Slavery Reparations is immoral

Slavery Reparations is immoral and unreasonable

Cory Booker introduces Senate bill on slavery reparations

Cory Booker was introduced a Senate bill on slavery reparations. There are also other 2020 Democrat candidates who are talking about reparations. Booker, Harris, Warren and Sanders are all talking about Slavery Reparation.

Candidates edge toward discussing slavery reparations

Not all people of color in the United States are descended from slaves, and not all are impoverished. It’s also expensive and would cost the U.S. government $6 trillion to as much as $14 trillion. University of Connecticut professor Thomas Craemer arrived at that range by calculating the value of slave labor at prevailing wages from 1776 to 1865, compounded at 3 percent annually.

Slavery Reparations is immoral because it would punish innocent people and it would reward non-victims. There are no living slaves and there are no living slave owners. It would be like punishing a person for something that their friend did or a sibling did. It’s immoral to punish people for something that they had no control of. The Dem candidates are not just pandering for votes, they are trying to buy votes with your money. The constitution treats people as individuals, not as groups.

Just one more Leftist kowtow to the idiot blacks who buy into this shit just to get their votes. After the election, there will be no "slavery reparations."

Without this form of emotional bribery, the Left stands no chance to win at all.
Are blacks...uh, African-Americans so incredible stupid and gullible? Apparently the Dems think they are.
Africa Americans have learned absolutely nothing. The left still own you. Sad

Democrats used to control blacks with chains and whips. They lost the Civil War so now enslave them with race-propaganda, welfare, identity politics and SNAP cards.
whatever on that toobfreak, but here's something, the government's good at filling their heads with normalcy, when they're ex-muslims, 300,000 slave-samples, America couldn't afford 20 times like brazil, bred faster than population growth for 100 years, now are completely Normal, like you and me, governments are good at all that.
No man how is their party that is Defined by that blacks vote for them, anything but helping their constituency? that's totally crazy. I don't care what the topic sounds like, that's dumb
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Ya know...if that were the case and freed slaves had full rights after that war and Jim Crow never happened, that might be so.

But Jim Crow DID happen and it was in effect as recently as 40 years ago...and its legacy is still with us
WHAT was in effect as recently as 40 years ago ? And where ?

PS - Affirmative Action is not Jim Crow.
I smell "Dixie" in Polish Governor.... Horizontal Segregation with full representation in Liberia for African Americans!

So wait, we're all saying that the half of African americans in the North were in that Era better off than the Southern blacks in that Era?
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Slavery Reparations is immoral and unreasonable

Cory Booker introduces Senate bill on slavery reparations

Cory Booker was introduced a Senate bill on slavery reparations. There are also other 2020 Democrat candidates who are talking about reparations. Booker, Harris, Warren and Sanders are all talking about Slavery Reparation.

Candidates edge toward discussing slavery reparations

Not all people of color in the United States are descended from slaves, and not all are impoverished. It’s also expensive and would cost the U.S. government $6 trillion to as much as $14 trillion. University of Connecticut professor Thomas Craemer arrived at that range by calculating the value of slave labor at prevailing wages from 1776 to 1865, compounded at 3 percent annually.

Slavery Reparations is immoral because it would punish innocent people and it would reward non-victims. There are no living slaves and there are no living slave owners. It would be like punishing a person for something that their friend did or a sibling did. It’s immoral to punish people for something that they had no control of. The Dem candidates are not just pandering for votes, they are trying to buy votes with your money. The constitution treats people as individuals, not as groups.

Just one more Leftist kowtow to the idiot blacks who buy into this shit just to get their votes. After the election, there will be no "slavery reparations."

Without this form of emotional bribery, the Left stands no chance to win at all.
Are blacks...uh, African-Americans so incredible stupid and gullible? Apparently the Dems think they are.
Africa Americans have learned absolutely nothing. The left still own you. Sad

Democrats used to control blacks with chains and whips. They lost the Civil War so now enslave them with race-propaganda, welfare, identity politics and SNAP cards.
Fk an A
no one alive ever owned any black people. how is that our problem? please provide links.
You know that feeling of horror and rage you get when a confederate statue is removed? That's kind of how it is for black people when people like you tell them the past does not matter.
Which blacks alive today were slaves under those confederates? Name one
I'm not really arguing in favor of reparations because they could be all sorts of things, just an end to the total denial of the past and an end to the ugly racism of the counter-argument.
Then tell Jesse Jackson al sharpton to go away. Get the balls to tell the left to fk off
Again you feel black people should just sit down and shut-up, not going to happen.
Those democrat blacks are bought and paid for by white demolosers. Yeah, they should shut up. They encourage black slavery. Dude I live in the city where they are the most oppressed. So don’t tell me anything. Fk dude, they don’t do anything to stop them from shooting each other. Oh, the dems still own the KKK
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Slavery Reparations is immoral and unreasonable

Cory Booker introduces Senate bill on slavery reparations

Cory Booker was introduced a Senate bill on slavery reparations. There are also other 2020 Democrat candidates who are talking about reparations. Booker, Harris, Warren and Sanders are all talking about Slavery Reparation.

Candidates edge toward discussing slavery reparations

Not all people of color in the United States are descended from slaves, and not all are impoverished. It’s also expensive and would cost the U.S. government $6 trillion to as much as $14 trillion. University of Connecticut professor Thomas Craemer arrived at that range by calculating the value of slave labor at prevailing wages from 1776 to 1865, compounded at 3 percent annually.

Slavery Reparations is immoral because it would punish innocent people and it would reward non-victims. There are no living slaves and there are no living slave owners. It would be like punishing a person for something that their friend did or a sibling did. It’s immoral to punish people for something that they had no control of. The Dem candidates are not just pandering for votes, they are trying to buy votes with your money. The constitution treats people as individuals, not as groups.
Who exactly would it punish & how?
Let's be honest, "slavery" was the greatest thing ever for Black folks. Otherwise they would be in mud huts fighting over the dominant tribe female and resorting to homosexual activity when that failed. And no, they did not have any empires ever. Sorry mentally ill Afro Centrists! LOL
Dimocrat candidates know they may lose a percentage point or two of black voters to Trump whose economy has created the lowest unemployment rate ever for their community.
These candidates figure if they wave this red meat of reparations in front of these black voters, they'll remain on the plantation.
Nobody is getting slavery reparations.

You are oh so correct.

I don't know anyone who was a slave, nor do I know anyone who owned slaves. Those folks have been dead for 150 years.

Reparations my ass.

Do you know anybody who was made to walk the trail of tears or anyone that made them walk?

Do you know anyone alive during the Dawes Act?

Because you paid reparations to them and you do so annually.

We will get reparations.
What we'll get is a STUDY. That's what this is about.

What is the lingering effect of slavery and Jim Crow...

What can be reasonably done to mitigate those effects.

who knows. Maybe the study will say what the racists are saying...that there are no lingering effects or that there is nothing that can be done.
Nobody is getting slavery reparations.

You are oh so correct.

I don't know anyone who was a slave, nor do I know anyone who owned slaves. Those folks have been dead for 150 years.

Reparations my ass.

Do you know anybody who was made to walk the trail of tears or anyone that made them walk?

Do you know anyone alive during the Dawes Act?

Because you paid reparations to them and you do so annually.

We will get reparations.

Good luck with that you dumb fuck.

Oh and I'm pretty sure some of my Cherokee ancestors walked the trail of tears. I never got reparations nor did I seek them. Ancient history.

Piss off.
What we'll get is a STUDY. That's what this is about.

What is the lingering effect of slavery and Jim Crow...

What can be reasonably done to mitigate those effects.

who knows. Maybe the study will say what the racists are saying...that there are no lingering effects or that there is nothing that can be done.

Yep, this is a study.

Now let me drop a small fact in this for the opposition.

Special Field Orders, No. 15 (series 1865) were military orders issued during the American Civil War, on January 16, 1865, by General William Tecumseh Sherman, commander of the Military Division of the Mississippi of the United States Army.[1] They provided for the confiscation of 400,000 acres (1,600 km2) of land along the Atlantic coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida and the dividing of it into parcels of not more than 40 acres (0.16 km2),[2] on which were to be settled approximately 18,000 formerly enslaved families and other Blacks then living in the area.

The orders were issued following Sherman's March to the Sea. They were intended to address the immediate problem of dealing with the tens of thousands of black refugees who had joined Sherman's march in search of protection and sustenance, and "to assure the harmony of action in the area of operations".[3] His intention was for the order to be a temporary measure to address an immediate problem, and not to grant permanent ownership of the land to the freedmen, although most of the recipients assumed otherwise.[4] General Sherman issued his orders four days after meeting in Savannah, Georgia with twenty local black ministers and lay leaders and with U.S. Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton. Brig. Gen. Rufus Saxton, an abolitionist from Massachusetts who had previously organized the recruitment of black soldiers for the Union Army, was put in charge of implementing the orders.[5]

The orders had little concrete effect, and President Andrew Johnson issued a proclamation that returned the lands to southern owners that took a loyalty oath.

Special Field Orders No. 15 - Wikipedia

The reality of this situation is that blacks were promised reparations after slavery and the President decided to break the promise.

This order is part of the Official Records of the American Civil War. It can be found in Series I — Military Operations, Volume XLVII, Part II, Pages 60–62. The volume was published in 1895.
Nobody is getting slavery reparations.

You are oh so correct.

I don't know anyone who was a slave, nor do I know anyone who owned slaves. Those folks have been dead for 150 years.

Reparations my ass.

Do you know anybody who was made to walk the trail of tears or anyone that made them walk?

Do you know anyone alive during the Dawes Act?

Because you paid reparations to them and you do so annually.

We will get reparations.

Good luck with that you dumb fuck.

Oh and I'm pretty sure some of my Cherokee ancestors walked the trail of tears. I never got reparations nor did I seek them. Ancient history.

Piss off.

You're white. And today you are paying annual reparations to native American nations for that ancient history.

That's my point you stupid b....
Nobody is getting slavery reparations.

You are oh so correct.

I don't know anyone who was a slave, nor do I know anyone who owned slaves. Those folks have been dead for 150 years.

Reparations my ass.

Do you know anybody who was made to walk the trail of tears or anyone that made them walk?

Do you know anyone alive during the Dawes Act?

Because you paid reparations to them and you do so annually.

We will get reparations.

Good luck with that you dumb fuck.

Oh and I'm pretty sure some of my Cherokee ancestors walked the trail of tears. I never got reparations nor did I seek them. Ancient history.

Piss off.

You're white. And today you are paying annual reparations to native American nations for that ancient history.

That's my point you stupid b....

Sure we are. They have their reservations. Land they own. They have treaties with the Government. Those treaties are binding.

Oh and I'm white and I have Cherokee blood as well.

That's my point you fucking idiot.
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

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