipline by not blowing some of those well meaning people away. In reality, having the crowd armed almost made it much more worse and not a single on had a chance to prevent it anyway. The Cops stopped it through discipline from getting any worse than it already was.

If your cops are spending only once or twice a year on the range then you need to start by firing your Police Chief. That's extremely dangerous. I would think once or twice a month would be sufficient and MOST cops try and do that. If yours doesn't then you live in a very dangerous place. Let us know the general location so we all can stay the hell away from there where the Civilians are armed and the police force are a bunch of Barney Fifes.

We are not talking military combat.....we are talking a civilian dealing with an armed attacker who, if they follow type, will commit suicide, run away or surrender as soon as they are confronted by the civilian with a gun.....

Is that what you are betting on? Sounds like a fools bet. If you are right, then it's a good thing. If you are wrong, a lot more people will be slaughtered. These people are mentally ill. If you could type them, you could also prevent them before hand. You can't with the laws in place as they are today. Never type cast a crazy person. They just might fool you and do something else in response.

And Newsflash: Combat is Combat no matter if it's in a designated War Zone or in a School Yard. You had damn well better treat it the same way.
And Newsflash: Combat is Combat no matter if it's in a designated War Zone or in a School Yard. You had damn well better treat it the same way.
Cupcake, how would you know, cupcake? You were a cupcake-eating trolly jocky for the cushy Air Force. You don't know combat, cupcake.
And Newsflash: Combat is Combat no matter if it's in a designated War Zone or in a School Yard. You had damn well better treat it the same way.
Cupcake, how would you know, cupcake? You were a cupcake-eating trolly jocky for the cushy Air Force. You don't know combat, cupcake.

Yes, I ate cupcakes. And I also ate a lot more than that. I found that soldiers were scrumptious if seasoned and grilled properly as well. G.I. Joe on a Spit. One thing that was noticed during DS, just because it says US Army on the pickle suite doesn't mean it can fight. The AF changed it's training back to the way it used to do where we had Augmentees that could fight if needed. We received extra training on our way to the war zone. We learned fast and dirty. We were expected to learn fast and not slow and stupid like the Army trained. What took your bunch 6 weeks, we could do in a matter of hours. From the first time we handled a M-16 (actually an AR-15 Model 601) we were able to strip it down, clean it and reassemble it in total darkness in less than 5 minutes with only 2 hours of training. Augmentees were chosen from Mechanics, Cooks, Admins and more to back up the Security Police. We did duty on the Parameters, did time in the bunkers, Patrolled the outside Fence and more when called on. Have you ever been involved in an Overrun? Nah, the AF never did any ground fighting. Sure..... And you are supposed to call me a snowflake, cupcake.
I see denial ain't just a river in Egypt. A problem definitely exist, it's just not with the shiny object the regressives are using to try to deny Americans their constitutional rights. It's with the decaying society the regressives have created over the last 7-8 decades. The current manifestations of that decay are proof positive of that fact.

Regressives create problems and then pretend to be the white knight with the only solutions. Of course those solutions never include reversing the policies that created the problem in the first place, it always involves more government control and a consistent chipping away at personal freedom.

What was the golden era when everything was peachy and great before the regressives took over and started degrading it?

The violence started around the mid 1960s, right around when the LBJ war on poverty began....and the break up of the family started....
Do you think it had anything to do with the civil rights movement?

No.....It had to do with the breakdown of the family through the War on Poverty, where single teenage girls no longer needed men to be husbands and fathers to their children......this is also what is now happening in Britain and the rest of Europe.
How did the war on poverty make teenage girls not need men to be fathers to their children?

Teenage girls were given state and government funds to replace the income and support normally provided by the fathers of those children.
Dear healthmyths
Do you have any stats that show the percentage of increase
in the incidents over shorter and shorter periods of time?
How about the influence of copycat shootings, or the amount
of publicity causing others to replicate similar stunts?

What gets me healthmyths is the same cure
for mental illness that spiritual healing provides,
can prevent not only school shootings but the causes
of most of the other types and incidents of crimes.

Instead of comparing one type or case to another to compete for which deserves
more attention, why not focus on common solutions to prevent
ANY and ALL of these deadly crimes and attacks?

If you want to end the already rare school shootings, get rid of democrat gun free zones....

We know from actual mass shooters that they target gun free zones....they tell us this, and the anti gunners who ignore this don't care about solving the problem, they simply hate guns and gun owners.

Dear 2aguy
1. Why not agree to separate policies, where people can choose which policies they want?
If you would not want to be FORCED to live under a no gun policy,
why would you want to FORCE people to live in a gun zone if they don't want that either?
2. Would you require Buddhist temples to allow people with guns in there?
If they just don't believe in having guns there, why not allow each group to decide their own policies?
If they want an armed security guard in front, they can opt for that.
And let each business, each district, each school or neighborhood decide DEMOCRATICALLY what the policy is going to be and not force anyone to go there or be under a policy they don't believe in.

Why not allow to each their own???

Isn't that more consistent with Constitutional concepts of freedom of choice and creeds, religious freedom of beliefs, and freedom to carry guns if you want or not to have guns if you don't want that.

Why can't we set it up where people can choose which policy they want, and quit trying to impose one policy for everyone? Isn't that consistent with privatization so everyone can have freedom to do what they believe in as individuals without government forcing them otherwise?
One guard to cover 45 acres of multistory buildings and common areas isn't enough. Having trained teachers is the best, most cost effective means of protecting students. Several TX school districts have been using them for some years now.

For example?

CNN report found that 170 districts in the state of Texas have policies allowing teachers or administrators to exercise their right to bear arms on campus.

The Texas Education Agency reported in 2014 that there are 1,247 public school districts across the state. That means less than 14 percent of districts exercise concealed carry policies.

The CNN report followed one district in a rural community north of Dallas where a program not only arms teachers, but it includes annual training on handling active shooters.
Teachers armed at select school districts in Texas
So in a school like Parkland, how many teachers and or armed security guards should there be at a minimum?

As many that are:
1) Qualified
2) Mentally and emotionally stable
3) Fully trained with periodic updates in training
4) Willing to become a target

They will definitely need to be compensated.
What if it’s one, like in Parkland. You good with that? If not then tell me what the standard is going to be?

Dear Slade3200 and healthmyths

I hope that if we do focus seriously on mental health screening, the solutions provided and proven by spiritual healing methods will become public knowledge.

When spiritual healing is applied effectively, the ROOT CAUSES of mental health, abuse and personality conflicts are identified. This process involves accurate diagnosis in order to work. If the causal incident is not properly identified, then the person does not fully heal but either doesn't respond or relapses, until the root cause of the problem is correctly identified and targeted for counseling and removal of the negative patterns attached to that root cause in the person's mental or spiritual history.

The reasons these spiritual healing processes are not applied more publicly are that they involve personal choice and internal mechanisms on a mental and spiritual level that are outside govt policy.

These methods address and resolve a MULTITUDE of problems including personal issues and conflicts that are not criminal/illegal, but common in human relations. The same screening methods used to identify conflicts requiring spiritual healing to cure criminal behavior and illness would also reveal ALL causes of unresolved conflicts causing chronic anger, resentment and other mindsets that are considered acceptable in society.

People who would not agree to this level of screening would resist it for other reasons besides criminal intent. For example, people who don't want to confront issues causing alcohol or smoking addictions that aren't illegal, or address bullying conflicts in personal relations or between religious and political groups considered within social norms and not "illegal," would also find themselves getting "screened" as carrying issues that trigger red flags that are not fully healed spiritually either! Those are NOT criminal violations, but the CAUSES behind these conflicts are the same TYPE that are critical to IDENTIFY and cure for the purpose and process of spiritual healing, in order to screen and diagnose criminally ill people with dangerous disorders who act out on destructive impulses with physical violence.

What I have found to disturb and concern people of liberal and secular leanings
is the same spiritual process of healing the causes of criminal illness, abuse and disorders
also has healed people who are not considered criminal or sick, including people with unwanted LGBT inclinations.

Many people on the left are so afraid of Christians abusing this knowledge of spiritual healing to FORCE change on "everyone" that these methods have been rejected and repressed. Even though they work effectively, voluntarily and naturally to cure the causes of many conditions, from cancer to other physical and mental ill conditions.

It's the fear of change that this healing process would cause, across the board, which people are not ready for.
Not only does spiritual healing affect the person seeking help, but it heals the relations and people around them as a consequence because the healing has a proactive effect of multiplying and spreading.

So if people aren't ready to change systemically and globally,
it's easier to block this out altogether. So that's why both sides
of these debates put up barriers and keep detracting and projecting
onto side issues. The majority of people just aren't ready for the level
of change that would result from spiritual healing being applied to cure mental illness.

Because everyone else in society would also be impacted.
By the time we are ready for this, we'd solve a lot more problems
than just gun violence. All our relations would change in dynamic
from negative conflicts and bullying to dominate, into collaborate
partnerships working toward common solutions. Then we could fully
address the root causes of violence and abuse because we all carry them.

If people aren't ready to address this level of social responsibility,
then it's just easier to project blame on each other and outside groups
rather than solve internal problems that point the finger at everyone equally.
Dear healthmyths
Do you have any stats that show the percentage of increase
in the incidents over shorter and shorter periods of time?
How about the influence of copycat shootings, or the amount
of publicity causing others to replicate similar stunts?

What gets me healthmyths is the same cure
for mental illness that spiritual healing provides,
can prevent not only school shootings but the causes
of most of the other types and incidents of crimes.

Instead of comparing one type or case to another to compete for which deserves
more attention, why not focus on common solutions to prevent
ANY and ALL of these deadly crimes and attacks?

If you want to end the already rare school shootings, get rid of democrat gun free zones....

We know from actual mass shooters that they target gun free zones....they tell us this, and the anti gunners who ignore this don't care about solving the problem, they simply hate guns and gun owners.

Dear 2aguy
1. Why not agree to separate policies, where people can choose which policies they want?
If you would not want to be FORCED to live under a no gun policy,
why would you want to FORCE people to live in a gun zone if they don't want that either?
2. Would you require Buddhist temples to allow people with guns in there?
If they just don't believe in having guns there, why not allow each group to decide their own policies?
If they want an armed security guard in front, they can opt for that.
And let each business, each district, each school or neighborhood decide DEMOCRATICALLY what the policy is going to be and not force anyone to go there or be under a policy they don't believe in.

Why not allow to each their own???

Isn't that more consistent with Constitutional concepts of freedom of choice and creeds, religious freedom of beliefs, and freedom to carry guns if you want or not to have guns if you don't want that.

Why can't we set it up where people can choose which policy they want, and quit trying to impose one policy for everyone? Isn't that consistent with privatization so everyone can have freedom to do what they believe in as individuals without government forcing them otherwise?

You mean, like it is today. Each school has that right. Their Boards, Towns, Counties and States make the decision. No outside force makes it for them. And that is the way it should be. And the Business Owners have that right as well. The Gun nutters want to take that right away from them. Only Gun Nutters shall have rights and the rest of us shouldn't have.
For example?

CNN report found that 170 districts in the state of Texas have policies allowing teachers or administrators to exercise their right to bear arms on campus.

The Texas Education Agency reported in 2014 that there are 1,247 public school districts across the state. That means less than 14 percent of districts exercise concealed carry policies.

The CNN report followed one district in a rural community north of Dallas where a program not only arms teachers, but it includes annual training on handling active shooters.
Teachers armed at select school districts in Texas
So in a school like Parkland, how many teachers and or armed security guards should there be at a minimum?

As many that are:
1) Qualified
2) Mentally and emotionally stable
3) Fully trained with periodic updates in training
4) Willing to become a target

They will definitely need to be compensated.
What if it’s one, like in Parkland. You good with that? If not then tell me what the standard is going to be?

Dear Slade3200 and healthmyths

I hope that if we do focus seriously on mental health screening, the solutions provided and proven by spiritual healing methods will become public knowledge.

When spiritual healing is applied effectively, the ROOT CAUSES of mental health, abuse and personality conflicts are identified. This process involves accurate diagnosis in order to work. If the causal incident is not properly identified, then the person does not fully heal but either doesn't respond or relapses, until the root cause of the problem is correctly identified and targeted for counseling and removal of the negative patterns attached to that root cause in the person's mental or spiritual history.

The reasons these spiritual healing processes are not applied more publicly are that they involve personal choice and internal mechanisms on a mental and spiritual level that are outside govt policy.

These methods address and resolve a MULTITUDE of problems including personal issues and conflicts that are not criminal/illegal, but common in human relations. The same screening methods used to identify conflicts requiring spiritual healing to cure criminal behavior and illness would also reveal ALL causes of unresolved conflicts causing chronic anger, resentment and other mindsets that are considered acceptable in society.

People who would not agree to this level of screening would resist it for other reasons besides criminal intent. For example, people who don't want to confront issues causing alcohol or smoking addictions that aren't illegal, or address bullying conflicts in personal relations or between religious and political groups considered within social norms and not "illegal," would also find themselves getting "screened" as carrying issues that trigger red flags that are not fully healed spiritually either! Those are NOT criminal violations, but the CAUSES behind these conflicts are the same TYPE that are critical to IDENTIFY and cure for the purpose and process of spiritual healing, in order to screen and diagnose criminally ill people with dangerous disorders who act out on destructive impulses with physical violence.

What I have found to disturb and concern people of liberal and secular leanings
is the same spiritual process of healing the causes of criminal illness, abuse and disorders
also has healed people who are not considered criminal or sick, including people with unwanted LGBT inclinations.

Many people on the left are so afraid of Christians abusing this knowledge of spiritual healing to FORCE change on "everyone" that these methods have been rejected and repressed. Even though they work effectively, voluntarily and naturally to cure the causes of many conditions, from cancer to other physical and mental ill conditions.

It's the fear of change that this healing process would cause, across the board, which people are not ready for.
Not only does spiritual healing affect the person seeking help, but it heals the relations and people around them as a consequence because the healing has a proactive effect of multiplying and spreading.

So if people aren't ready to change systemically and globally,
it's easier to block this out altogether. So that's why both sides
of these debates put up barriers and keep detracting and projecting
onto side issues. The majority of people just aren't ready for the level
of change that would result from spiritual healing being applied to cure mental illness.

Because everyone else in society would also be impacted.
By the time we are ready for this, we'd solve a lot more problems
than just gun violence. All our relations would change in dynamic
from negative conflicts and bullying to dominate, into collaborate
partnerships working toward common solutions. Then we could fully
address the root causes of violence and abuse because we all carry them.

If people aren't ready to address this level of social responsibility,
then it's just easier to project blame on each other and outside groups
rather than solve internal problems that point the finger at everyone equally.

Some of the sickest B*** I have ever met claimed to be Christians. It doesn't matter a whit if a sicko is religious or not. To use a Religion to force another person to do something that is contrary to their own beliefs is just plain wrong. Spiritual Healing only works on someone that believes it will work. It has no place to be forced on someone that doesn't believe in it. This is where Science comes in. Ooh, I just said the dirty S word. But not everyone can be Southern Baptist or Catholic or whatever. Some may believe in a supreme being while others may not. Some may believe in Jesus while other may not. You can't use the one size fits all Spiritual Healing or try to force it on everyone. It begins and ends with one specific Church and ends when it leaves the building or the home.

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