Zone1 Slavery Was Never About Racism.

Our society was capable of paying for labor rather than owning humans as property.
We chose not to and killed 600,000 to maintain it
Paying for labor was far cheaper than owning slaves. That's the big reason slavery went out of fashion. Slaves were a significant economic investment that returned little return. Employees were cheap, feed and housed themselves and there was always another hungry immigrant to replace the employee when he was maimed or killed on the job.
Paying for labor was far cheaper than owning slaves. That's the big reason slavery went out of fashion. Slaves were a significant economic investment that returned little return. Employees were cheap, feed and housed themselves and there was always another hungry immigrant to replace the employee when he was maimed or killed on the job.

Reminds me of the owners of coal mines who had stricter safety requirements for the mules than they did the workers.

If a mule was killed, you had to buy a new one.
If a worker was killed, you just hired someone to take his place
Reminds me of the owners of coal mines who had stricter safety requirements for the mules than they did the workers.

If a mule was killed, you had to buy a new one.
If a worker was killed, you just hired someone to take his place
Yep. There was always a line waiting for jobs. There were no social safety nets in those days. It was root hog or die for the poor.
Yep, you're quite right about that. But eventually, the enslavement of whites dwindled as ethnic bonds became stronger and black slaves became cheaper and more abundant.

The video is right: slavery wasn't the result of racism. Racism became the result of slavery.
I am not able to watch the video. But, I know that slavery was based on racism. Why didn't the slave traders go to Ireland, Scotland or England to look for slaves? Answer: Because Africans with their Black skin would stand out easily. They wouldn't be able to hide or blend in. They didn't have anyone to speak up for them. It would be easy to make laws (Black Codes) against them.
After Bacon's Rebellion the British colonists needed a reliable, permanent laboring class. Africans fit the bill.
I am not able to watch the video. But, I know that slavery was based on racism. Why didn't the slave traders go to Ireland, Scotland or England to look for slaves? Answer: Because Africans with their Black skin would stand out easily. They wouldn't be able to hide or blend in. They didn't have anyone to speak up for them. It would be easy to make laws (Black Codes) against them.
After Bacon's Rebellion the British colonists needed a reliable, permanent laboring class. Africans fit the bill.
Actually they did. More whites were enslaved by Muslim slavers over the centuries than blacks. The Moors raided as far as the English Channek for slaves. In white countries facing the Med you can still see the towers erected by locals to give warning of Moorish slave raids. The raids only ended when whites got technologically advanced enough to repel the raids.
So why didn't the enslave white people?
They did until Whites became armed and organized and could defend themselves. Why do you think the line “to the shores of Tripoli” is in the Marine Hymn? Tripoli and the other Barbary pirate states were capturing and enslaving the crews of American merchant ships because unlike the French and British, we lacked warships in the Med to protect our shipping. The US built a navy and went to war with the Barbary states to stop them from enslaving our sailors, many of whom were blacks. Yes, in those days integrated ship crews were common. In fact up until WWI, the USN had fully integrated ships crews, it was only during and after the war that blacks were relegated to being cooks and stewards.
They did until Whites became armed and organized and could defend themselves. Why do you think the line “to the shores of Tripoli” is in the Marine Hymn? Tripoli and the other Barbary pirate states were capturing and enslaving the crews of American merchant ships because unlike the French and British, we lacked warships in the Med to protect our shipping. The US built a navy and went to war with the Barbary states to stop them from enslaving our sailors, many of whom were blacks. Yes, in those days integrated ship crews were common. In fact up until WWI, the USN had fully integrated ships crews, it was only during and after the war that blacks were relegated to being cooks and stewards.
And yet the reality in the Deep South was that only black people were slaves, and many whites weren't armed. White people didn't have to fear being taken.

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