Slut teacher pregnant by 13 year old student

Just to be you or do you not think it is acceptable for a, let's call it "senior adult"...say above the age of have a sexual relationship with a teenager?

Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

So in other words you think it is ok. Got it.
Every adult heterosexual male is attracted to nubile females, also scientifically labeled as "Tanner Stage 5"...a fully developed female. Unfortunately this can occur in females as young as 13...but more commonly occurs around the age of 17-19. Breast are fully developed, hip widening fully developed etc. and her body is fully capable of safely having a baby.
Every hetero man is physically attracted to nubile females...when we see an attractive female walk by, not knowing her age, yes - the little alert bells go off in our heads...every man...but the instant we suspect she is young - we turn our f*cking heads!! We stop the attraction. We cannot control what we are attracted to purely on a physical level - but we CAN control acting on it.
That is the difference.

Sounds good.

What if the girl lies?

Current law is the man still goes to prison.

Men are serving time for having sex with a "Tanner Stage 5" female, who they had every reason to believe was a legal adult.

Jerry Seinfield's victim does not seem to have been worse for the experience.
Just to be you or do you not think it is acceptable for a, let's call it "senior adult"...say above the age of have a sexual relationship with a teenager?

Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

So in other words you think it is ok. Got it.
Every adult heterosexual male is attracted to nubile females, also scientifically labeled as "Tanner Stage 5"...a fully developed female. Unfortunately this can occur in females as young as 13...but more commonly occurs around the age of 17-19. Breast are fully developed, hip widening fully developed etc. and her body is fully capable of safely having a baby.
Every hetero man is physically attracted to nubile females...when we see an attractive female walk by, not knowing her age, yes - the little alert bells go off in our heads...every man...but the instant we suspect she is young - we turn our f*cking heads!! We stop the attraction. We cannot control what we are attracted to purely on a physical level - but we CAN control acting on it.
That is the difference.

Sounds good.

What if the girl lies?

Current law is the man still goes to prison.

Men are serving time for having sex with a "Tanner Stage 5" female, who they had every reason to believe was a legal adult.

Jerry Seinfield's victim does not seem to have been worse for the experience.

If there is a question that this person might be under 20, then avoid the person. Simple.
Just to be you or do you not think it is acceptable for a, let's call it "senior adult"...say above the age of have a sexual relationship with a teenager?

Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

So in other words you think it is ok. Got it.
Every adult heterosexual male is attracted to nubile females, also scientifically labeled as "Tanner Stage 5"...a fully developed female. Unfortunately this can occur in females as young as 13...but more commonly occurs around the age of 17-19. Breast are fully developed, hip widening fully developed etc. and her body is fully capable of safely having a baby.
Every hetero man is physically attracted to nubile females...when we see an attractive female walk by, not knowing her age, yes - the little alert bells go off in our heads...every man...but the instant we suspect she is young - we turn our f*cking heads!! We stop the attraction. We cannot control what we are attracted to purely on a physical level - but we CAN control acting on it.
That is the difference.

Sounds good.

What if the girl lies?

Current law is the man still goes to prison.

Men are serving time for having sex with a "Tanner Stage 5" female, who they had every reason to believe was a legal adult.

Jerry Seinfield's victim does not seem to have been worse for the experience.

You don't know this person, so you have no idea.
NIMH » The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction

One of the ways that scientists have searched for the causes of mental illness is by studying the development of the brain from birth to adulthood. Powerful new technologies have enabled them to track the growth of the brain and to investigate the connections between brain function, development, and behavior.

The research has turned up some surprises, among them the discovery of striking changes taking place during the teen years. These findings have altered long-held assumptions about the timing of brain maturation. In key ways, the brain doesn’t look like that of an adult until the early 20s.

An understanding of how the brain of an adolescent is changing may help explain a puzzling contradiction of adolescence: young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age. Mortality rates jump between early and late adolescence. Rates of death by injury between ages 15 to 19 are about six times that of the rate between ages 10 and 14. Crime rates are highest among young males and rates of alcohol abuse are high relative to other ages. Even though most adolescents come through this transitional age well, it’s important to understand the risk factors for behavior that can have serious consequences. Genes, childhood experience, and the environment in which a young person reaches adolescence all shape behavior. Adding to this complex picture, research is revealing how all these factors act in the context of a brain that is changing, with its own impact on behavior.

The more we learn, the better we may be able to understand the abilities and vulnerabilities of teens, and the significance of this stage for life-long mental health.

The fact that so much change is taking place beneath the surface may be something for parents to keep in mind during the ups and downs of adolescence.



why does that not argue for criminalizing TEEN SEX period?

Because two teens are basically equals. Adults manipulate teenagers.

Both of them, according to your link, are poorly able to understand the serious consequences of their actions.

If the point of the law is to protect them from those consequences, then being the same age is of little difference.
NIMH » The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction

One of the ways that scientists have searched for the causes of mental illness is by studying the development of the brain from birth to adulthood. Powerful new technologies have enabled them to track the growth of the brain and to investigate the connections between brain function, development, and behavior.

The research has turned up some surprises, among them the discovery of striking changes taking place during the teen years. These findings have altered long-held assumptions about the timing of brain maturation. In key ways, the brain doesn’t look like that of an adult until the early 20s.

An understanding of how the brain of an adolescent is changing may help explain a puzzling contradiction of adolescence: young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age. Mortality rates jump between early and late adolescence. Rates of death by injury between ages 15 to 19 are about six times that of the rate between ages 10 and 14. Crime rates are highest among young males and rates of alcohol abuse are high relative to other ages. Even though most adolescents come through this transitional age well, it’s important to understand the risk factors for behavior that can have serious consequences. Genes, childhood experience, and the environment in which a young person reaches adolescence all shape behavior. Adding to this complex picture, research is revealing how all these factors act in the context of a brain that is changing, with its own impact on behavior.

The more we learn, the better we may be able to understand the abilities and vulnerabilities of teens, and the significance of this stage for life-long mental health.

The fact that so much change is taking place beneath the surface may be something for parents to keep in mind during the ups and downs of adolescence.



why does that not argue for criminalizing TEEN SEX period?

Because two teens are basically equals. Adults manipulate teenagers.

Both of them, according to your link, are poorly able to understand the serious consequences of their actions.

If the point of the law is to protect them from those consequences, then being the same age is of little difference.

Some kids are going to experiment with sex. That does not make it okay for an adult to take advantage. Get it?

Everyone should take note that you are still arguing about this. It is quite telling.
NIMH » The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction

One of the ways that scientists have searched for the causes of mental illness is by studying the development of the brain from birth to adulthood. Powerful new technologies have enabled them to track the growth of the brain and to investigate the connections between brain function, development, and behavior.

The research has turned up some surprises, among them the discovery of striking changes taking place during the teen years. These findings have altered long-held assumptions about the timing of brain maturation. In key ways, the brain doesn’t look like that of an adult until the early 20s.

An understanding of how the brain of an adolescent is changing may help explain a puzzling contradiction of adolescence: young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age. Mortality rates jump between early and late adolescence. Rates of death by injury between ages 15 to 19 are about six times that of the rate between ages 10 and 14. Crime rates are highest among young males and rates of alcohol abuse are high relative to other ages. Even though most adolescents come through this transitional age well, it’s important to understand the risk factors for behavior that can have serious consequences. Genes, childhood experience, and the environment in which a young person reaches adolescence all shape behavior. Adding to this complex picture, research is revealing how all these factors act in the context of a brain that is changing, with its own impact on behavior.

The more we learn, the better we may be able to understand the abilities and vulnerabilities of teens, and the significance of this stage for life-long mental health.

The fact that so much change is taking place beneath the surface may be something for parents to keep in mind during the ups and downs of adolescence.



why does that not argue for criminalizing TEEN SEX period?

Because two teens are basically equals. Adults manipulate teenagers.

Both of them, according to your link, are poorly able to understand the serious consequences of their actions.

If the point of the law is to protect them from those consequences, then being the same age is of little difference.

What is your point here in this thread? Just come out and say it instead of being a coward.
Just to be you or do you not think it is acceptable for a, let's call it "senior adult"...say above the age of have a sexual relationship with a teenager?

Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

So in other words you think it is ok. Got it.
Every adult heterosexual male is attracted to nubile females, also scientifically labeled as "Tanner Stage 5"...a fully developed female. Unfortunately this can occur in females as young as 13...but more commonly occurs around the age of 17-19. Breast are fully developed, hip widening fully developed etc. and her body is fully capable of safely having a baby.
Every hetero man is physically attracted to nubile females...when we see an attractive female walk by, not knowing her age, yes - the little alert bells go off in our heads...every man...but the instant we suspect she is young - we turn our f*cking heads!! We stop the attraction. We cannot control what we are attracted to purely on a physical level - but we CAN control acting on it.
That is the difference.

Sounds good.

What if the girl lies?

Current law is the man still goes to prison.

Men are serving time for having sex with a "Tanner Stage 5" female, who they had every reason to believe was a legal adult.

Jerry Seinfield's victim does not seem to have been worse for the experience.

If there is a question that this person might be under 20, then avoid the person. Simple.

What? 19 year old girls are to be off limits to 19 year old boys?

Tell me again how reasonable you are.
Where the hell were all these teachers when I was in HS?

... Boys can't be raped. ....!

The LAW disagrees with you, professor.
And the LAW is never wrong .......

Laws protecting minors from sexual predators are not wrong.

The assumption that this was some sort of trauma for the boy is wrong

Go see a shrink, you freak.
Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

So in other words you think it is ok. Got it.
Every adult heterosexual male is attracted to nubile females, also scientifically labeled as "Tanner Stage 5"...a fully developed female. Unfortunately this can occur in females as young as 13...but more commonly occurs around the age of 17-19. Breast are fully developed, hip widening fully developed etc. and her body is fully capable of safely having a baby.
Every hetero man is physically attracted to nubile females...when we see an attractive female walk by, not knowing her age, yes - the little alert bells go off in our heads...every man...but the instant we suspect she is young - we turn our f*cking heads!! We stop the attraction. We cannot control what we are attracted to purely on a physical level - but we CAN control acting on it.
That is the difference.

Sounds good.

What if the girl lies?

Current law is the man still goes to prison.

Men are serving time for having sex with a "Tanner Stage 5" female, who they had every reason to believe was a legal adult.

Jerry Seinfield's victim does not seem to have been worse for the experience.

If there is a question that this person might be under 20, then avoid the person. Simple.

What? 19 year old girls are to be off limits to 19 year old boys?

Tell me again how reasonable you are.

Where did I say that? Getting desperate now, I see.

Tell us what your agenda is in this thread please. What point are you trying to make here? Don't be a sniveling little coward. Just come out and say it.
NIMH » The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction

One of the ways that scientists have searched for the causes of mental illness is by studying the development of the brain from birth to adulthood. Powerful new technologies have enabled them to track the growth of the brain and to investigate the connections between brain function, development, and behavior.

The research has turned up some surprises, among them the discovery of striking changes taking place during the teen years. These findings have altered long-held assumptions about the timing of brain maturation. In key ways, the brain doesn’t look like that of an adult until the early 20s.

An understanding of how the brain of an adolescent is changing may help explain a puzzling contradiction of adolescence: young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age. Mortality rates jump between early and late adolescence. Rates of death by injury between ages 15 to 19 are about six times that of the rate between ages 10 and 14. Crime rates are highest among young males and rates of alcohol abuse are high relative to other ages. Even though most adolescents come through this transitional age well, it’s important to understand the risk factors for behavior that can have serious consequences. Genes, childhood experience, and the environment in which a young person reaches adolescence all shape behavior. Adding to this complex picture, research is revealing how all these factors act in the context of a brain that is changing, with its own impact on behavior.

The more we learn, the better we may be able to understand the abilities and vulnerabilities of teens, and the significance of this stage for life-long mental health.

The fact that so much change is taking place beneath the surface may be something for parents to keep in mind during the ups and downs of adolescence.



why does that not argue for criminalizing TEEN SEX period?

Because two teens are basically equals. Adults manipulate teenagers.

Both of them, according to your link, are poorly able to understand the serious consequences of their actions.

If the point of the law is to protect them from those consequences, then being the same age is of little difference.

Some kids are going to experiment with sex. That does not make it okay for an adult to take advantage. Get it?

Everyone should take note that you are still arguing about this. It is quite telling.

The answers to the questions are not very compelling.

A lot of people are being hurt by this issue.

I have a buddy in law enforcement, a lot of his case load is of serious child abuse, not Jerry Springer dating a 17 year old.

But some of it is guys being fucked for little or no reason.

I'M not a young man who is going to be directly impacted in any way.

But I still don't like the idea of innocent people doing serous time and having their lives ruined.
NIMH » The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction

One of the ways that scientists have searched for the causes of mental illness is by studying the development of the brain from birth to adulthood. Powerful new technologies have enabled them to track the growth of the brain and to investigate the connections between brain function, development, and behavior.

The research has turned up some surprises, among them the discovery of striking changes taking place during the teen years. These findings have altered long-held assumptions about the timing of brain maturation. In key ways, the brain doesn’t look like that of an adult until the early 20s.

An understanding of how the brain of an adolescent is changing may help explain a puzzling contradiction of adolescence: young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age. Mortality rates jump between early and late adolescence. Rates of death by injury between ages 15 to 19 are about six times that of the rate between ages 10 and 14. Crime rates are highest among young males and rates of alcohol abuse are high relative to other ages. Even though most adolescents come through this transitional age well, it’s important to understand the risk factors for behavior that can have serious consequences. Genes, childhood experience, and the environment in which a young person reaches adolescence all shape behavior. Adding to this complex picture, research is revealing how all these factors act in the context of a brain that is changing, with its own impact on behavior.

The more we learn, the better we may be able to understand the abilities and vulnerabilities of teens, and the significance of this stage for life-long mental health.

The fact that so much change is taking place beneath the surface may be something for parents to keep in mind during the ups and downs of adolescence.



why does that not argue for criminalizing TEEN SEX period?

Because two teens are basically equals. Adults manipulate teenagers.

Both of them, according to your link, are poorly able to understand the serious consequences of their actions.

If the point of the law is to protect them from those consequences, then being the same age is of little difference.

Some kids are going to experiment with sex. That does not make it okay for an adult to take advantage. Get it?

Everyone should take note that you are still arguing about this. It is quite telling.

The answers to the questions are not very compelling.

A lot of people are being hurt by this issue.

I have a buddy in law enforcement, a lot of his case load is of serious child abuse, not Jerry Springer dating a 17 year old.

But some of it is guys being fucked for little or no reason.

I'M not a young man who is going to be directly impacted in any way.

But I still don't like the idea of innocent people doing serous time and having their lives ruined.

They are responsible for their own actions. If you don't want to do the time, then make damn sure you aren't committing a crime. Not many people feel sorry for adults who diddle around with teenagers.
Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

So in other words you think it is ok. Got it.
Every adult heterosexual male is attracted to nubile females, also scientifically labeled as "Tanner Stage 5"...a fully developed female. Unfortunately this can occur in females as young as 13...but more commonly occurs around the age of 17-19. Breast are fully developed, hip widening fully developed etc. and her body is fully capable of safely having a baby.
Every hetero man is physically attracted to nubile females...when we see an attractive female walk by, not knowing her age, yes - the little alert bells go off in our heads...every man...but the instant we suspect she is young - we turn our f*cking heads!! We stop the attraction. We cannot control what we are attracted to purely on a physical level - but we CAN control acting on it.
That is the difference.

Sounds good.

What if the girl lies?

Current law is the man still goes to prison.

Men are serving time for having sex with a "Tanner Stage 5" female, who they had every reason to believe was a legal adult.

Jerry Seinfield's victim does not seem to have been worse for the experience.

If there is a question that this person might be under 20, then avoid the person. Simple.

What? 19 year old girls are to be off limits to 19 year old boys?

Tell me again how reasonable you are.

Where did I say that? Getting desperate now, I see.

Tell us what your agenda is in this thread please. What point are you trying to make here? Don't be a sniveling little coward. Just come out and say it.

I pointed out how hard it is to tell age.

You said avoid anyone who MIGHT be under 20.

That means' 19.
So in other words you think it is ok. Got it.
Every adult heterosexual male is attracted to nubile females, also scientifically labeled as "Tanner Stage 5"...a fully developed female. Unfortunately this can occur in females as young as 13...but more commonly occurs around the age of 17-19. Breast are fully developed, hip widening fully developed etc. and her body is fully capable of safely having a baby.
Every hetero man is physically attracted to nubile females...when we see an attractive female walk by, not knowing her age, yes - the little alert bells go off in our heads...every man...but the instant we suspect she is young - we turn our f*cking heads!! We stop the attraction. We cannot control what we are attracted to purely on a physical level - but we CAN control acting on it.
That is the difference.

Sounds good.

What if the girl lies?

Current law is the man still goes to prison.

Men are serving time for having sex with a "Tanner Stage 5" female, who they had every reason to believe was a legal adult.

Jerry Seinfield's victim does not seem to have been worse for the experience.

If there is a question that this person might be under 20, then avoid the person. Simple.

What? 19 year old girls are to be off limits to 19 year old boys?

Tell me again how reasonable you are.

Where did I say that? Getting desperate now, I see.

Tell us what your agenda is in this thread please. What point are you trying to make here? Don't be a sniveling little coward. Just come out and say it.

I pointed out how hard it is to tell age.

You said avoid anyone who MIGHT be under 20.

That means' 19.

If you can't tell, then move along.


why does that not argue for criminalizing TEEN SEX period?

Because two teens are basically equals. Adults manipulate teenagers.

Both of them, according to your link, are poorly able to understand the serious consequences of their actions.

If the point of the law is to protect them from those consequences, then being the same age is of little difference.

Some kids are going to experiment with sex. That does not make it okay for an adult to take advantage. Get it?

Everyone should take note that you are still arguing about this. It is quite telling.

The answers to the questions are not very compelling.

A lot of people are being hurt by this issue.

I have a buddy in law enforcement, a lot of his case load is of serious child abuse, not Jerry Springer dating a 17 year old.

But some of it is guys being fucked for little or no reason.

I'M not a young man who is going to be directly impacted in any way.

But I still don't like the idea of innocent people doing serous time and having their lives ruined.

They are responsible for their own actions. If you don't want to do the time, then make damn sure you aren't committing a crime. Not many people feel sorry for adults who diddle around with teenagers.

SOmetimes they are being held responsible for the actions of the girl, who lied about her age.
Sounds good.

What if the girl lies?

Current law is the man still goes to prison.

Men are serving time for having sex with a "Tanner Stage 5" female, who they had every reason to believe was a legal adult.

Jerry Seinfield's victim does not seem to have been worse for the experience.

If there is a question that this person might be under 20, then avoid the person. Simple.

What? 19 year old girls are to be off limits to 19 year old boys?

Tell me again how reasonable you are.

Where did I say that? Getting desperate now, I see.

Tell us what your agenda is in this thread please. What point are you trying to make here? Don't be a sniveling little coward. Just come out and say it.

I pointed out how hard it is to tell age.

You said avoid anyone who MIGHT be under 20.

That means' 19.

If you can't tell, then move along.

Not a reasonable policy.
Because two teens are basically equals. Adults manipulate teenagers.

Both of them, according to your link, are poorly able to understand the serious consequences of their actions.

If the point of the law is to protect them from those consequences, then being the same age is of little difference.

Some kids are going to experiment with sex. That does not make it okay for an adult to take advantage. Get it?

Everyone should take note that you are still arguing about this. It is quite telling.

The answers to the questions are not very compelling.

A lot of people are being hurt by this issue.

I have a buddy in law enforcement, a lot of his case load is of serious child abuse, not Jerry Springer dating a 17 year old.

But some of it is guys being fucked for little or no reason.

I'M not a young man who is going to be directly impacted in any way.

But I still don't like the idea of innocent people doing serous time and having their lives ruined.

They are responsible for their own actions. If you don't want to do the time, then make damn sure you aren't committing a crime. Not many people feel sorry for adults who diddle around with teenagers.

SOmetimes they are being held responsible for the actions of the girl, who lied about her age.

Bull. MOST of the time these men are fully aware of the fact that the girl is a teenager. Of course, they are going to CLAIM that they didn't know. Lol. Having actually BEEN a teenage girl, I know this for a FACT.
NIMH » The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction

One of the ways that scientists have searched for the causes of mental illness is by studying the development of the brain from birth to adulthood. Powerful new technologies have enabled them to track the growth of the brain and to investigate the connections between brain function, development, and behavior.

The research has turned up some surprises, among them the discovery of striking changes taking place during the teen years. These findings have altered long-held assumptions about the timing of brain maturation. In key ways, the brain doesn’t look like that of an adult until the early 20s.

An understanding of how the brain of an adolescent is changing may help explain a puzzling contradiction of adolescence: young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age. Mortality rates jump between early and late adolescence. Rates of death by injury between ages 15 to 19 are about six times that of the rate between ages 10 and 14. Crime rates are highest among young males and rates of alcohol abuse are high relative to other ages. Even though most adolescents come through this transitional age well, it’s important to understand the risk factors for behavior that can have serious consequences. Genes, childhood experience, and the environment in which a young person reaches adolescence all shape behavior. Adding to this complex picture, research is revealing how all these factors act in the context of a brain that is changing, with its own impact on behavior.

The more we learn, the better we may be able to understand the abilities and vulnerabilities of teens, and the significance of this stage for life-long mental health.

The fact that so much change is taking place beneath the surface may be something for parents to keep in mind during the ups and downs of adolescence.



why does that not argue for criminalizing TEEN SEX period?

Because two teens are basically equals. Adults manipulate teenagers.

Both of them, according to your link, are poorly able to understand the serious consequences of their actions.

If the point of the law is to protect them from those consequences, then being the same age is of little difference.

Some kids are going to experiment with sex. That does not make it okay for an adult to take advantage. Get it?

Everyone should take note that you are still arguing about this. It is quite telling.

The answers to the questions are not very compelling.

A lot of people are being hurt by this issue.


But I still don't like the idea of innocent people doing serous time and having their lives ruined.

A rapist is NOT an innocent person.
If there is a question that this person might be under 20, then avoid the person. Simple.

What? 19 year old girls are to be off limits to 19 year old boys?

Tell me again how reasonable you are.

Where did I say that? Getting desperate now, I see.

Tell us what your agenda is in this thread please. What point are you trying to make here? Don't be a sniveling little coward. Just come out and say it.

I pointed out how hard it is to tell age.

You said avoid anyone who MIGHT be under 20.

That means' 19.

If you can't tell, then move along.

Not a reasonable policy.

It is quite reasonable and a policy you will follow, as outlined by our laws. If there is a question in your mind as to a woman's or girl's age, then don't get involved. If you do and she IS under age, you WILL be held responsible for your irresponsible actions. I don't feel bad for you one bit. In fact, I am completely in support of the laws regarding sex with teens, and I would like to see it be 18 across the board.

Now, tell me what your reason is for fighting about this again?


why does that not argue for criminalizing TEEN SEX period?

Because two teens are basically equals. Adults manipulate teenagers.

Both of them, according to your link, are poorly able to understand the serious consequences of their actions.

If the point of the law is to protect them from those consequences, then being the same age is of little difference.

Some kids are going to experiment with sex. That does not make it okay for an adult to take advantage. Get it?

Everyone should take note that you are still arguing about this. It is quite telling.

The answers to the questions are not very compelling.

A lot of people are being hurt by this issue.


But I still don't like the idea of innocent people doing serous time and having their lives ruined.

A rapist is NOT an innocent person.

All the sex offenders will come out of the woodwork to defend child/adult sexual relationships on threads like this. In a way it's good because it exposes them for what they really are and how they try to justify their "desires" with ridiculous arguments that can be easily shot down every time.

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