Slate exposes the "Medicare for All" lie being pushed by Democrats

Do you have a list of the countries that have healthcare for all that are considering a switch to a U.S. style insurance based healthcare system?
Um, no.

Not sure what that has to do with the dishonesty pointed out by Slate.
So you can't come up with an example?
I think any fool could think of an example. well, except you, apparently.

Spare me your troll exercise. You will just merel;y say, "but anyone has access to that, you can just go t an emergency room"... which is moronic, because that costs a lot more, and it is a lie anyway, regarding preventive medicine. No, you can't just go to an emergency room for a blood workup and a wellness check.

Right, but you can pay money to go get a check up. It's not that expensive. I've done it. You go in, pay $100 bucks at most, and they give you a quick check up.

In fact, one doctor only charged me $50.

Are you seriously suggesting that if someone wants to see a doctor, and works a full time job, they can't afford to save up just a $100? Most of those people have a cell phone bill that is higher than $100. Most spend more on a eating out, than a $100 in a month. When I was working part time at McDonald's in high school, I saved up more than a $100.

They do have access to health care, if they want it.

On top of that, this country has a wide selection of low cost, or no-cost government run clinics. There is one down the street from me.

You can go there, even if you have zero money.

Further, you stupidly talk about getting blood work done. Since when do you have a check up that includes a random blood draw and lab work? Never. I've never been to a random check up, and had them draw blood.

If you go into a clinic with an actual problem, then they might draw blood. But if you have an actual problem, you can go to the ER, and they'll do blood work there too.

Lastly, you left-wingers seem to live in this fantasy world, where if people have free care, they'll just randomly wander into a doctors office and have every possible illness discovered.

This is mythology. People avoid the doctors in countries where it is free, just as they do here where it costs money. They are not going to go to the doctors until they know they have a problem, whether it costs money or not.

Why do you think insurance companies push people to use free checkups? Because people by default, don't.

There is no magical preventative care services that are not "accessible" by the poorest in this country. It is all a left-wing lie. And you can tell it's a lie, because of how much a childish jerk you turned into, for me just asking a question. When their first reaction to someone asking them a question, is to become an arrogant snot, you know that they know, that they are full of crap.
If you`ve never had blood drawn for a random or yearly checkup your check up was a waste of time and money. Perhaps your doctor got his medical degree from the Trump University medical school.
Um, no.

Not sure what that has to do with the dishonesty pointed out by Slate.

That you guys keep claiming single payer could never, ever happen, when other countries have done it just fine.
"Expand the current Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all, with graduated coverage as we age. Maintain the current and popular free market component, and take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers."

If you take the massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers, who picks up the tab? I'm guessing the American taxpayers, true? And how is the current free market component going to compete with an expanded Medicare system that is mostly paid for by the gov't?

All I see is a giant clusterfuck.

Anyone who wants Govt. in charge of healthcare for 300 million Americans is an idiot.

You will have long waits. Paperwork and red tape up the ass.

Not to mention the cost. You will be paying for every swinging dick and vagina who can't or won't pay for themselves.

It would be a lose, lose for American tax payers.
So you can't come up with an example?
I think any fool could think of an example. well, except you, apparently.

Spare me your troll exercise. You will just merel;y say, "but anyone has access to that, you can just go t an emergency room"... which is moronic, because that costs a lot more, and it is a lie anyway, regarding preventive medicine. No, you can't just go to an emergency room for a blood workup and a wellness check.

Right, but you can pay money to go get a check up. It's not that expensive. I've done it. You go in, pay $100 bucks at most, and they give you a quick check up.

In fact, one doctor only charged me $50.

Are you seriously suggesting that if someone wants to see a doctor, and works a full time job, they can't afford to save up just a $100? Most of those people have a cell phone bill that is higher than $100. Most spend more on a eating out, than a $100 in a month. When I was working part time at McDonald's in high school, I saved up more than a $100.

They do have access to health care, if they want it.

On top of that, this country has a wide selection of low cost, or no-cost government run clinics. There is one down the street from me.

You can go there, even if you have zero money.

Further, you stupidly talk about getting blood work done. Since when do you have a check up that includes a random blood draw and lab work? Never. I've never been to a random check up, and had them draw blood.

If you go into a clinic with an actual problem, then they might draw blood. But if you have an actual problem, you can go to the ER, and they'll do blood work there too.

Lastly, you left-wingers seem to live in this fantasy world, where if people have free care, they'll just randomly wander into a doctors office and have every possible illness discovered.

This is mythology. People avoid the doctors in countries where it is free, just as they do here where it costs money. They are not going to go to the doctors until they know they have a problem, whether it costs money or not.

Why do you think insurance companies push people to use free checkups? Because people by default, don't.

There is no magical preventative care services that are not "accessible" by the poorest in this country. It is all a left-wing lie. And you can tell it's a lie, because of how much a childish jerk you turned into, for me just asking a question. When their first reaction to someone asking them a question, is to become an arrogant snot, you know that they know, that they are full of crap.
If you`ve never had blood drawn for a random or yearly checkup your check up was a waste of time and money. Perhaps your doctor got his medical degree from the Trump University medical school.

Never. In all the years that I've been going to the doctor, not one time in dozens, across multiple doctors, not once did they draw blood on a simple checkup.

Now let me be honest, I have not gone to a doctor in 10 years now. So perhaps that is something more standard today, than when I was in my 30s. I don't know. You could be right. But I've never had blood drawn without a reason.
Um, no.

Not sure what that has to do with the dishonesty pointed out by Slate.

That you guys keep claiming single payer could never, ever happen, when other countries have done it just fine.

Here's a list of all the countries that have single payer health care and do just fine:

How cowardly of you. I asked for a list of countries with single payer that want to copy our system and you scurried away. Case closed.
Um, no.

Not sure what that has to do with the dishonesty pointed out by Slate.

That you guys keep claiming single payer could never, ever happen, when other countries have done it just fine.

Here's a list of all the countries that have single payer health care and do just fine:

How cowardly of you. I asked for a list of countries with single payer that want to copy our system and you scurried away. Case closed.
I'm right here.

And you keep trying to change the subject of the thread.

How cowardly of you.

Case closed.
Um, no.

Not sure what that has to do with the dishonesty pointed out by Slate.

That you guys keep claiming single payer could never, ever happen, when other countries have done it just fine.

Here's a list of all the countries that have single payer health care and do just fine:

How cowardly of you. I asked for a list of countries with single payer that want to copy our system and you scurried away. Case closed.
I'm right here.

And you keep trying to change the subject of the thread.

How cowardly of you.

Case closed.
The subject is universal health care/ Medicare for all. People that have it don`t want what we have. Problem?
Um, no.

Not sure what that has to do with the dishonesty pointed out by Slate.

That you guys keep claiming single payer could never, ever happen, when other countries have done it just fine.

Here's a list of all the countries that have single payer health care and do just fine:

How cowardly of you. I asked for a list of countries with single payer that want to copy our system and you scurried away. Case closed.
I'm right here.

And you keep trying to change the subject of the thread.

How cowardly of you.

Case closed.
The subject is universal health care/ Medicare for all. People that have it don`t want what we have. Problem?
The subject is how the Democrats are lying.

Which is why you're trying to clumsily to deflect.
Not sure what that has to do with the dishonesty pointed out by Slate.
Could you state it, specifically? Americans getting confused does not equal a lie.
The article states it.

But because you're being obtuse (standard stuff for wingers), you'll pretend not to see that. No matter what. Period.

You have a tribe to protect. I get it. I just don't have to play the game.
The article states it.
At no point does the article explicitly state a lie.

It does imply that Americans think the dems are talking about a public option, as opposed to simply eliminating private insurance, but stops short saying the Dems are actually stating this, or trying to fool people into thinking it.. Is this the "lie" to which you refer? I ask honestly, because you really have not been clear.

It's a simple question, bro. Try to maintain your composure.
The article states it.
At no point does the article explicitly state a lie.

It does imply that Americans think the dems are talking about a public option, as opposed to simply eliminating private insurance. Is this the "lie" to which you refer? I ask honestly, because you really have not been clear.

It's a simple question, bro.
I've pointed it out several times, bro.

Read the thread, bro.
I've pointed it out several times, bro.
Then point it out one more time for me, because i can't find it. How hard is that? Again, try to maintain your composure. A moment ago you tried to keep people focused on this topic. Now, suddenly, you don't want to state it. How odd.

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