Sinclair Broadcasting is now Trump's version of RT

Tigerred beat you on the talking points this morning. She has a thread already on this.

Mods - Please merge here:

The end of our first amendments rights...thank you Trump

I did search under term "Sinclair" and "Sinclair Broadcasting" there was nothing other than a post about a month ago and conspiracy hogwash about Larry Sinclair. Thanks
The Larry Sinclair story is not a conspiracy theory. It's fact. is a Fact that this is an attempt to indoctrinate American thoughts under the trump umbrella. Maybe Gates should buy Sinclair out and start his own State owned media conglomerate?
Really?! 'Cause we know that CNN and MSNBC are paragons of objectivity and lack of bias. How do you delusional Libtards live with yourselves? Ha ha ha.

Can you give us an example of "delusional Libtards" distributing a mandatory script to hundreds of TV stations?

Nope you can't - Face it, this is positively Goebbels.
24/7 of Trump bashing by the crooked fake news media isn't enough? They've literally given up covering the news or important issues that Americans care about, and instead broadcasting anti Trump anti American commie propaganda 24/7. Actually they should have their broadcasting licenses pulled.
Really?! 'Cause we know that CNN and MSNBC are paragons of objectivity and lack of bias. How do you delusional Libtards live with yourselves? Ha ha ha.

Can you give us an example of "delusional Libtards" distributing a mandatory script to hundreds of TV stations?

Nope you can't - Face it, this is positively Goebbels.
24/7 of Trump bashing by the crooked fake news media isn't enough? They've literally given up covering the news or important issues that Americans care about, and instead broadcasting anti Trump anti American commie propaganda 24/7. Actually they should have their broadcasting licenses pulled.

So you voted for Putin's Choice? trump is first in line for America's royal family...along the lines of the Putin regime.
John Oliver weighed in on this particular chunk of Trumpian Stupid last night


Right, a Liberal hack comedian and talk show host, one of many that has infested the fake news media.
This is extremely dangerous to our democracy......
As Trump introduces Soviet style groupthink to our media
Really?! 'Cause we know that CNN and MSNBC are paragons of objectivity and lack of bias. How do you delusional Libtards live with yourselves? Ha ha ha.

Can you give us an example of "delusional Libtards" distributing a mandatory script to hundreds of TV stations?

Nope you can't - Face it, this is positively Goebbels.
24/7 of Trump bashing by the crooked fake news media isn't enough? They've literally given up covering the news or important issues that Americans care about, and instead broadcasting anti Trump anti American commie propaganda 24/7. Actually they should have their broadcasting licenses pulled.

So you voted for Putin's Choice? trump is first in line for America's royal family...along the lines of the Putin regime.
Ha ha ha, here we go with the Putin fake shit again. So did the the Russian ambassador deliver Obama's message to Putin that he'll be more flexible after the 2012 elections? Or maybe the reset button that Hillary gave to the Russians so they can wore 180 million into the Clinton foundation in exchange for signing off a portion of the United States Uranium to the Russians? Sounds like Hillary and Obama were Putin's puppets who he used and abused and then disposed of.
Exactly! And when Putin arrives for his cabinet meeting later this year....he can give trump more pointers on how to establish a State controlled media conglomerate....

trump has shown he admires Dictators and Authoritarians. Sinclair to carrying his message to small local stations all over the country. This is not only is fascist and authoritarianism.....all there for everyone to see.

Yep, he is behaving more like his favorite murderous dictators with each passing day and apparently there is no shortage of willing accomplices.

Look at the Trumpkins right here in USMB who repeatedly dream of locking up or killing all their political enemies.
What's dangerous to our democracy is the Lefrwing news media that has been colluding with the Democrat party and Deep state actors in US, concocting fake news on a daily basis in order to bring a duly elected president and a party down. Apparently that doesn't bother the Left.
You'll remember that it was the Trump White House who last year allowed a ginormous merger for Sinclair. Apparently now, they are paying him back because they have their eye on gobbling up even more local stations and currying favor is essential in that pursuit. They are currently forcing reporters to read from a script bashing legitimate news organizations who report legitimate stories about Trump that stray from sycophantic hogwash.

And hence, the echo chamber based on Trump's tweets repeating stuff he just heard on Fox-n-Friends is born. Caravans of illegals are pouring across the border so that they can become DACA recipients, David Hogg wasn't at school during the shooting, Amazon is ripping off USPS and taxpayers - Etc Etc Etc. Straight out of the Goebbels, Putin, Erdogan, Baghdad Bob authoritarian propaganda playbook ... and scary as hell.

Over the last week or so, local television news anchors across the the country have joined together to paradoxically warn viewers about the “troubling trend of irresponsible, one-sided news stories plaguing our country.” The identical, seemingly earnest editorial messages paid lip service to the importance of fact-checking and unbiased reporting, but they also complained about “false news” and “fake stories.” If that seems to echo the rhetoric of President Trump, it’s probably because the statement was written by one of his allies.

The anchors were forced to read the so-called journalistic responsibility messages word for word by their employer, the conservative-leaning Sinclair Broadcast Group, the largest owner of television stations in the country. The features were one of Sinclair’s now infamous “must-run” segments, consisting of conservative commentary that every Sinclair-owned station is required to air.​


News Anchors Reciting Sinclair Propaganda Is Even More Terrifying in Unison

Thanks to Deadspin for this terrifying video of dozens of local reporters with no sense of personal integrity repeating Donald's fake news. THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TO OUR DEMOCRACY.

We've been telling them for years they get their talking points from these right wing media sources. They are brainwashed.
24/7 of Trump bashing by the crooked fake news media isn't enough? They've literally given up covering the news or important issues that Americans care about, and instead broadcasting anti Trump anti American commie propaganda 24/7. Actually they should have their broadcasting licenses pulled.

Yes Trump has talked about pulling their licenses, which he can't actually can't even dream of doing in this country.

But maybe Vlad can teach him new tricks when he visits for his fancy State Dinner.

We'll have one channel - Just like RT!
24/7 of Trump bashing by the crooked fake news media isn't enough? They've literally given up covering the news or important issues that Americans care about, and instead broadcasting anti Trump anti American commie propaganda 24/7. Actually they should have their broadcasting licenses pulled.

Yes Trump has talked about pulling their licenses, which he can't actually can't even dream of doing in this country.

But maybe Vlad can teach him new tricks when he visits for his fancy State Dinner.

We'll have one channel - Just like RT!

It is not a fancy is just another cabinet meeting with his top adviser in Moscow.
I made a thread about this video a couple days ago. It took the left a while to spin the story into an attack on Trump and now they're all echoing the same talking points.

Don't forget who coined the term "fake news"
I made a thread about this video a couple days ago. It took the left a while to spin the story into an attack on Trump and now they're all echoing the same talking points.

Don't forget who coined the term "fake news"

trump lives by that term. His pal in Moscow has elected leaders with this. He got Brexit with this...
It is not a fancy is just another cabinet meeting with his top adviser in Moscow.

Otherwise known as "Mr Gepetto" :)

I made a thread about this video a couple days ago. It took the left a while to spin the story into an attack on Trump and now they're all echoing the same talking points.

Don't forget who coined the term "fake news"

trump lives by that term. His pal in Moscow has elected leaders with this. He got Brexit with this...

Yep, everything that has ever happened that you don't like is part of a massive conspiracy planned by Putin.
For all the hoopla about this, when I watched the video, what I took from it is that social media has become an information sharing vehicle whereby users share information that they (or their sources) have not thoroughly confirmed the factual and contextual accuracy of the information they distribute/post.

For example:
Recently, Trump suggested that the Democrats didn't want a DACA resolution. One'd have to be either grossly uninformed or a complete idiot or both to believe that. To wit:
  • January 9: Trump held a bipartisan meeting at the White House wherein he indicated multiple times he is willing to compromise on DACA, saying "when this group comes back -- hopefully with an agreement -- this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I'm signing it."
  • January 11: Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham go to the White House to propose to Trump a compromise worked out by their group of six bipartisan senators. The offer included:
    -- a path to citizenship for DACA immigrants,
    -- the first year of Trump's border wall funding,
    -- ending the diversity visa lottery and reallocating those visas, and
    -- restricting the ability of former DACA recipients to sponsor family.

    Trump rejected the deal. The bill didn't make it to the floors of the chambers of Congress.
  • January 19: Schumer and Trump meet for lunch at the White House. Schumer offered Trump the upwards of $20 billion he wanted for his border wall in exchange for a pathway to citizenship for the eligible immigrant population.

    Trump rejected the deal. The bill didn't make it to floor of the legislature.
  • February 14: A bipartisan group of senators unveils a compromise plan, which includes:
    -- $25 billion for the Wall,
    -- a pathway to citizenship for DACA immigrants,
    -- cuts to one slim category of family-based migration and
    -- prevents the parents who brought their children to the US illegally from ever being sponsored for citizenship by those children.

    Trump rejected the deal and whipped up votes against it in the Senate to prevent its passage.
Next, on February 26th, the SCOTUS declines to take up an immediate appeal of court decisions resuming DACA renewals, ensuring no deportations of DACA recipients for months and taking pressure of Congress. As one might expect given Trump's refusal to agree to three consecutive proposals on resolving DACA and getting his wall funding, Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle give up, and one can't really blame them.

Yet what is Trump saying? He's saying that Democrats don't want to resolve DACA.

Now you tell light of the above facts, how accurate a representation is it that Democrats don't wan to resolve DACA? It's not at all accurate. They tried three times to do so, and Trump opposed all three offers, all three of which had a DACA resolution and funding for his wall, even as he professed to want both.
Another example:
Trump has suggested that foreigners illegally immigrate to the U.S. to avail themselves of the DACA provisions in our immigration laws.

Now I can't say whether people have such a thing in mind when they embark upon coming here, but I can say that if they do, things will not in that regard pan out as they hope. Why? Because DACA's terms have requirements current and future immigrants cannot meet. To be eligible for DACA status:
  • One must have resided continuously in the U.S. since 2007, and
  • One must have been physically present in the U.S. in June 2012, and
  • One had to have arrived in the U.S. as a minor.

The above examples illustrate that one of the most prolific users of media and social media to spread disinformation, inaccurate information, misleading information is Donald Trump. To the extent that others echo his unfounded messages/points, they are doing the same thing.
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