Since when does the Catholic Church have the right to force their religious values...

CDC: Abortion Kills More Blacks Than the 7 Leading Causes of Death Combined- Why doesn't the MSM report this when talking about Democrats' support for abortion in PapaObamaCare?

Abortion killed at least 203,991 blacks in the 36 states and two cities (New York City and the District of Columbia) that reported abortions by race, according to the CDC. During that year, according to the CDC, a total of 198,385 blacks nationwide died from heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined.

Of course this number falls short since all districts do not report abortions by race. - we wonder why?

(California, Florida, Illinois and the rest of New York state outside of New York City do not report by race)

This must make Pelosi and the Democrats proud as well that they are "reducing costs" to gov't


The revelation came during an exchange Sunday morning on ABC's THIS WEEK.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health,
education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception,
will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?

PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.

I was waiting for the Progressives to play the "it's for the children" card
Of course advocating abortion and such, it might be a hard sell


Really, who wants some religion to tell you want to do
when you have the gov't so willing and capable to guide
us to a moral life

They have so many abortions because they do not have access to birthcontrol? It is their choice any way. We all have free will given to us by our creator and religion and state don't enter into the choice. Moral don't either.

In birth control debate, whose conscience will rule?

Among American women, birth control is as non-controversial as a trip to the mall. Ninety-nine percent of American women have relied upon some type of birth control during their lifetimes. Some conservatives have argued that the birth control pill ushered in an age of promiscuity, :cuckoo:but most women thank God for the tools that allow them to conceive when they have the financial and emotional resources to do so, and not when they don’t.

Birth control is non-controversially good for families and children. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, “a child born as the result of an unintended pregnancy is at greater risk of premature birth, low birth weight and abuse or neglect, and babies who are born early or too small have a greater chance of dying in their first year of life.” Planned children are more likely to benefit from good prenatal care, and to be breast fed.

Increased use of birth control correlates to a decline in abortions – supposedly a goal of politicians on both sides of the aisle. Contraceptive services at publicly funded clinics in 2008 helped avert 973,000 unintended pregnancies, which would have resulted in 433,000 unplanned births and 403,000 abortions.

In birth control debate, whose conscience will rule? - The Washington Post

well over 50 million babies aborted since roe v wade........what a leftie holocaust.....

repeal roe v wade and "free sex" will largely disappear and then you won't need contraceptives....or "planned parenthood".....
CDC: Abortion Kills More Blacks Than the 7 Leading Causes of Death Combined- Why doesn't the MSM report this when talking about Democrats' support for abortion in PapaObamaCare?

Abortion killed at least 203,991 blacks in the 36 states and two cities (New York City and the District of Columbia) that reported abortions by race, according to the CDC. During that year, according to the CDC, a total of 198,385 blacks nationwide died from heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined.

Of course this number falls short since all districts do not report abortions by race. - we wonder why?

(California, Florida, Illinois and the rest of New York state outside of New York City do not report by race)

This must make Pelosi and the Democrats proud as well that they are "reducing costs" to gov't


The revelation came during an exchange Sunday morning on ABC's THIS WEEK.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health,
education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception,
will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?

PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.

I was waiting for the Progressives to play the "it's for the children" card
Of course advocating abortion and such, it might be a hard sell


Really, who wants some religion to tell you want to do
when you have the gov't so willing and capable to guide
us to a moral life

They have so many abortions because they do not have access to birthcontrol? It is their choice any way. We all have free will given to us by our creator and religion and state don't enter into the choice. Moral don't either.

most of those people choose to have sex via free will

The left has cheapened life so much

Abortion is the new birth control

Pushing the Planned Parent falsehood, I see

A January 2011 fact sheet by the pro-abortion rights Guttmacher Institute
listed all the reasons that women who have had an abortion give for their
unexpected pregnancy, and not one of them is lack of access to contraception

54 percent of women who had abortions had used a contraceptive method,
46 percent who had not used contraception
33 percent had perceived themselves to be at low risk for pregnancy
32 percent had had concerns about contraceptive methods
26 percent had had unexpected sex
1 percent had been forced to have sex.

Not one fraction of 1 percent said they got pregnant because they lacked access to contraception
Guttmacher reported that only 8 percent of women who undergo abortions have never used a method of birth control.
Guttmacher statistics is that they are unchanged from a decade ago.
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Obama Has made deals with people, businesses, unions and organizations. His word to the Catholic Church, he has broken. He made a deal and now he reneged. This should be a lesson for everyone else, he is not a man of his word. He is a man of expediency. This maybe why he had so much trouble getting health care passed when he had both the House and the Senate. Maybe the Democrats in Congress, already knew that making deals with this President, was futile.

The issue of birth control has nothing to do with religions but healthcare. Do the bill mandate that he catholic church pay for birthcontrol or the healthcare plan? The catholic church go a lot of nerve being so holy than thou. They don't condone rape of children and nuns and aborting of babies of pregnant nuns, but bithrcontrol? Hypocrites and GOD will deal with them in due time.

The nun's tale.
Priests, Monk claimed, under the pretext that such godly men could not sin, regularly used nuns for sex in a private room reserved for “holy retreats.” On the very day she took her solemn vows, she said that she herself had been forced to have intercourse with three priests, and once again with the first for good measure. More on that later.

Monk said she had personally witnessed an offspring from such a union being immediately baptized after birth, nonchalantly suffocated, and tossed into a pit of lime in the basement (where there were presumably others), with acid later added to dissolve the tiny corpse. A ledger she found in the Superior’s office listed many more.
Maria Monk Reconsidered

I'm very much opposed to the way the Catholic Church has conducted it's religion for a long time, however, Obama used the Catholic Church to get his health care mandate to pass, now he is stabbing the Catholic Church in the back. One needs to be wary of anyone who breaks his promise. How can you trust a man that will go back on his word? Stupid political move and now we also know why Obama has trouble getting deals done.

if he can throw his pastor of 2o years "under the bus"

He can throw anyone

that was point
plus , the real creepy part

it was meant for kids

Always for the kids huh...

And then the dems wonder why the right rails on indoctrination. That video was sick. The sad part, I never had a problem with planned parenthood but seeing something like this and the fact that they pushed this makes me question the organization. I don't see how a reasonable institution could produce such vile crap.

Back in the 70's and 80's, I had several friends who went to planned parenthood for help. Everyone of them regretted it. One said the only option they offered her was abortion, even though she kept asking about adoption. (talk about choices). Another ended up with an abortion due to their pressuring her, without her parents knowledge and then ended up trying to commit suicide. She and her parents ended up in counseling and she said that if she'd told her parents in the first place, they would have supported her and she would have her baby. Another said she regretted the abortion almost immediately. Another one of my friends says it's changed, I hope to God it has.
Your President, when he needed the support of the Church to get his clusterfuck passed, promised us that we would never be asked to violate our doctrine. We intend, and we will, hold him to that promise. And we are not alone.

Your church already complies with this law, or forms of it, in 20 states.

This is the ultimate exercise in faux outrage by the Church.

lol...we could never do this!!! even though we already do this!!!!!!!!!

your Church is a farce.

look at your posts NYCarbineer.

According to you, anyone who thinks differently than you is a farce.

So that pretty much squashes the intergtiy of this post of yours in particular.

Because I'm right and you are wrong. Churches do not get to run businesses outside US law simply because they have a piece of dogma that conflicts with that law.

That is fact. That is irrefutable.
Your church already complies with this law, or forms of it, in 20 states.

This is the ultimate exercise in faux outrage by the Church.

lol...we could never do this!!! even though we already do this!!!!!!!!!

your Church is a farce.

look at your posts NYCarbineer.

According to you, anyone who thinks differently than you is a farce.

So that pretty much squashes the intergtiy of this post of yours in particular.

Because I'm right and you are wrong. Churches do not get to run businesses outside US law simply because they have a piece of dogma that conflicts with that law.

That is fact. That is irrefutable.

But unions can.
discriminate - please

using your low level of definitions ...
Waivers granted to unions "discriminate" against all of us

I don't generally support waivers, what's your point? Two wrongs make a right?

i believe the poster was pointing out your blatant hypocrisy, although the only one oblivious to it is you.:lol:

If I don't support waivers generally, and don't support this one specifically,

how, exactly, is that hypocritical?

The only hypocrite here would probably be the other poster, who probably opposed the other waiver but supports this one.

Why didn't you choose to annoy him instead?
Many laws have exceptions and waivers. Certainly a religion, which has special protections under the Constitution, will have these. The Church is treating ALL of its employees the same.
look at your posts NYCarbineer.

According to you, anyone who thinks differently than you is a farce.

So that pretty much squashes the intergtiy of this post of yours in particular.

Because I'm right and you are wrong. Churches do not get to run businesses outside US law simply because they have a piece of dogma that conflicts with that law.

That is fact. That is irrefutable.

But unions can.

Where did I say unions can? You're arguing with someone who isn't here.

Churches do not get to run businesses outside US law simply because they have a piece of dogma that conflicts with that law.

That is fact. That is irrefutable.
KNow the facts...then debate.

Obama asked for suppoort from the Catholic Church as he marketed his health care plan.
The Catholic Church offered to give suppoort for it as long as the plan did not force them to compromise their convictions.
Obama agreed and the Church, in return, supported his plan.

So what does the Church want?

For the President of the United States to be true to his word.

We can debate all the other stuff all we want...but it is irrelevant.

The Church GOT an exemption you fool. How many times do you people have to be told that?

Businesses run by Catholics are not the Church. They are businesses. I see what your problem is.

You fall for the rhetoric and the spin.

I thought that was reserved for the simple minded..

Maybe it still is.....

You refuted nothing. The religion of the people who run businesses does not entitle them to flout the law.
The government is the one shoving beliefs on people here.

No, that is absolutely untrue because the Catholic Church's businesses in 20 states already provide this sort of coverage for their employees.

Again, provide the relevant proof that those states are not exempting the Churches.

Go ahead. Research that claim. It does not hold up. You're lying... or maybe you really don't know that your wrong?
But unions can.

Where did I say unions can? You're arguing with someone who isn't here.

then I take back my statement.
I assumed you believed that...I assumed wrong.

Here's an idea. If you want to debate an issue, debate the issue. Don't try to make it about the person you're arguing with.

We would all do better (yes, including myself) if we would stick to debating the facts of the cases and stop wasting time trying to prove the other person is inconsistent, or hypocritical.

Even if a person IS hypocritical, that has NOTHING to do with the merits of the case...

...most people won't accept that fact, but it's true.

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