Zone1 Slavery Was Never About Racism.

It also took the deadliest war this country has ever fought, and hopefully ever will. That shows the resistance to ending slavery.
Those states left the union. The goal of Lincoln was to keep all states as part of the USA, if that meant freeing, zero, 1 or all slaves so be it. All they had to do was compensate slave owners for their loss of property and a civil war likely would have been avoided. That's what Britain did in their colonies.
Those states left the union. The goal of Lincoln was to keep all states as part of the USA, if that meant freeing, zero, 1 or all slaves so be it. All they had to do was compensate slave owners for their loss of property and a civil war likely would have been avoided. That's what Britain did in their colonies.
Right, and that is why we ended it and actually, as an independent nation, we had slavery exist for a very short period of time.... much shorter that any other major nation. The historical fact of slavery is used a lot by LeftWingers as a wedge issue even today as they try to use it to prove how racist we all are. thats why there are some of you who say that the LAW itself is racist, police departments are racist and were formed as a racist institution from the very begining, designed to hunt down runaway slaves...etc.
While your correct slavery was a sin of our nation, it needs to be kept real.
Slavery existed in America for 150 years before the country was founded and almost 100 years after
Even after we abolished slavery we maintained second class citizenship of blacks for an additional 100 years

It is part of who we are and is part of our culture and history that should not be whitewashed
Those states left the union. The goal of Lincoln was to keep all states as part of the USA, if that meant freeing, zero, 1 or all slaves so be it. All they had to do was compensate slave owners for their loss of property and a civil war likely would have been avoided. That's what Britain did in their colonies.
Lincoln also talked of repatriating former slaves back to Africa, which most black people say proves Lincoln was racist, but perhaps Honest Abe wanted what was best for these freed people, although generations had already grown up in the United States.
Lincoln also talked of repatriating former slaves back to Africa, which most black people say proves Lincoln was racist, but perhaps Honest Abe wanted what was best for these freed people, although generations had already grown up in the United States.
Something like that I thought it was in Latin America somewhere but there was Liberia but they might not have wanted them. There were already integrated Blacks in the North, but they general idea was likely are they going to be able to feed themselves etc.
Those states left the union. The goal of Lincoln was to keep all states as part of the USA, if that meant freeing, zero, 1 or all slaves so be it. All they had to do was compensate slave owners for their loss of property and a civil war likely would have been avoided. That's what Britain did in their colonies.
The slaves gave the Southern States too much political power for them to give up slavery. Each piece of mobile, sentient property gave the southern states three fifths of a vote in the HoR as a free Northern citizen. That's why the Southern states dominated the American government until the sequential waves of immigrants started arriving with the first coming from starving Ireland.
Dude, you don't care about slavery. You just use that part of this country's history as a virtuous hammer to bludgeon your conservative opponents over the heads with it. Except that it was your party that led us into a civil war over slavery, fer Christ's sake.
The "panic of 1837 moved America ever closer to a civil war as the south wanted no part of such a high risk financial system(speculative capital etc.). The drop in cotton prices hit the southern farmers HARD. The slave issue first surfaced in the north after Union troops got their read ends blown off of them by sharp shooting Confederate infantry! With DC being @ risk of being overrun by the Gray troops the Blue infantry needed a humanitarian/emotional issue to garner more support & manpower to be able to handle the tough as nails Confederate infantry. Bigoted racism did rear it's ugly head with the persecution of our American Indians(Trail of Tears etc.). Our Japanese citizens were also persecuted for their nationality shortly after America's entry into war with Japan.

Hopefully modern day Americans have learned their lesson about abusing their fellow humanity. You are correct as the southern Democrat elected officials played the now freed black slaves to their advantage by giving them lip service, all the while keeping the now freed former slaves as poverty stricken as possible. Slavery, indentured servitude & political pandering always is $$$$$/power & control oriented. The modern day political based racial pandering is WHY America still has government dependent welfare black ghettos. Read the links below about the "SEGRAGATED" 442nd Regimental Combat Team(Purple Heart Battalion), the BEST America ever fielded in combat like my HEROES!!!

To summarize: Throughout recorded history, there has always been slavery. Even today there are slaves, look at the Uyghurs in China, but of course on a much lesser scale than times past. We should all know this, and sadly, many in America only know of slavery occurring on this continent as a result of white Europeans. That's because Americans are woefully ignorant of world history.
There are more slaves today than at any other time in human history.
The "panic of 1837 moved America ever closer to a civil war as the south wanted no part of such a high risk financial system(speculative capital etc.). The drop in cotton prices hit the southern farmers HARD. The slave issue first surfaced in the north after Union troops got their read ends blown off of them by sharp shooting Confederate infantry! With DC being @ risk of being overrun by the Gray troops the Blue infantry needed a humanitarian/emotional issue to garner more support & manpower to be able to handle the tough as nails Confederate infantry. Bigoted racism did rear it's ugly head with the persecution of our American Indians(Trail of Tears etc.). Our Japanese citizens were also persecuted for their nationality shortly after America's entry into war with Japan.

Hopefully modern day Americans have learned their lesson about abusing their fellow humanity. You are correct as the southern Democrat elected officials played the now freed black slaves to their advantage by giving them lip service, all the while keeping the now freed former slaves as poverty stricken as possible. Slavery, indentured servitude & political pandering always is $$$$$/power & control oriented. The modern day political based racial pandering is WHY America still has government dependent welfare black ghettos. Read the links below about the "SEGRAGATED" 442nd Regimental Combat Team(Purple Heart Battalion), the BEST America ever fielded in combat like my HEROES!!!

what a crock you do not know the reality of the so called Japanese in it only applied to Japanese on the west coast to begin with and even those could have avoided interenment if they had chose to live anywhere but on the west coast.
Biden is also enabling the slavery of human trafficking with his idiotic border policies.
Americans are in great danger of being enslaved in the near future........either by China or Corporations whose power is steadily increasing to the point where they will take control under the guise of insuring law and order as we will see increasing domestic violence from groups like the BLM.

Our media of course is onboard with this as they are doing everything in their power(which is growing expotentially) to bring down the American Nation as we all have known and loved it.
Americans are in great danger of being enslaved in the near future........either by China or Corporations whose power is steadily increasing to the point where they will take control under the guise of insuring law and order as we will see increasing domestic violence from groups like the BLM.

Our media of course is onboard with this as they are doing everything in their power(which is growing expotentially) to bring down the American Nation as we all have known and loved it.
How is it we are in danger of being enslaved by China exactly?
How is it we are in danger of being enslaved by China exactly?
With the continued degradation of American Military Capability and or the inclination of a President who is little more than a stooge for china and apt to bow down and capitulate if China gives him an ultimatum of surrender Taiwan or we will nuke L.A. etc.etc.etc.

China has a very strong hand and they are exceedingly ruthless...whilst we have weak....very weak leadership ---who are inclined to claim and believe I suppose that China is not a threat.....aka...General Milley

The Chinese leadership plays Chess whilst biden would struggle with even a game of checkers....the next election will be the determing factor....if the American People as a whole remain dumbed down and once again elect those who have no interest in preserving America then you will see bold...very bold moves by China....which may come even before the next election.

We face very dark days.......and way too many out there are see them well represented on here.
With the continued degradation of American Military Capability and or the inclination of a President who is little more than a stooge for china and apt to bow down and capitulate if China gives him an ultimatum of surrender Taiwan or we will nuke L.A. etc.etc.etc.

China has a very strong hand and they are exceedingly ruthless...whilst we have weak....very weak leadership ---who are inclined to claim and believe I suppose that China is not a threat.....aka...General Milley

The Chinese leadership plays Chess whilst biden would struggle with even a game of checkers....the next election will be the determing factor....if the American People as a whole remain dumbed down and once again elect those who have no interest in preserving America then you will see bold...very bold moves by China....which may come even before the next election.

We face very dark days.......and way too many out there are see them well represented on here.
So tell me. How do the Chinese who have no real blue water Navy get enough Chinese soldiers anywhere near US shores to conquer and enslave the US population.
Chinas population is shrinking. They are a society in decline.
the subject is slavery,, not slavery in america,,

if you want to make it about us,, then you would have to talk about this country having slavery in a shorter time period than any other country in the world,,
Yes - absolutely,
take Tibet for example - an entire nation (slavery not subjected to any racial issue) and 80%+ it's own population enslaved by a cast of aristocrats and priests. For more then a millennia until Mao put end end to it.

And to McRib - there are no slaves in China, and also no Uighur slaves in Xinjiang - stop making things up in regards to China. You couldn't even provide a sincere Source to support such a false claim.
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Slavery existed in America for 150 years before the country was founded and almost 100 years after
Even after we abolished slavery we maintained second class citizenship of blacks for an additional 100 years

It is part of who we are and is part of our culture and history that should not be whitewashed
We know all that. Nobody’s whitewashing anything.

It’s all in the past now. Discriminating against whites currently is not the proper response to what happened in the past.
Slavery existed in America for 150 years before the country was founded and almost 100 years after
Even after we abolished slavery we maintained second class citizenship of blacks for an additional 100 years

It is part of who we are and is part of our culture and history that should not be whitewashed
Why would you expect the American society would be any different than every other society at the time?
And to McRib - there are no slaves in China, and also no Uighur slaves in Xinjiang - stop making things up in regards to China. You couldn't even provide a sincere Source to support such a false claim.
When you are undergoing forced re-education and your beliefs are banned, and for those who defy this (or are simply accused of doing so) are sent to prison for it, then I think I'll stick with my original statements.
So tell me. How do the Chinese who have no real blue water Navy get enough Chinese soldiers anywhere near US shores to conquer and enslave the US population.
Chinas population is shrinking. They are a society in decline.

So tell me. How do the Chinese who have no real blue water Navy get enough Chinese soldiers anywhere near US shores to conquer and enslave the US population.
Chinas population is shrinking. They are a society in decline.
Can anyone say......................a vassal state?

Aka........a state with varying degrees of independence in its internal affairs but dominated by another state in its foreign affairs and potentially wholly subject to the dominating state.

Irregardless your naivete is not fact quite common in regards to China and their threat to America.

There are different methods China could use to dominate and subjugate America into being a vassal state of China.
....and it is conceivable they could do so without ever firing a shot.

I suspect they will choose a gradual method.......using economics--installing political and corporate leadership that they will control and one of their first goals would be to weaken our military to the point of weakness that even if we had the desire or will to respond would be suicide.

China is known for playing the long game....they are very patient but it could also happen more quickly if they decide to use their military might which is advancing at a ever increasing pace.

US general says China seeks return to era of vassal states | South China Morning Post

China is going to attack U.S. and its allies soon - Washington Times
Top Chinese general warns US over attack | Financial Times
“Modern-Day Slavery”: China Is Forcing Muslims into Forced Labor, Prison & Indoctrination Camps | Democracy Now!
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