Slut teacher pregnant by 13 year old student

My son wouldn't think of sexing up a 16-year-old, and he is only 21.

Perhaps not knowingly.

He will hit on women, he will NOT ask to see ID.

He will sleep with women before he meets their families.

The rules you support, put him at risk for random imprisonment for no reason.

There was another thread where you were defending have sex with teenagers and marrying them just the other day, wasn't there?

No, I was discussing my issues with our current cultural expectations of young adult behavior.

You assumed that my dislike of forcibly extended childhood was motivated by defending sex with teenagers.

FYI, my wife is only a few months younger than me, and she is the OPPOSITE of naive or submissive or dumb.

We have reasonable expectations for adults to keep their hands off children. If you don't know or you are not sure, then walk away. End of story.

We have an unreasonable expectation that young men will be able to tell how old females are by looking, and/or will ASK FOR ID BEFORE SEX,

We have an unreasonable willingness to send said young men to prison for no reason.

It's not unreasonable. Considering that you advocate "family values," you should be courting women and getting to know them BEFORE you jump into bed with them anyway. Hypocrite.
My son wouldn't think of sexing up a 16-year-old, and he is only 21.

Perhaps not knowingly.

He will hit on women, he will NOT ask to see ID.

He will sleep with women before he meets their families.

The rules you support, put him at risk for random imprisonment for no reason.

There was another thread where you were defending have sex with teenagers and marrying them just the other day, wasn't there?

No, I was discussing my issues with our current cultural expectations of young adult behavior.

You assumed that my dislike of forcibly extended childhood was motivated by defending sex with teenagers.

FYI, my wife is only a few months younger than me, and she is the OPPOSITE of naive or submissive or dumb.

We have reasonable expectations for adults to keep their hands off children. If you don't know or you are not sure, then walk away. End of story.

We have an unreasonable expectation that young men will be able to tell how old females are by looking, and/or will ASK FOR ID BEFORE SEX,

We have an unreasonable willingness to send said young men to prison for no reason.

I know people like you. I've confronted people with your exact same arguments MANY times on these types of message boards. I know what you're all about. You can't fool me.
Just to be you or do you not think it is acceptable for a, let's call it "senior adult"...say above the age of have a sexual relationship with a teenager?

Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."
That's the traditional assumption.

It has not fit with my personal modern observations.

You seem like a loser to me. :dunno:

You're kidding yourself.

You ever talk to your husband about his dating behavior before he met you?

Got a brother? Hell, is your dad still living?

Every man you know, would do as I have done.

Or more likely HAVE DONE SO.

Ask them.

My ex couldn't stand being around teenage girls. He found them annoying. He liked adult women. Don't accuse my family members of being perverts. Thanks.

FINE. Any male friends or co-workers you respect?

Ask them.

Try to present the question without spin. You might be surprised by what you hear.

If you do, try to be understanding.

No men I would associate would be doing those things.

AND, there is nothing wrong with letting children be children. There is no need to push children into relationships that they are not ready for, especially with ADULTS. This is not the 1800s, and we are not going back.

Right now, our cultural model is for people to, basically just "whore around" in their teens and at least early twenties.

This seems flawed to me.
Just to be you or do you not think it is acceptable for a, let's call it "senior adult"...say above the age of have a sexual relationship with a teenager?

Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

That's why the age of consent should be 18, federally enforced, so that pervs can't take advantage of teenagers because they might "pretty." Sicko.
You seem like a loser to me. :dunno:

You're kidding yourself.

You ever talk to your husband about his dating behavior before he met you?

Got a brother? Hell, is your dad still living?

Every man you know, would do as I have done.

Or more likely HAVE DONE SO.

Ask them.

My ex couldn't stand being around teenage girls. He found them annoying. He liked adult women. Don't accuse my family members of being perverts. Thanks.

FINE. Any male friends or co-workers you respect?

Ask them.

Try to present the question without spin. You might be surprised by what you hear.

If you do, try to be understanding.

No men I would associate would be doing those things.

AND, there is nothing wrong with letting children be children. There is no need to push children into relationships that they are not ready for, especially with ADULTS. This is not the 1800s, and we are not going back.

Right now, our cultural model is for people to, basically just "whore around" in their teens and at least early twenties.

This seems flawed to me.

And you are advocating for that here in this thread. Duh. Older men are NOT interested in teenagers because of their wonderful "personalities."
Perhaps not knowingly.

He will hit on women, he will NOT ask to see ID.

He will sleep with women before he meets their families.

The rules you support, put him at risk for random imprisonment for no reason.

There was another thread where you were defending have sex with teenagers and marrying them just the other day, wasn't there?

No, I was discussing my issues with our current cultural expectations of young adult behavior.

You assumed that my dislike of forcibly extended childhood was motivated by defending sex with teenagers.

FYI, my wife is only a few months younger than me, and she is the OPPOSITE of naive or submissive or dumb.

We have reasonable expectations for adults to keep their hands off children. If you don't know or you are not sure, then walk away. End of story.

We have an unreasonable expectation that young men will be able to tell how old females are by looking, and/or will ASK FOR ID BEFORE SEX,

We have an unreasonable willingness to send said young men to prison for no reason.

I know people like you. I've confronted people with your exact same arguments MANY times on these types of message boards. I know what you're all about. You can't fool me.

I think you do not.

Your emotional reaction to discussing this taboo is coloring your judgement of me.

I have never dated an underage girl, and was never knowingly attracted to an underage girl.

Certainly never knowingly hit on an underage girl.

I imagine that the vast majority would be very boring for me, and would have been quite early on in my twenties.

The girl at the bar was probably assisted in her deception by alcohol.
Where the hell were all these teachers when I was in HS?

I had a French teacher in HS that was a stoned cold knockout. She looked a lot like Suzanne Pleshette but was WAY cuter. I followed her around like a puppy. If she had wanted to do the deed I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. Boys can't be raped. That's a stupid concept. The thingy don't get stiff unless there is a natural desire. You can't fake it like a devious slut. Girls get raped! Boys get LUCKY!

The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Never said it was OK just said that for the boy it isn't ever going to be some traumatic experience that will ruin his life
NIMH » The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction

One of the ways that scientists have searched for the causes of mental illness is by studying the development of the brain from birth to adulthood. Powerful new technologies have enabled them to track the growth of the brain and to investigate the connections between brain function, development, and behavior.

The research has turned up some surprises, among them the discovery of striking changes taking place during the teen years. These findings have altered long-held assumptions about the timing of brain maturation. In key ways, the brain doesn’t look like that of an adult until the early 20s.

An understanding of how the brain of an adolescent is changing may help explain a puzzling contradiction of adolescence: young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age. Mortality rates jump between early and late adolescence. Rates of death by injury between ages 15 to 19 are about six times that of the rate between ages 10 and 14. Crime rates are highest among young males and rates of alcohol abuse are high relative to other ages. Even though most adolescents come through this transitional age well, it’s important to understand the risk factors for behavior that can have serious consequences. Genes, childhood experience, and the environment in which a young person reaches adolescence all shape behavior. Adding to this complex picture, research is revealing how all these factors act in the context of a brain that is changing, with its own impact on behavior.

The more we learn, the better we may be able to understand the abilities and vulnerabilities of teens, and the significance of this stage for life-long mental health.

The fact that so much change is taking place beneath the surface may be something for parents to keep in mind during the ups and downs of adolescence.
I had a French teacher in HS that was a stoned cold knockout. She looked a lot like Suzanne Pleshette but was WAY cuter. I followed her around like a puppy. If she had wanted to do the deed I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. Boys can't be raped. That's a stupid concept. The thingy don't get stiff unless there is a natural desire. You can't fake it like a devious slut. Girls get raped! Boys get LUCKY!

The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

Have a 5 minute conversation, and you can tell. Or maybe YOU can't. Lol. Ignorance is no excuse for child molestation.

1. My point was that being attracted to someone who appears, and/or you actually believe is a physically mature adult is NOT a mental illness.

2. And no, sometimes you can't tell.

3. And imo, ignorance should be a defense in this situation.

Obviously you've never had any teenage kids. You can tell.
And you obviously were never a teen aged boy
Just to be you or do you not think it is acceptable for a, let's call it "senior adult"...say above the age of have a sexual relationship with a teenager?

Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

That's why the age of consent should be 18, federally enforced, so that pervs can't take advantage of teenagers because they might "pretty." Sicko.

She really doesn't seem to have been victimized or damaged.

Seinfield is not a perv. I recall seeing pictures of her at the time. She did not look underage.

I can't see a just cause for imprisoning Seinfeld for this.
You're kidding yourself.

You ever talk to your husband about his dating behavior before he met you?

Got a brother? Hell, is your dad still living?

Every man you know, would do as I have done.

Or more likely HAVE DONE SO.

Ask them.

My ex couldn't stand being around teenage girls. He found them annoying. He liked adult women. Don't accuse my family members of being perverts. Thanks.

FINE. Any male friends or co-workers you respect?

Ask them.

Try to present the question without spin. You might be surprised by what you hear.

If you do, try to be understanding.

No men I would associate would be doing those things.

AND, there is nothing wrong with letting children be children. There is no need to push children into relationships that they are not ready for, especially with ADULTS. This is not the 1800s, and we are not going back.

Right now, our cultural model is for people to, basically just "whore around" in their teens and at least early twenties.

This seems flawed to me.

And you are advocating for that here in this thread. Duh. Older men are NOT interested in teenagers because of their wonderful "personalities."

Actually, my ideal would be to lower the normal age of jobs and marriage.
Just to be you or do you not think it is acceptable for a, let's call it "senior adult"...say above the age of have a sexual relationship with a teenager?

Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

So in other words you think it is ok. Got it.
Every adult heterosexual male is attracted to nubile females, also scientifically labeled as "Tanner Stage 5"...a fully developed female. Unfortunately this can occur in females as young as 13...but more commonly occurs around the age of 17-19. Breast are fully developed, hip widening fully developed etc. and her body is fully capable of safely having a baby.
Every hetero man is physically attracted to nubile females...when we see an attractive female walk by, not knowing her age, yes - the little alert bells go off in our heads...every man...but the instant we suspect she is young - we turn our f*cking heads!! We stop the attraction. We cannot control what we are attracted to purely on a physical level - but we CAN control acting on it.
That is the difference.
Work In Progress - One Reason Teens Respond Differently To The World | Inside The Teenage Brain | FRONTLINE | PBS

At the McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., Deborah Yurgelun-Todd and a group of researchers have studied how adolescents perceive emotion as compared to adults. The scientists looked at the brains of 18 children between the ages of 10 and 18 and compared them to 16 adults using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Both groups were shown pictures of adult faces and asked to identify the emotion on the faces. Using fMRI, the researchers could trace what part of the brain responded as subjects were asked to identify the expression depicted in the picture.

The results surprised the researchers. The adults correctly identified the expression as fear. Yet the teens answered "shocked, surprised, angry." And the teens and adults used different parts of their brains to process what they were feeling. The teens mostly used the amygdala, a small almond shaped region that guides instinctual or "gut" reactions, while the adults relied on the frontal cortex, which governs reason and planning.

As the teens got older, the center of activity shifted more toward the frontal cortex and away from the cruder response of the amygdala.

Yurgelun-Todd, director of neuropsychology and cognitive neuroimaging at McLean Hospital believes the study goes partway to understanding why the teenage years seem so emotionally turbulent. The teens seemed not only to be misreading the feelings on the adult's face, but they reacted strongly from an area deep inside the brain. The frontal cortex helped the adults distinguish fear from shock or surprise. Often called the executive or CEO of the brain, the frontal cortex gives adults the ability to distinguish a subtlety of expression: "Was this really fear or was it surprise or shock?" For the teens, this area wasn't fully operating.
NIMH » The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction

One of the ways that scientists have searched for the causes of mental illness is by studying the development of the brain from birth to adulthood. Powerful new technologies have enabled them to track the growth of the brain and to investigate the connections between brain function, development, and behavior.

The research has turned up some surprises, among them the discovery of striking changes taking place during the teen years. These findings have altered long-held assumptions about the timing of brain maturation. In key ways, the brain doesn’t look like that of an adult until the early 20s.

An understanding of how the brain of an adolescent is changing may help explain a puzzling contradiction of adolescence: young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age. Mortality rates jump between early and late adolescence. Rates of death by injury between ages 15 to 19 are about six times that of the rate between ages 10 and 14. Crime rates are highest among young males and rates of alcohol abuse are high relative to other ages. Even though most adolescents come through this transitional age well, it’s important to understand the risk factors for behavior that can have serious consequences. Genes, childhood experience, and the environment in which a young person reaches adolescence all shape behavior. Adding to this complex picture, research is revealing how all these factors act in the context of a brain that is changing, with its own impact on behavior.

The more we learn, the better we may be able to understand the abilities and vulnerabilities of teens, and the significance of this stage for life-long mental health.

The fact that so much change is taking place beneath the surface may be something for parents to keep in mind during the ups and downs of adolescence.



why does that not argue for criminalizing TEEN SEX period?
Just to be you or do you not think it is acceptable for a, let's call it "senior adult"...say above the age of have a sexual relationship with a teenager?

Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

That's why the age of consent should be 18, federally enforced, so that pervs can't take advantage of teenagers because they might "pretty." Sicko.

She really doesn't seem to have been victimized or damaged.

Seinfield is not a perv. I recall seeing pictures of her at the time. She did not look underage.

I can't see a just cause for imprisoning Seinfeld for this.

You have no idea though, do you? Your arguments are ridiculous.
NIMH » The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction

One of the ways that scientists have searched for the causes of mental illness is by studying the development of the brain from birth to adulthood. Powerful new technologies have enabled them to track the growth of the brain and to investigate the connections between brain function, development, and behavior.

The research has turned up some surprises, among them the discovery of striking changes taking place during the teen years. These findings have altered long-held assumptions about the timing of brain maturation. In key ways, the brain doesn’t look like that of an adult until the early 20s.

An understanding of how the brain of an adolescent is changing may help explain a puzzling contradiction of adolescence: young people at this age are close to a lifelong peak of physical health, strength, and mental capacity, and yet, for some, this can be a hazardous age. Mortality rates jump between early and late adolescence. Rates of death by injury between ages 15 to 19 are about six times that of the rate between ages 10 and 14. Crime rates are highest among young males and rates of alcohol abuse are high relative to other ages. Even though most adolescents come through this transitional age well, it’s important to understand the risk factors for behavior that can have serious consequences. Genes, childhood experience, and the environment in which a young person reaches adolescence all shape behavior. Adding to this complex picture, research is revealing how all these factors act in the context of a brain that is changing, with its own impact on behavior.

The more we learn, the better we may be able to understand the abilities and vulnerabilities of teens, and the significance of this stage for life-long mental health.

The fact that so much change is taking place beneath the surface may be something for parents to keep in mind during the ups and downs of adolescence.



why does that not argue for criminalizing TEEN SEX period?

Because two teens are basically equals. Adults manipulate teenagers.
Just to be you or do you not think it is acceptable for a, let's call it "senior adult"...say above the age of have a sexual relationship with a teenager?

Asking again.......

Sorry missed your question earlier.


Depends on the teenager.

When Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss did it, it was a little odd, but no, it really didn't bother me.

Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"While still a 17-year-old high school student, she came to public attention by dating the much older Jerry Seinfeld, who was still starring in his eponymous sitcom. Early in their relationship, Spy Magazine referred to her as "a legal voter." [13] They dated for approximately four years, from 1993 to 1997, before the relationship ended. She transferred from GW to UCLA in part to be with Seinfeld and cited missing New York City and constant press coverage as reasons for the relationship ending."

So in other words you think it is ok. Got it.
Every adult heterosexual male is attracted to nubile females, also scientifically labeled as "Tanner Stage 5"...a fully developed female. Unfortunately this can occur in females as young as 13...but more commonly occurs around the age of 17-19. Breast are fully developed, hip widening fully developed etc. and her body is fully capable of safely having a baby.
Every hetero man is physically attracted to nubile females...when we see an attractive female walk by, not knowing her age, yes - the little alert bells go off in our heads...every man...but the instant we suspect she is young - we turn our f*cking heads!! We stop the attraction. We cannot control what we are attracted to purely on a physical level - but we CAN control acting on it.
That is the difference.

According to my ex, you just listen to them talk for 5 or 10 minutes, and that will turn you off. Lol. :D
What a novel concept though, right? Being responsible and taking responsibility for your own actions? Don't want to go to jail and face charges? Then don't involve yourself with teenagers. You shouldn't be frequenting places where teens are hanging out anyhow. Leave the teenagers alone.

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