Slick Willie Stainmaker Rides Again

Is Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton Trustworthy?

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Clinton was one of the best presidents youv'e ever had....certainly since Kennedy....

Obama sure makes him look good in comparison. He really lost it on downsizing the Military though, while at the same time running them ragged. That was an expensive mistake to rectify.
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BUbba also loved the "working man" schtick too.. he'd roll up his sleeves an pretend to be one of you!! Here he is in rare form...a slight lip bite, the baby thumb move, an in shirtsleeves rolled up so hard they left a mark. Pay attention kids - this is the work of a true MASTER!!

Bubba Clinton said:
Hey y'all. I love y'all! I really do! I feel your pain too!! .......................Wanna smell this thumb?

In the same way that Bush helped Obama win the Presidency, Clinton helped Bush to become President. I believe this because I had become so angrily disgusted with Bill Clinton that I couldn't stand the sight of him or the sound of his lying voice. My contempt for him was such that I confess it caused me to vote for Bush in 2000 rather than trust Gore -- only because of his proximity to Clinton.

I quickly realized what a dreadful mistake that was. But as I said, I blame it on Clinton. And now that the lying, self-serving bastard has wormed his way back into the political spotlight I am absolutely amazed at his popularity. But if he can help to prevent the government from coming under the control of the right wing again I suppose it's for the best.
The lip bite was a classic!! it’s a Bill Clinton trademark!! I’ve have seen John Edwards (another democratic "leader" with a major zipper problem) borrow it when he needed to look instantly "sincere". But noboy did it like Billy boy!! He's the undisputed master!! Bubba Clinton says that "the secret to real success in American politics is "Sincerity". Once you can fake got it made!!!"
Bubba Clinton said:
I, aah, I ahh, I feel your pain. I really do.

Thanks Zander.......I mean it......really...........thanks



All across America, men are grateful to Clinton for getting NOW's endorsement of the One Free Grope Policy.
Ole Stainmaker may be helping the Republicans. The Clintons are by far the most corrupt politicians in America. Ole Stainmaker probably isn't helping Democrats as much as he thinks he is.
I have told lies before like EVERY human walking the earth.

I will lie again someday to spare someones feelings like every human being on earth.

The differance between you and me is I am honest enough to admitt this truth.

Now watch your dishonest bretheren make huge hay out of me aditting a human truth.

So the truth doesn't matter to you after all. Just when it's convenient.

So have you ever lied in your life?

so is that the new normal?You really believe that? You believe if you get caught you get a pass because you or me or everyone has lied before?

So if I write a book about growing up in some third world shithole and go on about what it did to me etc etc ..get awards do Oprah etc. then its found about that I actually grew up in pretty much idyllic surroundings etc...I get a pass?

Or if I write a book on a particular event or issue in history and make up stats to suit my purpose and slant to sppt. my position, I get a pass too?

I thought when we elected a pres. we at least strive for the example? No?
Another thread devolved - amazing that even this piece of shit thread could devolve - into another circle jerk by the echo chamber.

You don't know my position. Here's a hint. for the erudite contribution. Your position is crystal clear. :rolleyes:

I wouldn't keep a jizzed piece of clothing around for a trophy. There's Woolite and dry cleaning to deal with those accidents. I understand that a right wing fox doesn't agree with me.

Another thread devolved - amazing that even this piece of shit thread could devolve - into another circle jerk by the echo chamber.

Glad to see you found time to involve such intellectually stimulating commentary into this thread.
so is that the new normal?You really believe that? You believe if you get caught you get a pass because you or me or everyone has lied before?

So if I write a book about growing up in some third world shithole and go on about what it did to me etc etc ..get awards do Oprah etc. then its found about that I actually grew up in pretty much idyllic surroundings etc...I get a pass?

Or if I write a book on a particular event or issue in history and make up stats to suit my purpose and slant to sppt. my position, I get a pass too?

I thought when we elected a pres. we at least strive for the example? No?

apparently, i don't get it myself.

But I am convinced that we wont get the representation we want until we as people live the qualities we want in our candidates. Honesty and integrity are key. We need to be totally honest in our own lives.
[apparently, i don't get it myself.

But I am convinced that we wont get the representation we want until we as people live the qualities we want in our candidates. Honesty and integrity are key. We need to be totally honest in our own lives.

That will never happen here in mythical America.
Poll: Who's more trustworthy - Bill Clinton, who had an affair on his wife or Newt Gingrich, who was doin' his Congressional Staffer while trying to impeach Clinton? Answer: neither of these make the two any less trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes. And you fucking morons going after Clinton again for his affair shows clear desperation.

Something you need to learn, being the POTUS puts you on a different level then everyone else. mr bill LIED UNDER OATH. That is a BIG deal.

Again i dont give a shit where he stuck his dick. The only person how should care about that is his wife...
Poll: Who's more trustworthy - Bill Clinton, who had an affair on his wife or Newt Gingrich, who was doin' his Congressional Staffer while trying to impeach Clinton? Answer: neither of these make the two any less trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes. And you fucking morons going after Clinton again for his affair shows clear desperation.

Something you need to learn, being the POTUS puts you on a different level then everyone else. mr bill LIED UNDER OATH. That is a BIG deal.

Again i dont give a shit where he stuck his dick. The only person how should care about that is his wife...

it's so funny watching people twist themselves into pretzels to excuse the hypocrisy of gingrich and henry hyde because they don't like bill.

well, you know what... i don't care who bill bonked.

i do care that newt served his wife with divorce papers while she was in her hospital bed after having a mastectomy and pursuing bill while he was screwing anything that moved.

you can justify that hypocrisy any way you want.
it's so funny watching people twist themselves into pretzels to excuse the hypocrisy of gingrich and henry hyde because they don't like bill.

well, you know what... i don't care who bill bonked.

i do care that newt served his wife with divorce papers while she was in her hospital bed after having a mastectomy and pursuing bill while he was screwing anything that moved.

you can justify that hypocrisy any way you want.

Can you imagine if Bill Clinton had served Hillary with divorce papers while she was in the hospital after a mastectomy and left her for a much younger woman? I think we'd be getting threads about it on USMB to this day, never mind what would be left of Bill's supposed political career.
Poll: Who's more trustworthy - Bill Clinton, who had an affair on his wife or Newt Gingrich, who was doin' his Congressional Staffer while trying to impeach Clinton? Answer: neither of these make the two any less trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes. And you fucking morons going after Clinton again for his affair shows clear desperation.

Something you need to learn, being the POTUS puts you on a different level then everyone else. mr bill LIED UNDER OATH. That is a BIG deal.

Again i dont give a shit where he stuck his dick. The only person how should care about that is his wife...

it's so funny watching people twist themselves into pretzels to excuse the hypocrisy of gingrich and henry hyde because they don't like bill.

well, you know what... i don't care who bill bonked.

i do care that newt served his wife with divorce papers while she was in her hospital bed after having a mastectomy and pursuing bill while he was screwing anything that moved.

you can justify that hypocrisy any way you want.

Both of them are dicks.

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