Slick Willie Stainmaker Rides Again

Is Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton Trustworthy?

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Another thread devolved - amazing that even this piece of shit thread could devolve - into another circle jerk by the echo chamber.

Liberals whine about an echo chamber? :rofl:

And YOU want to whine about an echo chamber? Give me a freaking break!


You realise you are addressing The Catcher as if his opinion matters?

Look at the poll results.

The Catcher's opinion means nothing.

Accept to the Pitcher
it's so funny watching people twist themselves into pretzels to excuse the hypocrisy of gingrich and henry hyde because they don't like bill.

well, you know what... i don't care who bill bonked.

i do care that newt served his wife with divorce papers while she was in her hospital bed after having a mastectomy and pursuing bill while he was screwing anything that moved.

you can justify that hypocrisy any way you want.

Can you imagine if Bill Clinton had served Hillary with divorce papers while she was in the hospital after a mastectomy and left her for a much younger woman? I think we'd be getting threads about it on USMB to this day, never mind what would be left of Bill's supposed political career.

Newt Gingrich is a penny ante Congressman. He is not or was the MOST POWERFUL MAN IN THE FREE WORLD.

There is a reason we hold our presidents to a higher standard. See what I've already said on that.

But Newt did not obstruct justice, lie under oath, or tell a woman, "you better put some ice on that."

Clinton DID.

And had you EVER seen my posts you would know I have no love for Newt. I think he's a slime. He's what's wrong with the Republican leadership and why we need to vote in young conservatives and get RID of these elite RINO dinosaurs that populate BOTH PARTIES.
[You haven't had a new idea in 50 years! Hell, you haven't had a new idea since Karl Marx! It's the same BS, just repackaged with new sounding labels.

Hmm, I thought National Health Care was a new idea, huh?

How funding research for an electric highway. That new, huh?

Now give two things that republicans have done, as you haven't had a new idea since Hitler! Give us some fresh sounds......LOL!:lol:
Poll: Who's more trustworthy - Bill Clinton, who had an affair on his wife or Newt Gingrich, who was doin' his Congressional Staffer while trying to impeach Clinton? Answer: neither of these make the two any less trustworthy. Everyone makes mistakes. And you fucking morons going after Clinton again for his affair shows clear desperation.

Something you need to learn, being the POTUS puts you on a different level then everyone else. mr bill LIED UNDER OATH. That is a BIG deal.

Again i dont give a shit where he stuck his dick. The only person how should care about that is his wife...

Let's rise above the fact that you think an avatar denoting a walking racing stripe is clever, shall we? A gentleman doesn't tell where he puts his part. It's no ones business other than his and his sex partner.

When it's in the oval office, then it's DAMN WELL my business! My tax dollars pay for him to be about the people's business, not abusing his office screwing around, lying under oath and obstructing justice!
it's so funny watching people twist themselves into pretzels to excuse the hypocrisy of gingrich and henry hyde because they don't like bill.

well, you know what... i don't care who bill bonked.

i do care that newt served his wife with divorce papers while she was in her hospital bed after having a mastectomy and pursuing bill while he was screwing anything that moved.

you can justify that hypocrisy any way you want.

Can you imagine if Bill Clinton had served Hillary with divorce papers while she was in the hospital after a mastectomy and left her for a much younger woman? I think we'd be getting threads about it on USMB to this day, never mind what would be left of Bill's supposed political career.

i'd expect nothing less...

but if you do a thread about it, i'm sure they'll say...

why are you bringing up yesterday's news... that was 10 years ago.

which it was.

so i have to wonder why the board is being spammed on a subject that is 10 years old.

maybe they think it deflects from the fact that they failed so miserably for 8 years.

oh wait...

aren't they they ones who keep saying... you can't run against bush?

yest they're still running against bill's blowjiob.

i find that amusing.

disingenuous.... but amusing.

Why is it yesterday's news? If Clinton has decided to inject himself into the politics of TODAY then we damn well have a right to criticize him.

Like if Mark Foley injected himself into an election you pukes wouldn't bring up his past?

Give me a break!

No but I can imagine JOhn Edwards doing so and you still wuddda voted for his DUmbAzz.

Nope, but feel free to think what you want Willow. I was about as politically aware when John Edwards was running as you are now. Though to be fair, I was only 14 at the time, I have no idea what your problem is. :eusa_whistle:

You were 14 at the time John Edwards ran??????????????


Oh good lord, he's the same age as my kid in college. And I BET he knows everything just like her. So precious.

Ah, to be young and know everything again. Funny how the older we get the less we know. Coincidence, I guess.

[You haven't had a new idea in 50 years! Hell, you haven't had a new idea since Karl Marx! It's the same BS, just repackaged with new sounding labels.

Hmm, I thought National Health Care was a new idea, huh?

How funding research for an electric highway. That new, huh?

Now give two things that republicans have done, as you haven't had a new idea since Hitler! Give us some fresh sounds......LOL!:lol:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol:

National Health care is NOT a new idea! BOY IS THAT NOT A NEW IDEA! See the Soviet Union and Europe!

Good Lord, John Lennon was singing about the National Health in 1966!

Have you never heard the song, "Dr. Robert?" It's subtle criticism of National Health system, made almost 45 years ago.

As for government spending to fund any kind of highways, see the Nazis and the Audobon.

But government spending PERIOD FOR ANY REASONS is not a new idea. Like I said. They just find new labels to package it, or in this case justify it. That's still the same old socialism.

Sure technology changes. But the POLICIES NEVER CHANGE. It's just another reason to increase government power and spending.

THE SLOGANS NEVER CHANGE. They just find new buzz words, to push the same old ideas.

Now when you REALLY give me a new idea, let me know.

Man, I tell you. Seriously liberals. You have to come up with some new ideas. It gets boooooooooooooooring!


Now for some fun!

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Newt Gingrich is a penny ante Congressman. But Newt did not obstruct justice, lie under oath, or tell a woman, "you better put some ice on that."

Newt Gingrich, Dead Beat Dad who wrote the Family Values Contract With America that failed, Lied to two women, not one, and cheated on both before divorcing them. But lets go on here, ....Newt was up to his ass in the house banking scandal, as he wrote a slew of hot checks. He stole money from two children charities and used the money for personal goals. He lied to the Ethics Committee investigating him, and had to pay a $300,000 fine for misleading the committee during the investigation, for which they dropped 83 criminal charges against him.

Put some ice on that toots!!:lol:
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[You haven't had a new idea in 50 years! Hell, you haven't had a new idea since Karl Marx! It's the same BS, just repackaged with new sounding labels.

Hmm, I thought National Health Care was a new idea, huh?

How funding research for an electric highway. That new, huh?

Now give two things that republicans have done, as you haven't had a new idea since Hitler! Give us some fresh sounds......LOL!:lol:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol:

National Health care is NOT a new idea! BOY IS THAT NOT A NEW IDEA! See the Soviet Union and Europe!

Oh, you want new world ideas from a political party?? LMAO!!!! Yeah, no new ideas coming from political parties, fer sure..............:lol:
Newt Gingrich is a penny ante Congressman. But Newt did not obstruct justice, lie under oath, or tell a woman, "you better put some ice on that."

Newt Gingrich, Dead Beat Dad who wrote the Family Values Contract With America that failed, Lied to two women, not one, and cheated on both before divorcing them. But lets go on here, ....Newt was up to his ass in the house banking scandal, as he wrote a slew of hot checks. He stole money from two children charities and used the money for personal goals. He lied to the Ethics Committee investigating him, and had to pay a $300,000 fine for misleading the committee during the investigation, for which they dropped 83 criminal charges against him.

Put some ice on that toots!!:lol:

There's never enough ice, even without the global meltdown (?) to cover LIEberrhoidal BULLSHIT !!!

BTW, didja notice that America is aware of that fact SHIT(ow) ?
Newt Gingrich is a penny ante Congressman. But Newt did not obstruct justice, lie under oath, or tell a woman, "you better put some ice on that."

Newt Gingrich, Dead Beat Dad who wrote the Family Values Contract With America that failed, Lied to two women, not one, and cheated on both before divorcing them. But lets go on here, ....Newt was up to his ass in the house banking scandal, as he wrote a slew of hot checks. He stole money from two children charities and used the money for personal goals. He lied to the Ethics Committee investigating him, and had to pay a $300,000 fine for misleading the committee during the investigation, for which they dropped 83 criminal charges against him.

Put some ice on that toots!!:lol:

And you notice the Republicans didn't try to keep Gingrich from getting booted out. Like Tom Delay, they couldn't wait to get rid of him.

But Clinton? Lie under oath and the Democrats then as now circle the wagons around him and justify it.

I don't recall Carville getting on the shows for Gingrich telling people, they drug dollar bills through a trailer park, for any one that criticized Gingrich.

I'm sorry but it's NOT EVEN CLOSE bringing up Gingrich.

Like I said. Clinton was the leader of the free world. There is a reason why we hold our president's to a higher standard.

Hmm, I thought National Health Care was a new idea, huh?

How funding research for an electric highway. That new, huh?

Now give two things that republicans have done, as you haven't had a new idea since Hitler! Give us some fresh sounds......LOL!:lol:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol:

National Health care is NOT a new idea! BOY IS THAT NOT A NEW IDEA! See the Soviet Union and Europe!

Oh, you want new world ideas from a political party?? LMAO!!!! Yeah, no new ideas coming from political parties, fer sure..............:lol:

Oh nice try double backing but a minute ago you said that WAS a new idea.

Now you change your mind?

Well thank you for finally admitting I was right!

Im still amazed at how many people are defending his lying.

Seriously, the man lied. Pointing to others that also lied doesn't make it better. It doesn't make it right. Claiming everyone lies is just a cop out.

There are way too many people just excusing lying as if it's no big deal. Something that can and should be done when convenient. And then you guys are shocked with the people who represent you lie?

Eliminate the corruption in your life the best you can. Stop lying, even to yourself. If you have to do something painful, then do it. Take responsibility for what you do and say.
They've spent 12 years of their lives defending a blow job.

And you've spent 12 years attacking it. The sad thing is that he had to defend it at all...

You crazy right wingers are STILL threatened by Bubba??? :lol:

No, the sad thing is that Slick Willie is the Dems' Great Hope of keeping any political power after November.


What's so sad about that? He was a great president...

You're just jealous because he got more tail than you...not that that wouldn't be hard to do...:cool:
Another thread devolved - amazing that even this piece of shit thread could devolve - into another circle jerk by the echo chamber.

Liberals whine about an echo chamber? :rofl:

And YOU want to whine about an echo chamber? Give me a freaking break!


You realise you are addressing The Catcher as if his opinion matters?

Look at the poll results.

The Catcher's opinion means nothing.

Accept to the Pitcher

Of the 31 who have said 'No' five of them are normal. The rest are just partisan hacks. What do you think your poll has proven? Right wing whackjobs hate Democrat presidents? And this is news to you, how?
Im still amazed at how many people are defending his lying.

Seriously, the man lied. Pointing to others that also lied doesn't make it better. It doesn't make it right. Claiming everyone lies is just a cop out.

There are way too many people just excusing lying as if it's no big deal. Something that can and should be done when convenient. And then you guys are shocked with the people who represent you lie?

Eliminate the corruption in your life the best you can. Stop lying, even to yourself. If you have to do something painful, then do it. Take responsibility for what you do and say.

I don't give a shit he lied. Everybody lies. You think it means more when it is under oath? Why? Lying is lying. You don't think every single person (yes including Washington) hasn't lied about something?

Lying does bother me insomuch as what they are lying about.

Lie about fucking some 23 year old intern who wants everybody to know she's banged the supposed most powerful man on Earth? Couldn't give a fuck.

Lie about intel that involves invading countries that leave over 2000 servicemen dead, 10s of thousands wounded (and we won't even go into the deaths and maiming of the populations of those countries because righties don't give a shit about them anyway)? Too damn right I give a fuck.

See most cons don't see the bigger picture or context. It's all about winning. Two of the biggest scrotums in politics in the past 30 years go by the surnames Atwater and Rove - they sum up your typical neocon whackjob nicely - smarmy gits that spread misery...
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