Since Reagan Dems create 35M jobs while Pubs lose -2M

Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

So what do you think should happen to the Democrat governors who's policies were followed for most of those deaths?
Oh? Which policies caused the most deaths?

You're blaming Trump who wasn't even calling the shots in the blue States where Democrat governors called the shots that most of the deaths occurred. As for me, I'd like to treat it as an American crisis and not the anti-American partisan hatred opportunity you do. But you demand we play the blame game. So, the fact is that if there's blame, the majority of the deaths happened is where Democrats make the decisions, so the finger pointing you demand we have ends up as finger pointing to you
I asked you which specific policies you're talking about. Instead, I get that ^^^ diatribe.

That you couldn't cite any specific policy you were talking g about reveals you're just kazzing again.

And you made the claim it's Trump's fault. So you go first since you made the claim. How is it Trump's fault when most of the deaths were in Democrat's control? What policies that he couldn't implement him self caused it?
Thanks for proving you were full of shit when you said Democrats' policies killed the most people.


And by the way, I didn't blame Impeached Trump. I even said, "who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response."

I don't do prove you wrong.

You made the claim that Trump was responsible for the deaths. I said no ... Democrats were in charge. Now in your limited intellectual capacity you're saying no they aren't, prove you wrong.

You never explained how Trump was responsible when he was not even in charge where most of the deaths were.

Now you're being a dick about prove you wrong. Fuck you, prove yourself right. You made the claim, prove it.

What policies did Trump have that caused the deaths when Democrats were in charge of most of the deaths?
"I said no ... Democrats were in charge."

Now you’re kazzing again. You actually said...

So what do you think should happen to the Democrat governors who's policies were followed for most of those deaths?

... only when challenged to name those policies, you couldn't.

As far as Impeached Trump, he let the virus get in to the country. He could have banned travel from other countries but opted to lie to America instead to sugar coat just how deadly this virus really is.

Yes, I said that in response to your claim Trump is responsible even though he wasn't in charge where most of the deaths happen. You have to prove the claim you made first since you made it first. I don't do prove you wrong, little guy. I see you're licking a sucker. Hey, isn't that cannibalism for you?
So you still can't cite the policies you kazzed about causing the most deaths.

Faun: It was Trump's fault <<< Faun hasn't demonstrated this or listed Trump's policies over blue States he didn't even control that caused it to happen

kaz: The deaths were in blue States where Trump wasn't in control <<< After not proving his statement, Faun demands I list the policies the Democrats governors did even though he did not back up his own claim
You're kazzing again as I actually listed 2 things Impeached did poorly that contributed to covid deaths.

Democrats were in charge where most of the deaths occurred.

All you did was blame Trump for Obama and Biden running our PPE stock out.

Then there's blaming Trump for NOT doing the travel restrictions while Fauci at the time called them unnecessary and Democrats called him a racist for doing it. Now you flipped to he didn't do it hard enough or soon enough. And that he could have kept the virus out is just sheer stupidity from you.

That's a theme with you, blame Trump for what Democrats did
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

100k to 200k in what time frame?

Faun was just lying. The projection was 200K to 2M. Trump did a great job. Faun is just bitter. Which is also why to your point he keeps bringing up the impeachment when the Senate proved he was not guilty.

Of course Biden and Obama were guilty of involving Ukraine in elections and of corruption in Ukraine. It's the scum Democrats are. Accuse you of what they are doing

Kazzer, she said, she said as many as 2.2 million if we do nothing at all to slow the spread and that was also based on a flu model. What she said about doing thing "almost perfectly" was, “if we do things together well, almost perfectly, we could get in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 fatalities.”

Right, 2M if we did nothing. Trump ended up at about 10% of that. Pretty damned good. He almost even hit the "almost perfect" range you referred to. So clearly his policies worked, little boy. Time for your nap, you're having another tantrum



Impeached Trump didn't end at anything, ya dumbshit. It's not over yet. Americans are still dying.


Yes, we're at what, 220K deaths? That's almost the bottom of the range 200K - 2M. What about that confused you, little kiddie?

Kazzing skeeve, the bottom range was 100K, not 200K

If you didn't kaz, you'd have absolutely nothing to post.


You made that up. The top of the range was 2M. Trump was just over a 10th of that. Clearly he did a great job.

Not so much Democrats who caused most of the deaths that did happen

^^^ More kazzes. I made nothing up.. Both Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx said 100K was the bottom range.

LOL, you found someone who had a bottom of 100K. Yeah, no one ever had different numbers. So according to you we are about 220K which is still way closer to 100K than 2M. And still most of those people were murdered by Democrat governors. You see this as a win? Seriously?
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Russigate was a bogus investigation based on known lies told to a federal judge.

Clinton sexually harassed woman and covered it up.

That you support BIll and not Trump, is you being a pos.

Impeached Trump's impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. You're such a flaming imbecile, you prove you still can't comprehend why Impeached Trump was impeached.

I know exactly why he was impeached. Your bottoms were smarting, cause Trump won. So, your partisans in the FBI, ginned up a pack of lies (handed to them by a foreign agent) and launched a known bullshit investigation, that your corrupt members of Congress ran with, even though they knew it was bullshit.
Dumbfuck, again, the impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. It had everything to do with Impeached Trump soliciting campaign help from a foreign leader in Ukraine.

EVERYTIME you bring up that Trump was impeached, you are demonstrating that you support politically motivated prosecutions and are against the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power.

That the investigation/coup attempt jumped tracks to the next line of lies, does not matter. It was all bullshit built on top of each other more as a propaganda campaign and a naked power ploy, than a real investigation/hearings.
Nope, Impeached Trump was impeached for crimes he committed.

It was all bullshit and that you are still carrying water for your masters lies, shows what a partisan zealot you are.
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

100k to 200k in what time frame?
None was given.

A prediction made like that, has to have a timeframe. If it was not given, then the question of timeframe should have been asked. That is reporters being fucking stupid.

If there really was no timeframe, then it was not a prediction but just a number pulled out of his ass.

It is doubtful that the time frame was longer than it has already been. He was discussing it in the context of the containment lockdowns. No one at that time envisioned the lockdown going on as long as it has.
Ok, so then it's a bullshit figure according to you and there are still 237K dead under Impeached Trump's malfeasant "leadership."
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Russigate was a bogus investigation based on known lies told to a federal judge.

Clinton sexually harassed woman and covered it up.

That you support BIll and not Trump, is you being a pos.

Impeached Trump's impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. You're such a flaming imbecile, you prove you still can't comprehend why Impeached Trump was impeached.

I know exactly why he was impeached. Your bottoms were smarting, cause Trump won. So, your partisans in the FBI, ginned up a pack of lies (handed to them by a foreign agent) and launched a known bullshit investigation, that your corrupt members of Congress ran with, even though they knew it was bullshit.
Dumbfuck, again, the impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. It had everything to do with Impeached Trump soliciting campaign help from a foreign leader in Ukraine.

EVERYTIME you bring up that Trump was impeached, you are demonstrating that you support politically motivated prosecutions and are against the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power.

That the investigation/coup attempt jumped tracks to the next line of lies, does not matter. It was all bullshit built on top of each other more as a propaganda campaign and a naked power ploy, than a real investigation/hearings.
Nope, Impeached Trump was impeached for crimes he committed.

It was all bullshit and that you are still carrying water for your masters lies, shows what a partisan zealot you are.

Laugh all you want asshole. You are a partisan zealot. Also, fuck you.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Russigate was a bogus investigation based on known lies told to a federal judge.

Clinton sexually harassed woman and covered it up.

That you support BIll and not Trump, is you being a pos.

Impeached Trump's impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. You're such a flaming imbecile, you prove you still can't comprehend why Impeached Trump was impeached.

I know exactly why he was impeached. Your bottoms were smarting, cause Trump won. So, your partisans in the FBI, ginned up a pack of lies (handed to them by a foreign agent) and launched a known bullshit investigation, that your corrupt members of Congress ran with, even though they knew it was bullshit.
Dumbfuck, again, the impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. It had everything to do with Impeached Trump soliciting campaign help from a foreign leader in Ukraine.

EVERYTIME you bring up that Trump was impeached, you are demonstrating that you support politically motivated prosecutions and are against the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power.

That the investigation/coup attempt jumped tracks to the next line of lies, does not matter. It was all bullshit built on top of each other more as a propaganda campaign and a naked power ploy, than a real investigation/hearings.
Nope, Impeached Trump was impeached for crimes he committed.

He was proven innocent. Turned out to be a Democrat witch hunt and abuse of power for partisan purposes

Sure, exactly like Bill Clinton was "proven innocent."

The Senate found Trump didn't do it, which means the impeachment was a hoax like everything else the Democrats are doing
Right, just like Bill Clinton's acquittal means he didn't do it. What part of that don't you understand?

Impeached Bill Clinton committed actual crimes. He benefitted from jury nullification in the Senate

Same as Impeached Trump.
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Russigate was a bogus investigation based on known lies told to a federal judge.

Clinton sexually harassed woman and covered it up.

That you support BIll and not Trump, is you being a pos.

Impeached Trump's impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. You're such a flaming imbecile, you prove you still can't comprehend why Impeached Trump was impeached.

I know exactly why he was impeached. Your bottoms were smarting, cause Trump won. So, your partisans in the FBI, ginned up a pack of lies (handed to them by a foreign agent) and launched a known bullshit investigation, that your corrupt members of Congress ran with, even though they knew it was bullshit.
Dumbfuck, again, the impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. It had everything to do with Impeached Trump soliciting campaign help from a foreign leader in Ukraine.

EVERYTIME you bring up that Trump was impeached, you are demonstrating that you support politically motivated prosecutions and are against the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power.

That the investigation/coup attempt jumped tracks to the next line of lies, does not matter. It was all bullshit built on top of each other more as a propaganda campaign and a naked power ploy, than a real investigation/hearings.
Nope, Impeached Trump was impeached for crimes he committed.

It was all bullshit and that you are still carrying water for your masters lies, shows what a partisan zealot you are.

Laugh all you want asshole. You are a partisan zealot. Also, fuck you.

Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

100k to 200k in what time frame?
None was given.

A prediction made like that, has to have a timeframe. If it was not given, then the question of timeframe should have been asked. That is reporters being fucking stupid.

If there really was no timeframe, then it was not a prediction but just a number pulled out of his ass.

It is doubtful that the time frame was longer than it has already been. He was discussing it in the context of the containment lockdowns. No one at that time envisioned the lockdown going on as long as it has.
Ok, so then it's a bullshit figure according to you and there are still 237K dead under Impeached Trump's malfeasant "leadership."

How do you know it is not a great number? What are you comparing it to, since we have agreed that a projection without oa timeframe is garbage?

Viruses pop up and spread. If anyone is to blame it is China. Wet markets? Really?

You are just a monkey throwing shit at a man you hate, for reasons you won't be honest about.
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Russigate was a bogus investigation based on known lies told to a federal judge.

Clinton sexually harassed woman and covered it up.

That you support BIll and not Trump, is you being a pos.

Impeached Trump's impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. You're such a flaming imbecile, you prove you still can't comprehend why Impeached Trump was impeached.

I know exactly why he was impeached. Your bottoms were smarting, cause Trump won. So, your partisans in the FBI, ginned up a pack of lies (handed to them by a foreign agent) and launched a known bullshit investigation, that your corrupt members of Congress ran with, even though they knew it was bullshit.
Dumbfuck, again, the impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. It had everything to do with Impeached Trump soliciting campaign help from a foreign leader in Ukraine.

EVERYTIME you bring up that Trump was impeached, you are demonstrating that you support politically motivated prosecutions and are against the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power.

That the investigation/coup attempt jumped tracks to the next line of lies, does not matter. It was all bullshit built on top of each other more as a propaganda campaign and a naked power ploy, than a real investigation/hearings.
Nope, Impeached Trump was impeached for crimes he committed.

It was all bullshit and that you are still carrying water for your masters lies, shows what a partisan zealot you are.

Laugh all you want asshole. You are a partisan zealot. Also, fuck you.


Laugh all you want asshole. You are a partisan zealot. Also, fuck you.
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

100k to 200k in what time frame?
None was given.

A prediction made like that, has to have a timeframe. If it was not given, then the question of timeframe should have been asked. That is reporters being fucking stupid.

If there really was no timeframe, then it was not a prediction but just a number pulled out of his ass.

It is doubtful that the time frame was longer than it has already been. He was discussing it in the context of the containment lockdowns. No one at that time envisioned the lockdown going on as long as it has.
Ok, so then it's a bullshit figure according to you and there are still 237K dead under Impeached Trump's malfeasant "leadership."

How do you know it is not a great number? What are you comparing it to, since we have agreed that a projection without oa timeframe is garbage?

Viruses pop up and spread. If anyone is to blame it is China. Wet markets? Really?

You are just a monkey throwing shit at a man you hate, for reasons you won't be honest about.
I'm going by what you said...

"If there really was no timeframe, then it was not a prediction but just a number pulled out of his ass."

Are you arguing with yourself now?
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Russigate was a bogus investigation based on known lies told to a federal judge.

Clinton sexually harassed woman and covered it up.

That you support BIll and not Trump, is you being a pos.

Impeached Trump's impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. You're such a flaming imbecile, you prove you still can't comprehend why Impeached Trump was impeached.

I know exactly why he was impeached. Your bottoms were smarting, cause Trump won. So, your partisans in the FBI, ginned up a pack of lies (handed to them by a foreign agent) and launched a known bullshit investigation, that your corrupt members of Congress ran with, even though they knew it was bullshit.
Dumbfuck, again, the impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. It had everything to do with Impeached Trump soliciting campaign help from a foreign leader in Ukraine.

EVERYTIME you bring up that Trump was impeached, you are demonstrating that you support politically motivated prosecutions and are against the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power.

That the investigation/coup attempt jumped tracks to the next line of lies, does not matter. It was all bullshit built on top of each other more as a propaganda campaign and a naked power ploy, than a real investigation/hearings.
Nope, Impeached Trump was impeached for crimes he committed.

It was all bullshit and that you are still carrying water for your masters lies, shows what a partisan zealot you are.

Laugh all you want asshole. You are a partisan zealot. Also, fuck you.


Laugh all you want asshole. You are a partisan zealot. Also, fuck you.
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

100k to 200k in what time frame?
None was given.

A prediction made like that, has to have a timeframe. If it was not given, then the question of timeframe should have been asked. That is reporters being fucking stupid.

If there really was no timeframe, then it was not a prediction but just a number pulled out of his ass.

It is doubtful that the time frame was longer than it has already been. He was discussing it in the context of the containment lockdowns. No one at that time envisioned the lockdown going on as long as it has.
Ok, so then it's a bullshit figure according to you and there are still 237K dead under Impeached Trump's malfeasant "leadership."

How do you know it is not a great number? What are you comparing it to, since we have agreed that a projection without oa timeframe is garbage?

Viruses pop up and spread. If anyone is to blame it is China. Wet markets? Really?

You are just a monkey throwing shit at a man you hate, for reasons you won't be honest about.
I'm going by what you said...

"If there really was no timeframe, then it was not a prediction but just a number pulled out of his ass."

Are you arguing with yourself now?

Nope. I was clearly responding to your post were you posted a number and said it was a result of bad leadership. Clearly. That was very clear because it was a reply to your post, where you talked about 237k.

Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?

FUck that. You are fucked up and you won't be honest enough for us to find out why or how.

My point stand fucked up person,

How do you know it is not a great number? What are you comparing it to, since we have agreed that a projection without oa timeframe is garbage?

Viruses pop up and spread. If anyone is to blame it is China. Wet markets? Really?

You are just a monkey throwing shit at a man you hate, for reasons you won't be honest about.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Russigate was a bogus investigation based on known lies told to a federal judge.

Clinton sexually harassed woman and covered it up.

That you support BIll and not Trump, is you being a pos.

Impeached Trump's impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. You're such a flaming imbecile, you prove you still can't comprehend why Impeached Trump was impeached.

I know exactly why he was impeached. Your bottoms were smarting, cause Trump won. So, your partisans in the FBI, ginned up a pack of lies (handed to them by a foreign agent) and launched a known bullshit investigation, that your corrupt members of Congress ran with, even though they knew it was bullshit.
Dumbfuck, again, the impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. It had everything to do with Impeached Trump soliciting campaign help from a foreign leader in Ukraine.

EVERYTIME you bring up that Trump was impeached, you are demonstrating that you support politically motivated prosecutions and are against the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power.

That the investigation/coup attempt jumped tracks to the next line of lies, does not matter. It was all bullshit built on top of each other more as a propaganda campaign and a naked power ploy, than a real investigation/hearings.
Nope, Impeached Trump was impeached for crimes he committed.

It was all bullshit and that you are still carrying water for your masters lies, shows what a partisan zealot you are.

Laugh all you want asshole. You are a partisan zealot. Also, fuck you.


Laugh all you want asshole. You are a partisan zealot. Also, fuck you.

Dude. I've never claimed to not be partisan. But there is partisan, and then there is being a partisan zealot.

you are way past that line.

And that you don't have the balls to actually say what you mean, but dance around your point like a faggot is just you being a faggot asshole.
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

100k to 200k in what time frame?
None was given.

A prediction made like that, has to have a timeframe. If it was not given, then the question of timeframe should have been asked. That is reporters being fucking stupid.

If there really was no timeframe, then it was not a prediction but just a number pulled out of his ass.

It is doubtful that the time frame was longer than it has already been. He was discussing it in the context of the containment lockdowns. No one at that time envisioned the lockdown going on as long as it has.
Ok, so then it's a bullshit figure according to you and there are still 237K dead under Impeached Trump's malfeasant "leadership."

How do you know it is not a great number? What are you comparing it to, since we have agreed that a projection without oa timeframe is garbage?

Viruses pop up and spread. If anyone is to blame it is China. Wet markets? Really?

You are just a monkey throwing shit at a man you hate, for reasons you won't be honest about.
I'm going by what you said...

"If there really was no timeframe, then it was not a prediction but just a number pulled out of his ass."

Are you arguing with yourself now?

Nope. I was clearly responding to your post were you posted a number and said it was a result of bad leadership. Clearly. That was very clear because it was a reply to your post, where you talked about 237k.

Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?

FUck that. You are fucked up and you won't be honest enough for us to find out why or how.

My point stand fucked up person,

How do you know it is not a great number? What are you comparing it to, since we have agreed that a projection without oa timeframe is garbage?

Viruses pop up and spread. If anyone is to blame it is China. Wet markets? Really?

You are just a monkey throwing shit at a man you hate, for reasons you won't be honest about.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

So what do you think should happen to the Democrat governors who's policies were followed for most of those deaths?
Oh? Which policies caused the most deaths?

You're blaming Trump who wasn't even calling the shots in the blue States where Democrat governors called the shots that most of the deaths occurred. As for me, I'd like to treat it as an American crisis and not the anti-American partisan hatred opportunity you do. But you demand we play the blame game. So, the fact is that if there's blame, the majority of the deaths happened is where Democrats make the decisions, so the finger pointing you demand we have ends up as finger pointing to you
I asked you which specific policies you're talking about. Instead, I get that ^^^ diatribe.

That you couldn't cite any specific policy you were talking g about reveals you're just kazzing again.

And you made the claim it's Trump's fault. So you go first since you made the claim. How is it Trump's fault when most of the deaths were in Democrat's control? What policies that he couldn't implement him self caused it?
Thanks for proving you were full of shit when you said Democrats' policies killed the most people.


And by the way, I didn't blame Impeached Trump. I even said, "who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response."

I don't do prove you wrong.

You made the claim that Trump was responsible for the deaths. I said no ... Democrats were in charge. Now in your limited intellectual capacity you're saying no they aren't, prove you wrong.

You never explained how Trump was responsible when he was not even in charge where most of the deaths were.

Now you're being a dick about prove you wrong. Fuck you, prove yourself right. You made the claim, prove it.

What policies did Trump have that caused the deaths when Democrats were in charge of most of the deaths?
"I said no ... Democrats were in charge."

Now you’re kazzing again. You actually said...

So what do you think should happen to the Democrat governors who's policies were followed for most of those deaths?

... only when challenged to name those policies, you couldn't.

As far as Impeached Trump, he let the virus get in to the country. He could have banned travel from other countries but opted to lie to America instead to sugar coat just how deadly this virus really is.

Yes, I said that in response to your claim Trump is responsible even though he wasn't in charge where most of the deaths happen. You have to prove the claim you made first since you made it first. I don't do prove you wrong, little guy. I see you're licking a sucker. Hey, isn't that cannibalism for you?
So you still can't cite the policies you kazzed about causing the most deaths.

Faun: It was Trump's fault <<< Faun hasn't demonstrated this or listed Trump's policies over blue States he didn't even control that caused it to happen

kaz: The deaths were in blue States where Trump wasn't in control <<< After not proving his statement, Faun demands I list the policies the Democrats governors did even though he did not back up his own claim
You're kazzing again as I actually listed 2 things Impeached did poorly that contributed to covid deaths.

Democrats were in charge where most of the deaths occurred.

All you did was blame Trump for Obama and Biden running our PPE stock out.

Then there's blaming Trump for NOT doing the travel restrictions while Fauci at the time called them unnecessary and Democrats called him a racist for doing it. Now you flipped to he didn't do it hard enough or soon enough. And that he could have kept the virus out is just sheer stupidity from you.

That's a theme with you, blame Trump for what Democrats did
So? You still can't cite this mysterious Democrat policy that killed most people you kazzed about.
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

100k to 200k in what time frame?

Faun was just lying. The projection was 200K to 2M. Trump did a great job. Faun is just bitter. Which is also why to your point he keeps bringing up the impeachment when the Senate proved he was not guilty.

Of course Biden and Obama were guilty of involving Ukraine in elections and of corruption in Ukraine. It's the scum Democrats are. Accuse you of what they are doing

Kazzer, she said, she said as many as 2.2 million if we do nothing at all to slow the spread and that was also based on a flu model. What she said about doing thing "almost perfectly" was, “if we do things together well, almost perfectly, we could get in the range of 100,000 to 200,000 fatalities.”

Right, 2M if we did nothing. Trump ended up at about 10% of that. Pretty damned good. He almost even hit the "almost perfect" range you referred to. So clearly his policies worked, little boy. Time for your nap, you're having another tantrum



Impeached Trump didn't end at anything, ya dumbshit. It's not over yet. Americans are still dying.


Yes, we're at what, 220K deaths? That's almost the bottom of the range 200K - 2M. What about that confused you, little kiddie?

Kazzing skeeve, the bottom range was 100K, not 200K

If you didn't kaz, you'd have absolutely nothing to post.


You made that up. The top of the range was 2M. Trump was just over a 10th of that. Clearly he did a great job.

Not so much Democrats who caused most of the deaths that did happen

^^^ More kazzes. I made nothing up.. Both Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx said 100K was the bottom range.

LOL, you found someone who had a bottom of 100K. Yeah, no one ever had different numbers. So according to you we are about 220K which is still way closer to 100K than 2M. And still most of those people were murdered by Democrat governors. You see this as a win? Seriously?

Thanks to a malfeasant Republican president.
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

100k to 200k in what time frame?
None was given.

A prediction made like that, has to have a timeframe. If it was not given, then the question of timeframe should have been asked. That is reporters being fucking stupid.

If there really was no timeframe, then it was not a prediction but just a number pulled out of his ass.

It is doubtful that the time frame was longer than it has already been. He was discussing it in the context of the containment lockdowns. No one at that time envisioned the lockdown going on as long as it has.
Ok, so then it's a bullshit figure according to you and there are still 237K dead under Impeached Trump's malfeasant "leadership."

You can lie all you want, but they were still murdered by blue State Democrat governors.

Blaming Trump for States where Democrats determined the response is more of your stupid, lying shit.

You blame Trump for a virus, blame Trump for the poor Democrat response to it where most of the people died, blame Trump for Obama and Biden running us out of PPEs.

Blaming Trump for what Democrats did is just what you idiots do
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

So what do you think should happen to the Democrat governors who's policies were followed for most of those deaths?
Oh? Which policies caused the most deaths?

You're blaming Trump who wasn't even calling the shots in the blue States where Democrat governors called the shots that most of the deaths occurred. As for me, I'd like to treat it as an American crisis and not the anti-American partisan hatred opportunity you do. But you demand we play the blame game. So, the fact is that if there's blame, the majority of the deaths happened is where Democrats make the decisions, so the finger pointing you demand we have ends up as finger pointing to you
I asked you which specific policies you're talking about. Instead, I get that ^^^ diatribe.

That you couldn't cite any specific policy you were talking g about reveals you're just kazzing again.

And you made the claim it's Trump's fault. So you go first since you made the claim. How is it Trump's fault when most of the deaths were in Democrat's control? What policies that he couldn't implement him self caused it?
Thanks for proving you were full of shit when you said Democrats' policies killed the most people.


And by the way, I didn't blame Impeached Trump. I even said, "who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response."

I don't do prove you wrong.

You made the claim that Trump was responsible for the deaths. I said no ... Democrats were in charge. Now in your limited intellectual capacity you're saying no they aren't, prove you wrong.

You never explained how Trump was responsible when he was not even in charge where most of the deaths were.

Now you're being a dick about prove you wrong. Fuck you, prove yourself right. You made the claim, prove it.

What policies did Trump have that caused the deaths when Democrats were in charge of most of the deaths?
"I said no ... Democrats were in charge."

Now you’re kazzing again. You actually said...

So what do you think should happen to the Democrat governors who's policies were followed for most of those deaths?

... only when challenged to name those policies, you couldn't.

As far as Impeached Trump, he let the virus get in to the country. He could have banned travel from other countries but opted to lie to America instead to sugar coat just how deadly this virus really is.

Yes, I said that in response to your claim Trump is responsible even though he wasn't in charge where most of the deaths happen. You have to prove the claim you made first since you made it first. I don't do prove you wrong, little guy. I see you're licking a sucker. Hey, isn't that cannibalism for you?
So you still can't cite the policies you kazzed about causing the most deaths.

Faun: It was Trump's fault <<< Faun hasn't demonstrated this or listed Trump's policies over blue States he didn't even control that caused it to happen

kaz: The deaths were in blue States where Trump wasn't in control <<< After not proving his statement, Faun demands I list the policies the Democrats governors did even though he did not back up his own claim
You're kazzing again as I actually listed 2 things Impeached did poorly that contributed to covid deaths.

Democrats were in charge where most of the deaths occurred.

All you did was blame Trump for Obama and Biden running our PPE stock out.

Then there's blaming Trump for NOT doing the travel restrictions while Fauci at the time called them unnecessary and Democrats called him a racist for doing it. Now you flipped to he didn't do it hard enough or soon enough. And that he could have kept the virus out is just sheer stupidity from you.

That's a theme with you, blame Trump for what Democrats did
So? You still can't cite this mysterious Democrat policy that killed most people you kazzed about.

LOL, little boy, I don't do prove you wrong.

You claimed it was Trump and proved nothing. I disagreed and you're whining to prove you wrong. That isn't how it works. Prove your own claim.

I mean seriously, the only argument you came up with so far is that it's Trump's fault when he shut the borders and Democrats called him a racist for it. Talk about stupid. Even for an angry little boy like you
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Russigate was a bogus investigation based on known lies told to a federal judge.

Clinton sexually harassed woman and covered it up.

That you support BIll and not Trump, is you being a pos.

Impeached Trump's impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. You're such a flaming imbecile, you prove you still can't comprehend why Impeached Trump was impeached.

I know exactly why he was impeached. Your bottoms were smarting, cause Trump won. So, your partisans in the FBI, ginned up a pack of lies (handed to them by a foreign agent) and launched a known bullshit investigation, that your corrupt members of Congress ran with, even though they knew it was bullshit.
Dumbfuck, again, the impeachment had nothing to do with Russia. It had everything to do with Impeached Trump soliciting campaign help from a foreign leader in Ukraine.

EVERYTIME you bring up that Trump was impeached, you are demonstrating that you support politically motivated prosecutions and are against the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power.

That the investigation/coup attempt jumped tracks to the next line of lies, does not matter. It was all bullshit built on top of each other more as a propaganda campaign and a naked power ploy, than a real investigation/hearings.
Nope, Impeached Trump was impeached for crimes he committed.

He was proven innocent. Turned out to be a Democrat witch hunt and abuse of power for partisan purposes

Sure, exactly like Bill Clinton was "proven innocent."

The Senate found Trump didn't do it, which means the impeachment was a hoax like everything else the Democrats are doing
Right, just like Bill Clinton's acquittal means he didn't do it. What part of that don't you understand?

Impeached Bill Clinton committed actual crimes. He benefitted from jury nullification in the Senate

Same as Impeached Trump.

The Senate proved Trump was innocent, little boy
Trump inherited Obama and Biden's economy and screwed it up. Nothing new here.

Trump inherited an aging expansion on the verge of ending and extended and reinvigorated it, to a shocking degree.

There is something quite new there, especially with the increase in lower end wages.

In reality, Impeached Trump inherited a strong job market that was 76 months into the longest consecutive streak in our recorded history. 83 consecutive months in the private sector.

The ob market sucked because no matter how many jobs the aging expansion created, the American worker was competing against Third World labor, on multiple fronts.

And still, jobs grew at roughly the same rate as they did under Impeached Trump.

But wages stagnated. Lot of people working for stagnate wages,
Why lie? Impeached Trump inherited that too...

Turns out the Senate proved Trump didn't do it, so they declared him innocent. You're glad about that, huh?

And yeah, Obama? Worst recession recovery in recorded history. What about it?

Right, the Senate proved Impeached Trump didn't do it just like the Senate proved Impeached Clinton didn't do it. :lmao:

As far as Obama's recovery, 11.6 million jobs added under Obama... 4 million jobs lost under Impeached Trump.


Agreed, Trump is a ball of energy. I don't know how he does it. Biden takes a nap in the park and they start drawing white lines around him.

And yeah, blaming Trump for a virus. Shows what you are
Who blamed him for the virus? What he owns is his anemic response.

The prediction was 200k if we did EVERYTHING PERFECTLY.

What are we at?
We're at 235K and increasing. We're currently on pace to be at around 300K by the end of the first year. And that prediction was 100,000 - 200,000

100k to 200k in what time frame?
None was given.

A prediction made like that, has to have a timeframe. If it was not given, then the question of timeframe should have been asked. That is reporters being fucking stupid.

If there really was no timeframe, then it was not a prediction but just a number pulled out of his ass.

It is doubtful that the time frame was longer than it has already been. He was discussing it in the context of the containment lockdowns. No one at that time envisioned the lockdown going on as long as it has.
Ok, so then it's a bullshit figure according to you and there are still 237K dead under Impeached Trump's malfeasant "leadership."

You can lie all you want, but they were still murdered by blue State Democrat governors.

Blaming Trump for States where Democrats determined the response is more of your stupid, lying shit.

You blame Trump for a virus, blame Trump for the poor Democrat response to it where most of the people died, blame Trump for Obama and Biden running us out of PPEs.

Blaming Trump for what Democrats did is just what you idiots do
"You can lie all you want, but they were still murdered by blue State Democrat governors"

So you say. It's a pity you can't cite this mysterious Democrat policy you claim killed most of them.


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