Sister sums up the hypocrisy of many in the pro life movement

We could end abortion overnight if we just did two things.

1. Liberals start shaming and protesting the ending of innocent human lives.

2. Conservatives offer to pay for abortions of women who can't afford them.

Keep planned parenthood open, men even go there , stop the spread of VD's, cervical ca, and HIV. If a women wants an abortion make it cheap enough she can pay for it. But no, the GOP doesn't give a crap, just money for Title X and they have to show a need for aid when they go there so I've read.
We could end abortion overnight if we just did two things.

1. Liberals start shaming and protesting the ending of innocent human lives.

2. Conservatives offer to pay for abortions of women who can't afford them.

And you got rid of abstinence-only programmes and realise that young people like to fuck.
Can you imagine the furor that would be raised if Republicans started paying for the abortions of poor black women?
We could end abortion overnight if we just did two things.

1. Liberals start shaming and protesting the ending of innocent human lives.

2. Conservatives offer to pay for abortions of women who can't afford them.

Keep planned parenthood open, men even go there , stop the spread of VD's, cervical ca, and HIV. If a women wants an abortion make it cheap enough she can pay for it. But no, the GOP doesn't give a crap, just money for Title X and they have to show a need for aid when they go there so I've read.
Margaret Sanger, founder of PPP, knew that abortion was immoral, why don't you?
That is bs, the republicans are not generous, the GOP doesn't want or care about healthcare. Also make sure you have that baby, and then your on your own.
Atheists have never been known for their local community outreach groups. Churches are.

Not true and she is not an atheist. Many atheist are givers. They seem to care more about life, since they do not count and live for the here after. What if there is no hereafter, this is all there is, that is how one should live. Dead people do not bring or need money.
I never said she was an atheist. My point is that conservatives tend to believe in a higher power and liberals tend to be atheists. Of the two groups, the religious are more charitable.

I'm sorry not the GOP religious.
Especially the GOP religious. Now, are you going to tell me why you don't believe it is immoral to end an innocent human life?

My opinion is not going to be forced on someone else, people feel different. I have not walked in their shoes.
Atheists have never been known for their local community outreach groups. Churches are.

Not true and she is not an atheist. Many atheist are givers. They seem to care more about life, since they do not count and live for the here after. What if there is no hereafter, this is all there is, that is how one should live. Dead people do not bring or need money.
I never said she was an atheist. My point is that conservatives tend to believe in a higher power and liberals tend to be atheists. Of the two groups, the religious are more charitable.

I'm sorry not the GOP religious.
Especially the GOP religious. Now, are you going to tell me why you don't believe it is immoral to end an innocent human life?

My opinion is not going to be forced on someone else, people feel different. I have not walked in their shoes.
I'm not asking you to walk in her shoes. I am asking you to walk in your shoes. Margaret Sanger believed abortion was immoral. Why don't you believe that abortion is immoral?
We could end abortion overnight if we just did two things.

1. Liberals start shaming and protesting the ending of innocent human lives.

2. Conservatives offer to pay for abortions of women who can't afford them.

And you got rid of abstinence-only programmes and realise that young people like to fuck.
Can you imagine the furor that would be raised if Republicans started paying for the abortions of poor black women?

Yes and no.

I do see your point.

However, I don't think a lot of people would think that much into it. Ironically, some may even see it as an entitlement. That's how invested into that ideology they really are.
We could end abortion overnight if we just did two things.

1. Liberals start shaming and protesting the ending of innocent human lives.

2. Conservatives offer to pay for abortions of women who can't afford them.

Keep planned parenthood open, men even go there , stop the spread of VD's, cervical ca, and HIV. If a women wants an abortion make it cheap enough she can pay for it. But no, the GOP doesn't give a crap, just money for Title X and they have to show a need for aid when they go there so I've read.
Margaret Sanger, founder of PPP, knew that abortion was immoral, why don't you?

I am pro choice. Who are you to judge another. I imagine your pro the death penalty as well.
Can you imagine the furor that would be raised if Republicans started paying for the abortions of poor black women?

Depends if the women wanted them. If so, no...
Really? You don't think they would think they were being racist?

It's a false scenario. It would never happen. Now, if they offered it to every woman regardless of race, I don't think it would be a problem
In one simple quote, Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. sums up the hypocrisy of many in the 'pro-life' movement:

"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."

This quote applies well to many Republican lawmakers who continue to introduce/pass restrictive misogynist laws against woman's reproductive rights. At the same time, the GOP works to shut down women's health clinics, with a special vengeance towards Planned Parenthood (#StandWithPP). You don't hear of these Right Wing anti-choice

Catholic Nun Explains Pro-Life In A Way That Will Stun Many (Especially Republican Lawmakers)

Well said and so true.
Let me see if I can break this down for you. You are the one who is uncaring and worried about paying more money.
Can you imagine the furor that would be raised if Republicans started paying for the abortions of poor black women?

Depends if the women wanted them. If so, no...
Really? You don't think they would think they were being racist?

It's a false scenario. It would never happen. Now, if they offered it to every woman regardless of race, I don't think it would be a problem
Then you probably love the abortion language in the Democratic Party Platform. Eugenicists focused on poor people. They knew they would get more than the fair share of persons of color. | Planned Parenthood
We could end abortion overnight if we just did two things.

1. Liberals start shaming and protesting the ending of innocent human lives.

2. Conservatives offer to pay for abortions of women who can't afford them.

Keep planned parenthood open, men even go there , stop the spread of VD's, cervical ca, and HIV. If a women wants an abortion make it cheap enough she can pay for it. But no, the GOP doesn't give a crap, just money for Title X and they have to show a need for aid when they go there so I've read.
Margaret Sanger, founder of PPP, knew that abortion was immoral, why don't you?

I am pro choice. Who are you to judge another. I imagine your pro the death penalty as well.
You are skipping steps. Do you believe it is moral to end the life of an innocent human being? Yes or no?

No, I am not pro-death penalty. I am not judging you. I am asking you questions.
That's bullshit. Pro lifers are deeply generous.

That is bs, the republicans are not generous, the GOP doesn't want or care about healthcare. Also make sure you have that baby, and then your on your own.

Fuck off dude. You are a leech.

There you go, I hit a nerve or the sister did.

Yeah you did. But you didn't prove your point. You never will. Not on a message board and not in real life. You are hyperbolic stating pile of shit that doesn't have a clue what they are talking about. Libs are irresponsible leeches who don't do anything to help humanity or even those closest to them. They try to force others to do it in theory, but it never happens because they don't know anything about responsibility or compassion. It's pathetic and it will never change.
Then you probably love the abortion language in the Democratic Party Platform. Eugenicists focused on poor people. They knew they would get more than the fair share of persons of color. | Planned Parenthood

I'm against abortion, but believe in a woman's right to choose....

That's about as fucking idiotic as someone saying "I'm against child molestation but I believe in everyone having the right to choose that too"

What's the fucking difference?

An abortion is a form of molestation too, you know.

Does an aborted child escape "unmolested" from the procedure?

They don't. Do they.
I'm against abortion, but believe in a woman's right to choose.
Why are you against abortion?

Because I saw a programme once on people looking for their birth mothers. And this young lady was on who was given up for adoption. She found her birth mother and found out that she had her when she was 13. The young lady broke down when she realised that under a large majority of situations she would have been aborted. The one thing she wanted to say to her birth mother was "thanks for having me"...

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