Sixth grade homework assignment: design a new socialist/communist flag


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Teachers and government are seeking to indoctrinate children as early as possible. They aren't taught how wonderful our country has always been or why the fact that we have rights, freedom and liberty set us apart from others. Now they are taught that Christianity is wrong and capitalism is evil. It's not about discussing the various forms of government, along with the pros and cons. They just teach that one is right and others are wrong. It's nothing but brainwashing. Religion should not be taught in school, pro or con, because the schools certainly don't understand everything and some things should remain the responsibility of parents. As far as those who teach evolution, that is merely opinion. There are so many subjects, like the basics, to delve into and ones that are merely conjecture have no place in school.

Now some students are being asked to design a new flag. Something tells me the winner might get a free trip to Washington when Obama chooses the winner who will design our country's new flag after his agenda is complete. I don't think socialism/communism need a new flag. Just steal one off a pirate ship. Black with a skull and crossbones ought to do it.

Sixth grade homework assignment: design a new socialist/communist flag

Remember the Sixth grade? I do. I was assigned to read Johnny Tremain. Set during the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, the novel taught kids about the Boston Tea Party, the British blockade of Boston, and Paul Revere's ride. I remember thinking that, for something a teacher was forcing me to read, it was pretty good. That's high praise from an 11-year-old.

Times have changed. It looks like Tremain is out and socialism is in.
Check out this assignment, given to 6th grade students in Austin Texas.
Notice socialist/communist nations use symbolism on their flags representing various aspects of their economic system. Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag. Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag. What kind of symbolism/colors would you use?
According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the activity caught the attention of the Texas legislature, which immediately began questioning just what the heck their kids are being taught.

“Members of the Senate Education Committee on Thursday grilled the creators of a curriculum system used across Texas that critics say promotes anti-American values and stifles classroom flexibility. “Committee Chairman Dan Patrick, R-Houston, called it ‘a mess.’ One witness compared the system to "mind control," and an algebra teacher wept as he described quitting because he felt he was ‘aiding and abetting a crime’ by using CSCOPE in his classroom.
Politics: Sixth grade homework assignment: design a new socialist/communist flag | CainTV
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"Liberal, anti-Christian values"

:rolleyes: send in the drama llama.Before long we'll be pointing fingers at our neighbors, declaring them "commies" and calling homeland security to rat them out.
Just a note, this is the same system that all those chain emails went out about that said it was full of Muslim indoctrination, and then when a Texas school district took those silly emails seriously and investigated, they found a Christian bias in the system.
Just a note, this is the same system that all those chain emails went out about that said it was full of Muslim indoctrination, and then when a Texas school district took those silly emails seriously and investigated, they found a Christian bias in the system.

manufactured outrage
They aren't taught how wonderful our country has always been ...

someone is mentioning slavery in the Red states ... and that it was abolished ?
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Check out this assignment, given to 6th grade students in Austin Texas.
Notice socialist/communist nations use symbolism on their flags representing various aspects of their economic system. Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag. Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag. What kind of symbolism/colors would you use?

The assignment seems to allow for the child to use negative images to symbolize some of the negative aspects of socialism/communism.

Do you see anywhere in the assignment that requires the children to depict communism/socialism in a positive light?

kneejerk peckerwoods in Texas ??????

I'm stunned.
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Teachers and government are seeking to indoctrinate children as early as possible. They aren't taught how wonderful our country has always been or why the fact that we have rights, freedom and liberty set us apart from others. Now they are taught that Christianity is wrong and capitalism is evil. It's not about discussing the various forms of government, along with the pros and cons. They just teach that one is right and others are wrong. It's nothing but brainwashing. Religion should not be taught in school, pro or con, because the schools certainly don't understand everything and some things should remain the responsibility of parents. As far as those who teach evolution, that is merely opinion. There are so many subjects, like the basics, to delve into and ones that are merely conjecture have no place in school.

Now some students are being asked to design a new flag. Something tells me the winner might get a free trip to Washington when Obama chooses the winner who will design our country's new flag after his agenda is complete. I don't think socialism/communism need a new flag. Just steal one off a pirate ship. Black with a skull and crossbones ought to do it.

Sixth grade homework assignment: design a new socialist/communist flag

Remember the Sixth grade? I do. I was assigned to read Johnny Tremain. Set during the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, the novel taught kids about the Boston Tea Party, the British blockade of Boston, and Paul Revere's ride. I remember thinking that, for something a teacher was forcing me to read, it was pretty good. That's high praise from an 11-year-old.

Times have changed. It looks like Tremain is out and socialism is in.
Check out this assignment, given to 6th grade students in Austin Texas.
Notice socialist/communist nations use symbolism on their flags representing various aspects of their economic system. Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag. Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag. What kind of symbolism/colors would you use?
According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the activity caught the attention of the Texas legislature, which immediately began questioning just what the heck their kids are being taught.

“ Members of the Senate Education Committee on Thursday grilled the creators of a curriculum system used across Texas that critics say promotes anti-American values and stifles classroom flexibility. “Committee Chairman Dan Patrick, R-Houston, called it ‘a mess.’ One witness compared the system to "mind control," and an algebra teacher wept as he described quitting because he felt he was ‘aiding and abetting a crime’ by using CSCOPE in his classroom.
Politics: Sixth grade homework assignment: design a new socialist/communist flag | CainTV

Ah, Tex ass. The only ones who stifle classroom flexibility are the "Members of the Senate Education Committee."

A string of witnesses before the Senate Education Committee criticized the program for promoting liberal values

Note that the NAME of the class is omitted, and GAWD forbid students should learn about ANY part of the rest of the world (irrelevant!) or of other political isms that influence that irrelevant outer world. Teaching children about symbolism is also bad, bad, BAD, because they might just learn how it is used to sell THEM things, ideas, propaganda...

You SAD cow.
CSCOPE has some real problems, not enough training for teachers, not enough time to acclimate students, not enough flexibility in the system, a very high cost to school districts,to name a few. However, it was created by Texas educators and reviewed by Texas state legislators, so the attempt to suggest this system is a liberal plot to corrupt children to socialism is pretty damn stupid.
"Liberal, anti-Christian values"

:rolleyes: send in the drama llama.Before long we'll be pointing fingers at our neighbors, declaring them "commies" and calling homeland security to rat them out.

Actually, AttachWatch, or rather the site that replaced it, has it the other way around. The commies are reporting that their neighbors are ex-military, gun-owning, flag-waving, constitution-loving righties and then we get put on Homeland Security's watch list or reported to Obama's website so he knows who his enemies are.

I've been told numerous times by liberal posters that they reported me to the WH site because I failed to worship Obama.

Now, you tell me who the real snitches are around here.
"Liberal, anti-Christian values"

:rolleyes: send in the drama llama.Before long we'll be pointing fingers at our neighbors, declaring them "commies" and calling homeland security to rat them out.

Actually, AttachWatch, or rather the site that replaced it, has it the other way around. The commies are reporting that their neighbors are ex-military, gun-owning, flag-waving, constitution-loving righties and then we get put on Homeland Security's watch list or reported to Obama's website so he knows who his enemies are.

I've been told numerous times by liberal posters that they reported me to the WH site because I failed to worship Obama.

Now, you tell me who the real snitches are around here.

I am truly sorry that so many people have scared you so badly in order to get you to vote for them.
"Liberal, anti-Christian values"

:rolleyes: send in the drama llama.Before long we'll be pointing fingers at our neighbors, declaring them "commies" and calling homeland security to rat them out.
The system is already set up for that. DHS: "If you SEE something, SAY something".
"Liberal, anti-Christian values"

:rolleyes: send in the drama llama.Before long we'll be pointing fingers at our neighbors, declaring them "commies" and calling homeland security to rat them out.

well, you see that their revisionist history is already trying to pretend mccarthy and his HUAC weren't scum.
Just a note, this is the same system that all those chain emails went out about that said it was full of Muslim indoctrination, and then when a Texas school district took those silly emails seriously and investigated, they found a Christian bias in the system.

Really?! Is that how John Walker Lindh was indoctrinated into becoming a radical muslim terrorist in the public school system of California? From being indoctrinated by a pseudo islam that taught christian bias? Get serious! Disinformation isn't going to work here, the islamic agenda in texas schools, california, etc is well known, Amynation! As is the Marxist one!
Clearly living in the republican heartland translates to lots of Muslims thrusting their socialist agenda onto innocent schoolchildren.
Just a note, this is the same system that all those chain emails went out about that said it was full of Muslim indoctrination, and then when a Texas school district took those silly emails seriously and investigated, they found a Christian bias in the system.

Really?! Is that how John Walker Lindh was indoctrinated into becoming a radical muslim terrorist in the public school system of California? From being indoctrinated by a pseudo islam that taught christian bias? Get serious! Disinformation isn't going to work here, the islamic agenda in texas schools, california, etc is well known, Amynation! As is the Marxist one!

This is probably as funny a post as I've seen on these boards in a long while. And THAT is saying something.
"Liberal, anti-Christian values"

:rolleyes: send in the drama llama.Before long we'll be pointing fingers at our neighbors, declaring them "commies" and calling homeland security to rat them out.

well, you see that their revisionist history is already trying to pretend mccarthy and his HUAC weren't scum.

oh you mean the people they accused were all...innocent? or that there were no communists in high gov. positions etc.?:eusa_eh:

for the record mcarthy had HUGE issues and was a part of some of the darker side of what went down and I agree there were objectionable issues to be sure.

But then you do know that HUAC stands for HOUSE etc etc . committee....not SENATE, so they were scum to? Congressman Nixon? Chambers etc.?
Texas Lesson Plan Instructs Students to Design Flags for a ?New Socialist Nation? |

TheBlaze’s Mike Opelka previously reported that the same curriculum, CSCOPE, also includes a lesson plan that calls the Boston Tea Party an act of “terrorism.”

As far as accurate definitions go, from the aspect of the East India Trading Company and the CROWN, it WAS an act of terrorism. If the territories had LOST the insurrection

A violent uprising against an authority or government: "opposition to the new regime led to armed insurrection".
rebellion - revolt - uprising - insurgency - rising

that was the American Revolution, it still WOULD be.

To the victor went the definition of terms,
once upon a time.
Teachers and government are seeking to indoctrinate children as early as possible.

By teaching them about the history of communism? Teaching them about the symbols on the flag and getting them to think about other symbols.

You know, teaching them how to think...

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