Slow Moving Coup

So no names

Your post was revisionist spin. Got it
Make sure to tune in to Tucker's propoganda special on Fox & enjoy having smoke blown up your ass, clown.

We know how much you Trump asseaters like it.
Make sure to tune in to Tucker's propoganda special on Fox & enjoy having smoke blown up your ass, clown.

We know how much you Trump asseaters like it.
Ask a simple question and it causes a melt down.

Hate to break it to you kiddoe but you ruin your credibility when you cant even answer simjple questions.

Your claim is a lie unless you can answer.
Out of purely morbid curiosity: Are you suggesting that the capitol cops were actually not injured, or that those who have come forward are crisis actors?

I came in late here, so I could be wrong.
I asked a question and got vitriole. Go talk to that moron who is too stupid to answer
Could you ask the other guy to answer mine?
Okay, I tried.

Clipper, I've tried to get Soupnazi630 to tell me if he's inferring that the capitol cops were actually not injured, or that those who have come forward are crisis actors.

I've asked twice now, and he doesn't want to tell me. Is that your impression of what he's inferring, or do I have this wrong?
Ask a simple question and it causes a melt down.

Hate to break it to you kiddoe but you ruin your credibility when you cant even answer simjple questions.

Your claim is a lie unless you can answer.
Brian Sicknick & Michael Fannone are two of the 140 cops injured during your mob' s riot.

If you think I'm going to post the rest of the names or a link you're out of your mind. Look it up yourself.
Brian Sicknick & Michael Fannone are two of the 140 cops injured during your mob' s riot.

If you think I'm going to post the rest of the names or a link you're out of your mind. Look it up yourself.
MIcheal Fannone seems to have been injured yes.

Sicknick was not. He was only pepper sprayed which did not cause injury and later died of a stroke.
Okay, I tried.

Clipper, I've tried to get Soupnazi630 to tell me if he's inferring that the capitol cops were actually not injured, or that those who have come forward are crisis actors.

I've asked twice now, and he doesn't want to tell me. Is that your impression of what he's inferring, or do I have this wrong?
It's a combination of both. Which is typical of these MAGA tards who want to rewrite history in deference to their orange god.

They're pathetic.
Okay, I tried.

Clipper, I've tried to get Soupnazi630 to tell me if he's inferring that the capitol cops were actually not injured, or that those who have come forward are crisis actors.

I've asked twice now, and he doesn't want to tell me. Is that your impression of what he's inferring, or do I have this wrong?
Yes you have it wrong and you shoudl have asked the other guy who behaved like a petulant brat.

Asking a question is not inferring or suggesting anything.
It's a combination of both. Which is typical of these MAGA tards who want to rewrite history in deference to their orange god.

They're pathetic.
Hate to break it to you boy but asking questions is none of those things and you love trump more than i do.
Okay, I tried.

Clipper, I've tried to get Soupnazi630 to tell me if he's inferring that the capitol cops were actually not injured, or that those who have come forward are crisis actors.

I've asked twice now, and he doesn't want to tell me. Is that your impression of what he's inferring, or do I have this wrong?
Be nice to Soupy. He’s slow.
Yes you have it wrong and you shoudl have asked the other guy who behaved like a petulant brat.

Asking a question is not inferring or suggesting anything.
Apparently, you're either ignorant of what happened or you're in denial. Which is the latter imho because you knew about Fannone.

I don't play games.
Apparently, you're either ignorant of what happened or you're in denial. Which is the latter imho because you knew about Fannone.
I don't play games.
Remember, what they're provided in their universe is only part of the story. I think it's entirely possible that they haven't seen much of the footage of that day, and/or they have been instructed to believe that the violent activity was an Antifa and/or BLM and/or FBI and/or Chinese plot, and that the insurrectionists were left wingers only.

Not much you can do with that.
The orange knuckle dragger ran his yap about absentee voting which was expanded during the pandemic mainly because of his own stupidity in dealing with it.

Laws should be passed making it easier for people to vote not more difficult. Republicans don't want that because they, like Trump will have their ass handed back to them every time.
That, "mainly because of his own stupidity in dealing with it. . ." is a bunch of partisan hogwash. Joe Biden has done no better, and "dealing with it," is primarily the duty of the states.

AND? On top of all that, it has been empirically proven now, although, it doesn't matter if I tell you, because you are going to be in complete denial, but the facts are out there, that mitigation efforts imposed from the top down by the establishment, have very little statistical affect on the spread of the disease.

The only thing that has had any impact, is how the medical cartel has mandated how medical professionals are allowed to treat patients once they first exhibit symptoms, and with what medications and medical interventions, they are allowed, by US law, are approved for use. This is because of corporate corruption, having to do with big Pharma's interests in acquiring EUA's for vaccines.

YES, that's right, the blood of Americans has paved the way for the profits of corporate America, and YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT. Either that, or you don't care to look into the issue and actually educate yourself. . . because of state education, critical thinking is woefully lacking, and victims of the consortium's propaganda are sadly, in great abundance. Look at the masses of death we have had.

What we have, is an epidemic of ignorance.

Instead? You want to blame Trump.

The only person that has been conned here is YOU. By corporate America.

Nice going.


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