Zone1 Slavery Was Never About Racism.

Why would you expect the American society would be any different than every other society at the time?

We descended from mostly Europeans who despite being involved in the slave trade had abandoned slavery 50 years before
Europe gave up slavery without a fight.
It cost the US 600,000 lives
We know all that. Nobody’s whitewashing anything.

It’s all in the past now. Discriminating against whites currently is not the proper response to what happened in the past.

Stop playing white victim
Nobody is buying it
When you are undergoing forced re-education and your beliefs are banned, and for those who defy this (or are simply accused of doing so) are sent to prison for it, then I think I'll stick with my original statements.
Okay - I can follow onto your personal believes - though they are not correct in regards to the reasons and as to what is really happening in Xinjiang.
But anyway it has nothing to do with "slavery" or being a "slave".
We descended from mostly Europeans who despite being involved in the slave trade had abandoned slavery 50 years before
Europe gave up slavery without a fight.
It cost the US 600,000 lives
I know what you mean, but your comparison doesn't stick - simply due to the historical fact that there never was slavery of Blacks within Europe. So nothing to give up.
As for e.g. India the Brits kept slavery - but made it look to be a local custom and problem - it never stopped them from doing business with slave-holders.
For the e.g. East-Indies - some Brits simply found out that paying bottom line salaries made those workers more depended on them then just being slaves. (pure Capitalism)

As for the Dutch in Indonesia until 1949 - the only difference to an American slave was - that the locals were not chained up at night.

And Imperial Russia hadn't given up on serfdom till 1918 towards it's own population.
I am sure most folks already know this fact but for those that do not know the real reason for slavery the vid below does a great job of exposing the truth.


Thomas Sowell is a joke.

I'm sure you'll find something from this idiot claiming Jim Crow was not about racism.
At their Constitutional Convention, the Americans made provisions to end slavery. Unfortunately, because of the Democrats' insistence on perpetuating the "peculiar institution," we ended up fighting a war.
Incorrect. Plus there was no democratic party in the 1700's.
I know what you mean, but your comparison doesn't stick - simply due to the historical fact that there never was slavery of Blacks within Europe. So nothing to give up.
As for e.g. India the Brits kept slavery - but made it look to be a local custom and problem - it never stopped them from doing business with slave-holders.
For the e.g. East-Indies - some Brits simply found out that paying bottom line salaries made those workers more depended on them then just being slaves. (pure Capitalism)

As for the Dutch in Indonesia until 1949 - the only difference to an American slave was - that the locals were not chained up at night.

And Imperial Russia hadn't given up on serfdom till 1918 towards it's own population.
India had a caste system that kept certain classes in poverty.
But they were not property
White slave owners in America most definitely justified the practice based on racist notions of supremacy vs inferiority.

I mean, come on….
We descended from mostly Europeans who despite being involved in the slave trade had abandoned slavery 50 years before
Europe gave up slavery without a fight.
It cost the US 600,000 lives
People in Europe didn’t live in a “free society“. Their cultures were dominated by the monarchy. There are advantages and disadvantages to that.

Large parts of their economy weren’t based on free/cheap labor either. Europeans weren’t importing slaves to Europe just their colonies. Europe banning slavery in Europe is akin to a vegan giving up meat. But only when they are home. If they are at someone else’s house it’s cool to eat it.
People in Europe didn’t live in a “free society“. Their cultures were dominated by the monarchy. There are advantages and disadvantages to that.

Large parts of their economy weren’t based on free/cheap labor either. Europeans weren’t importing slaves to Europe just their colonies. Europe banning slavery in Europe is akin to a vegan giving up meat. But only when they are home. If they are at someone else’s house it’s cool to eat it.
Our society was capable of paying for labor rather than owning humans as property.
We chose not to and killed 600,000 to maintain it
People in Europe didn’t live in a “free society“. Their cultures were dominated by the monarchy. There are advantages and disadvantages to that.

Large parts of their economy weren’t based on free/cheap labor either. Europeans weren’t importing slaves to Europe just their colonies. Europe banning slavery in Europe is akin to a vegan giving up meat. But only when they are home. If they are at someone else’s house it’s cool to eat it.
Britain and France banned slavery throughout their empires long before it was banned in the USA
I am sure most folks already know this fact but for those that do not know the real reason for slavery the vid below does a great job of exposing the truth.

You might be right but slavery did cement racism into our culture
Britain and France banned slavery throughout their empires long before it was banned in the USA
Except they really didn’t.

Slavery was “banned” in India by the Brit’s in 1861.
France in 48.

So 1 year and less than 20 respectively.

And the slavery system in India was replaced by an indentured labor system that operated eerily like the slavery system. Same people, same working and living conditions, same punishments, etc.
Our society was capable of paying for labor rather than owning humans as property.
We chose not to and killed 600,000 to maintain it
No one is saying slavery was good or ok or something we should be proud of. But it wasn't different than anywhere else nor were the reasons for it's existence any different. People like you want to place some special significance to slavery in the US for some reason. It wasn't special. The reasons it existed in the US were no different than why it existed all over the world at that time. There isn't much difference in why it existed then and why it exists now.
No one is saying slavery was good or ok or something we should be proud of. But it wasn't different than anywhere else nor were the reasons for it's existence any different. People like you want to place some special significance to slavery in the US for some reason. It wasn't special. The reasons it existed in the US were no different than why it existed all over the world at that time. There isn't much difference in why it existed then and why it exists now.
Again I do put more blame on America
We should have known better and had other options that Brazil and the Caribbean didn’t.
We should have abandoned slavery by 1800 but there was too much money to be made
India had a caste system that kept certain classes in poverty.
But they were not property
Go to India pleeeese - and see for your self - there are entire villages (3000 people and more) including everything in it, that belong to certain landowners - the people are indebted for generations.
Now imagine how this place was 100 or 200 years ago.
The same thing I can show you in today's Indonesia
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So the man had dumb ideas about slavery and finally found out they were dumb. Yawn!

Like Stalin said, "Quantity has a quality all its own." Comparing the enslavement of Africans brought to the Americas to previous historical occurrences of slavery just because it uses the same word is nonsense.
Again I do put more blame on America
We should have known better and had other options that Brazil and the Caribbean didn’t.
We should have abandoned slavery by 1800 but there was too much money to be made
Why should the people who lived here then have known better? Europe didn’t. Essentially noone anywhere else did either. Do you think there was something in the water? And to be fair, a great number of people did know better. They just didn’t have the ability to correct in at the time.

If they scientifically proved that life begins at conception the. Will you be on here condemning every woman who ever had an abortion in the last because they should have known better?

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