Sins of the fathers

I agree with you on many things but this is far from a just and civilized society. And the constitution is irrelevant because Gods laws supersede those in the constitution

ah, grand IM2....

thou shalt not bear false witness ring a bell?


Yep and since I did not do so...
You benefit from the sins and what's worse is that whites are still committing the same sins now. Your opinion of this is irrelevant because you will die and that is one of the penalties for what was done in the garden that you will pay. In fact, as a woman you pay the penalty 5 days each month and I'm quite sure you don't ignore that.
I'm not into guilt tripping myself or others. I am benefiting from the hard work that I've put in my life. No ancestors. I hold absolutely no moral or ethical responsibility for that acts those before me took.
I'm not into guilt tripping myself or others. I am benefiting from the hard work that I've put in my life. No ancestors. I hold absolutely no moral or ethical responsibility for that acts those before me took.
A lot of white Americans think as you do.

We really have to work on improving our education system.
Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed.

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

America's Culture of Racism ended sometime around December 4, 1969 when Child Abuse victim Shawn Carter was born...and sadly for Shawn racism was replaced with a potentially life scarring Culture of SYSTEMIC Child Abuse when large numbers of apparent emotionally troubled black American women made the choice to toss the man out of their homes and replace him with demeaning government handouts or child support payments, insuring her #FATHERLESS family would pretty much live in POVERTY.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

POVERTY toya graham .jpg


American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
According to the bible, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Because they did so penalties were assessed. Painful childbirth, men having to work the land to get food, and death were just 3 of them The penalties did not end when Adam and Eve died. We still face these penalties today even as none of us were there and none of us ate the fruit. This is an example of how weak the white racist arguments are today. God has held ALL OF MANKIND responsible forever for what Adam and Eve did. We don't get to make excuses with God about what we did not do and how unfair it is to us being blamed for Adam and Eve. But for some reason whites who are racists seem to believe they are above Gods ruie of law. But you aren't. You are responsible for the sins of your fathers jus as we all are responsible for the sins of Adan and Eve.
Responsibility for sins of the father has really fucked up the black community in a viscous spiral. Small wonder so many black fathers and black sons are in prison.
I know what Africa was. Whites did the same things plus the transatlantic slave trade. But we are talking about white American responsibility to end racism.

Africans started slavery - how it REALLY happened - YouTube

African American Lives 2 . Profiles . Tom Joyner | PBS

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School

Actually that's not the case but I guess Africans made slavery legal in the US, then Africans made Jim Crow laws, black codes and other forms of segregation.

Now let's debunk your continued attempt to validate white racist beliefs.

Africans did NOT sell their own people into slavery

Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery: Misconceptions About the African Involvement in the Slave Trade

In the first place, the Portuguese initiated what eventually became the Trans-Atlantic slave trade mainly through slave raids along the coasts of Africa. The first of these raids came in 1444 and was led by Lançarote de Freitas. The problem with raiding for slaves was that it was extremely dangerous. For instance, the slave trader Nuno Tristão was killed during an ambush. Slave raiding proved to be an extremely dangerous way to obtain slaves, but buying slaves was much safer and took less effort on the part of the Europeans. Therefore, the first phase of the slave trade began not with a trade, but with a series of raids. This point is especially important because although the slave trade was on some levels based on a partnership between European buyers and African traders, the slave trade did not begin as such.

Moreover, the partnership between the traders and buyers was an uneasy one. The European slave traders often betrayed those who supplied them with slaves. A famous case of this was the African slave trader Daaga who was tricked and captured by slave traders. He was taken to Trinidad where he would eventually lead a mutiny. Another example is given by Anne Bailey in her book African Voices in the Atlantic Slave Trade. She mentions the story of Chief Ndorkutsu who had been providing captives to the European traders. Eventually some of the Ndorkutsu’s own relatives were tricked into boarding a slave ship and then taken as slaves to Cuba. In some cases, such as that of Madam Tinubu in Nigeria and Afonso of the Kongo Kingdom, those Africans that initially gave African captives to the Europeans came to resist the slave trade. Tinubu had a change of heart when she realized how inhumanely the slaves were treated. Afonso was almost assassinated by the Portuguese after he demanded an end to the slave trade in his kingdom.

Typically wars in West Africa were relatively short affairs that left a small number of causalities. The introduction of European weapons made these wars more drawn out and destructive affairs. Moreover, the only way Africans could acquire these firearms was through the trade of slaves. A king of Dahomey once requested that Europeans establish a firearms factory in his nation, but this request went ignored. Firearms became necessary for African nations to defend themselves both from African rivals as well as from European intrusion, but the only way to acquire these weapons was through the slave trade. This situation only benefited the competing European powers that were able to play Africans against each other.

Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery: Misconceptions About the African Involvement in the Slave Trade | HuffPost

We Did Not Sell Each Other Into Slavery

The single most effective White propaganda assertion that continues to make it very difficult for us to reconstruct the African social systems of mutual trust broken down by U.S. Slavery is the statement, unqualified, that, "We sold each other into slavery." Most of us have accepted this statement as true at its face value. It implies that parents sold their children into slavery to Whites, husbands sold their wives, even brothers and sisters selling each other to the Whites. It continues to perpetuate a particularly sinister effluvium of Black character.

The period from the beginning of the TransAtlantic African Slave so-called Trade (1500) to the demarcation of Africa into colonies in the late 1800s is one of the most documented periods in World History. Yet, with the exception of the renegade African slave raider Tippu Tip of the Congo Arabs(Muslim name, Hamed bin Muhammad bin Juna al-Marjebi) who was collaborating with the White Arabs (also called Red Arabs) there is little documentation of independent African slave raiding. By independent is meant that there were no credible threats, intoxicants or use of force by Whites to force or deceive the African into slave raiding or slave trading and that the raider himself was not enslaved to Whites at the time of slave raiding or "trading". Trade implies human-to-human mutuality without force. This was certainly not the general scenario for the TransAtlantic so-called Trade in African slaves. Indeed, it was the Portuguese who initiated the European phase of slave raiding in Africa by attacking a sleeping village in 1444 and carting away the survivors to work for free in Europe.

Reunion Black Family.

Africans started to fight the transatlantic slave trade as soon as it began. Their struggles were multifaceted and covered four continents over four centuries. Still, they have often been underestimated, overlooked, or forgotten. African resistance was reported in European sources only when it concerned attacks on slave ships and company barracoons, but acts of resistance also took place far from the coast and thus escaped the slavers’ attention. To discover them, oral history, archaeology, and autobiographies and biographies of African victims of the slave trade have to be probed. Taken together, these various sources offer a detailed image of the varied strategies Africans used to defend themselves from and mount attacks against the slave trade.

African Resistance - The Abolition of The Slave Trade
Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed.

#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

America's Culture of Racism ended sometime around December 4, 1969 when Child Abuse victim Shawn Carter was born...and sadly for Shawn racism was replaced with a potentially life scarring Culture of SYSTEMIC Child Abuse when large numbers of apparent emotionally troubled black American women made the choice to toss the man out of their homes and replace him with demeaning government handouts or child support payments, insuring her #FATHERLESS family would pretty much live in POVERTY.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

View attachment 232469

View attachment 232470

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

I'm not into guilt tripping myself or others. I am benefiting from the hard work that I've put in my life. No ancestors. I hold absolutely no moral or ethical responsibility for that acts those before me took.
A lot of white Americans think as you do.

We really have to work on improving our education system.
According to the bible, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Because they did so penalties were assessed. Painful childbirth, men having to work the land to get food, and death were just 3 of them The penalties did not end when Adam and Eve died. We still face these penalties today even as none of us were there and none of us ate the fruit. This is an example of how weak the white racist arguments are today. God has held ALL OF MANKIND responsible forever for what Adam and Eve did. We don't get to make excuses with God about what we did not do and how unfair it is to us being blamed for Adam and Eve. But for some reason whites who are racists seem to believe they are above Gods ruie of law. But you aren't. You are responsible for the sins of your fathers jus as we all are responsible for the sins of Adan and Eve.
Responsibility for sins of the father has really fucked up the black community in a viscous spiral. Small wonder so many black fathers and black sons are in prison.

I guess that's why white men don't get put in prison for committing the same crimes.

A lot of white Americans think as you do.We really have to work on improving our education system.
Back in college, I had to read a book (required), The Key to my Neighbors House. It it, the book pointed out the absolute immorality of this "sins of my father" mentality and how it drives people to insane lengths, even after an incident that happened hundreds of years ago, to avenge or for revenge. That kind of mentality must be wiped from the face of this earth. We are creatures of free will and are responsible only for our own acts. It ends there.
You benefit from the sins and what's worse is that whites are still committing the same sins now. Your opinion of this is irrelevant because you will die and that is one of the penalties for what was done in the garden that you will pay. In fact, as a woman you pay the penalty 5 days each month and I'm quite sure you don't ignore that.
I'm not into guilt tripping myself or others. I am benefiting from the hard work that I've put in my life. No ancestors. I hold absolutely no moral or ethical responsibility for that acts those before me took.

No one gives a damn whether you guilt trip or not, the truth is what it is. You benefitted from a system of white racial preference and belong to the demographic that has been the prime beneficiary of affirmative action. You do have both a moral and ethical responsibility to end white racism.
A lot of white Americans think as you do.We really have to work on improving our education system.
Back in college, I had to read a book (required), The Key to my Neighbors House. It it, the book pointed out the absolute immorality of this "sins of my father" mentality and how it drives people to insane lengths, even after an incident that happened hundreds of years ago, to avenge or for revenge. That kind of mentality must be wiped from the face of this earth. We are creatures of free will and are responsible only for our own acts. It ends there.

The mindset that allows whites to continue committing the same sins while claiming they are not responsible for the sins of the father is what needs to be erased.
You benefit from the sins and what's worse is that whites are still committing the same sins now. Your opinion of this is irrelevant because you will die and that is one of the penalties for what was done in the garden that you will pay. In fact, as a woman you pay the penalty 5 days each month and I'm quite sure you don't ignore that.
I'm not into guilt tripping myself or others. I am benefiting from the hard work that I've put in my life. No ancestors. I hold absolutely no moral or ethical responsibility for that acts those before me took.

No one gives a damn whether you guilt trip or not, the truth is what it is. You benefitted from a system of white racial preference and belong to the demographic that has been the prime beneficiary of affirmative action. You do have both a moral and ethical responsibility to end white racism.
Wouldn't it be better just to get a job and stop begging for pity and handouts?
No one gives a damn whether you guilt trip or not, the truth is what it is. You benefitted from a system of white racial preference and belong to the demographic that has been the prime beneficiary of affirmative action. You do have both a moral and ethical responsibility to end white racism.
Sorry. I don't live in your victimization world and cannot empathize with your opinion. I act to end racism because it's wrong, not because of anyone's past actions.
No one gives a damn whether you guilt trip or not, the truth is what it is. You benefitted from a system of white racial preference and belong to the demographic that has been the prime beneficiary of affirmative action. You do have both a moral and ethical responsibility to end white racism.
Sorry. I don't live in your victimization world and cannot empathize with your opinion. I act to end racism because it's wrong, not because of anyone's past actions.

Since I don't live in that fictional world made up by a fat racist white man on talk radio and used by every unintelligent white person when blacks speak about wrongs whites commit NOW....

Since I am talking about ending something that is wrong TODAY, not in the past....

And since the fact is if not for us, your white female ass would still be restricted to the kitchen.

I don't care what you don't empathize with.
You benefit from the sins and what's worse is that whites are still committing the same sins now. Your opinion of this is irrelevant because you will die and that is one of the penalties for what was done in the garden that you will pay. In fact, as a woman you pay the penalty 5 days each month and I'm quite sure you don't ignore that.
I'm not into guilt tripping myself or others. I am benefiting from the hard work that I've put in my life. No ancestors. I hold absolutely no moral or ethical responsibility for that acts those before me took.

No one gives a damn whether you guilt trip or not, the truth is what it is. You benefitted from a system of white racial preference and belong to the demographic that has been the prime beneficiary of affirmative action. You do have both a moral and ethical responsibility to end white racism.
Wouldn't it be better just to get a job and stop begging for pity and handouts?

Why is a white man, who is a member of the demographic handed the most free shit by the government, talking?
You benefit from the sins and what's worse is that whites are still committing the same sins now. Your opinion of this is irrelevant because you will die and that is one of the penalties for what was done in the garden that you will pay. In fact, as a woman you pay the penalty 5 days each month and I'm quite sure you don't ignore that.
I'm not into guilt tripping myself or others. I am benefiting from the hard work that I've put in my life. No ancestors. I hold absolutely no moral or ethical responsibility for that acts those before me took.

No one gives a damn whether you guilt trip or not, the truth is what it is. You benefitted from a system of white racial preference and belong to the demographic that has been the prime beneficiary of affirmative action. You do have both a moral and ethical responsibility to end white racism.
Wouldn't it be better just to get a job and stop begging for pity and handouts?

Why is a white man, who is a member of the demographic handed the most free shit by the government, talking?
I cannot help you be proud of what you are. No one can.
No one gives a damn whether you guilt trip or not, the truth is what it is. You benefitted from a system of white racial preference and belong to the demographic that has been the prime beneficiary of affirmative action. You do have both a moral and ethical responsibility to end white racism.
Sorry. I don't live in your victimization world and cannot empathize with your opinion. I act to end racism because it's wrong, not because of anyone's past actions.

Since I am talking about ending something that is wrong TODAY, not in the past....

If you're talking about something that is wrong today and not in the past then what does that have to do with fables that are thousands of years old?
According to the Bible the Earth is flat. Toss the damn thing in the trash. Oops, that is now illegal apparently if you read the news.
According to the bible, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Because they did so penalties were assessed. Painful childbirth, men having to work the land to get food, and death were just 3 of them The penalties did not end when Adam and Eve died. We still face these penalties today even as none of us were there and none of us ate the fruit. This is an example of how weak the white racist arguments are today. God has held ALL OF MANKIND responsible forever for what Adam and Eve did. We don't get to make excuses with God about what we did not do and how unfair it is to us being blamed for Adam and Eve. But for some reason whites who are racists seem to believe they are above Gods ruie of law. But you aren't. You are responsible for the sins of your fathers jus as we all are responsible for the sins of Adan and Eve.
This is true – or false – depending on the context.

It might be ‘true’ in a religious/moral context – but it’s a subjective ‘truth’ and otherwise irrelevant.

It’s of course false as a matter of law and public policy.

American Constitutional jurisprudence has long maintained that children are not to be held responsible for the misdeeds of a parent or parents.

This is why children born in the United States are citizens regardless of their parents’ immigration status, why undocumented children are entitled to public education and healthcare regardless their immigration status, and why children born out of wedlock cannot be denied the benefits of a father who wasn’t married to his mother.

America is a just and civilized society because it rejects the doctrine of ‘the sins of the father.’

I agree with you on many things but this is far from a just and civilized society. And the constitution is irrelevant because Gods laws supersede those in the constitution. Gods laws do not deny any of the things you mention in your last paragraph.
Trump and his ilk are certainly working to make this no longer a just and civilized society.

And the Constitution is in fact relevant, the First Amendment safeguards the people from nonsense such as "god's law" and "sins of the father."

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