Sinclair Broadcasting is now Trump's version of RT

Actually we need a law mandating objectivity. A federal law.
It would be just as effective as has been the federal laws that ended the drug epidemic.
But possibly a little less than the Chicago laws that ended gun killings.
Gotta love the left bitching and whining about the right doing what the left already does.
You'll remember that it was the Trump White House who last year allowed a ginormous merger for Sinclair. Apparently now, they are paying him back because they have their eye on gobbling up even more local stations and currying favor is essential in that pursuit. They are currently forcing reporters to read from a script bashing legitimate news organizations who report legitimate stories about Trump that stray from sycophantic hogwash.

And hence, the echo chamber based on Trump's tweets repeating stuff he just heard on Fox-n-Friends is born. Caravans of illegals are pouring across the border so that they can become DACA recipients, David Hogg wasn't at school during the shooting, Amazon is ripping off USPS and taxpayers - Etc Etc Etc. Straight out of the Goebbels, Putin, Erdogan, Baghdad Bob authoritarian propaganda playbook ... and scary as hell.

Over the last week or so, local television news anchors across the the country have joined together to paradoxically warn viewers about the “troubling trend of irresponsible, one-sided news stories plaguing our country.” The identical, seemingly earnest editorial messages paid lip service to the importance of fact-checking and unbiased reporting, but they also complained about “false news” and “fake stories.” If that seems to echo the rhetoric of President Trump, it’s probably because the statement was written by one of his allies.

The anchors were forced to read the so-called journalistic responsibility messages word for word by their employer, the conservative-leaning Sinclair Broadcast Group, the largest owner of television stations in the country. The features were one of Sinclair’s now infamous “must-run” segments, consisting of conservative commentary that every Sinclair-owned station is required to air.​


News Anchors Reciting Sinclair Propaganda Is Even More Terrifying in Unison

Thanks to Deadspin for this terrifying video of dozens of local reporters with no sense of personal integrity repeating Donald's fake news. THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TO OUR DEMOCRACY.

If you’re squealing about it, it must be a good thing.
If you’re squealing about it, it must be a good thing.

Sure, the lies, the deception, the payoffs, the obstruction, the emoluments ...

These are all TERRIFIC things for Team T-Rump!
24/7 of Trump bashing by the crooked fake news media isn't enough? They've literally given up covering the news or important issues that Americans care about, and instead broadcasting anti Trump anti American commie propaganda 24/7. Actually they should have their broadcasting licenses pulled.

Yes Trump has talked about pulling their licenses, which he can't actually can't even dream of doing in this country.

But maybe Vlad can teach him new tricks when he visits for his fancy State Dinner.

We'll have one channel - Just like RT!
Maybe you forgot that Obama, Hillary, and Pelosi wanted to shut down talk radio and pull the licenses of people like Rush Limbaugh.
24/7 of Trump bashing by the crooked fake news media isn't enough? They've literally given up covering the news or important issues that Americans care about, and instead broadcasting anti Trump anti American commie propaganda 24/7. Actually they should have their broadcasting licenses pulled.

Yes Trump has talked about pulling their licenses, which he can't actually can't even dream of doing in this country.

But maybe Vlad can teach him new tricks when he visits for his fancy State Dinner.

We'll have one channel - Just like RT!
Maybe you forgot that Obama, Hillary, and Pelosi wanted to shut down talk radio and pull the licenses of people like Rush Limbaugh.

They talked of no such thing. Their comments were about balance in talk radio.
24/7 of Trump bashing by the crooked fake news media isn't enough? They've literally given up covering the news or important issues that Americans care about, and instead broadcasting anti Trump anti American commie propaganda 24/7. Actually they should have their broadcasting licenses pulled.

Yes Trump has talked about pulling their licenses, which he can't actually can't even dream of doing in this country.

But maybe Vlad can teach him new tricks when he visits for his fancy State Dinner.

We'll have one channel - Just like RT!
Maybe you forgot that Obama, Hillary, and Pelosi wanted to shut down talk radio and pull the licenses of people like Rush Limbaugh.

They talked of no such thing. Their comments were about balance in talk radio.
Yeah, only thing is the govt. doesn't get to "balance" anything according to our constitution. After loosing both houses and a bunch of state seats and governorships, Obama and Hillary decided it was time to shut down talk radio and people's right to free speech.
They talked of no such thing. Their comments were about balance in talk radio.

Yeah, only thing is the govt. doesn't get to "balance" anything according to our constitution. After loosing both houses and a bunch of state seats and governorships, Obama and Hillary decided it was time to shut down talk radio and people's right to free speech.

No that is not what happened .. but I'm certain that TownHall, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Rush, Sinclair Broadcasting and Fox News told you that is what happened.

Might be smart of you to pay attention to what Trump is doing to undermine legitimate media calling it an "enemy of the state".

Very Putin-esque (or is it Erdogan-esque?)
They talked of no such thing. Their comments were about balance in talk radio.

Yeah, only thing is the govt. doesn't get to "balance" anything according to our constitution. After loosing both houses and a bunch of state seats and governorships, Obama and Hillary decided it was time to shut down talk radio and people's right to free speech.

No that is not what happened .. but I'm certain that TownHall, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Rush, Sinclair Broadcasting and Fox News told you that is what happened.

Might be smart of you to pay attention to what Trump is doing to undermine legitimate media calling it an "enemy of the state".

Very Putin-esque (or is it Erdogan-esque?)
If you are looking for Putin-esque you should look at what the Democrats, Obama, Hillary, CIA, FBI, and State Dept. did before, during, and after the election.

Wasn't it your Dear Leader Hussein Obama who sic'd the IRS on conservatives, or used the FBI and CIA to wiretap members of the opposing party?
They talked of no such thing. Their comments were about balance in talk radio.

Yeah, only thing is the govt. doesn't get to "balance" anything according to our constitution. After loosing both houses and a bunch of state seats and governorships, Obama and Hillary decided it was time to shut down talk radio and people's right to free speech.

No that is not what happened .. but I'm certain that TownHall, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Rush, Sinclair Broadcasting and Fox News told you that is what happened.

Might be smart of you to pay attention to what Trump is doing to undermine legitimate media calling it an "enemy of the state".

Very Putin-esque (or is it Erdogan-esque?)
Putin didn't have the media on his side when he took power. He bought them one by one.
If you are looking for Putin-esque you should look at what the Democrats, Obama, Hillary, CIA, FBI, and State Dept. did before, during, and after the election.

Wasn't it your Dear Leader Hussein Obama who sic'd the IRS on conservatives, or used the FBI and CIA to wiretap members of the opposing party?

You must be referring to the FISA warrants approved by FIVE different Republican appointed judges.

Putin didn't have the media on his side when he took power. He bought them one by one.

Excellent point - Trump is following his playbook. This is how an authoritarian regime is born

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