Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2015
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.
I have noticed a amazing increase in generic prescription drugs prices. From 10 dollars pre Obama health care law to 110, roughly. How is that affordable? I don't know how that affects specialize drugs for rare diseases, but it doesn't bode well. I know it is costly to craft and produce drugs, But I am wondering what the hell is going on here with the drug industry.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.

You will support what ever the far left tells you to support.

"Universal" Healthcare does not exist anywhere.. much money does it take to go from " Wow...we need a drug for this disease" to actually having the pill for the disease......tell us that aint cheap....and it takes a lot of time in person's actually create the pill....sure, the Canadians, and the other socialist countries can manufacture pills for pennies....but actually creating that first pill that will cure or alleviate the disease....cost hundreds of millions....and so many hours of a researchers life.....

and you bitch about them making money to do, you chain them to their work station and force them to create the pill...right? What are the odds those miracle pills will be made?

I think about people when they are sick, or when they have a sick child they want cured....they sit there, and pray, (the atheists sit there in silence) and think...I would give all I have in the world to cure my child of this disease.......

And then the child is cured and then should they say..."Hey Doc.....thanks for saving the life of my child....or hey, thanks Pharma company for making that miracle pill....but.....why are you driving that nice car and living in that nice house.....?"

I have no problem with people making money to make these cures....and almost all companies have "compassionate" use programs for people who need their medicine....and you know what Socialist....why don't you get off your ass and open up your wallet....go to the local hospital and give all of your disposable income to the needy.........but just want to take it from the people actually creating the cures.....

How big of you....
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients
Yep so see affordable care can't be accomplished. Obamacare was descended to fail and anyone with a brain saw it coming.
I thought Obama fixed all this?
He did something, what that something was, we can debate. Cost people their jobs for various reason and situations, and drove up health care costs and drug prices. Trying to help the poor at the expense of productive people, one hell of a trade off. But the drug industry always had a category called orphan drugs, and they have always been sketchy on non profitable drugs, that had nothing to do with Obama.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients
That is what happens when you make the process excessively expensive. It is also what happens when you have to subsidize the rest of the planet.
And naturally people blame the healthcare. What about the price gouging from the pharmaceuticals?
Stupid people.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

This is what happens when you insert the middle man of insurance to pay for routine goods and services. The price inflates to absurd levels.
So...does anyone here work for free? so the pharma workers should work for free?the clerks, the janitors the security guards, the lab assistants.....who pays their salaries the entire time no money is coming in because they haven't discovered the cure to put in pill form....? and how long should they work for free? and once they have worked for free for however many say that once the pill is created.....they shouldn't get any reward from all that work and sacrifice?
I am curious Socialist.....why don't you start your own drug it the way you think drug companies should be run...give your miracle pills to whoever you want for free........why don't you do that?
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

This is what happens when you insert the middle man of insurance to pay for routine goods and services. The price inflates to absurd levels.
Yeah what you really want is a middle man of government instead because they know how to fix things.
Sophisticated drugs are opening the door, scientists say, to an era of "precision medicine."

They're also ushering in an age of astronomical prices.

New cancer drugs are routinely priced at more than $100,000 a year — nearly twice the average household income.

Experimental cholesterol drugs — widely predicted to be approved this summer — could cost $10,000 a year

A drug for a subset of people of cystic fibrosis, a lung disease that kills most patients by their early 40s, commands more than $300,000 a year.

Even with insurance, patients might pay thousands of dollars a month out of pocket.

For many people, care for cancer and other serious diseases is "a doorway to bankruptcy or poverty," said Timothy Turnham, executive director of the Melanoma Research Foundation. "It's a tremendous economic burden."

But patients aren't the only ones paying.

Taxpayers underwrite the cost of prescription drugs provided by Medicare, Medicaid and other public insurance programs.

Spending on prescription drugs last year reached a record-breaking $374 billion, up 13% from 2013, with the largest percentage increase in more than a decade, said Clare Krusing,spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans. Almost half of that increase came from drugs launched in the past two years.
Continued here: Skyrocketing drug prices leave cures out of reach for some patients

You should not have supported Obamacare..
Fuck obamacare, why do you assume I support a system that goes through private sectors? I want universal healthcare.

You will support what ever the far left tells you to support.

"Universal" Healthcare does not exist anywhere..
You're a moron. WHO Universal health coverage
Fuck Obamacare, Fuck Universal health coverage. We can't cure everyone of everything especially when we let all the riffraff in our borders.

Change the laws so we can buy, over the internet, drugs from Canada, legally. I like Canada's version of the FDA and I trust them. Shouldn't it be up to the buyer to pick and choose? Then local drug sales will have to drop to match prices with Canada's or lose business.

Make all drugs legal to purchase by an informed buyer. Get rid of all victimless crimes laws and empty out our prisons of those who don't need to be there.
Fuck Obamacare, Fuck Universal health coverage. We can't cure everyone of everything especially when we let all the riffraff in our borders.

Change the laws so we can buy, over the internet, drugs from Canada, legally. I like Canada's version of the FDA and I trust them. Shouldn't it be up to the buyer to pick and choose? Then local drug sales will have to drop to match prices with Canada's or lose business.

Make all drugs legal to purchase by an informed buyer. Get rid of all victimless crimes laws and empty out our prisons of those who don't need to be there.
Fuck universal healthcare?
WHO Universal health coverage UHC

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