Six more countries join Trump-busting Iran barter group

the IAEA and most of the intelligence agencies of the west are convinced

They have not convinced me. Human nature combined with a penchant for totalitarianism with a grounding in religion does not engender trust on my part.

Reference our current load of Democrats.
Six more countries join Trump-busting Iran barter group

Paris, London and Berlin on Saturday welcomed six new European countries to the Instex barter mechanism, which is designed to circumvent US sanctions against trade with Iran by avoiding use of the dollar.

“As founding shareholders of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (Instex), France, Germany and the United Kingdom warmly welcome the decision taken by the governments of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, to join Instex as shareholders,” the three said in a joint statement.

The Paris-based Instex functions as a clearing house that allows Iran to continue to sell oil and import other products or services in exchange.

I would hope that the stupid orange fuck would get the message but that is unlikely in the short time he has left.

So you support a murderous regime who boycotts their own peoples freedom and freedom of information.
England is known for appeasing dictators, seems you would have learned by now Tommy. Dont give in, don't be so damn weak.

Well old fella. On the one side you have Crazy Donny and on the other side you have the Western World. Who are you going to trust ?
The side that has had nukes and not used them. What do terrorists do with bombs dummy? Oh yeah. They use them.
You have got to be one of the stupidest people on the planet.
I love how US rightard dumbfucks imply the US has not used nukes. One wouldn't believe it if one didn't read it.
And Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden?
The point is that this organisation is a massive failure for Trumps diplomacy. It makes his action redundant, reduces American influence and all because he hated Obama. Madness.
While it's morally uplifting and everything it is essentially meaningless until actual transactions are regularly accomplished.
Can you folks possibly focus on issue w/out spinning off into the ozone?

There will be consequences, of course.
You're kidding, of course.

There will be no consequences because tRump doesn't care. All he wanted was the headline so you twits would pat him on the head. Now that that part is over he won't even notice.
So you support a murderous regime who boycotts their own peoples freedom and freedom of information.

Lets start by taking care of the worst one. The biggest threat to the world.. IRAN. then we wont be forced to side with other petty dictators. As it is , we need the Saudis less as we are producing our own oil in record amounts.
This isnt the Obama administration any more.
We'll notice if the $$ is knocked of as global fiat Crepitus...~S~
Lets start by taking care of the worst one. The biggest threat to the world.. IRAN.
By supporting a murderous regime who boycotts their own peoples freedom and freedom of information? Well, why should US foreign policy change now?
Lets start by taking care of the worst one. The biggest threat to the world.. IRAN.
Only in the echo chamber...

August 1, 2017

Globally, more people see U.S. power and influence as a major threat

Across 30 nations surveyed by Pew Research Center both in 2013 and this spring, a median of 38% now say U.S. power and influence poses a major threat to their country, up 13 percentage points from 2013.
U.S. power increasingly seen as threat to countries
Six more countries join Trump-busting Iran barter group

Paris, London and Berlin on Saturday welcomed six new European countries to the Instex barter mechanism, which is designed to circumvent US sanctions against trade with Iran by avoiding use of the dollar.

“As founding shareholders of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (Instex), France, Germany and the United Kingdom warmly welcome the decision taken by the governments of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, to join Instex as shareholders,” the three said in a joint statement.

The Paris-based Instex functions as a clearing house that allows Iran to continue to sell oil and import other products or services in exchange.

I would hope that the stupid orange fuck would get the message but that is unlikely in the short time he has left.

Yeah... because it was French missile as well as anti-aircraft systems that supplied Iraq when Saddam was invading his neighbors.
Proud of that are you?
The Swiss also sell electronic weaponry systems to the Middle East.... can't stop that!!!
Interesting to see you support the continuance of global weaponizing by the Europeans.

The Swiss exported a whopping $20 million in weapons to Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Pakistan (which is technically not in the Middle East), most of them armored vehicles. Where did you get that information and what does this have to do with Iran?

You do know that Sweden is not Swiss right?

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