since gun sales are soaring maybe remington will do well and be able cover

All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
Remington's legal woes stem from it's once popular bolt action hunting rifle

Remington Model 700 trigger lawsuit settled in court

Unfortunately, their problems didn’t start there, they have been putting out shoddy workmanship way before then.

Would you care to point out anything that wasn't true?

The NRA does not lie to boost gun sales.

Sure they do . They make obama a boogeyman . “The black guy coming for your guns “.

Truth is obama was as hands off guns as you get from a dem prez. Until sandy hook happened .

The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You are full of it . Typical gun nut . Any talk of sensible gun controls = BAN ALL GUNS!
Fortunately the people who will not commit murder far outnumber those that do

So if there's such a remote chance that you will be a victim of murder, why are you going to such drastic lengths and putting yourself at so much risk by having a gun?

yet you want to disarm the people who will not are are the least likely to commit murder

Them committing murder is but one of many reasons why people shouldn't be armed. The most predominant reason is that all guns in the hands of criminals were supplied by "responsible gun owners" who bought them to protect themselves from criminals. 230,000 guns are stolen every year from "responsible gun owners", and those guns end up in the hands of criminals, which fuels the gun crimes.

You are adding to the supply of available guns for criminals to steal when you bring that gun into your house.

So the irony is that you buy a gun to protect your home from criminals armed with guns they stole from homes.

If you can't see the stupidity of that, then it's willful ignorance at this point, and it boils your argument down to the simple fact that you just want a gun, not that you need it.

"The most predominant reason is that all guns in the hands of criminals were supplied by "responsible gun owners" who bought them to protect themselves from criminals. 230,000 guns are stolen every year from "responsible gun owners", and those guns end up in the hands of criminals, which fuels the gun crimes."


Bull shit.
Because people like you won't punish them when caught.

HUH? What are you talking about? We want stricter and harsher gun laws. You're the ones who don't.

Instead you slap them on the wrist and try to disarm the rest of us so we will be at their mercy.

No, you do that with gun owners. We are the ones who want stricter penalties and punishments but you're the ones who resist any gun legislation. Period.

BMy God man, you got kicked out of one topic and here you are posting the same brain dead crap. You really do need mental help.

I didn't get kicked out because I was losing an argument...I got kicked out because I was winning the argument.

We do not enforce strict prison sentences at all

You want to stop gun crimes?


Then do this

Conviction for any crime while in the possession of a gun even if the gun was not used 10 years no parole anyone age 16 or over to be tried as an adult
Conviction for any crime where a gun was drawn even if the gun was not fired 15 years no parole anyone age 16 or over to be tried as an adult
Conviction for any crime where a gun was fired even if no one was injured 20 years no parole same age stipulations
Conviction for any crime where a gun was shot and a person was injured 25 years no parole
Conviction for any crime where a gun was fired and a person was killed life no parole or the death penalty if the state allows

Yeah that fear of death penalty really worked on the last couple of Florida mass shootings .

A death penalty that is rarely carried out is not much of a deterrent to a potential killer. And, if it is carried out, it is so far into the future that no one can remember what the crime was. Once again, a failure of government, not an armed citizenry, or the NRA.
Because people like you won't punish them when caught.

HUH? What are you talking about? We want stricter and harsher gun laws. You're the ones who don't.

Instead you slap them on the wrist and try to disarm the rest of us so we will be at their mercy.

No, you do that with gun owners. We are the ones who want stricter penalties and punishments but you're the ones who resist any gun legislation. Period.

BMy God man, you got kicked out of one topic and here you are posting the same brain dead crap. You really do need mental help.

I didn't get kicked out because I was losing an argument...I got kicked out because I was winning the argument.

We do not enforce strict prison sentences at all

You want to stop gun crimes?


Then do this

Conviction for any crime while in the possession of a gun even if the gun was not used 10 years no parole anyone age 16 or over to be tried as an adult
Conviction for any crime where a gun was drawn even if the gun was not fired 15 years no parole anyone age 16 or over to be tried as an adult
Conviction for any crime where a gun was fired even if no one was injured 20 years no parole same age stipulations
Conviction for any crime where a gun was shot and a person was injured 25 years no parole
Conviction for any crime where a gun was fired and a person was killed life no parole or the death penalty if the state allows

Yeah that fear of death penalty really worked on the last couple of Florida mass shootings .

Maybe the life no parole will do it

And when I say no parole I mean no parole
You have yet to illustrate in any coherent way how in your opinion responsible law abiding gun owners are responsible for criminals having guns.

I have articulated it. You were responding to a thread where I was doing that. I base that judgment on the fact that 230,000 guns are stolen every year from "responsible, law abiding gun owners" and that is what is fueling gun crime, just like the DOJ said.

'Hot' Guns Fueling Crime, US Study Says
An estimated 230,000 guns per year are stolen in home burglaries and property crimes, according to a study by the Department of Justice.

Those guns are then used in crimes.

So you shitty people, in an effort to protect yourself from guns, have merely made it that much easier for criminals to get guns, which you got a gun to protect from.

It's completely masturbatory; you buy a gun to protect your home from criminals armed with guns stolen from homes.

Fucking dumb.

So their guns aren’t properly locked up and their homes aren’t properly protected. That isn’t a responsible gun owner.

You lose dip shit.
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A sad little attempt at propaganda, there.

Would you care to point out anything that wasn't true?

The NRA does not lie to boost gun sales.

Sure they do . They make obama a boogeyman . “The black guy coming for your guns “.

Truth is obama was as hands off guns as you get from a dem prez. Until sandy hook happened .

The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You are full of it . Typical gun nut . Any talk of sensible gun controls = BAN ALL GUNS!

Many leftists are at least honest about it. Would you like me to quote some of them? The rest are lying, as you are.
Reliable intelligenceOxymoron

So this is a funny response from someone who once said they were a veteran.

Reliable Intelligence refers to the intel you get on the enemy, so you can craft a strategy that works to defeat them.

But I can tell you think war doesn't require strategy.

Your knowledge of war is sophomoric at best. Good intelligence is nice, but if you do not have the military power to take advantage of the intelligence, it is useless. Likewise, drones and standoff weapons are nice, but to take and hold territory, you need boots and guns on the ground. The more boots and guns you have on the ground, the better off you are.
Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?

Yeah, we are successful and enthusiastic. We aren’t leeches in society and earn our money. Therefor we have it to spend.
Most everyone I know is a gun owner. A few of them are gun nuts. I don't know about where you live, but around here, the gun nuts aren't any where near financially stable.
Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?
I think i might donate another 50 to the NRA. Thanks for the inspiration.

Only 50? Anything less than 100, and you're a gun grabber. Did you know that the NRA and Benny Hinn share fundraising tactics?
Fine. 200 and in your name

The NRA catches hell, but they really aren't the problem. It's the brain dead gun nuts that fall for all the crap that the NRA says. I guess that's part of the NRA/Benny Hinn strategy.

Exactly what “crap” are we falling for? For decades now it is the left that has been falling for lies and actually promoting those lies.

It's a matter of fomenting unnatural fear, and portraying themselves as your only way of escape.
Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?

You can't blame us for having lots of money to spend on guns, we work for a living.

Besides, it's better than spending it all on cocaine and hookers.

So why do red states receive so much more than others in government assistance?

Too many liberals there.

That would make it a blue state, Why do red states receive so much more than others in government assistance?
No, because the NRA lies to boost sales. Idiots fall for it.

No, because the NRA lies to boost sales. Idiots fall for it.

A sad little attempt at propaganda, there.

Would you care to point out anything that wasn't true?

It was YOU who was supposed to show lies that the NRA tells. You have failed.

No, because the NRA lies to boost sales. Idiots fall for it.

No, because the NRA lies to boost sales. Idiots fall for it.

A sad little attempt at propaganda, there.

Would you care to point out anything that wasn't true?

It was YOU who was supposed to show lies that the NRA tells. You have failed.

You didn't watch the video; did you?

Would you care to point out anything that wasn't true?

The NRA does not lie to boost gun sales.

Sure they do . They make obama a boogeyman . “The black guy coming for your guns “.

Truth is obama was as hands off guns as you get from a dem prez. Until sandy hook happened .

The only reason he didn’t get it done was because he didn’t have the power to. Once he lost the House it would have been political suicide. But like I have proven in my own thread here, the left, all of them, want to take ou guns away. Many admit that fact, the others lie about it.

You proved nothing.
Doesn't take much to get gun nuts back to spending their money, does it?

You can't blame us for having lots of money to spend on guns, we work for a living.

Besides, it's better than spending it all on cocaine and hookers.

So why do red states receive so much more than others in government assistance?

What "red state" receives more than California or New York?

Almost all of them
The states most dependent on the federal government are who you'd least expect
View attachment 186182

Maybe because we generally work for a living, pay taxes, and give back more than anyone else.

Have you ever thought of that?

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