Slut teacher pregnant by 13 year old student

Bull. A lot of kids haven't even gone through puberty yet at 13!

Most 13 year old boys would have no trouble having sex

They are children!! What don't you understand about this?

And I told you that it wasn't too long ago that we didn't think of teenagers as children

We have now and detrimentally so in my opinion extended childhood into the early 20s

They are little children. Sorry if that upsets you. Stay away from them.

Teenagers are NOT little children

Yes they are. That is a scientific and medical fact. Keep your grubby little hands off our kids.
Where the hell were all these teachers when I was in HS?

... Boys can't be raped. ....!

The LAW disagrees with you, professor.
And the LAW is never wrong

Bleats the sheep

So . . . you don't think it's wrong for adults to have sex with kids? Is that the propaganda you are trying to push here? Sorry, but parents who love their kids would disagree.

I am saying it's not as big of a deal for boys.

A sexual encounter with an older woman will not traumatize your average teen aged boy

As a man who was an average teen aged boy once I know
Most 13 year old boys would have no trouble having sex

They are children!! What don't you understand about this?

And I told you that it wasn't too long ago that we didn't think of teenagers as children

We have now and detrimentally so in my opinion extended childhood into the early 20s

They are little children. Sorry if that upsets you. Stay away from them.

Teenagers are NOT little children

Yes they are. That is a scientific and medical fact. Keep your grubby little hands off our kids.

That attitude is exactly why our young adults can't seem to grow up
Where the hell were all these teachers when I was in HS?

... Boys can't be raped. ....!

The LAW disagrees with you, professor.
And the LAW is never wrong

Bleats the sheep

So . . . you don't think it's wrong for adults to have sex with kids? Is that the propaganda you are trying to push here? Sorry, but parents who love their kids would disagree.

I am saying it's not as big of a deal for boys.

A sexual encounter with an older woman will not traumatize your average teen aged boy

As a man who was an average teen aged boy once I know

Whether it does or does not is irrelevant. Adults who prey upon children are going to face consequences because, in a lot instances, they are just manipulating these children. In OUR society, we protect children from predators.
... Boys can't be raped. ....!

The LAW disagrees with you, professor.
And the LAW is never wrong

Bleats the sheep

So . . . you don't think it's wrong for adults to have sex with kids? Is that the propaganda you are trying to push here? Sorry, but parents who love their kids would disagree.

I am saying it's not as big of a deal for boys.

A sexual encounter with an older woman will not traumatize your average teen aged boy

As a man who was an average teen aged boy once I know

Whether it does or does not is irrelevant. Adults who prey upon children are going to face consequences because, in a lot instances, they are just manipulating these children. In OUR society, we protect children from predators.

You're the one whining about the kid being traumatized not me
They are children!! What don't you understand about this?

And I told you that it wasn't too long ago that we didn't think of teenagers as children

We have now and detrimentally so in my opinion extended childhood into the early 20s

They are little children. Sorry if that upsets you. Stay away from them.

Teenagers are NOT little children

Yes they are. That is a scientific and medical fact. Keep your grubby little hands off our kids.

That attitude is exactly why our young adults can't seem to grow up

It's not an attitude. It's a fact. We've found out many things about kids since hundreds of years ago, which is apparently the era you are stuck in.
The LAW disagrees with you, professor.
And the LAW is never wrong

Bleats the sheep

So . . . you don't think it's wrong for adults to have sex with kids? Is that the propaganda you are trying to push here? Sorry, but parents who love their kids would disagree.

I am saying it's not as big of a deal for boys.

A sexual encounter with an older woman will not traumatize your average teen aged boy

As a man who was an average teen aged boy once I know

Whether it does or does not is irrelevant. Adults who prey upon children are going to face consequences because, in a lot instances, they are just manipulating these children. In OUR society, we protect children from predators.

You're the one whining about the kid being traumatized not me

Many kids are traumatized in one way or another even if they might not see it themselves. Look at you! Lol! :cuckoo:
And I told you that it wasn't too long ago that we didn't think of teenagers as children

We have now and detrimentally so in my opinion extended childhood into the early 20s

They are little children. Sorry if that upsets you. Stay away from them.

Teenagers are NOT little children

Yes they are. That is a scientific and medical fact. Keep your grubby little hands off our kids.

That attitude is exactly why our young adults can't seem to grow up

It's not an attitude. It's a fact. We've found out many things about kids since hundreds of years ago, which is apparently the era you are stuck in.

Sorry but if you never treat a teenager like an adult then all you get is a perpetual teenager of which we now have an entire generation of thanks to helicopter moms like you
And the LAW is never wrong

Bleats the sheep

So . . . you don't think it's wrong for adults to have sex with kids? Is that the propaganda you are trying to push here? Sorry, but parents who love their kids would disagree.

I am saying it's not as big of a deal for boys.

A sexual encounter with an older woman will not traumatize your average teen aged boy

As a man who was an average teen aged boy once I know

Whether it does or does not is irrelevant. Adults who prey upon children are going to face consequences because, in a lot instances, they are just manipulating these children. In OUR society, we protect children from predators.

You're the one whining about the kid being traumatized not me

Many kids are traumatized in one way or another even if they might not see it themselves. Look at you! Lol! :cuckoo:

Sorry like I said the best summer of my life was when I hooked up with an older woman
So . . . you don't think it's wrong for adults to have sex with kids? Is that the propaganda you are trying to push here? Sorry, but parents who love their kids would disagree.

I am saying it's not as big of a deal for boys.

A sexual encounter with an older woman will not traumatize your average teen aged boy

As a man who was an average teen aged boy once I know

Whether it does or does not is irrelevant. Adults who prey upon children are going to face consequences because, in a lot instances, they are just manipulating these children. In OUR society, we protect children from predators.

You're the one whining about the kid being traumatized not me

Many kids are traumatized in one way or another even if they might not see it themselves. Look at you! Lol! :cuckoo:

Sorry like I said the best summer of my life was when I hooked up with an older woman

Who cares. Your personal anecdotes may or may not even be true. We are going to continue to protect our children from adult predators, whether you like it or not.
No doubt people in Authority should act their age...
But I do have to say there is a difference between a male teacher Female student - female teacher and Male student...
The former is much more often and dangerous…
This poor 13 year old boy is going to be confused for the rest of his life. Wait until he finds out how difficult it normally is to get sex every day from a true hottie. He will likely never develop the skills required to shag a drunk chick out of a bar. My heart goes out to him.
So, since this seems to be mostly opinion and feelings, I decided to goggle the question.

This is the top link.

Sexual Intercourse and the Age Difference Between Adolescent Females and Their Romantic Partners

"RESULTS: Adolescent females involved with an older partner have higher odds of having intercourse with that partner than females with partners their own age, after adjustment for demographic covariates. The magnitude of this association is most dramatic among the youngest females—for example, the odds of intercourse among 13-year-old females with a partner six years older are more than six times the odds among 13-year-old females with a same-age partner (odds ratio, 6.4), while 17-year-old females with partners six years older have about twice the odds of intercourse when compared with those who have a same-age partner (2.1).

CONCLUSIONS: Young adolescent females with substantially older partners are much more likely than their peers to have sex with their partner, which exposes them to the risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases."

That seems straight forward enough, and quite compelling.

BUT, what if the girls in question are self selecting themselves?

Maybe the girls in question are open to relationships with older men because they want to be sexually active, or at least are open to the idea?
What a silly waste of time for schools anyway! I mean, why teach English; the kids already speak it?

Or why teach sex education, why not just have the teachers hook up with the students. There is no better learning process than hands on.

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