Six Israeli UAVs Downed in Southern Syria


Nov 14, 2012
Five of these drones downed themselves. Officially, Israel shits its pants over the Hezbollah presence, but Hezbollah is currently fighting Islamist terrorists and not IDF soldiers.

"The Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Armored Division recovered six unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) near the Dara’a Governorate city of Izra’a on Sunday after soldiers from the army base watched one of the drones crash along the Dara’a-Izra’a Highway.

According to a military source from the 5th Armored Division, the six drones discovered by the Syrian Arab Army’s 5th Armored Division had belonged to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Five of the six drones had crash landed by themselves, while the final drone was downed by the soldiers from the SAA’s 5th Division after they received reports of an aircraft circling the Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) training camps in the Rif Dimashq Governorate’s southern countryside near the Dara’a Governorate border.

These Israeli drones were all recovered by the Syrian Armed Forces before sundown on Sunday, marking the first time the latter has captured this many UAVs in 24 hours.

Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) both train the Palestinian Islamic Jihad forces in southern Syria – once they complete their training, they are smuggled back into the West Bank in order to begin operations against the Israeli Defense Forces.

Two months ago, the Israeli Air Force carried out a dozen airstrikes over the Al-Quneitra and Rif Dimashq Governorate’s in response to an alleged missile strike in Upper Galilee – the IDF Spokesmen claimed the Syrian Government was responsible for this attack because they harbor the PIJ training camps."
Article from an "Arab source" which doesn't even say how they identified them as Israeli. How pathetic is that. The drones probably belonged to Hezbollah or Iranian made. Israel is never that incompetent to loose six drones, their drones are among the best in the world.
Article from an "Arab source" which doesn't even say how they identified them as Israeli. How pathetic is that. The drones probably belonged to Hezbollah or Iranian made. Israel is never that incompetent to loose six drones, their drones are among the best in the world.

well----they did once claim that a tagged pigeon-----(tagged for purposes of
zoological study) was a MOSSAD AGENT....... so it is not clear just what
they are calling "drones" now. Remember the "TRAINED SNAKES---
trained to bite arabs only"??? Our dear cousins are a bit reality challenged
Article from an "Arab source" which doesn't even say how they identified them as Israeli. How pathetic is that. The drones probably belonged to Hezbollah or Iranian made. Israel is never that incompetent to loose six drones, their drones are among the best in the world.
So, you please provide a reason why this story is made up.
Maybe the drones are looking for more underground bunkers that the UN overseers didn't notice were being built about a decade ago.
Article from an "Arab source" which doesn't even say how they identified them as Israeli. How pathetic is that. The drones probably belonged to Hezbollah or Iranian made. Israel is never that incompetent to loose six drones, their drones are among the best in the world.
So, you please provide a reason why this story is made up.

it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
Article from an "Arab source" which doesn't even say how they identified them as Israeli. How pathetic is that. The drones probably belonged to Hezbollah or Iranian made. Israel is never that incompetent to loose six drones, their drones are among the best in the world.
So, you please provide a reason why this story is made up.

it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".
Article from an "Arab source" which doesn't even say how they identified them as Israeli. How pathetic is that. The drones probably belonged to Hezbollah or Iranian made. Israel is never that incompetent to loose six drones, their drones are among the best in the world.
So, you please provide a reason why this story is made up.

it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".

is that the best you can do, captain blei? You have a problem facing
the fact that you are an islamo Nazi propagandaist-------by ideology,
lingo, and style of sophistry. ------a virtual clone of ARIBERT HEIM
Article from an "Arab source" which doesn't even say how they identified them as Israeli. How pathetic is that. The drones probably belonged to Hezbollah or Iranian made. Israel is never that incompetent to loose six drones, their drones are among the best in the world.
So, you please provide a reason why this story is made up.

it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".

is that the best you can do, captain blei? You have a problem facing
the fact that you are an islamo Nazi propagandaist-------by ideology,
lingo, and style of sophistry. ------a virtual clone of ARIBERT HEIM
I am not a propagandist at all. I am just complaisantly following the Syrians defending their country and I bring reliable news, not propaganda like ISIS-Sally brings.
Article from an "Arab source" which doesn't even say how they identified them as Israeli. How pathetic is that. The drones probably belonged to Hezbollah or Iranian made. Israel is never that incompetent to loose six drones, their drones are among the best in the world.
So, you please provide a reason why this story is made up.

it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".

is that the best you can do, captain blei? You have a problem facing
the fact that you are an islamo Nazi propagandaist-------by ideology,
lingo, and style of sophistry. ------a virtual clone of ARIBERT HEIM
I am not a propagandist at all. I am just complaisantly following the Syrians defending their country and I bring reliable news, not propaganda like ISIS-Sally brings.
What are those Syrians going to do when/if the islamist jihads get control? You think that will be better? o_O
Article from an "Arab source" which doesn't even say how they identified them as Israeli. How pathetic is that. The drones probably belonged to Hezbollah or Iranian made. Israel is never that incompetent to loose six drones, their drones are among the best in the world.
So, you please provide a reason why this story is made up.

it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".

is that the best you can do, captain blei? You have a problem facing
the fact that you are an islamo Nazi propagandaist-------by ideology,
lingo, and style of sophistry. ------a virtual clone of ARIBERT HEIM
I am not a propagandist at all. I am just complaisantly following the Syrians defending their country and I bring reliable news, not propaganda like ISIS-Sally brings.

no you don't-----you cite propaganda and INTERPRET news in the style
of a typical islamo Nazi propagandaist
So, you please provide a reason why this story is made up.

it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".

is that the best you can do, captain blei? You have a problem facing
the fact that you are an islamo Nazi propagandaist-------by ideology,
lingo, and style of sophistry. ------a virtual clone of ARIBERT HEIM
I am not a propagandist at all. I am just complaisantly following the Syrians defending their country and I bring reliable news, not propaganda like ISIS-Sally brings.
What are those Syrians going to do when/if the islamist jihads get control? You think that will be better? o_O

Captain Blei has supported the BAATHISTS------baathism is the arab answer
to Nazism. It is consistent with the SHARIAH STATE in that it allows non-
muslim MONOTHEISTS to live as second class citizens The ruling class
are ARAB MUSLIMS------not even non-arab muslims------they must be the ELITE
UBER-MENSCHEN arab-muslims. Token non muslims do get to have positions if they are faithful to the ARAB/MUSLIM UBER ALLES ideology-----
it is a hop and a skip away from A CALIPHATE. In order to understand how it works--------try to remember-----the CALIPHATE includes dhimmis-----who
are Christians and jews------in the glorious status of DHIMMIA. Saddam Hussein
was an ardent BAATHIST-------as was GAMEL ABDEL NASSER ------and the
famous baby throat slitter-------GRAND MUFTI AL HUSSEINI-----a firm friend
and ally of Adolf Hitler who fully endorsed BAATHISM -------Russians like
Baathists too
So, you please provide a reason why this story is made up.

it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".

is that the best you can do, captain blei? You have a problem facing
the fact that you are an islamo Nazi propagandaist-------by ideology,
lingo, and style of sophistry. ------a virtual clone of ARIBERT HEIM
I am not a propagandist at all. I am just complaisantly following the Syrians defending their country and I bring reliable news, not propaganda like ISIS-Sally brings.
What are those Syrians going to do when/if the islamist jihads get control? You think that will be better? o_O
You should not lay to much weight in irosie´s posts, especially when she calls me an "Islamo Nazi". I am pro Assad.
it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".

is that the best you can do, captain blei? You have a problem facing
the fact that you are an islamo Nazi propagandaist-------by ideology,
lingo, and style of sophistry. ------a virtual clone of ARIBERT HEIM
I am not a propagandist at all. I am just complaisantly following the Syrians defending their country and I bring reliable news, not propaganda like ISIS-Sally brings.
What are those Syrians going to do when/if the islamist jihads get control? You think that will be better? o_O
You should not lay to much weight in irosie´s posts, especially when she calls me an "Islamo Nazi". I am pro Assad.
My apologies! :)
So, you please provide a reason why this story is made up.

it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".

is that the best you can do, captain blei? You have a problem facing
the fact that you are an islamo Nazi propagandaist-------by ideology,
lingo, and style of sophistry. ------a virtual clone of ARIBERT HEIM
I am not a propagandist at all. I am just complaisantly following the Syrians defending their country and I bring reliable news, not propaganda like ISIS-Sally brings.

no you don't-----you cite propaganda and INTERPRET news in the style
of a typical islamo Nazi propagandaist
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".

is that the best you can do, captain blei? You have a problem facing
the fact that you are an islamo Nazi propagandaist-------by ideology,
lingo, and style of sophistry. ------a virtual clone of ARIBERT HEIM
I am not a propagandist at all. I am just complaisantly following the Syrians defending their country and I bring reliable news, not propaganda like ISIS-Sally brings.
What are those Syrians going to do when/if the islamist jihads get control? You think that will be better? o_O
You should not lay to much weight in irosie´s posts, especially when she calls me an "Islamo Nazi". I am pro Assad.
My apologies! :)
Accepted :)
it should be obvious to you-----Captain blei----just review your handbook of
islamo Nazi propaganda. WHO GAINS POLITICAL HAY FROM THE
STORY? <<<< a very frequently used bit of sophistry found in the pile of
crap which is your propaganda and frequently utilized by islamo Nazis on this
board I will provide an example------"Israel supports the fignt to put Assad
down because Israel benefits in that it opens Syria to Israeli conquest" <<<example of islamo Nazi shit propaganda style.
This is a forum, not a toilet you bogus zionist drone that calls everyone an "Islamo Nazi".

is that the best you can do, captain blei? You have a problem facing
the fact that you are an islamo Nazi propagandaist-------by ideology,
lingo, and style of sophistry. ------a virtual clone of ARIBERT HEIM
I am not a propagandist at all. I am just complaisantly following the Syrians defending their country and I bring reliable news, not propaganda like ISIS-Sally brings.
What are those Syrians going to do when/if the islamist jihads get control? You think that will be better? o_O
You should not lay to much weight in irosie´s posts, especially when she calls me an "Islamo Nazi". I am pro Assad.

Assad is a BAATHIST------Baathism is the ideology which galvanized the reality that the ONLY book translated into Arabic in the whole decade of the 1930s was
Mein Kampf ----- Its early adherents were firm supporters of ADOLF HITLER
and his--------agenda

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