Slut teacher pregnant by 13 year old student

Totally, purely sexual...yeah? Bet it raised his morale; it would most thirteen year old boys'. Mine was about zero and very frustrated. A little 'kindness' from an older woman would have been good. I guess a lot of posters here don't understand boys. Those of us who have been through male adolescence know nothing was done that harmed the kid.

What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

An adult woman can totally FUCK with the mind of a child. Duh. What about her "pregnancy?" Was that a good thing too? High five kid, you're a 13-year-old daddy of a crazy woman who is going to be old and ugly while you are still young, and now you are tied to her for life. Good thing she got that abortion, eh?

My parents were about the same age difference.

Irrelevant. This is a child who is going to grow and change and mature. It's a little boy.
Only in recent culture has a 13 year old been thought of a a little child.

It wasn't too long ago that a teenager was expected to act like an adult.
My grandmother married at 13 to a then 19yo man. She only stayed married to him 70 years though until he died in 1989. So teenagers obviously don't know what real love is and never stay with their teen lovers.
What if it was a gay MAN who molested the boy? What if this was a 13-year-old GIRL?

It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

An adult woman can totally FUCK with the mind of a child. Duh. What about her "pregnancy?" Was that a good thing too? High five kid, you're a 13-year-old daddy of a crazy woman who is going to be old and ugly while you are still young, and now you are tied to her for life. Good thing she got that abortion, eh?

My parents were about the same age difference.

Irrelevant. This is a child who is going to grow and change and mature. It's a little boy.
Only in recent culture has a 13 year old been thought of a a little child.

It wasn't too long ago that a teenager was expected to act like an adult.

Bull. A lot of kids haven't even gone through puberty yet at 13!
Yeah, the woman is not 'normal'.
Exploitation of anyone is inhuman. So, what do you see when you look around yourself at modern society?
Puritanism and prudishness are a much bigger threat to mental health than frank openness. Believe what you like, developing boys are better off with understanding than repression of their sexuality.

NOT having sex with adults at 13 years old is not repression of sexuality. You people are nuts. :cuckoo:
It would be totally different, as addressed earlier in another post.

An adult woman can totally FUCK with the mind of a child. Duh. What about her "pregnancy?" Was that a good thing too? High five kid, you're a 13-year-old daddy of a crazy woman who is going to be old and ugly while you are still young, and now you are tied to her for life. Good thing she got that abortion, eh?

My parents were about the same age difference.

Irrelevant. This is a child who is going to grow and change and mature. It's a little boy.
Only in recent culture has a 13 year old been thought of a a little child.

It wasn't too long ago that a teenager was expected to act like an adult.

Bull. A lot of kids haven't even gone through puberty yet at 13!

Most 13 year old boys would have no trouble having sex
An adult woman can totally FUCK with the mind of a child. Duh. What about her "pregnancy?" Was that a good thing too? High five kid, you're a 13-year-old daddy of a crazy woman who is going to be old and ugly while you are still young, and now you are tied to her for life. Good thing she got that abortion, eh?

My parents were about the same age difference.

Irrelevant. This is a child who is going to grow and change and mature. It's a little boy.
Only in recent culture has a 13 year old been thought of a a little child.

It wasn't too long ago that a teenager was expected to act like an adult.

Bull. A lot of kids haven't even gone through puberty yet at 13!

Most 13 year old boys would have no trouble having sex

They are children!! What don't you understand about this?
My parents were about the same age difference.

Irrelevant. This is a child who is going to grow and change and mature. It's a little boy.
Only in recent culture has a 13 year old been thought of a a little child.

It wasn't too long ago that a teenager was expected to act like an adult.

Bull. A lot of kids haven't even gone through puberty yet at 13!

Most 13 year old boys would have no trouble having sex

They are children!! What don't you understand about this?

And I told you that it wasn't too long ago that we didn't think of teenagers as children

We have now and detrimentally so in my opinion extended childhood into the early 20s
Had I had her as a teacher I'd have busted a nut as soon as she undressed.
But at that age multiples aren't a problem

No normal women are interested in little boys, weirdo.

So what? As long as some are no teen aged boy is going to complain

They do and they have. You know why? Because these "women" are psychopaths.

Crazy girls are great in the sack though so you know silver lining
Had I had her as a teacher I'd have busted a nut as soon as she undressed.
But at that age multiples aren't a problem

No normal women are interested in little boys, weirdo.

So what? As long as some are no teen aged boy is going to complain

They do and they have. You know why? Because these "women" are psychopaths.

Crazy girls are great in the sack though so you know silver lining

You need help. Psychopaths are dangerous. All little boys aren't little perverts like you.
Irrelevant. This is a child who is going to grow and change and mature. It's a little boy.
Only in recent culture has a 13 year old been thought of a a little child.

It wasn't too long ago that a teenager was expected to act like an adult.

Bull. A lot of kids haven't even gone through puberty yet at 13!

Most 13 year old boys would have no trouble having sex

They are children!! What don't you understand about this?

And I told you that it wasn't too long ago that we didn't think of teenagers as children

We have now and detrimentally so in my opinion extended childhood into the early 20s

They are little children. Sorry if that upsets you. Stay away from them.
Yeah, protecting children from adults who would prey upon them and their naivety is a relatively new concept. We had an animal rights protection act before we had any laws to protect children. Children do not have fully functioning frontal lobes until they are well into their 20s. That is why they are impulsive, bad decision makers and think "nothing bad can happen to me" and have very poor or no critical thinking skills. That has been proven with scientific/medical studies.
Had I had her as a teacher I'd have busted a nut as soon as she undressed.
But at that age multiples aren't a problem

No normal women are interested in little boys, weirdo.

So what? As long as some are no teen aged boy is going to complain

They do and they have. You know why? Because these "women" are psychopaths.

Crazy girls are great in the sack though so you know silver lining

There is no "silver lining" in adult/child sexual relationships.
But at that age multiples aren't a problem

No normal women are interested in little boys, weirdo.

So what? As long as some are no teen aged boy is going to complain

They do and they have. You know why? Because these "women" are psychopaths.

Crazy girls are great in the sack though so you know silver lining

You need help. Psychopaths are dangerous. All little boys aren't little perverts like you.

ALL teen aged boys are perverts
Only in recent culture has a 13 year old been thought of a a little child.

It wasn't too long ago that a teenager was expected to act like an adult.

Bull. A lot of kids haven't even gone through puberty yet at 13!

Most 13 year old boys would have no trouble having sex

They are children!! What don't you understand about this?

And I told you that it wasn't too long ago that we didn't think of teenagers as children

We have now and detrimentally so in my opinion extended childhood into the early 20s

They are little children. Sorry if that upsets you. Stay away from them.

Teenagers are NOT little children

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