Slate: You are a racist if you don't date other races

Are you a homophobe if you don't date members of the same sex....I don't think so...
You people are letting the negative connotations interfere with your understanding of the definition of racism. Whether or not it is morally wrong to only date your race or certain races is irrelevant. The defintion of racism is the belief that one or more races is inferior in some context.

For instance, even though I have nothing against the hispanic race in general, I still find black women more attractive than Hispanic women. That, by defintion, is racist.

You are by definition an idiot. A "moderate" liberal, go figure.
My half brother finds white women unattractive. All of them. He has never dated a white woman. His first wife was black and he is now married to a Chinese national. Is he a racist?

Yes. To white women. An anti-caucasoid of sorts. May God have mercy on his racist soul.

Racist? For the most part I say no.

Stupid for not dating outside your race? Absolutely. Anyone who won't date out of their race has never been with an Latina. They are freaks in bed. I was big into Asians (specifically Japanese Women) back in day. I was with one black chick. Spring Break '99 on a house boat in Lake Havasu. Damn that was an awesome day!

Summary: Racist maybe, stupid absolutely!
So I dated several women of different races but married one of my race... am I a racist? I hope most threads here are more intelligent than this; otherwise, I wasted 30 seconds signing up!
her name was Karen, she had curves in places that made other women call her a bitch. She liked me b/c I was polite and protective.

she was nice to me, a lot nicer than the white chicks, shame I had to move.

Damn shame I was 18 while she was 25, didn't really know what the hell I was doing.

If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.

If you consciously decide not to date people of a particular race wouldn't that make you a racist?

How about if you don't date people outside your sex? Would that make you a sexist? Or does your lack of logic fall apart when confronted by the inherent contradictions of your position?

Are we actually now going to be required to have no personal preferences in what we find attractive? Really? Am I also a bigot if I refuse to date people outside of my religion? I'm not even going to ask about insisting on only dating people of one sex. :eusa_hand:

Hey, has anyone noticed that 100% of the men I've dated have been American?! :eek: Ohmigod, I'm xenophobic!
I don't really think my wife wants me dating anyone else. Though I suppose since she is technically biracial, I would qualify as a non-racist there.

Somehow, I seriously doubt you give a shit how anyone else qualifies you.

I know I don't. Tell them to kiss my ass.

You're right. I don't really care. I mostly find the dumb concept amusing.

I hate to break it to the left, but I don't date "white guys". I also don't date "black guys", or "Hispanic guys", or "Asian guys". I date guys. If I like them and find them attractive, I date them. I don't date them for their race or ethnicity. Are they more likely to be white? Slightly, I suppose, but only because they're slightly more likely to ask me.
Don't let the racists tell you who you should date.

Date whomever you want

Haven't we been doing that since the 60's?

I mean for God's sake should we outlaw same race relationships?

I know of many black guys who tell white women they're racist if they won't date them.

Black guys use racism to guilt white women, I want white women to know you're not racist if you don't want to date blacks.

I've had guys try that on me. My response is always, "It's not your skin color that bothers me. It's the fact that you're a douchebag that I can't get over."
Oh'well, I guess I am a bigot ;)

The girl I am with now is the same racial make up; mostly white with some native as I.

As I've mentioned on other occasions on this board, I didn't actually realize I was in an "interracial relationship" until someone pointed it out. I knew my husband was half-Chinese before I married him; I just hadn't given it any particular thought. I can still remember that moment, staring blankly at that woman while the association clicked in my head for the first time.
Somehow, I seriously doubt you give a shit how anyone else qualifies you.

I know I don't. Tell them to kiss my ass.

You're right. I don't really care. I mostly find the dumb concept amusing.

I hate to break it to the left, but I don't date "white guys". I also don't date "black guys", or "Hispanic guys", or "Asian guys". I date guys. If I like them and find them attractive, I date them. I don't date them for their race or ethnicity. Are they more likely to be white? Slightly, I suppose, but only because they're slightly more likely to ask me.

I agree. I dated women. Race didnt ever factor into it. I found some attractive and tried to date them. I found others unattractive and didn't. I only date one woman now. My wife. Despite her being biracial, im probably still racist because I dont think race matters. Go figure.
I suppose a White woman will have to date at least one White, one Black, one Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, one American Indian and one Asian to avoid being branded as a racist (Blacks and Whites are not the only races, you know). Black women would also be racist if they did not date White men and all the other aforementioned races.

Suggesting that a White women is racist if she doesn't have sex with a Black man may be a great pick-up line but it is one of the silliest things I've ever heard. Dating within one's race is not racism unless one is willing to redefine the word.

Here's what Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Clay) has to say about dating outside one's race.

[ame=]Muhammad Ali on interracial marriage and couples. White girls who like blacks must watch this video! - YouTube[/ame]

There are those who would contend that there is nothing wrong with a White woman dating exclusively within her own race if she is attracted only to those in her own race; however, it would be racist if she refused to even consider dating a Black man she was attracted to. I have a serious problem with this hair-splitting simply because I have never met a White woman who was attracted to a Black man but wouldn't consider dating him solely because of his race.

It doesn't make a helluva lot of sense that a woman would find a Black man physically and emotional attractive and at the same time view him as being unattractive or inferior. If a White woman finds a Black man to be more attractive than the White men in her life, what reason would she have for not dating the Black man? I can think of reasons but none involve racial discrimination on her part.

For example, I can remember a number of White women I talked to some time ago who wouldn't marry a Black man because they didn't want their mixed-race children to have problems (there was a time when such children were not treated as kindly as other children). Did this involve racism on their part? Of course not.

I also knew a White woman who fell in love with a Black man but was afraid to become involved because her father was extremely racist and she didn't want to tear up the family. She married a White man instead but years later, after her father and husband died she met another Black man and married him. Was there any racism on her part for not becoming involved with her first Black love? Of course not.

I also know of White women who were attracted to Black men but self-doubt kept them from becoming involved. These women were raised in White households and knew how to interact with other Whites, but they were uncertain of their ability to please a Black man. Does this involve racism on their part? No.

As I said, I have never known of a White women who found a Black man to be more attractive than all the White men in her life but refused to date or marry him solely because of his race. I am convinced that IF there are such women they are so damn few in number as to make this entire discussion meaningless.
Oh'well, I guess I am a bigot ;)

The girl I am with now is the same racial make up; mostly white with some native as I.

As I've mentioned on other occasions on this board, I didn't actually realize I was in an "interracial relationship" until someone pointed it out. I knew my husband was half-Chinese before I married him; I just hadn't given it any particular thought. I can still remember that moment, staring blankly at that woman while the association clicked in my head for the first time.


Chinese are a race now?

All by themselves dictated by governmental boundaries they're a "race"?

Can we here in the US just call ourselves a "race" once and for all?

We can call ourselves...

I don't know, let the pseudointellectual bed wetters on the left give us a name.

The rest of us in the real world will continue to call each other "mutts", and the bed wetters can keep calling us all "racists" in order to divide us, and everyone will be content hating each other for bullshit reasons.

I mean if it ain't broken... don't fuckin fix it.
Oh'well, I guess I am a bigot ;)

The girl I am with now is the same racial make up; mostly white with some native as I.

As I've mentioned on other occasions on this board, I didn't actually realize I was in an "interracial relationship" until someone pointed it out. I knew my husband was half-Chinese before I married him; I just hadn't given it any particular thought. I can still remember that moment, staring blankly at that woman while the association clicked in my head for the first time.


Chinese are a race now?

All by themselves dictated by governmental boundaries they're a "race"?

Can we here in the US just call ourselves a "race" once and for all?

We can call ourselves...

I don't know, let the pseudointellectual bed wetters on the left give us a name.

The rest of us in the real world will continue to call each other "mutts", and the bed wetters can keep calling us all "racists" in order to divide us, and everyone will be content hating each other for bullshit reasons.

I mean if it ain't broken... don't fuckin fix it.

"Asian" is a race, as you very well know. My ex-husband is Asian, and specifically his family is from the island of Taiwan, which was colonized and populated by people from China, which is on the continent of Asia.

Pointless silliness and deliberate obtuseness are neither effective nor productive.

If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.
Conscious refusal to date outside one's race would be categorical racism only if feelings of ethnic superiority, malice, or contempt is the motivating factor. But choosing to date only members of one's race on the basis of exclusive physical or personal appeal is a matter of natural impulse and should not be thought of as racism.

Actually both of those contexts are racist. Racism is defined by finding one or more races inferior in some context--attraction included. Malice is not necessary. We are talking about an objective defintion of a word. What is morally or socially acceptable does not have to be relevant.
You apparently are saying if I do not find Black women sexually attractive I'm a racist. Or if a Black woman doesn't find White men sexually attractive she is a racist. Is that what you believe?

If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.
Conscious refusal to date outside one's race would be categorical racism only if feelings of ethnic superiority, malice, or contempt is the motivating factor. But choosing to date only members of one's race on the basis of exclusive physical or personal appeal is a matter of natural impulse and should not be thought of as racism.

Actually both of those contexts are racist. Racism is defined by finding one or more races inferior in some context--attraction included. Malice is not necessary. We are talking about an objective defintion of a word. What is morally or socially acceptable does not have to be relevant.
You apparently are saying if I do not find Black women sexually attractive I'm a racist. Or if a Black woman doesn't find White men sexually attractive she is a racist. Is that what you believe?
Yes. Strictly speaking that is racist. The definition does not have to have negative connotations to be racist.

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