since gun sales are soaring maybe remington will do well and be able cover

Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?
I think i might donate another 50 to the NRA. Thanks for the inspiration.

Only 50? Anything less than 100, and you're a gun grabber. Did you know that the NRA and Benny Hinn share fundraising tactics?
Fine. 200 and in your name

The NRA catches hell, but they really aren't the problem. It's the brain dead gun nuts that fall for all the crap that the NRA says. I guess that's part of the NRA/Benny Hinn strategy.

The NRA strategy is to out the assholes who want to ban all guns, but don't have the guts to say so. At least, not until they think there is actually a chance to do just that.

You're scared of you own shadow. Tell the NRA, mission accomplished.
Would you care to point out anything that wasn't true?

The NRA does not lie to boost gun sales.

Sure they do . They make obama a boogeyman . “The black guy coming for your guns “.

Truth is obama was as hands off guns as you get from a dem prez. Until sandy hook happened .

The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You are full of it . Typical gun nut . Any talk of sensible gun controls = BAN ALL GUNS!

Many leftists are at least honest about it. Would you like me to quote some of them? The rest are lying, as you are.

Only a coward is afraid if he isn't armed 24/7
Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?

You can't blame us for having lots of money to spend on guns, we work for a living.

Besides, it's better than spending it all on cocaine and hookers.

So why do red states receive so much more than others in government assistance?

What "red state" receives more than California or New York?

Almost all of them
The states most dependent on the federal government are who you'd least expect
View attachment 186182

Maybe because we generally work for a living, pay taxes, and give back more than anyone else.

Have you ever thought of that?

I know gun nuts. No.
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
America was founded by "bed wetters" that owned slaves and used guns to enforce that belief in their presumed god (made in their image) gave THEM arbitrary rights to do whatever they bloody please. So explain this to me again? We Need Guns? ALL of the whys and wherefores sound a tad empty and hollow in these days of mass shootings at preschools.
I think i might donate another 50 to the NRA. Thanks for the inspiration.

Only 50? Anything less than 100, and you're a gun grabber. Did you know that the NRA and Benny Hinn share fundraising tactics?
Fine. 200 and in your name

The NRA catches hell, but they really aren't the problem. It's the brain dead gun nuts that fall for all the crap that the NRA says. I guess that's part of the NRA/Benny Hinn strategy.

Exactly what “crap” are we falling for? For decades now it is the left that has been falling for lies and actually promoting those lies.

It's a matter of fomenting unnatural fear, and portraying themselves as your only way of escape.

You mean like the unnatural fear of an inanimate object, and portraying themselves as the only way of escape?
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
America was founded by "bed wetters" that owned slaves and used guns to enforce that belief in their presumed god (made in their image) gave THEM arbitrary rights to do whatever they bloody please. So explain this to me again? We Need Guns? Because of the why fores and whatever sound a tad empty and hollow.
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
America was founded by "bed wetters" that owned slaves and used guns to enforce that belief in their presumed god (made in their image) gave THEM arbitrary rights to do whatever they bloody please. So explain this to me again? We Need Guns? Because of the why fores and whatever sound a tad empty and hollow.
Yes we need guns today for the very reason people back then needed guns. To keep evil people from taking our freedom.
I think i might donate another 50 to the NRA. Thanks for the inspiration.

Only 50? Anything less than 100, and you're a gun grabber. Did you know that the NRA and Benny Hinn share fundraising tactics?
Fine. 200 and in your name

The NRA catches hell, but they really aren't the problem. It's the brain dead gun nuts that fall for all the crap that the NRA says. I guess that's part of the NRA/Benny Hinn strategy.

The NRA strategy is to out the assholes who want to ban all guns, but don't have the guts to say so. At least, not until they think there is actually a chance to do just that.

You're scared of you own shadow. Tell the NRA, mission accomplished.

Not hardly. My fear is the idiot class might actually succeed in destroying the greatest country ever created.
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
America was founded by "bed wetters" that owned slaves and used guns to enforce that belief in their presumed god (made in their image) gave THEM arbitrary rights to do whatever they bloody please. So explain this to me again? We Need Guns? Because of the why fores and whatever sound a tad empty and hollow.
Yes we need guns today for the very reason people back then needed guns. To keep evil people from taking our freedom.
We DO? So, we NEED guns to protect us from other people with guns, but taking away guns will endanger us? How?
The NRA does not lie to boost gun sales.

Sure they do . They make obama a boogeyman . “The black guy coming for your guns “.

Truth is obama was as hands off guns as you get from a dem prez. Until sandy hook happened .

The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You are full of it . Typical gun nut . Any talk of sensible gun controls = BAN ALL GUNS!

Many leftists are at least honest about it. Would you like me to quote some of them? The rest are lying, as you are.

Only a coward is afraid if he isn't armed 24/7

So according to you, our law-enforcement and military personnel are "cowards" because they're armed?

I've had a concealed carry permit since 2011 and have carried every day since then. Let me tell you: There's no better peace of mind than knowing you have the tools and training to protect and defend your life, the lives of your family members, and your property at an instant's notice.

Would you rather people duke it out with fists when confronted by a robber, mugger, or rapist? Do you think this is like the old days or something, where everyone gets into a fist-fight, then shakes hands and makes up afterwards?

That is truly an idiotic belief. Did you know that a person can ne killed stone cold dead with only one well-placed fist-punch to the head? So should I take your advice and go unarmed, and maybe try to "duke it out" if someone tries to beat the living crap out me?

Maybe after we are worn out, we'll shake hands, build a nice little camp fire, roast some marshmallows, and sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" like they did in all those episodes of "Bonanza" you watched on TV?

You truly are as bleeding idiot. I'm 67 years old and weigh a measly a180 pounds. I am no body builder and I am not a boxer4, a wrestler, or an MMA fighter. Do you seriously think I'm going to let some thug wail on me until I'm either unconscious or dead?

Do you even know why law-enforcement personnel carry sidearms? To protect your worthless carcass? Guess again. They carry them to protect themselves, not you. The Supreme Court once ruled that the police have "no duty to protect" you or anyone else.

So if they can carry weapons to protect themselves, why is it that you believe I can't? So just stop with your idiocy, ok? I will continue to carry a weapon because I am a "trusted" individual according to the laws of my state and my country. I have been vetted, trained, have had my criminal background checked, and have every right under the Second Amendment of my constitution and the laws of my state to protect myself, my family, and my hard-earned property.

And neither you, nor anyone else is going to deprive me of the right.
The NRA does not lie to boost gun sales.

Sure they do . They make obama a boogeyman . “The black guy coming for your guns “.

Truth is obama was as hands off guns as you get from a dem prez. Until sandy hook happened .

The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You are full of it . Typical gun nut . Any talk of sensible gun controls = BAN ALL GUNS!

Many leftists are at least honest about it. Would you like me to quote some of them? The rest are lying, as you are.

Only a coward is afraid if he isn't armed 24/7

Tell that to rape victims.

No wonder you can’t get laid.
Only 50? Anything less than 100, and you're a gun grabber. Did you know that the NRA and Benny Hinn share fundraising tactics?
Fine. 200 and in your name

The NRA catches hell, but they really aren't the problem. It's the brain dead gun nuts that fall for all the crap that the NRA says. I guess that's part of the NRA/Benny Hinn strategy.

The NRA strategy is to out the assholes who want to ban all guns, but don't have the guts to say so. At least, not until they think there is actually a chance to do just that.

You're scared of you own shadow. Tell the NRA, mission accomplished.

Not hardly. My fear is the idiot class might actually succeed in destroying the greatest country ever created.

The NRA has made you afraid.
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
America was founded by "bed wetters" that owned slaves and used guns to enforce that belief in their presumed god (made in their image) gave THEM arbitrary rights to do whatever they bloody please. So explain this to me again? We Need Guns? Because of the why fores and whatever sound a tad empty and hollow.
Yes we need guns today for the very reason people back then needed guns. To keep evil people from taking our freedom.
We DO? So, we NEED guns to protect us from other people with guns, but taking away guns will endanger us? How?

Murderers murder. Rapists rape.

Why do people think they care what they use?

If it ain’t a gun, they will find something else to use.
Sure they do . They make obama a boogeyman . “The black guy coming for your guns “.

Truth is obama was as hands off guns as you get from a dem prez. Until sandy hook happened .

The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You are full of it . Typical gun nut . Any talk of sensible gun controls = BAN ALL GUNS!

Many leftists are at least honest about it. Would you like me to quote some of them? The rest are lying, as you are.

Only a coward is afraid if he isn't armed 24/7

So according to you, our law-enforcement and military personnel are "cowards" because they're armed?

I've had a concealed carry permit since 2011 and have carried every day since then. Let me tell you: There's no better peace of mind than knowing you have the tools and training to protect and defend your life, the lives of your family members, and your property at an instant's notice.

Would you rather people duke it out with fists when confronted by a robber, mugger, or rapist? Do you think this is like the old days or something, where everyone gets into a fist-fight, then shakes hands and makes up afterwards?

That is truly an idiotic belief. Did you know that a person can ne killed stone cold dead with only one well-placed fist-punch to the head? So should I take your advice and go unarmed, and maybe try to "duke it out" if someone tries to beat the living crap out me?

Maybe after we are worn out, we'll shake hands, build a nice little camp fire, roast some marshmallows, and sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" like they did in all those episodes of "Bonanza" you watched on TV?

You truly are as bleeding idiot. I'm 67 years old and weigh a measly a180 pounds. I am no body builder and I am not a boxer4, a wrestler, or an MMA fighter. Do you seriously think I'm going to let some thug wail on me until I'm either unconscious or dead?

Do you even know why law-enforcement personnel carry sidearms? To protect your worthless carcass? Guess again. They carry them to protect themselves, not you. The Supreme Court once ruled that the police have "no duty to protect" you or anyone else.

So if they can carry weapons to protect themselves, why is it that you believe I can't? So just stop with your idiocy, ok? I will continue to carry a weapon because I am a "trusted" individual according to the laws of my state and my country. I have been vetted, trained, have had my criminal background checked, and have every right under the Second Amendment of my constitution and the laws of my state to protect myself, my family, and my hard-earned property.

And neither you, nor anyone else is going to deprive me of the right.

I never mentioned cops or military in this thread. You, and anybody else who thinks they need to be armed 24/7 is a coward.
Fine. 200 and in your name

The NRA catches hell, but they really aren't the problem. It's the brain dead gun nuts that fall for all the crap that the NRA says. I guess that's part of the NRA/Benny Hinn strategy.

The NRA strategy is to out the assholes who want to ban all guns, but don't have the guts to say so. At least, not until they think there is actually a chance to do just that.

You're scared of you own shadow. Tell the NRA, mission accomplished.

Not hardly. My fear is the idiot class might actually succeed in destroying the greatest country ever created.

The NRA has made you afraid.

No where near as afraid as you appear to be.
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
America was founded by "bed wetters" that owned slaves and used guns to enforce that belief in their presumed god (made in their image) gave THEM arbitrary rights to do whatever they bloody please. So explain this to me again? We Need Guns? Because of the why fores and whatever sound a tad empty and hollow.
Yes we need guns today for the very reason people back then needed guns. To keep evil people from taking our freedom.
We DO? So, we NEED guns to protect us from other people with guns, but taking away guns will endanger us? How?

Because you have no way of taking away the millions of guns that are already in the hands of criminals. That means that the criminals will have guns and innocent citizens will not have guns.
The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You are full of it . Typical gun nut . Any talk of sensible gun controls = BAN ALL GUNS!

Many leftists are at least honest about it. Would you like me to quote some of them? The rest are lying, as you are.

Only a coward is afraid if he isn't armed 24/7

So according to you, our law-enforcement and military personnel are "cowards" because they're armed?

I've had a concealed carry permit since 2011 and have carried every day since then. Let me tell you: There's no better peace of mind than knowing you have the tools and training to protect and defend your life, the lives of your family members, and your property at an instant's notice.

Would you rather people duke it out with fists when confronted by a robber, mugger, or rapist? Do you think this is like the old days or something, where everyone gets into a fist-fight, then shakes hands and makes up afterwards?

That is truly an idiotic belief. Did you know that a person can ne killed stone cold dead with only one well-placed fist-punch to the head? So should I take your advice and go unarmed, and maybe try to "duke it out" if someone tries to beat the living crap out me?

Maybe after we are worn out, we'll shake hands, build a nice little camp fire, roast some marshmallows, and sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" like they did in all those episodes of "Bonanza" you watched on TV?

You truly are as bleeding idiot. I'm 67 years old and weigh a measly a180 pounds. I am no body builder and I am not a boxer4, a wrestler, or an MMA fighter. Do you seriously think I'm going to let some thug wail on me until I'm either unconscious or dead?

Do you even know why law-enforcement personnel carry sidearms? To protect your worthless carcass? Guess again. They carry them to protect themselves, not you. The Supreme Court once ruled that the police have "no duty to protect" you or anyone else.

So if they can carry weapons to protect themselves, why is it that you believe I can't? So just stop with your idiocy, ok? I will continue to carry a weapon because I am a "trusted" individual according to the laws of my state and my country. I have been vetted, trained, have had my criminal background checked, and have every right under the Second Amendment of my constitution and the laws of my state to protect myself, my family, and my hard-earned property.

And neither you, nor anyone else is going to deprive me of the right.

I never mentioned cops or military in this thread. You, and anybody else who thinks they need to be armed 24/7 is a coward.

Tell it to rape victims.

You won’t.


Your a coward
Sure they do . They make obama a boogeyman . “The black guy coming for your guns “.

Truth is obama was as hands off guns as you get from a dem prez. Until sandy hook happened .

The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You are full of it . Typical gun nut . Any talk of sensible gun controls = BAN ALL GUNS!

Many leftists are at least honest about it. Would you like me to quote some of them? The rest are lying, as you are.

Only a coward is afraid if he isn't armed 24/7

Tell that to rape victims.

No wonder you can’t get laid.

Are you a rape victim too? No wonder you are such a coward.
The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You are full of it . Typical gun nut . Any talk of sensible gun controls = BAN ALL GUNS!

Many leftists are at least honest about it. Would you like me to quote some of them? The rest are lying, as you are.

Only a coward is afraid if he isn't armed 24/7

Tell that to rape victims.

No wonder you can’t get laid.

Are you a rape victim too? No wonder you are such a coward.

Run from your own argument?

That’s cowardly Son, simply cowardly.

You outted yourself. Good job

You want women easier to rape?

Is that it?
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
America was founded by "bed wetters" that owned slaves and used guns to enforce that belief in their presumed god (made in their image) gave THEM arbitrary rights to do whatever they bloody please. So explain this to me again? We Need Guns? Because of the why fores and whatever sound a tad empty and hollow.
Yes we need guns today for the very reason people back then needed guns. To keep evil people from taking our freedom.
We DO? So, we NEED guns to protect us from other people with guns, but taking away guns will endanger us? How?
I'm not gonna play "derp" round 2 with you. Pretend to be this stupid all you want.

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