Slow navigation throughout the Forum

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Same here, slow, "bad gateway". Clearing cache and cookies doesn't help.

But, it did help me get other stuff done so its not all bad. :)
Not to mention it takes 5 minutes for me to get to my post after pressing the "edit" button.

Been getting 502s for the last hour or so. This post needed four attempts.

Tried to thank the post above and got a pop up reading:

<!-- a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page --> (multiple times)

Whatever that means...

Of course I could play it like Millihenry and declare that what's on the screen isn't on the screen at all.... or that it is on the screen but it's somebody else's job to prove it...
I just tried to post a response, and it was taking forever, so I clicked the "go back" button and it gave me this message:

502 Bad Gateway

It was stuck there on the message, so I had to click off the Forum, and when I tried to come back it literally took over 2 minutes to finally get a connection....this sucks....

I lost my response, too.:mad:

Me too. It's obviously Obama's fault.
I just tried to post a response, and it was taking forever, so I clicked the "go back" button and it gave me this message:

502 Bad Gateway

It was stuck there on the message, so I had to click off the Forum, and when I tried to come back it literally took over 2 minutes to finally get a connection....this sucks....

I lost my response, too.:mad:

thats the alert I rec'd as well.
Must have been all the posts in the coffee shop, because it's disappeared without a trace.
Is anybody else experiencing a much slower pace of navigation around here. Even clicking on my link to USMB, my computer sits there longer before accessing it. I try other links and they work fast, but not the one to USMB.

Also, when I reply to a pm, after I hit the submit button, it will sit there for a long period of time. Sometimes I hit the back page and re-submit and it will finally go.

When responding to a post....same thing, it takes longer than it used to a few days ago.

I know it isn't my computer because I'm not experiencing the same problem at other sites.

Just wondering if anyone had noticed it was slower or if it was just me.

Clean you cache, clear cookies. Disable javascript or use ad blockers. In certain areas of this page the navigation is slow, but that's due to fetching on hundreds if not thousands of posts or threads in response to queries.

However, I would like to mention to the Mods here that I got multiple "502 Bad Gateway" errors a few minutes ago.

I've cleaned my cache, reset Safari and it's not my computer, or I would be having the same problem on other sites...and I'm not.

In fact, I was about to respond to your post when it got stuck again. It was frozen, not going anywhere, so I clicked off and when I tried to get back on I couldn' another one of those "gateway" errors, so I went to watch TV for a while.
The CSII was slamming our database. Foxfyre has to start a new one. Everything should be back to normal. Apologies for the inconvenience folks!!!!
I had the best post ever all lined up in my head and then poof, I lost it, thanks to the slow motion USMB. :doubt:
I decided to go over to the Lounge and check out Fractals, after about five minutes I came to the conclusion someone must have dropped some acid in my cocktail, :)eek:) but then maybe not :)eusa_angel:)but Fractals is a real trip. :D So, I decided to sprawl on the sofa to see if the room was spinning, it wasn't, :)eusa_hand:) so here I am.
I think the coast is clear. :D
It's not just here where I have not gotten 502 gateway. I did get it on nook press where I'm writing my current book Saturday night it was out nearly 24 hours.
The CSII was slamming our database. Foxfyre has to start a new one. Everything should be back to normal. Apologies for the inconvenience folks!!!!

Thank you.....tell those people in the CS to drink more coffee and not talk so much...:lol::lol:
Well, Obama did pull out all the stops to become scapegoat in chief. blood moon tonight and Obama is officially to blame for that too.
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