Slick Willie Stainmaker Rides Again

Is Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton Trustworthy?

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I'm no fan of Clinton, but if Hillary had given it to him, was that at the taxpayers expense?

If he was in the oval office. Yes. I tell ya libtards have no dignity. None at all. They've spent 12 years of their lives defending a blow job.

You're a desprate fucker. I haven't seen one thread on this forum by a Lefty, attacking the infidelity of Newt Gingrich. That's because we have enough to attack the hypocritical scumbag on. You're just a desprate fuck, trying to revisit something that happened years ago. Sorry Willow, people don't give a fuck that Billy got a BJ in the Oval Office. Just as no one really cares that Newt was screwing his Aide while going after Bill.

Can you spell d-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-i-o-n?

I can spell L O W C L A S S
If he was in the oval office. Yes. I tell ya libtards have no dignity. None at all. They've spent 12 years of their lives defending a blow job.

You're a desprate fucker. I haven't seen one thread on this forum by a Lefty, attacking the infidelity of Newt Gingrich. That's because we have enough to attack the hypocritical scumbag on. You're just a desprate fuck, trying to revisit something that happened years ago. Sorry Willow, people don't give a fuck that Billy got a BJ in the Oval Office. Just as no one really cares that Newt was screwing his Aide while going after Bill.

Can you spell d-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-i-o-n?

I can spell L O W C L A S S

Glad to see your spell-check is still working.
You're a desprate fucker. I haven't seen one thread on this forum by a Lefty, attacking the infidelity of Newt Gingrich. That's because we have enough to attack the hypocritical scumbag on. You're just a desprate fuck, trying to revisit something that happened years ago. Sorry Willow, people don't give a fuck that Billy got a BJ in the Oval Office. Just as no one really cares that Newt was screwing his Aide while going after Bill.

Can you spell d-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-i-o-n?

I can spell L O W C L A S S

Glad to see your spell-check is still working.

You'd know about desperation wouldn't ya? Being a DUmb demonRat and all? It's too fucking funny.
Well, we're glad you are amused that Billboard had a whore in his office and got a blowjob in the oval orifice at taxpayer's expense. That's just so damn cool and high classed innit?

Ken Starr elucidated the issue. He didn't get his blow job in the oval office, but in a small room off to the side. My guess is you're a dried up hag who never sucked a cock in your life.

My guess is your a withered up old saggy tea bag who spends too much time at Biker's house.

Your guess would be wrong. I've had my share of good blow jobs, and did my pitiful best to return in kind. I doubt that you sucked a cock in your life.
You're such a silly troll. Not too malicious but glib in a mean spirited way, your posts are both childish and arrogant - a rather unique (as in odd) combination. As a partisan troll you are in the class (Strike that, class does not work in a description of you) you are in the set of partisans who are at once self righteous, self-important and without substance.
Thanks for sharing.

In other words Wry Cather can't give us one reason to trust Bill Clinton.

So, he has to make personal attacks.

Who's being partisan here?

Pretty obvious, isn't it?

Liberals are such hypocrites.


I very infrequently read The Catcher's Posts.

But its comforting that on rare occasion, ignoring him is so completely justified.

Like Carbiner, I think his only job is as a paid spew bot. When he doesn't have prepared talking points, that is, when his paid talking points are easily refuted, he melts down into pointless tirades, such as his tirade at you.

It's all liberals have left once you break down their talking point LIES. ;)
Gee, a guy cheated on his wife in a country where 50% of marriages end in divorce and the n tried to cover it up.

I guess Just like Newt who was fucking HIS aide while he impeached Clinton men today seem to have a problem keeping their trouser snakes in their pants.

If you want to pretend there are humans who have never lied then you yourself are a liar.

This from a chick with Truth in her name, who regularly propagates Lies.
Poll: Who's more trustworthy - Bill Clinton, who had an affair on his wife or Newt Gingrich, who was doin' his Congressional Staffer while trying to impeach Clinton? Answer: neither of these make the two any less trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes. And you fucking morons going after Clinton again for his affair shows clear desperation.

Did Gingrich lie under oath, obstruct justice, or tell someone to put ice on that?

Yeah, it's pretty obvious, who's more trustworthy. NEITHER ONE. It's just Clinton is more slimier than Newt.

(I don't like either of 'em)
The lip bite was a classic!! it’s a Bill Clinton trademark!! I’ve have seen John Edwards (another democratic "leader" with a major zipper problem) borrow it when he needed to look instantly "sincere". But noboy did it like Billy boy!! He's the undisputed master!! Bubba Clinton says that "the secret to real success in American politics is "Sincerity". Once you can fake got it made!!!"
Bubba Clinton said:
I, aah, I ahh, I feel your pain. I really do.

Anyone remember his smiling and joking outside Ron Brown's funeral until he saw the cameras and then he started right on cue, biting his lip and crying. Disgusting phony!


What was it the "Baby Jesus" said to the townspeople when they were going to stone Mary Magdelyn to death?

Why do ya'll care so much about President Clinton's penis and where it's been?

I don't.

Care to read the OP?

Why do you defend a confessed Liar?

How many people died because President Clinton lied about a blowjob? Compare that to the number of deaths caused by President Bushes lies about the WMD in Iraq and the threat Iraq posed to the worlds remaining super power.

But my guess is you won't. You'll probably say President Bush never lied or everyone else believed it too......

OMG, how friggen silly of a comparison.
ESPECIALLY, since this is a thread about the HOUND DOG, BILLY BOY CLINTON.
good grief, :cuckoo:
The lip bite was a classic!! it’s a Bill Clinton trademark!! I’ve have seen John Edwards (another democratic "leader" with a major zipper problem) borrow it when he needed to look instantly "sincere". But noboy did it like Billy boy!! He's the undisputed master!! Bubba Clinton says that "the secret to real success in American politics is "Sincerity". Once you can fake got it made!!!"
Bubba Clinton said:
I, aah, I ahh, I feel your pain. I really do.

Thanks Zander.......I mean it......really...........thanks


Oh man, if I only had 100 reps to give ya for that one!


Clinton was one of the best presidents youv'e ever had....certainly since Kennedy....

A serial liar, groper, lying under oath, obstruction of justice, you want to put some ice on that president?

That was the best president we ever had. ONLY in loony liberal land would a guy who did DIDDLY about ANYTHING unless forced to by the Republicans, would be a our "best" president.

Our finest president, EVER!

[ame=""]YouTube - Reagan - Tear Down This Wall[/ame]

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it's so funny watching people twist themselves into pretzels to excuse the hypocrisy of gingrich and henry hyde because they don't like bill.

well, you know what... i don't care who bill bonked.

i do care that newt served his wife with divorce papers while she was in her hospital bed after having a mastectomy and pursuing bill while he was screwing anything that moved.

you can justify that hypocrisy any way you want.

Can you imagine if Bill Clinton had served Hillary with divorce papers while she was in the hospital after a mastectomy and left her for a much younger woman? I think we'd be getting threads about it on USMB to this day, never mind what would be left of Bill's supposed political career.

i'd expect nothing less...

but if you do a thread about it, i'm sure they'll say...

why are you bringing up yesterday's news... that was 10 years ago.

which it was.

so i have to wonder why the board is being spammed on a subject that is 10 years old.

maybe they think it deflects from the fact that they failed so miserably for 8 years.

oh wait...

aren't they they ones who keep saying... you can't run against bush?

yest they're still running against bill's blowjiob.

i find that amusing.

disingenuous.... but amusing.

Clinton is campaigning TODAY.

He askes his audiences to trust his judgement, TODAY.

Yet, he has admitted having Poor Judgement.

Why should anyone believe his judgement is any better today than it was when he was "misleading" investigators about his breach of sexual discrimination laws that would have doomed the President of any US Corporation?
Another thread devolved - amazing that even this piece of shit thread could devolve - into another circle jerk by the echo chamber.

Liberals whine about an echo chamber? :rofl:

If I EVER heard a liberal say one thing original, I'd swear I would die of a heart attack.

I mean "tax cuts for the rich."

"Rich getting richer, poor, getting poorer."

"Corporate greed in a world in need."

Blah blah blah blah blah, same damn crap, over and over since I was a kid!

You guys want to know how I got so good at combatting your BS? BLAME YOURSELVES!

You haven't had a new idea in 50 years! Hell, you haven't had a new idea since Karl Marx! It's the same BS, just repackaged with new sounding labels.

I could debate you morons in my sleep! It's the same bullshit over and over again, AD NAUSEUM!

And YOU want to whine about an echo chamber? Give me a freaking break!

[That was the best president we ever had. ONLY in loony liberal land would a guy who did DIDDLY about ANYTHING unless forced to by the Republicans, would be a our "best" president. Our finest president, EVER!

LMAO!!! You talking about the Iran Contra King, and his private army? Was he an American? The rapist guy, Reagan? The guy that turned the insane out onto the streets to die,...that Reagan? LMAO!!! You sure have a sense of humor!!!! And thank god Karma caught up with him for his dastardly deeds................before that screw loose did anymore damage to our country.
Poll: Who's more trustworthy - Bill Clinton, who had an affair on his wife or Newt Gingrich, who was doin' his Congressional Staffer while trying to impeach Clinton? Answer: neither of these make the two any less trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes. And you fucking morons going after Clinton again for his affair shows clear desperation.

Something you need to learn, being the POTUS puts you on a different level then everyone else. mr bill LIED UNDER OATH. That is a BIG deal.

Again i dont give a shit where he stuck his dick. The only person how should care about that is his wife...

it's so funny watching people twist themselves into pretzels to excuse the hypocrisy of gingrich and henry hyde because they don't like bill.

well, you know what... i don't care who bill bonked.

i do care that newt served his wife with divorce papers while she was in her hospital bed after having a mastectomy and pursuing bill while he was screwing anything that moved.

you can justify that hypocrisy any way you want.

The only people twisting themselves into pretzels are those trying to equate a penny ante Congressman WITH THE MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE FREE FREAKING WORLD!!!!!!!!!


Besides which Gingrich did not lie under oath, obstruct justice, or tell a woman to "put ice on that."


So, keep trying to play the moral relativism game. It's just a classic example of why moral relativism doesn't work.

And why you will be neg repping me again as soon as you can, because you couldn't debate me on your best day and my worst!


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