Sister sums up the hypocrisy of many in the pro life movement

That's about as fucking idiotic as someone saying "I'm against child molestation but I believe in everyone having the right to choose that too"

What's the fucking difference?

An abortion is a form of molestation too, you know.

Does an aborted child escape "unmolested" from the procedure?

They don't. Do they.

A lady asks me "should I have an abortion?"

My answer is "no, but it's up to you."

I'm not that emotional about the subject to be honest.....

And no, it is nothing like molestation...
That's about as fucking idiotic as someone saying "I'm against child molestation but I believe in everyone having the right to choose that too"

What's the fucking difference?

An abortion is a form of molestation too, you know.

Does an aborted child escape "unmolested" from the procedure?

They don't. Do they.

A lady asks me "should I have an abortion?"

My answer is "no, but it's up to you."

I'm not that emotional about the subject to be honest.....

And no, it is nothing like molestation...

It is.

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In one simple quote, Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. sums up the hypocrisy of many in the 'pro-life' movement:

"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."

This quote applies well to many Republican lawmakers who continue to introduce/pass restrictive misogynist laws against woman's reproductive rights. At the same time, the GOP works to shut down women's health clinics, with a special vengeance towards Planned Parenthood (#StandWithPP). You don't hear of these Right Wing anti-choice

Catholic Nun Explains Pro-Life In A Way That Will Stun Many (Especially Republican Lawmakers)

Well said and so true.

Not only is that sister an idiot, she so blinded by her own ideology to see that not all who oppose abortions are coming from a religious or from an "all life is sacred" point of view.

She's an idiot even more so because she's blindly bought into the idea that tax dollars are the ONLY indicator of how much a society cares about someone or something.

That is BS, most Gop would rather kick a homeless person than feed them. Most of the GOP , republicans that I know are very well off and love their money. Also people with money are the tightwads, hate to pay taxes. Isn't that what the GOP is about , lowering taxes, taking away Medicaid and healthcare.
That's a really stupid thing to say.
No contradiction:

I oppose abortion as the taking of an innocent life.

I do not think that I, as a taxpayer, am financially responsible for supporting other people's children, absent extraordinary circumstances. (Death or catastrophic illness of a parent).

I support the death penalty.

No hypocrisy or contradiction.

The nun at the top of this thread is a child, emotionally, who has never experienced financial responsibility. No one to be handing out advice on public policy.
In one simple quote, Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. sums up the hypocrisy of many in the 'pro-life' movement:

"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."

This quote applies well to many Republican lawmakers who continue to introduce/pass restrictive misogynist laws against woman's reproductive rights. At the same time, the GOP works to shut down women's health clinics, with a special vengeance towards Planned Parenthood (#StandWithPP). You don't hear of these Right Wing anti-choice

Catholic Nun Explains Pro-Life In A Way That Will Stun Many (Especially Republican Lawmakers)

Well said and so true.
If any single woman could go out and get a job that could afford to raise a child properly by herself I'd be much much much more open to the pro life movement.

I would say the woman is selfish but with how much it takes to raise a child I see why young girls choose to get abortions.

Many pro life people can afford an unexpected grandbaby and deep down they want it. What about the women who don't want it?

Again, if these women could have the baby and lead a comfortable life, or if I thought these women would raise good citizens I'd be more pro life.

Look at Detroit schools. All the white pro lifers don't want their tax dollars going to Detroit schools but they want young poor inner city women having children who will be forced to attend these shithole.

And they are asking poor uneducated women to be smart and safe. Lol.
In one simple quote, Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. sums up the hypocrisy of many in the 'pro-life' movement:

"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."

This quote applies well to many Republican lawmakers who continue to introduce/pass restrictive misogynist laws against woman's reproductive rights. At the same time, the GOP works to shut down women's health clinics, with a special vengeance towards Planned Parenthood (#StandWithPP). You don't hear of these Right Wing anti-choice

Catholic Nun Explains Pro-Life In A Way That Will Stun Many (Especially Republican Lawmakers)

Well said and so true.

Not only is that sister an idiot, she so blinded by her own ideology to see that not all who oppose abortions are coming from a religious or from an "all life is sacred" point of view.

She's an idiot even more so because she's blindly bought into the idea that tax dollars are the ONLY indicator of how much a society cares about someone or something.

That is BS, most Gop would rather kick a homeless person than feed them. Most of the GOP , republicans that I know are very well off and love their money. Also people with money are the tightwads, hate to pay taxes. Isn't that what the GOP is about , lowering taxes, taking away Medicaid and healthcare.
That's a really stupid thing to say.

Really look no further than your president. And those around him. Then tell me I'm stupid.
Equating life in society with the life of animals in the wild is not only absurd, it is hallucinogenic. And complaining that 'abortion kills' while tax dollars rain death upon thousands of innocent women and children is obscenely hypocritical. When one participates in society, one makes decisions about life and death every day, albeit by proxy. The desire to control the choice and destiny of a young woman whom we do not know and whose problems we cannot comprehend is way down the list of essential action.
No contradiction:

I oppose abortion as the taking of an innocent life.

I do not think that I, as a taxpayer, am financially responsible for supporting other people's children, absent extraordinary circumstances. (Death or catastrophic illness of a parent).

I support the death penalty.

No hypocrisy or contradiction.

The nun at the top of this thread is a child, emotionally, who has never experienced financial responsibility. No one to be handing out advice on public policy.

There you go, hypocrite. What the heck do you think taxes are for? You make someone have a baby and then say, there now become a druggy or get on with whatever you do. So your pro the death penalty, wow and yet pro life.
That's bullshit. Pro lifers are deeply generous.
So they can afford to have a child. I'm pro life too when a person is financially and mentally capable of raising a child.

How come pro lifers aren't pro going green? Thousands of people die from pollution every year. Why don't you people care about those lives?

Same reason. You don't want to pay to go green. Saving those lives would cost you so you want to keep on burning fossil fuels.

Start valuing humans that are born and walking around.

Remember that baby has a 50℅ chance of being a liberal. Would you really care if I was aborted?
That's bullshit. Pro lifers are deeply generous.
So they can afford to have a child. I'm pro life too when a person is financially and mentally capable of raising a child.

How come pro lifers aren't pro going green? Thousands of people die from pollution every year. Why don't you people care about those lives?

Same reason. You don't want to pay to go green. Saving those lives would cost you so you want to keep on burning fossil fuels.

Start valuing humans that are born and walking around.

Remember that baby has a 50℅ chance of being a liberal. Would you really care if I was aborted?
Start valuing humans that are born and walking around.

Good point!
That's bullshit. Pro lifers are deeply generous.
So they can afford to have a child. I'm pro life too when a person is financially and mentally capable of raising a child.

How come pro lifers aren't pro going green? Thousands of people die from pollution every year. Why don't you people care about those lives?

Same reason. You don't want to pay to go green. Saving those lives would cost you so you want to keep on burning fossil fuels.

Start valuing humans that are born and walking around.

Remember that baby has a 50℅ chance of being a liberal. Would you really care if I was aborted?
Start valuing humans that are born and walking around.

Good point!
But even in a perfect world I'm pro choice. I would just like to reduce the number of women who get abortions by

A. Having parents do a better job raising their kids. American parents are lazy.

B. Having an economy where Americans can afford to have kids

C. Providing free birth control to people who qualified for Obamacare so they don't get prego
In one simple quote, Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. sums up the hypocrisy of many in the 'pro-life' movement:

"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."

This quote applies well to many Republican lawmakers who continue to introduce/pass restrictive misogynist laws against woman's reproductive rights. At the same time, the GOP works to shut down women's health clinics, with a special vengeance towards Planned Parenthood (#StandWithPP). You don't hear of these Right Wing anti-choice

Catholic Nun Explains Pro-Life In A Way That Will Stun Many (Especially Republican Lawmakers)

Well said and so true.

Not only is that sister an idiot, she so blinded by her own ideology to see that not all who oppose abortions are coming from a religious or from an "all life is sacred" point of view.

She's an idiot even more so because she's blindly bought into the idea that tax dollars are the ONLY indicator of how much a society cares about someone or something.

That is BS, most Gop would rather kick a homeless person than feed them. Most of the GOP , republicans that I know are very well off and love their money. Also people with money are the tightwads, hate to pay taxes. Isn't that what the GOP is about , lowering taxes, taking away Medicaid and healthcare.
That's a really stupid thing to say.

Really look no further than your president. And those around him. Then tell me I'm stupid.
I was commenting on what you said, not on you, but if the shoe fits..

Tell you what, where are Republicans taking away healthcare?
Well said and so true.

Not only is that sister an idiot, she so blinded by her own ideology to see that not all who oppose abortions are coming from a religious or from an "all life is sacred" point of view.

She's an idiot even more so because she's blindly bought into the idea that tax dollars are the ONLY indicator of how much a society cares about someone or something.

That is BS, most Gop would rather kick a homeless person than feed them. Most of the GOP , republicans that I know are very well off and love their money. Also people with money are the tightwads, hate to pay taxes. Isn't that what the GOP is about , lowering taxes, taking away Medicaid and healthcare.
That's a really stupid thing to say.

Really look no further than your president. And those around him. Then tell me I'm stupid.
I was commenting on what you said, not on you, but if the shoe fits..

Tell you what, where are Republicans taking away healthcare?

Everywhere they control the state, look at Wyoming, Texas, etc.
That's bullshit. Pro lifers are deeply generous.
So they can afford to have a child. I'm pro life too when a person is financially and mentally capable of raising a child.

How come pro lifers aren't pro going green? Thousands of people die from pollution every year. Why don't you people care about those lives?

Same reason. You don't want to pay to go green. Saving those lives would cost you so you want to keep on burning fossil fuels.

Start valuing humans that are born and walking around.

Remember that baby has a 50℅ chance of being a liberal. Would you really care if I was aborted?
Start valuing humans that are born and walking around.

Good point!
But even in a perfect world I'm pro choice. I would just like to reduce the number of women who get abortions by

A. Having parents do a better job raising their kids. American parents are lazy.

B. Having an economy where Americans can afford to have kids

C. Providing free birth control to people who qualified for Obamacare so they don't get prego

Yes, I go one step further, I am anti the spread of VD's. Free or cheap condoms. If they are going to engage in sex , be protected.
Not only is that sister an idiot, she so blinded by her own ideology to see that not all who oppose abortions are coming from a religious or from an "all life is sacred" point of view.

She's an idiot even more so because she's blindly bought into the idea that tax dollars are the ONLY indicator of how much a society cares about someone or something.

That is BS, most Gop would rather kick a homeless person than feed them. Most of the GOP , republicans that I know are very well off and love their money. Also people with money are the tightwads, hate to pay taxes. Isn't that what the GOP is about , lowering taxes, taking away Medicaid and healthcare.
That's a really stupid thing to say.

Really look no further than your president. And those around him. Then tell me I'm stupid.
I was commenting on what you said, not on you, but if the shoe fits..

Tell you what, where are Republicans taking away healthcare?

Everywhere they control the state, look at Wyoming, Texas, etc.
They're turning people away from hospitals now? "Sorry, but the Republicans have told us we can't treat your mother's cancer any more". Can you be a little more specific?
That is BS, most Gop would rather kick a homeless person than feed them. Most of the GOP , republicans that I know are very well off and love their money. Also people with money are the tightwads, hate to pay taxes. Isn't that what the GOP is about , lowering taxes, taking away Medicaid and healthcare.
That's a really stupid thing to say.

Really look no further than your president. And those around him. Then tell me I'm stupid.
I was commenting on what you said, not on you, but if the shoe fits..

Tell you what, where are Republicans taking away healthcare?

Everywhere they control the state, look at Wyoming, Texas, etc.
They're turning people away from hospitals now? "Sorry, but the Republicans have told us we can't treat your mother's cancer any more". Can you be a little more specific?

Good luck with that. ER's are not treatment centers for Ca.
That's a really stupid thing to say.

Really look no further than your president. And those around him. Then tell me I'm stupid.
I was commenting on what you said, not on you, but if the shoe fits..

Tell you what, where are Republicans taking away healthcare?

Everywhere they control the state, look at Wyoming, Texas, etc.
They're turning people away from hospitals now? "Sorry, but the Republicans have told us we can't treat your mother's cancer any more". Can you be a little more specific?

Good luck with that. ER's are not treatment centers for Ca.
So, no specifics then? Just a general feeling that they must be because they're like, all evil, and stuff?

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