Slick Willie Stainmaker Rides Again

Is Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton Trustworthy?

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Another thread devolved - amazing that even this piece of shit thread could devolve - into another circle jerk by the echo chamber.

Liberals whine about an echo chamber? :rofl:

And YOU want to whine about an echo chamber? Give me a freaking break!


You realise you are addressing The Catcher as if his opinion matters?

Look at the poll results.

The Catcher's opinion means nothing.

Accept to the Pitcher

you realize you're addressing the tea freak as if *her* opinion matterss?


you could have done the same poll about baby bush.

except his lies mattered.

but whatever. i guess you were bored.
Newt Gingrich is a penny ante Congressman. But Newt did not obstruct justice, lie under oath, or tell a woman, "you better put some ice on that."

Newt Gingrich, Dead Beat Dad who wrote the Family Values Contract With America that failed, Lied to two women, not one, and cheated on both before divorcing them. But lets go on here, ....Newt was up to his ass in the house banking scandal, as he wrote a slew of hot checks. He stole money from two children charities and used the money for personal goals. He lied to the Ethics Committee investigating him, and had to pay a $300,000 fine for misleading the committee during the investigation, for which they dropped 83 criminal charges against him.

Put some ice on that toots!!:lol:

And you notice the Republicans didn't try to keep Gingrich from getting booted out. Like Tom Delay, they couldn't wait to get rid of him.

But Clinton? Lie under oath and the Democrats then as now circle the wagons around him and justify it.

I don't recall Carville getting on the shows for Gingrich telling people, they drug dollar bills through a trailer park, for any one that criticized Gingrich.

I'm sorry but it's NOT EVEN CLOSE bringing up Gingrich.

Like I said. Clinton was the leader of the free world. There is a reason why we hold our president's to a higher standard.


I still don't get why the RNC threw Tom Delay under the bus. Was he supposed to be a sacrificial lamb??? Like the DNC would be so busy brutalizing him that they would leave the other Republicans alone. Something was real wrong there, way beyond the DNC Klan Witch hunt frenzy mentality.
Liberals whine about an echo chamber? :rofl:

And YOU want to whine about an echo chamber? Give me a freaking break!


You realise you are addressing The Catcher as if his opinion matters?

Look at the poll results.

The Catcher's opinion means nothing.

Accept to the Pitcher

you realize you're addressing the tea freak as if *her* opinion matterss?


you could have done the same poll about baby bush.

except his lies mattered.

but whatever. i guess you were bored.

We all matter Dear. ;) Some times I find myself angry that the Bible has no parable for "The Emperor's New Clothes", New Testament or Old Testament. ;) Sometimes it only takes one voice to effect change. I know that is every Tyrant's worst Nightmare, and that really is what gives birth to the "Kill The Messenger" or "Discredit The Messenger" line of reasoning. As Human Beings, even if we only agree with 1% of the message, why oppress it??? When we find ourselves on the wrong side of that formula, doesn't it eventually come around and bite us in the ass??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Liberals whine about an echo chamber? :rofl:

And YOU want to whine about an echo chamber? Give me a freaking break!


You realise you are addressing The Catcher as if his opinion matters?

Look at the poll results.

The Catcher's opinion means nothing.

Accept to the Pitcher

you realize you're addressing the tea freak as if *her* opinion matterss?


you could have done the same poll about baby bush.

except his lies mattered.

but whatever. i guess you were bored.

I'm more interested in current politics: Slick Willie Stainmaker is Campaigning, right now, no matter how embarrassing you may find the fact to be.

Why would I, or anyone start the nth thread with a poll about anything so irrelevant as "baby bush?":cuckoo:

But, if you're so interested in yet another posting of the EVULs of BUSHCHENEYHALLIBURTONIRAQ ****yawn****, go ahead: you could have done the same poll in the history forum.
Im still amazed at how many people are defending his lying.

Stop lying, even to yourself. If you have to do something painful, then do it. Take responsibility for what you do and say.

Lying does bother me insomuch as what they are lying about....

Poor, poor, naive Grump.

You haven't a clue do you?

The only reason we KNOW Slick Willie Stainmaker was "lying about" anything was that he was CAUGHT,, perhaps more accurately........"blue-dressed."

We don't know the other lies.
Im still amazed at how many people are defending his lying.

Stop lying, even to yourself. If you have to do something painful, then do it. Take responsibility for what you do and say.

Lying does bother me insomuch as what they are lying about....

Poor, poor, naive Grump.

You haven't a clue do you?

The only reason we KNOW Slick Willie Stainmaker was "lying about" anything was that he was CAUGHT,, perhaps more accurately........"blue-dressed."

We don't know the other lies.

Why don't you buy a dog sammie, then you may get attention and not need to bore the rest of us. And if you feed the dog, it may actually like you.
Im still amazed at how many people are defending his lying.

Seriously, the man lied. Pointing to others that also lied doesn't make it better. It doesn't make it right. Claiming everyone lies is just a cop out.

There are way too many people just excusing lying as if it's no big deal. Something that can and should be done when convenient. And then you guys are shocked with the people who represent you lie?

Eliminate the corruption in your life the best you can. Stop lying, even to yourself. If you have to do something painful, then do it. Take responsibility for what you do and say.

I don't give a shit he lied. Everybody lies. You think it means more when it is under oath? Why? Lying is lying. You don't think every single person (yes including Washington) hasn't lied about something?

Lying does bother me insomuch as what they are lying about.

Lie about fucking some 23 year old intern who wants everybody to know she's banged the supposed most powerful man on Earth? Couldn't give a fuck.

Lie about intel that involves invading countries that leave over 2000 servicemen dead, 10s of thousands wounded (and we won't even go into the deaths and maiming of the populations of those countries because righties don't give a shit about them anyway)? Too damn right I give a fuck.

See most cons don't see the bigger picture or context. It's all about winning. Two of the biggest scrotums in politics in the past 30 years go by the surnames Atwater and Rove - they sum up your typical neocon whackjob nicely - smarmy gits that spread misery...

Oh I think cons care about context, this is just one particular thread, why are you conflating this?

I personally think making excuses for the small lies just leads to larger lies...

So, anyway since you made this a wider case, lets test your "lie” outrage meter;

-Tonkin gulf?

lie, no lie, understandable lie or inconsequential lie?

- JFK was killed by a plot of collusion which included any or all of the following; mafia, cuba, russia, the gov. (cia.) other parts there in.

lie, no lie, understandable lie or inconsequential lie?

-an author writes a book describes her personal experiences growing up in vary harsh conditions, grinding poverty, violence etc. wins multiple awards etc. This apparently is false; she was a member of an upper middle class family who really wanted for very little.

lie, no lie, understandable lie or inconsequential lie?

-A PHD writes a book , an academic tome for a college press that is based on purposefully generated misleading data he created and massaged to suit his position.

lie, no lie, understandable lie or inconsequential lie?

- a parent, Wife Hubble whichever, ‘cheats’ on their spouse, they tell their best friends they don’t tell their partner of it because they don’t want to hurt the family etc……

lie, no lie, understandable lie or inconsequential lie?

-a sitting Att. gen. is running for gov.. It appears in the past several years, he has made repeated unmistakable references to his service in Vietnam. Problem- he was never in or even close to Vietnam.

lie, no lie, understandable lie or inconsequential lie?
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Doesn't matter what you lie about. It's still a lie. If you lie about unimportant things, you will lie about important things.

Learn to love honesty. You can't love the truth and lie when convenient.

If you love the truth, then be honest. Eliminate lies in your life. Tell the truth when it's convenient to lie and it will be easier to tell the truth with the important things in life.

This should be a quest for every person. Let's not excuse lies simply because someone has a D or an R next to their name. I mean I think we can honest disagree whether some things are lies, but when it's obvious that someone is lying, then dont support it. Expect honesty from people. And if they lie, expect them to take responsibility for it and change to be more honest.

We need to stop defending lies and instead eliminate them.
Poor, poor, naive Grump.

You haven't a clue do you?

The only reason we KNOW Slick Willie Stainmaker was "lying about" anything was that he was CAUGHT,, perhaps more accurately........"blue-dressed."

We don't know the other lies.

Just read the bold parts Sammy Boy...
Gee, a guy cheated on his wife in a country where 50% of marriages end in divorce and the n tried to cover it up.

I guess Just like Newt who was fucking HIS aide while he impeached Clinton men today seem to have a problem keeping their trouser snakes in their pants.

If you want to pretend there are humans who have never lied then you yourself are a liar.

Clinton's actions should stand on their own demerit.
I guess you'd have had to have been old-enough, to have BEEN there.....

He was impeached. He lied right to our faces and wagged his stink finger at us....What's to discuss?

Yeah what an asshole for trying to save his marriage after he fucked up.

Newt on the other hand gets a full pass from you for standing there and SPEWING to the American people on the evil of clintons actions while he was fucking his aide. Then he dumped yet another wife for a younger version. At least that wife wasnt in a hospital bed with cancer when he dumped her.

"One woman, Anne Manning, has come forward and confirmed a relationship with him during the 1976 campaign. "We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'"

I voted no as I never trusted Clowntoon.
Do some of you actually forget that you can trust no politician?

Heck even Bush let you down.

I agree. Bush did let us down.

But unlike some of the people here. Most of us don't have a problem admitting that both sides of the aisle have issues.
....And, one-side has a larger body-count!!!


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