Slate: You are a racist if you don't date other races

I dated the Rainbow of humanity and I'm not a racist. So that Slate article is 100% correct! :eusa_clap:
Im certain there have been more then a few dim witted folks out there who have had relations with other races just to PROVE to themselves they arent racist....pathetically comical
If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

If you are going to go by "definition" then it doesn't qualify as racist. Racism involves trying to hold people down based on their race. It doesn't have anything to do with dating preferences. If a guy likes women with blonde hair or a woman prefers tall men with a dark complexion, that isn't racist. It is just what they prefer.

No racism is defined by finding one or more races inferior in some context. It is a very broad definition. Malice and contempt is not necessary criteria for the definition.

That doesn't change the fact that "by definition" it isn't racist the have preferences as far as dating goes. If a person does hold that some races are "inferior" and others are "superior", then it is going to lead to racist actions if a person who thinks that way is ever in a position of power. If the white slave owners didn't fee superior, then they would have never felt good about owning slaves. If, in the 1950's, there wasn't a view that whites were superior, then they wouldn't have made blacks ride in the back of the bus or allowed them to be denied service at "white" establishments. Therefore, any person who feels their race is superior is going to be more likely to be a bystander when racist policies are being enacted or enforced.

All of that has nothing to do with dating preferences.
Are any of you able to grasp the complex concept that being racist in certain circumstances is your right, and in others it isn't?

Are you able to grasp the simple concepts that racism is stupid and being attracted to one person over another has absolutely nothing to do with racism?

How is making a decision based on race not racist?

Spoil alert: Any answer presented to liberal will end up with accusation of being racist or bigot.
If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.
Conscious refusal to date outside one's race would be categorical racism only if feelings of ethnic superiority, malice, or contempt is the motivating factor. But choosing to date only members of one's race on the basis of exclusive physical or personal appeal is a matter of natural impulse and should not be thought of as racism.

Actually both of those contexts are racist. Racism is defined by finding one or more races inferior in some context--attraction included. Malice is not necessary. We are talking about an objective defintion of a word. What is morally or socially acceptable does not have to be relevant.
"Racism" is perhaps the most overused, misused, and misunderstood word in the American lexicon.

My understanding of this controversial word is conscious exclusion or acceptance on the basis of the singular factor of race. So I reject your notion that physical attraction is a racist concept.

My ethnic lineage is German/Dutch. I'm an old man now but in my youth I was most attracted to Italian women. Would you say racism influenced that preference? If so it would seem you have some peculiar issues.

Are you Black?
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Teachers unions should be getting more funds from the dept of education so thT more focus can be applied to tolerance, diversity , and social justice issues... Lol
For the kiddies !!!
I dated one black girl, one time. It truly felt like I was with another species and she was really good looking. Dated a Filipino for a while, same deal. The cultural differences turned me off.

Married a nice honey of a White girl over twenty years ago. The right choice.
I know of many black guys who tell white women they're racist if they won't date them.

Black guys use racism to guilt white women, I want white women to know you're not racist if you don't want to date blacks.
I don't believe the guilt gimmick would work on a White woman who actually did not want the attentions of a Black man. But I do believe some White women who wish to make use of Black men as animated substitutes for vibrators and dildoes might find the racial guilt factor to be a convenient justification.
The most compassionate people on the planet are white women, and blacks use that compassion against them
One of my boyhood friends was a fellow who was short and had nothing going for him physically or otherwise. The agony of this fellow's existence was he couldn't get laid -- and it wasn't because he didn't try.

While I believe women are far more compassionate than men I don't believe compassion influences their choice of sex partners. White women who choose Black lovers and mates are motivated by libido -- not sympathy.
You people are letting the negative connotations interfere with your understanding of the definition of racism. Whether or not it is morally wrong to only date your race or certain races is irrelevant. The defintion of racism is the belief that one or more races is inferior in some context.

For instance, even though I have nothing against the hispanic race in general, I still find black women more attractive than Hispanic women. That, by defintion, is racist.

I can not date someone without assuming they are inferior to me, or anyone else. Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass.
Right - well, here's the thing. If you have to time travel to make your point? Don't bother.

Uhh, sorry. Those bills have your party's name written all over them. Democrats were against interracial marriage.

And again I say unto you, if you have to time travel to make your point - it's not worth making.

Can I quote you the next time you mention Jim Crow laws when someone objects to going to gay weddings?
I don't believe the guilt gimmick would work on a White woman who actually did not want the attentions of a Black man. But I do believe some White women who wish to make use of Black men as animated substitutes for vibrators and dildoes might find the racial guilt factor to be a convenient justification.
The most compassionate people on the planet are white women, and blacks use that compassion against them
One of my boyhood friends was a fellow who was short and had nothing going for him physically or otherwise. The agony of this fellow's existence was he couldn't get laid -- and it wasn't because he didn't try.

While I believe women are far more compassionate than men I don't believe compassion influences their choice of sex partners. White women who choose Black lovers and mates are motivated by libido -- not sympathy.

You never heard of the mercy fuck?

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