Slow Moving Coup

First they're convinced by a damaged, flamboyant buffoon that an election is rigged, then they use that to return the favor, in their minds.

The other guy did it, so we can do it, too.

That's how democracy dies.
There it is....ORANGE MAN BAD!

I can imagine your hair on fire as you run around waving your arms wildly as you scream about Trump
There it is....ORANGE MAN BAD!

I can imagine your hair on fire as you run around waving your arms wildly as you scream about Trump
That post was about the rubes. You're just not getting this.

This is about your adoration, your alternate universe and your spectacularly lowered standards.

I've tried to explain this, and I think you (for one) are intelligent enough to get it.
Out of purely morbid curiosity: Are you suggesting that the capitol cops were actually not injured, or that those who have come forward are crisis actors?

I came in late here, so I could be wrong.
I think he is, but you can't rule anything out about people who believe in QAnon.
That post was about the rubes. You're just not getting this.

This is about your adoration, your alternate universe and your spectacularly lowered standards.

I've tried to explain this, and I think you (for one) are intelligent enough to get it.
He doesn't want to believe. Denial is not a river in Egypt.
That, "mainly because of his own stupidity in dealing with it. . ." is a bunch of partisan hogwash. Joe Biden has done no better, and "dealing with it," is primarily the duty of the states.

AND? On top of all that, it has been empirically proven now, although, it doesn't matter if I tell you, because you are going to be in complete denial, but the facts are out there, that mitigation efforts imposed from the top down by the establishment, have very little statistical affect on the spread of the disease.

The only thing that has had any impact, is how the medical cartel has mandated how medical professionals are allowed to treat patients once they first exhibit symptoms, and with what medications and medical interventions, they are allowed, by US law, are approved for use. This is because of corporate corruption, having to do with big Pharma's interests in acquiring EUA's for vaccines.

YES, that's right, the blood of Americans has paved the way for the profits of corporate America, and YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT. Either that, or you don't care to look into the issue and actually educate yourself. . . because of state education, critical thinking is woefully lacking, and victims of the consortium's propaganda are sadly, in great abundance. Look at the masses of death we have had.

What we have, is an epidemic of ignorance.

Instead? You want to blame Trump.

The only person that has been conned here is YOU. By corporate America.

Nice going.

You mean Big Pharma that Trump directed to research a vaccine for covid?And provided funds to do it?

Vaccines save lives. That's a fact. Oh btw, stop hammering Biden if in your own words it's the "responsibility of the states to deal with it".

If you right wing drama queens would just get the shot, deaths & hospitilazations would drop dramatically.
You mean Big Pharma that Trump directed to research a vaccine for covid?And provided funds to do it?

Vaccines save lives. That's a fact. Oh btw, stop hammering Biden if in your own words it's the "responsibility of the states to deal with it".

If you right wing drama queens would just get the shot, deaths & hospitilazations would drop dramatically.
I don't know if you ever carefully watched any of the Covid briefings?

But Trump didn't have a clue about any of the shit that was going on. He was just listening to who he thought were the experts.

. . . and you don't know me, you are pissing in the wind when you try to classify my political beliefs.

That's all you have, slandering folks.

I'm not your enemy because I have a different POV than you.

And I never was hammering Biden. I was stating, you can't hold Trump anymore responsible than Biden. Nor can we hold red states anymore responsible than blue states.

That point here, is that politicians and governments can do very little to mitigate this, only individuals and healthcare providers can do something. The only thing the state can do, is tell medical providers, that if they treat folks with certain treatments, it will be against the law. . . . which they have done, and folks have died because of it.

There are NO VACCINES, only genetic treatments, which the state has redefined as such.

Trump never provided funds to do anything, Congress allocates funding for programs.

. . . finally, your assertion that the number of jabs administered would lead to less death and hospitalizations is not backed by anything. The ER's are now overloaded by folks that have other problems.

Perhaps illness and death are now rising due to other causes related to taking the vaccine. .. but the corporate media would never tell us that tale, would they?

"These words spoken by Dr. Ryan Cole at the at the White Coat Summit in Texas in August, still hold true today. Alarmed by samples he was seeing in his laboratory from ‘vaccinated’ people, he shared the following:
  • The shots cause dysregulation of the immune response resulting in an uptick of Herpes family viruses, molluscumin, human papilloma virus, all sorts of viruses, mononucleosis, etc., reactivating.
  • There’s a ten-to-twenty fold increase of uterine cancer in the last six months – since the beginning of vaccine rollout.
  • Inflammation in the heart. Dr Cole pointed out that once you have heart damage, the heart does not heal itself. Instead, it creates scars. There has been a 200% increase in myocarditis.
  • Inflammation in the lungs. The purple and blue seen below is inflammation. The spike proteins will accumulate in the lungs because there are ACE-II receptors there.

Dr. Cole’s slide clearly shows the damage to lung tissue from the spike protein.

  • The shot also damages the kidneys, liver, testes, and ovaries. The Lipid Nanoparticles from the shot accumulate in the ovaries. Buried in the Pfizer documents is the little known information that it decreases the fertility in rats by 16%. So what is it doing to humanity? Since we do not yet have long term data, we simply do not know.
  • The shot also crosses the blood-brain barrier. It disrupts the blood vessels in your brain and allows the spike in there to cause inflammation and the same brain fog Covid patients complain about.
Dr. Cole pointed out that these problems are occurring because:"

And? Is this seems to be what we are seeing. Sure enough, but that is not how the corporate and government media is trying to spin it.

You're dangerously retarded more so than most people that still have a heartbeat... Lefty never ceases to amaze me. The country is making a natural reaction and pushback to the severe left-wing assault that happened after the stolen election and you're mad because people will finally have a say in something. When Trump is back in the White House and it sure looks like he's on his way.... I hope antifa BLM and all the other left-wing groups rise up with knives and pitchforks and come after the rest of America so America will have an excuse to put them in the cemetery.

I wish I were as much an optimist as you are.
Sure, dumbshit.
The GQP 'experts' are the Cyber Ninja's.
How did that workout?

The GQP wasted millions of $$$ and equipment to find.......................NOTHING.
Oh' yeah, they did.

Well, Donald Trump was right. The Cyber Ninjas doing their first-ever election audit discovered that there were indeed uncounted votes.
It appears that President Joe Biden won an extra 99 votes. And Trump lost 261 more votes.
The Donald was worse than irate. A draft report of the Cyber Ninjas findings hit the airwaves Friday, and he went after the media big time.
^^^ uninformed and unprepared to debate this issue.
Unfortunately despite the overwhelming evidence that 2020 was a corrupt POTUS selection the perpetrators well knew that the court chase for this thing was and is longer than the POTUS term's basically a perfect crime.
Considering it takes years to investigate and bring a case of organized crime to the courts you nailed it. They knew Trump would only have weeks to try to gather evidence and litigate, just not enough time. Note the Dem and MSM propaganda of "there's no evidence" started before any investigation had even begun. Dems spinning a narrative.
Considering it takes years to investigate and bring a case of organized crime to the courts you nailed it. They knew Trump would only have weeks to try to gather evidence and litigate, just not enough time. Note the Dem and MSM propaganda of "there's no evidence" started before any investigation had even begun. Dems spinning a narrative.
This was done very professionally.....with the help of the Intelligence agencies that were all fully corrupted under Obama....who is still the shadow POTUS IMO.

Considering it takes years to investigate and bring a case of organized crime to the courts you nailed it. They knew Trump would only have weeks to try to gather evidence and litigate, just not enough time. Note the Dem and MSM propaganda of "there's no evidence" started before any investigation had even begun. Dems spinning a narrative.
Still believe the moon landing was faked, right genius?
Careful you're going to want to have that crying towel ready when Trump wins in 24. Better leave some room for voter fraud.... You're going to need it.
You Trump MAGA fools have been crying buckets of tears since your boy had his ass beat by Biden, using voter fraud as an excuse to justify the fact that you can't face reality.

Grow up.
^^^ uninformed and unprepared to debate this issue.
The debate is over, the orange retard lost, moron.
The GQP and their dear leader thought the Cyber Ninjas would save them, they were wrong again.
Keep beating a dead horse, a year later?
Still believe the moon landing was faked, right genius?
You can't fake three simultaneous swing state turnarounds that lie squarely in the .0000000000001% of the extreme outlier end beyond the upper quartile of the statistics gathered for all former POTUS elections dude. Your chances of winning the Powerball three weeks in a row are more likely in fact which is a measly .0000000001% by comparison. Short answer here.....that kind of luck simply does not exist. So moon landings aside....there's no question that the election was tampered with bigly....the statistics PROVE IT.....but statistics do not make court evidence.
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You can't fake three swing state turnarounds that lie squarely in the .0000000000001% of the extreme outlier end beyond the upper quartile of the statistics gathered for all former POTUS elections dude. Your chances of winning the Powerball three weeks in a row are more likely in fact which is a measly .0000000001% by comparison. Short answer here.....that kind of luck simply does not exist. So moon landings aside....there's no question that the election was tampered with bigly....the statistics PROVE IT.....but statistics do not make court evidence.
Uh, no. Actually the vote tallies prove Biden won. Period. Which is what counts not some mumbo jumbo about stats.

Time to wake up & face reality.

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