Slick Willie Stainmaker Rides Again

Is Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton Trustworthy?

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Slick Willie is on the campaign trail again after a decade in hiding after Lieing Under Oath about his moral indescretions


Is there any reason to believe him now?

You're such a silly troll. Not too malicious but glib in a mean spirited way, your posts are both childish and arrogant - a rather unique (as in odd) combination. As a partisan troll you are in the class (Strike that, class does not work in a description of you) you are in the set of partisans who are at once self righteous, self-important and without substance.
Thanks for sharing.

In other words Wry Cather can't give us one reason to trust Bill Clinton.

So, he has to make personal attacks.

Who's being partisan here?

Pretty obvious, isn't it?

Liberals are such hypocrites.

Slick Willie is on the campaign trail again after a decade in hiding after Lieing Under Oath about his moral indescretions


Is there any reason to believe him now?

Does Monica have the blue dress with Bill's DNA stain? And what moral indescretions are you referring to? A mutual BJ in the Oval Office? LOL!:lol:

Lying under oath, obstruction of justice. I mean just "run of the mill" things.

So inconclusion. The demonRats such as TruthDoesn'tMatterMuch think the taxpayer money is okey dokey spent on clinton having sex in the oval office at taxpayer expense, getting on national TV still at taxpayer expense, lying about having sex in the oval office, and then lying under oath still at taxpayer expense to a grand jury. Do we got that right? Why youse pick such low life's to be in the wh is beyond me.
Clinton's actions should stand on their own demerit.

Yeah because god knows you will NEVER hold your own party members to as high a standard as you do democrats.

Republicans back a President who lied under Oath?

Even with Nixon it was Republicans that walked up to the Whitehouse and told him he had to go.

Democrats would have circled the wagons around Nixon, like Democrats did around Clinton!


Yet, when it came to a Democrat impeachment, they whipped their members and threatened to pull them off committee heads if they didn't vote to bring a president down. It works both ways, so don't get sacrilegious on us. LOL!
Yeah because god knows you will NEVER hold your own party members to as high a standard as you do democrats.

Republicans back a President who lied under Oath?

Even with Nixon it was Republicans that walked up to the Whitehouse and told him he had to go.

Democrats would have circled the wagons around Nixon, like Democrats did around Clinton!


Yet, when it came to a Democrat impeachment, they whipped their members and threatened to pull them off committee heads if they didn't vote to bring a president down. It works both ways, so don't get sacrilegious on us. LOL!

I think you mean "sanctimonious" rather than "sacrilegious."

Sorry, it's a habit born from having an English professor for a father...
Just like when Ted Kennedy killed that poor young girl,the corrupt Liberal Press will continue to spin and cover for old Slick Willie as well. He can and never will do no wrong. But if those two were Republicans,do you think the Press would cover for them the way they have for Ted Kennedy and Slick Willie? We all know the answer to that question. It's all just another Liberal Media scam in the end. Goebbels would be so proud of today's Liberal American Press.
Bill Clinton is not trustworthy. He is a known prevaricator, but apparently some people actually prefer to listen to liars.
I don't trust Bill. That doesn't mean that He doesn't have value or good advise. I wouldn't hesitate about having him in a position like Ambassador to the UN, if only we knew we could trust him with that...... Never mind...... We'd all end up speaking Mandarin as a first language if that happened. ;) Other than that, he would blend in perfectly in that snake pit. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Pity if not for the debt he owes China, he would be a perfect fit. One other precaution was to get a credible Cosigner to anything he signs.
Slick Willie is on the campaign trail again after a decade in hiding after Lieing Under Oath about his moral indescretions


Is there any reason to believe him now?

You're such a silly troll. Not too malicious but glib in a mean spirited way, your posts are both childish and arrogant - a rather unique (as in odd) combination. As a partisan troll you are in the class (Strike that, class does not work in a description of you) you are in the set of partisans who are at once self righteous, self-important and without substance.
Thanks for sharing.

In other words Wry Cather can't give us one reason to trust Bill Clinton.

So, he has to make personal attacks.

Who's being partisan here?

Pretty obvious, isn't it?

Liberals are such hypocrites.


I very infrequently read The Catcher's Posts.

But its comforting that on rare occasion, ignoring him is so completely justified.
Let me say this again........I...did....not...have....sexual....relations.....with.....that .....woman......miss......lewinsky.
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the--if he--if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not--that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true."
Q: Did you have an extramarital sexual affair with Monica Lewinsky?
WJC: No.
Q: If she told someone that she had a sexual affair with you beginning in November of 1995, would that be a lie?
WJC: It's certainly not the truth. It would not be the truth.
Q: I think I used the term "sexual affair." And so the record is completely clear, have you ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, as that term is defined in Deposition Exhibit 1, as modified by the Court?
Mr. Bennett: I object because I don't know that he can remember-
Judge Wright: Well, it's real short. He can -- I will permit the question and you may show the witness definition number one.
WJC: I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. I've never had an affair with her.
Q: . . . At any time were you and Monica Lewinsky together alone in the Oval Office?
[videotape shows approximately five-second pause before answer]
WJC: I don't recall.... I typically worked some on the weekends. Sometimes they'd bring me things on the weekends. She -- it seems to me she brought things to me once or twice on the weekends. In that case, whatever time she would be in there, drop it off, exchange a few words and go....
Q: So I understand, your testimony is that it was possible, then, that you were alone with her, but you have no specific recollection of that ever happening?
WJC: Yes, that's correct. It's possible that she, in, while she was working there, brought something to me and that at the time she brought it to me, she was the only person there. That's possible.

What is there to discuss? Seriously. He is a disbarred, disgraced liar. Why would anyone trust a person that lies so easily?

Well, there are three respondants to the poll who DO believe he is trustworthy.

Odd that they seem to be mute about exactly WHY.

Perhaps putting their reasoning into words is quite beyond their intellectual capacity?

I also suppose this is the same reason the team of USMB liberals haven't come to their defense..........:eusa_whistle:
This entire thread is racist...!!!!

Why you want to go messing around and dis'ing the 1st black president like that?


I wonder if the "blue dress" will make into the Smithsonian Institute?

Poll: Who's more trustworthy - Bill Clinton, who had an affair on his wife or Newt Gingrich, who was doin' his Congressional Staffer while trying to impeach Clinton? Answer: neither of these make the two any less trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes. And you fucking morons going after Clinton again for his affair shows clear desperation.
Poll: Who's more trustworthy - Bill Clinton, who had an affair on his wife or Newt Gingrich, who was doin' his Congressional Staffer while trying to impeach Clinton? Answer: neither of these make the two any less trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes. And you fucking morons going after Clinton again for his affair shows clear desperation.

Sorry, wrong thread.

What is desperate is that you'd defend Slick Willie, and then send The Notorious Liar around to campaign for the failed 2008-2010 democratic agenda.

Poll: Who's more trustworthy - Bill Clinton, who had an affair on his wife or Newt Gingrich, who was doin' his Congressional Staffer while trying to impeach Clinton? Answer: neither of these make the two any less trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes. And you fucking morons going after Clinton again for his affair shows clear desperation.

Two wrongs make a right :confused:

If Slick Willy Stainmaker didnt want us to bring it up... maybe he should stay out of the publics eye.
Poll: Who's more trustworthy - Bill Clinton, who had an affair on his wife or Newt Gingrich, who was doin' his Congressional Staffer while trying to impeach Clinton? Answer: neither of these make the two any less trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes. And you fucking morons going after Clinton again for his affair shows clear desperation.

Two wrongs make a right :confused:

If Slick Willy Stainmaker didnt want us to bring it up... maybe he should stay out of the publics eye.

Meh....he's probably surrounded himself with Younglefties who were still in diapers when he was getting blow-jobs in the white house

The lip bite was a classic!! it’s a Bill Clinton trademark!! I’ve have seen John Edwards (another democratic "leader" with a major zipper problem) borrow it when he needed to look instantly "sincere". But noboy did it like Billy boy!! He's the undisputed master!! Bubba Clinton says that "the secret to real success in American politics is "Sincerity". Once you can fake got it made!!!"
Bubba Clinton said:
I, aah, I ahh, I feel your pain. I really do.
The lip bite was a classic!! it’s a Bill Clinton trademark!! I’ve have seen John Edwards (another democratic "leader" with a major zipper problem) borrow it when he needed to look instantly "sincere". But noboy did it like Billy boy!! He's the undisputed master!! Bubba Clinton says that "the secret to real success in American politics is "Sincerity". Once you can fake got it made!!!"
Bubba Clinton said:
I, aah, I ahh, I feel your pain. I really do.

Thanks Zander.......I mean it......really...........thanks

I always like the Clinton "Baby thumb" move too... He probably had it inserted into a staffer or intern just prior to this this pic...
Bubba Clinton said:
Wanna smell my finger?? Try this thumb!!

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