Sleepy Ben Carson’s proposal to triple rents for poor households would hurt 1 million children

Mere existence does not entitle one to a free ride.
It does entitle one to human dignity, which includes not dying in the street without food or medical care.

Does it? Explain how this is a matter of law.
You really need a law for that?? Weren't you a lawyer in another life?

To take money out of my productive pocket involuntarily and put it towards the individual benefit of another's unproductive pocket requires a law, yes.

It's no different than Frankie "Two-Fingers" robbing me at gunpoint and giving the money to his impecunious cousin.

Now, if you want to discuss charity, raise the issue.
Mere existence does not entitle one to a free ride.
It does entitle one to human dignity, which includes not dying in the street without food or medical care.

Does it? Explain how this is a matter of law.
I'm talking about morality and ethics, not law.

That is a separate issue and a matter of charity, not gunpoint socialism.
Who said anything about gunpoint?

Your sophistry is weak.

Oh? You think you own your house?
Mere existence does not entitle one to a free ride.
It does entitle one to human dignity, which includes not dying in the street without food or medical care.

Does it? Explain how this is a matter of law.
You really need a law for that?? Weren't you a lawyer in another life?

To take money out of my productive pocket involuntarily and put it towards the individual benefit of another's unproductive pocket requires a law, yes.

It's no different than Frankie "Two-Fingers" robbing me at gunpoint and giving the money to his impecunious cousin.

Now, if you want to discuss charity, raise the issue.

While we give huge tax cuts for corps to bring their jobs to the states, and even with their giant tax cut, who is benefitting, not the gas companies so they say, and not subway who is closing more stores, and Ford is also cutting.
They want to raise Hud to 35% and take away deductions. Will hurt seniors, disabled and vets as well. Despicable is right, but you know the wealthy need their tax cuts.
Why is it trump put people in cabinet positions that hate the positions they have and try to abolish them? Doctor in housing is just an example VA made private etc etc Trump is lower than shark shit

They are doing the job Trump wants, he put people in to destroy the depts.
Step 1: Undermine democratic institutions until they become unpopular.
Step 2: Step in with authoritarian control.
Right out of the dictators' playbook.

And the Democrats are making fine use of it. That will end soon.
The Democrats are not the ones setting out to deliberately undermine government effectiveness.

They're not angels, but it's the GOP that is actively trying to destroy democracy.
We aren't a democracy, but please elaborate on how the government (specifically the federal government) not giving out taxpayer moneies in government programs, in any way undermines 'democracy'?
Mere existence does not entitle one to a free ride.
It does entitle one to human dignity, which includes not dying in the street without food or medical care.

Does it? Explain how this is a matter of law.
I'm talking about morality and ethics, not law.

That is a separate issue and a matter of charity, not gunpoint socialism.
Who said anything about gunpoint?

Your sophistry is weak.

Government policy is enforced at the end of a gun.
No tax breaks for the corps or agriculture (farmers) or even vets. Let them pay their own way. I mean we haven't had a draft for years.

You know the Vietnam war when we were fighting FOR our rights. :rolleyes:
While we give huge tax cuts for corps to bring their jobs to the states, and even with their giant tax cut, who is benefitting, not the gas companies so they say, and not subway who is closing more stores, and Ford is also cutting.
The corporate tax cut is just a fig leaf for subsidizing the rich. Everyone with a brain knew it would result in stock buybacks. Since less than 10% of the population owns over 90% of stock equity, the vast majority (probably around 98%) of the "tax cut" is going into the hands of people who were already hoarding wealth; an activity with negative impacts on the economy as a whole.

The GOP economic platform is a faith based initiative based on theories even their proponents ( Austrian School - Wikipedia ) refuse to prove.
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It does entitle one to human dignity, which includes not dying in the street without food or medical care.

Does it? Explain how this is a matter of law.
I'm talking about morality and ethics, not law.

That is a separate issue and a matter of charity, not gunpoint socialism.
Who said anything about gunpoint?

Your sophistry is weak.

Government policy is enforced at the end of a gun.
So go live in the woods.
Reward poor people for working hard and/or educating themselves by learning a skill or trade, not by rewarding them for giving up and accepting a life of welfare and handouts.
This could be uncle ben's way of getting even for being chastised for ordering that dining set for $30k.
Why is it trump put people in cabinet positions that hate the positions they have and try to abolish them? Doctor in housing is just an example VA made private etc etc Trump is lower than shark shit

They are doing the job Trump wants, he put people in to destroy the depts.
Step 1: Undermine democratic institutions until they become unpopular.
Step 2: Step in with authoritarian control.
Right out of the dictators' playbook.

And the Democrats are making fine use of it. That will end soon.
The Democrats are not the ones setting out to deliberately undermine government effectiveness.

They're not angels, but it's the GOP that is actively trying to destroy democracy.
We aren't a democracy, but please elaborate on how the government (specifically the federal government) not giving out taxpayer moneies in government programs, in any way undermines 'democracy'?
We were a democratic republic (known in common parlance as a "democracy") until Jan 20, 2017, when we started the slide into fascism.
Mere existence does not entitle one to a free ride.
It does entitle one to human dignity, which includes not dying in the street without food or medical care.

Does it? Explain how this is a matter of law.
You really need a law for that?? Weren't you a lawyer in another life?

To take money out of my productive pocket involuntarily and put it towards the individual benefit of another's unproductive pocket requires a law, yes.

It's no different than Frankie "Two-Fingers" robbing me at gunpoint and giving the money to his impecunious cousin.

Now, if you want to discuss charity, raise the issue.
No I know for you republicans charity begins AND stays at home
No tax breaks for the corps or agriculture (farmers) or even vets. Let them pay their own way. I mean we haven't had a draft for years.

You know the Vietnam war when we were fighting FOR our rights. :rolleyes:
The one trump couldn't make because of a BS bad heel??
Mere existence does not entitle one to a free ride.
It does entitle one to human dignity, which includes not dying in the street without food or medical care.

Have a little faith in your neighbors and your local and state governments, not letting people die in the streets without food or medical care. The federal government shouldn't even be in the welfare business.
Mere existence does not entitle one to a free ride.
It does entitle one to human dignity, which includes not dying in the street without food or medical care.

Have a little faith in your neighbors and your local and state governments, not letting people die in the streets without food or medical care. The federal government shouldn't even be in the welfare business.
Yeah leave it to guys like trump lol lol
Mere existence does not entitle one to a free ride.
It does entitle one to human dignity, which includes not dying in the street without food or medical care.

Have a little faith in your neighbors and your local and state governments, not letting people die in the streets without food or medical care. The federal government shouldn't even be in the welfare business.
I see people in the streets with no food, shelter or medical care. My neighbors aren't doing anything about it.

I'm poor. So are my neighbors.

But hey, let's give billionaires a tax cut & do it entirely on debt, because that makes sense.
This just pisses me off to the max.

he change would affect able-bodied, working age Americans who rely on HUD for rental assistance. These folks make up roughly half of the 4.7 million people who receive this federal housing help.

It would not have an impact on elderly or disabled residents for six years, after which time their maximum rent will rise to $50 a month. Currently, the amount seniors and the disabled pay varies based on the program they are in.

The eighties are calling.....
Is it grodi as well?
Mere existence does not entitle one to a free ride.
It does entitle one to human dignity, which includes not dying in the street without food or medical care.

Does it? Explain how this is a matter of law.
I'm talking about morality and ethics, not law.

So it's moral and ethical for my government to take my money at the end of a gun and give to able bodied mooches?

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