Slut teacher pregnant by 13 year old student

Where the hell were all these teachers when I was in HS?

I had a French teacher in HS that was a stoned cold knockout. She looked a lot like Suzanne Pleshette but was WAY cuter. I followed her around like a puppy. If she had wanted to do the deed I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. Boys can't be raped. That's a stupid concept. The thingy don't get stiff unless there is a natural desire. You can't fake it like a devious slut. Girls get raped! Boys get LUCKY!

The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

Have a 5 minute conversation, and you can tell. Or maybe YOU can't. Lol. Ignorance is no excuse for child molestation.

1. My point was that being attracted to someone who appears, and/or you actually believe is a physically mature adult is NOT a mental illness.

2. And no, sometimes you can't tell.

3. And imo, ignorance should be a defense in this situation.

If you are not SURE, then you move on. No excuses.
She purportedly has applied for the vacant sex education position open at the school.

She submitted these head shots couple with Real Life experience to put her ahead of all the contenders


She seems to have taught the 13 year old about positions opened.
Opened, closed inside out and upside down.

Nothing like OJT to round out the experience aspect of her CV.
Where the hell were all these teachers when I was in HS?

I had a French teacher in HS that was a stoned cold knockout. She looked a lot like Suzanne Pleshette but was WAY cuter. I followed her around like a puppy. If she had wanted to do the deed I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. Boys can't be raped. That's a stupid concept. The thingy don't get stiff unless there is a natural desire. You can't fake it like a devious slut. Girls get raped! Boys get LUCKY!

The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but while I have been wrong about the ages of children before, I have never confused a 13 year old with an adult.

I was once standing in a line with two other guys at work, and this tall slender redhead walked into the room. One of the other guys commented, something along the lines of "check that out".

We, the other two looked and agreed that the woman was impressively hot.

An older woman nearby, who knew the girl, scolded us, because she was only 13.

If you are able to never be wrong about the age of young people that is a very impressive skill.

Because some of them are very physically mature.

Actually a young woman I know who's job it is to check IDs has repeatedly complained to me how hard it is for her to know when someone is underage (21), because as she put it, " some of them just look so mature".
I had a French teacher in HS that was a stoned cold knockout. She looked a lot like Suzanne Pleshette but was WAY cuter. I followed her around like a puppy. If she had wanted to do the deed I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. Boys can't be raped. That's a stupid concept. The thingy don't get stiff unless there is a natural desire. You can't fake it like a devious slut. Girls get raped! Boys get LUCKY!

The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

Have a 5 minute conversation, and you can tell. Or maybe YOU can't. Lol. Ignorance is no excuse for child molestation.

1. My point was that being attracted to someone who appears, and/or you actually believe is a physically mature adult is NOT a mental illness.

2. And no, sometimes you can't tell.

3. And imo, ignorance should be a defense in this situation.

If you are not SURE, then you move on. No excuses.

All you just said was that you don't care about innocent men who end up in jail for no reason.
Where the hell were all these teachers when I was in HS?

I had a French teacher in HS that was a stoned cold knockout. She looked a lot like Suzanne Pleshette but was WAY cuter. I followed her around like a puppy. If she had wanted to do the deed I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. Boys can't be raped. That's a stupid concept. The thingy don't get stiff unless there is a natural desire. You can't fake it like a devious slut. Girls get raped! Boys get LUCKY!

The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but while I have been wrong about the ages of children before, I have never confused a 13 year old with an adult.

I was once standing in a line with two other guys at work, and this tall slender redhead walked into the room. One of the other guys commented, something along the lines of "check that out".

We, the other two looked and agreed that the woman was impressively hot.

An older woman nearby, who knew the girl, scolded us, because she was only 13.

If you are able to never be wrong about the age of young people that is a very impressive skill.

Because some of them are very physically mature.

Actually a young woman I know who's job it is to check IDs has repeatedly complained to me how hard it is for her to know when someone is underage (21), because as she put it, " some of them just look so mature".

If you aren't sure and you don't know, then you've got no business getting into an intimate sexual relationship with said person. Move on. Your ignorance is not an excuse.
The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

Have a 5 minute conversation, and you can tell. Or maybe YOU can't. Lol. Ignorance is no excuse for child molestation.

1. My point was that being attracted to someone who appears, and/or you actually believe is a physically mature adult is NOT a mental illness.

2. And no, sometimes you can't tell.

3. And imo, ignorance should be a defense in this situation.

If you are not SURE, then you move on. No excuses.

All you just said was that you don't care about innocent men who end up in jail for no reason.

Ignorance is not a justifiable excuse for having sex with children. Any douchebag could say that "he didn't know."
There are bound to be pedophiles on these boards who will defend the actions of other pedophiles and try to justify it. They should be locked up instead of pushing this kind of absolutely ROTTEN propaganda onto the public. There is NO justification for an adult having sex with a naive and impressionable child. NONE.

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-adolescent children.

There is another phrase for people attracted to adolescents, which I forget.

There is no medical term that I am aware of for people who are attracted to young physically adult members of the opposite sex; unless it is "normal".

It is called "predator".
There are bound to be pedophiles on these boards who will defend the actions of other pedophiles and try to justify it. They should be locked up instead of pushing this kind of absolutely ROTTEN propaganda onto the public. There is NO justification for an adult having sex with a naive and impressionable child. NONE.

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-adolescent children.

There is another phrase for people attracted to adolescents, which I forget.

There is no medical term that I am aware of for people who are attracted to young physically adult members of the opposite sex; unless it is "normal".

Yes there is.

Hebephilia is the sexual preference for early adolescent children (those roughly ages 11 to 14). Some evidence suggests that hebephilia is a distinct and discernable erotic age preference .

Ah, goggling that led me to this.


"Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.[1][2] The term was originally used in the late 19th to mid 20th century"

But, it doesn't really apply to a situation in which the older person in question is attracted to the younger person BECAUSE they appear physically "older" or at least more mature.

Mmm, just occurred to me that this thread has moved to a point where we are assuming that the 13 year old boy was well developed.

It may be that he was in the classic hebephilia stage of physical development in which case this whole discuss is off base.

And the women in question MIGHT be "primary or exclusive" interesting in such boys.
Where the hell were all these teachers when I was in HS?

I had a French teacher in HS that was a stoned cold knockout. She looked a lot like Suzanne Pleshette but was WAY cuter. I followed her around like a puppy. If she had wanted to do the deed I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. Boys can't be raped. That's a stupid concept. The thingy don't get stiff unless there is a natural desire. You can't fake it like a devious slut. Girls get raped! Boys get LUCKY!

The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but while I have been wrong about the ages of children before, I have never confused a 13 year old with an adult.

I was once standing in a line with two other guys at work, and this tall slender redhead walked into the room. One of the other guys commented, something along the lines of "check that out".

We, the other two looked and agreed that the woman was impressively hot.

An older woman nearby, who knew the girl, scolded us, because she was only 13.

If you are able to never be wrong about the age of young people that is a very impressive skill.

Because some of them are very physically mature.

Actually a young woman I know who's job it is to check IDs has repeatedly complained to me how hard it is for her to know when someone is underage (21), because as she put it, " some of them just look so mature".

Well okay that's fine, but in this case this ADULT teacher knew exactly what the ages were of her pupils.
I had a French teacher in HS that was a stoned cold knockout. She looked a lot like Suzanne Pleshette but was WAY cuter. I followed her around like a puppy. If she had wanted to do the deed I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. Boys can't be raped. That's a stupid concept. The thingy don't get stiff unless there is a natural desire. You can't fake it like a devious slut. Girls get raped! Boys get LUCKY!

The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but while I have been wrong about the ages of children before, I have never confused a 13 year old with an adult.

I was once standing in a line with two other guys at work, and this tall slender redhead walked into the room. One of the other guys commented, something along the lines of "check that out".

We, the other two looked and agreed that the woman was impressively hot.

An older woman nearby, who knew the girl, scolded us, because she was only 13.

If you are able to never be wrong about the age of young people that is a very impressive skill.

Because some of them are very physically mature.

Actually a young woman I know who's job it is to check IDs has repeatedly complained to me how hard it is for her to know when someone is underage (21), because as she put it, " some of them just look so mature".

Well okay that's fine, but in this case this ADULT teacher knew exactly what the ages were of her pupils.

She most definitely did. Still it's not okay even if you aren't sure. If a person is not sure, then walk away. If a person chooses not to walk away but to pursue some type of intimate relationship, then that person is going to be held responsible for his or her actions. I have no problem with that. If you have to ask for some kind of identification or meet the family or what not, then that is what you do to be sure.
I had a French teacher in HS that was a stoned cold knockout. She looked a lot like Suzanne Pleshette but was WAY cuter. I followed her around like a puppy. If she had wanted to do the deed I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. Boys can't be raped. That's a stupid concept. The thingy don't get stiff unless there is a natural desire. You can't fake it like a devious slut. Girls get raped! Boys get LUCKY!

The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

Have a 5 minute conversation, and you can tell. Or maybe YOU can't. Lol. Ignorance is no excuse for child molestation.

1. My point was that being attracted to someone who appears, and/or you actually believe is a physically mature adult is NOT a mental illness.

2. And no, sometimes you can't tell.

3. And imo, ignorance should be a defense in this situation.

Obviously you've never had any teenage kids. You can tell.

I was at a bar, one where I had been carded until they knew me.

I struck up a conversation with a young and attractive woman.

We talked and drank for several hours.

Both of us, quite drunk by the end of the night, after I had bought her all she could drink, it just HAPPENED to come up in conversation that she was 16.

She even showed my her drivers license.

That "girl" used me like a wallet with feet.

I did not manipulate her, she manipulated ME.

I was not the "Predator" that night, she was.

Was it sad of me that I could not tell after talking to her for so long?


Was that mistake worthy of going to prison?


That bar was full of men and women who noted nothing unusual about her presence in a bar.

I do not believe she tricked the doorman, she was related to one of the staff.

So, she had, if I had been the type of ass to think that buying a girl drinks bought me the right to sex OR if I was not dissuaded by her age reveal, she would have had total back up to take care of me.
I had a French teacher in HS that was a stoned cold knockout. She looked a lot like Suzanne Pleshette but was WAY cuter. I followed her around like a puppy. If she had wanted to do the deed I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. Boys can't be raped. That's a stupid concept. The thingy don't get stiff unless there is a natural desire. You can't fake it like a devious slut. Girls get raped! Boys get LUCKY!

The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but while I have been wrong about the ages of children before, I have never confused a 13 year old with an adult.

I was once standing in a line with two other guys at work, and this tall slender redhead walked into the room. One of the other guys commented, something along the lines of "check that out".

We, the other two looked and agreed that the woman was impressively hot.

An older woman nearby, who knew the girl, scolded us, because she was only 13.

If you are able to never be wrong about the age of young people that is a very impressive skill.

Because some of them are very physically mature.

Actually a young woman I know who's job it is to check IDs has repeatedly complained to me how hard it is for her to know when someone is underage (21), because as she put it, " some of them just look so mature".

Well okay that's fine, but in this case this ADULT teacher knew exactly what the ages were of her pupils.


I'm curious as to his state of physical development and the woman's sexual history.
We all KNOW there are plenty of men out there (and women apparently) who will purposefully go after the young and more naive and impressionable kids. It's because they are easier to manipulate than an adult in most instances. They don't have too many "life experiences" to go on and a lot of kids are generally trusting of their elders. A lot of these types of people will go after children who are maybe poor so that they can entice them with gifts that their parents couldn't afford and/or children who are withdrawn and isolated without many friends and will act as if they "care" about these kids, and such other disgusting tactics. It's called "grooming." Like I said earlier, usually the children who are acting out in a sexual manner are troubled kids in one way or another. A lot of kids who were sexually molested are confused and may equate sex with "love."
The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but while I have been wrong about the ages of children before, I have never confused a 13 year old with an adult.

I was once standing in a line with two other guys at work, and this tall slender redhead walked into the room. One of the other guys commented, something along the lines of "check that out".

We, the other two looked and agreed that the woman was impressively hot.

An older woman nearby, who knew the girl, scolded us, because she was only 13.

If you are able to never be wrong about the age of young people that is a very impressive skill.

Because some of them are very physically mature.

Actually a young woman I know who's job it is to check IDs has repeatedly complained to me how hard it is for her to know when someone is underage (21), because as she put it, " some of them just look so mature".

Well okay that's fine, but in this case this ADULT teacher knew exactly what the ages were of her pupils.

She most definitely did. Still it's not okay even if you aren't sure. If a person is not sure, then walk away. If a person chooses not to walk away but to pursue some type of intimate relationship, then that person is going to be held responsible for his or her actions. I have no problem with that. If you have to ask for some kind of identification or meet the family or what not, then that is what you do to be sure.

That is not a reasonable policy.

What you are saying is that you don't care about young men getting sent to jail for no reason.

Do you have any sons?
The thing is, some of you are strictly looking at this from the boy's point of view.
No matter how "lucky" you see something like this, it still is a grown adult having sex with a 13 year old. That's not ok, it's not only illegal as hell, it's immoral, completely unacceptable, and something we liken to mental illness.

Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

Have a 5 minute conversation, and you can tell. Or maybe YOU can't. Lol. Ignorance is no excuse for child molestation.

1. My point was that being attracted to someone who appears, and/or you actually believe is a physically mature adult is NOT a mental illness.

2. And no, sometimes you can't tell.

3. And imo, ignorance should be a defense in this situation.

Obviously you've never had any teenage kids. You can tell.

I was at a bar, one where I had been carded until they knew me.

I struck up a conversation with a young and attractive woman.

We talked and drank for several hours.

Both of us, quite drunk by the end of the night, after I had bought her all she could drink, it just HAPPENED to come up in conversation that she was 16.

She even showed my her drivers license.

That "girl" used me like a wallet with feet.

I did not manipulate her, she manipulated ME.

I was not the "Predator" that night, she was.

Was it sad of me that I could not tell after talking to her for so long?


Was that mistake worthy of going to prison?


That bar was full of men and women who noted nothing unusual about her presence in a bar.

I do not believe she tricked the doorman, she was related to one of the staff.

So, she had, if I had been the type of ass to think that buying a girl drinks bought me the right to sex OR if I was not dissuaded by her age reveal, she would have had total back up to take care of me.

Yes, it's pretty sad what a loser you are.
Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but while I have been wrong about the ages of children before, I have never confused a 13 year old with an adult.

I was once standing in a line with two other guys at work, and this tall slender redhead walked into the room. One of the other guys commented, something along the lines of "check that out".

We, the other two looked and agreed that the woman was impressively hot.

An older woman nearby, who knew the girl, scolded us, because she was only 13.

If you are able to never be wrong about the age of young people that is a very impressive skill.

Because some of them are very physically mature.

Actually a young woman I know who's job it is to check IDs has repeatedly complained to me how hard it is for her to know when someone is underage (21), because as she put it, " some of them just look so mature".

Well okay that's fine, but in this case this ADULT teacher knew exactly what the ages were of her pupils.

She most definitely did. Still it's not okay even if you aren't sure. If a person is not sure, then walk away. If a person chooses not to walk away but to pursue some type of intimate relationship, then that person is going to be held responsible for his or her actions. I have no problem with that. If you have to ask for some kind of identification or meet the family or what not, then that is what you do to be sure.

That is not a reasonable policy.

What you are saying is that you don't care about young men getting sent to jail for no reason.

Do you have any sons?

My son wouldn't think of sexing up a 16-year-old, and he is only 21.
We all KNOW there are plenty of men out there (and women apparently) who will purposefully go after the young and more naive and impressionable kids. It's because they are easier to manipulate than an adult in most instances. They don't have too many "life experiences" to go on and a lot of kids are generally trusting of their elders. A lot of these types of people will go after children who are maybe poor so that they can entice them with gifts that their parents couldn't afford and/or children who are withdrawn and isolated without many friends and will act as if they "care" about these kids, and such other disgusting tactics. It's called "grooming." Like I said earlier, usually the children who are acting out in a sexual manner are troubled kids in one way or another. A lot of kids who were sexually molested are confused and may equate sex with "love."

That's the traditional assumption.

It has not fit with my personal modern observations.
Nowadays, when you are more than 1 or 2 years older than the person you are dating, you will be shunned. That's even how it was when I was growing up. You are known as a "cradle robber" for instance if you are in high school and dating a child in middle school. That shit is not acceptable in today's society.
We all KNOW there are plenty of men out there (and women apparently) who will purposefully go after the young and more naive and impressionable kids. It's because they are easier to manipulate than an adult in most instances. They don't have too many "life experiences" to go on and a lot of kids are generally trusting of their elders. A lot of these types of people will go after children who are maybe poor so that they can entice them with gifts that their parents couldn't afford and/or children who are withdrawn and isolated without many friends and will act as if they "care" about these kids, and such other disgusting tactics. It's called "grooming." Like I said earlier, usually the children who are acting out in a sexual manner are troubled kids in one way or another. A lot of kids who were sexually molested are confused and may equate sex with "love."

That's the traditional assumption.

It has not fit with my personal modern observations.

You seem like a loser to me. :dunno:
Have you ever been greatly wrong about a girl's age?

Have a 5 minute conversation, and you can tell. Or maybe YOU can't. Lol. Ignorance is no excuse for child molestation.

1. My point was that being attracted to someone who appears, and/or you actually believe is a physically mature adult is NOT a mental illness.

2. And no, sometimes you can't tell.

3. And imo, ignorance should be a defense in this situation.

Obviously you've never had any teenage kids. You can tell.

I was at a bar, one where I had been carded until they knew me.

I struck up a conversation with a young and attractive woman.

We talked and drank for several hours.

Both of us, quite drunk by the end of the night, after I had bought her all she could drink, it just HAPPENED to come up in conversation that she was 16.

She even showed my her drivers license.

That "girl" used me like a wallet with feet.

I did not manipulate her, she manipulated ME.

I was not the "Predator" that night, she was.

Was it sad of me that I could not tell after talking to her for so long?


Was that mistake worthy of going to prison?


That bar was full of men and women who noted nothing unusual about her presence in a bar.

I do not believe she tricked the doorman, she was related to one of the staff.

So, she had, if I had been the type of ass to think that buying a girl drinks bought me the right to sex OR if I was not dissuaded by her age reveal, she would have had total back up to take care of me.

Yes, it's pretty sad what a loser you are.

My behavior, ie buying a pretty young woman a drink is completely normal behavior for ALL NORMAL MEN.

Indeed, it is a core part of the reason we have bars.

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