SMALL LIFELESS, DEAD CHILDREN Found “Washed Up Along Riverbank” of Rio Grande

Report: SMALL LIFELESS, DEAD CHILDREN Found ?Washed Up Along Riverbank? of Rio Grande | The Gateway Pundit

Outrageous and deeply sad. The loss of life forever of these children is a blasphemy and stain on the White House.

This isn't a problem of illegal immigration. It's clear now after several weeks and some perspective over the last many months that it is about refugees fleeing drug cartels and gangs in Central America.

I'm sure you'll never let the facts get in the way of your pygmie-brained obsession over Obama.

The horrors driving thousands of Central American kids to take the dangerous journey to the U.S.

The horrors driving thousands of Central American kids to take the dangerous journey to the U.S. - The Washington Post

While people have been leaving Central America for the United States in search of economic opportunity for decades, the current flight, by all accounts, can be summed up by this fact: It’s dangerous to be a kid there. So dangerous that even children who acknowledge the road to the United States was horrific say they would gladly do it again rather than remain home. “If you stay [home] you will die,” one child told the Women’s Refugee Commission. “If you leave, you might … either way it’s better to try.”

Almost all of Central America’s violence is related to a duo of street gangs called maras – M-18 and Mara Salvatrucha. Many analysts ascribe their rise — and their viciousness — to systemic state corruption, economic inequality and rising crime. In Honduras, Mexican drug cartels either cooperate or war with the maras, which “has led to a significant increase in both inter-gang and generalized violence, with children being the primary targets,” the refugee commission reported.
Report: SMALL LIFELESS, DEAD CHILDREN Found ?Washed Up Along Riverbank? of Rio Grande | The Gateway Pundit

Outrageous and deeply sad. The loss of life forever of these children is a blasphemy and stain on the White House.

This isn't a problem of illegal immigration. It's clear now after several weeks and some perspective over the last many months that it is about refugees fleeing drug cartels and gangs in Central America.

I'm sure you'll never let the facts get in the way of your pygmie-brained obsession over Obama.

The horrors driving thousands of Central American kids to take the dangerous journey to the U.S.

The horrors driving thousands of Central American kids to take the dangerous journey to the U.S. - The Washington Post

While people have been leaving Central America for the United States in search of economic opportunity for decades, the current flight, by all accounts, can be summed up by this fact: It’s dangerous to be a kid there. So dangerous that even children who acknowledge the road to the United States was horrific say they would gladly do it again rather than remain home. “If you stay [home] you will die,” one child told the Women’s Refugee Commission. “If you leave, you might … either way it’s better to try.”

Almost all of Central America’s violence is related to a duo of street gangs called maras – M-18 and Mara Salvatrucha. Many analysts ascribe their rise — and their viciousness — to systemic state corruption, economic inequality and rising crime. In Honduras, Mexican drug cartels either cooperate or war with the maras, which “has led to a significant increase in both inter-gang and generalized violence, with children being the primary targets,” the refugee commission reported.
The libtard party line, call them refugees to gain sympathy. THEY ARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!!
Obama has their blood on his hands..

As does every Liberal who has supported his open borders policies.
Report: SMALL LIFELESS, DEAD CHILDREN Found ?Washed Up Along Riverbank? of Rio Grande | The Gateway Pundit

Outrageous and deeply sad. The loss of life forever of these children is a blasphemy and stain on the White House.

This isn't a problem of illegal immigration. It's clear now after several weeks and some perspective over the last many months that it is about refugees fleeing drug cartels and gangs in Central America.

I'm sure you'll never let the facts get in the way of your pygmie-brained obsession over Obama.

The horrors driving thousands of Central American kids to take the dangerous journey to the U.S.

The horrors driving thousands of Central American kids to take the dangerous journey to the U.S. - The Washington Post

While people have been leaving Central America for the United States in search of economic opportunity for decades, the current flight, by all accounts, can be summed up by this fact: It’s dangerous to be a kid there. So dangerous that even children who acknowledge the road to the United States was horrific say they would gladly do it again rather than remain home. “If you stay [home] you will die,” one child told the Women’s Refugee Commission. “If you leave, you might … either way it’s better to try.”

Almost all of Central America’s violence is related to a duo of street gangs called maras – M-18 and Mara Salvatrucha. Many analysts ascribe their rise — and their viciousness — to systemic state corruption, economic inequality and rising crime. In Honduras, Mexican drug cartels either cooperate or war with the maras, which “has led to a significant increase in both inter-gang and generalized violence, with children being the primary targets,” the refugee commission reported.

For your information the horrors of drug activity has been going on for years in Central America.....however this sudden surge of incoming illegals is solely due to Obama and his implied promises of amnesty....

Shutting our border to both illegals and to the drug cartels would go a long way to helping solve the problems....the drug cartels exist because of the American demand for drugs.....but do you see Obama sending in the National Guard to stop this as well as stop this humanitarian crisis.....? ...of course not...

Obama has also reduced support to the Central American countries in their fight against the drug yes we can point to your pygmie-brained president and say much of it is his damned fact i would go a step further and say this is his own hellish plan.....leftists value votes for power over childrens lives....:mad:
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Obama has their blood on his hands..

As does every Liberal who has supported his open borders policies.

I agree. How many times do you here stories on the news about parents being convicted of child endangerment. Some cases are valid and just whereas others are just outright exaggerations of the truth. But regardless the parents get sent to jail. Obama implying that we will give amnesty to every child of the third world has caused them to venture all the way here and face dangerous criminals and cartel along the way. Think about it how many of these children die before they even get here or have been raped on the way or in some cases raped and then killed. If he was just going to give amnesty to all of these children then why not just go pick them up? why didn't he help them find safe passage here instead of making them find their way on their own? By doing this he has broken the law by smuggling minor illegal immigrants into the country. For that he should be charged with child endangerment.

Report: SMALL LIFELESS, DEAD CHILDREN Found ?Washed Up Along Riverbank? of Rio Grande | The Gateway Pundit

Outrageous and deeply sad. The loss of life forever of these children is a blasphemy and stain on the White House.

This isn't a problem of illegal immigration. It's clear now after several weeks and some perspective over the last many months that it is about refugees fleeing drug cartels and gangs in Central America.

I'm sure you'll never let the facts get in the way of your pygmie-brained obsession over Obama.

The horrors driving thousands of Central American kids to take the dangerous journey to the U.S.

The horrors driving thousands of Central American kids to take the dangerous journey to the U.S. - The Washington Post

While people have been leaving Central America for the United States in search of economic opportunity for decades, the current flight, by all accounts, can be summed up by this fact: It’s dangerous to be a kid there. So dangerous that even children who acknowledge the road to the United States was horrific say they would gladly do it again rather than remain home. “If you stay [home] you will die,” one child told the Women’s Refugee Commission. “If you leave, you might … either way it’s better to try.”

Almost all of Central America’s violence is related to a duo of street gangs called maras – M-18 and Mara Salvatrucha. Many analysts ascribe their rise — and their viciousness — to systemic state corruption, economic inequality and rising crime. In Honduras, Mexican drug cartels either cooperate or war with the maras, which “has led to a significant increase in both inter-gang and generalized violence, with children being the primary targets,” the refugee commission reported.
The libtard party line, call them refugees to gain sympathy. THEY ARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!!!!!

Wrong!!...they are illegal aliens. A play on words to gain public acceptance and so they fall under different guidelines. like...surge=troop escalation and others...
What immigration does to children...

Stateless Children Doomed to Life of Discrimination and Despair
November 03, 2015 — The U.N. refugee agency said a global 10-year campaign launched one year ago to end statelessness is making progress, but not enough.
An estimated 10 million people have fallen through the cracks and are not considered citizens of any country. They are stateless, and as such are denied benefits that come with a birth certificate and a nationality. The U.N. refugee agency reports a child is born stateless at least every 10 minutes. Assistant High Commissioner for Protection Volker Turk told VOA a stateless child will grow up with his or her aspirations for a meaningful life frustrated. He said statelessness takes a serious psychological toll and undermines a child’s self-esteem. “They are trapped in a bit of a vicious circle ... because they compare, obviously, themselves with others. And they do not understand, 'Why is it that the person who looks just like me is a national, can go to schooling without problems, can go to health care services without problems, and I cannot. What is different?” said Turk.


A Rohingya Muslim with the word "Rohingya" written on his T-shirt prays with others at a makeshift mosque at a camp for those displaced by violence, near Sittwe.​

The UNHCR reports stateless young people also face discrimination, stigmatization and harassment, and are more vulnerable to exploitation. Statelessness exists on all continents. People sometimes become stateless when a country dissolves, as happened in the former Soviet Union or when a new country is born, such as South Sudan. Gender discrimination also plays a role, many states do not allow a mother to confer her nationality upon her child.

Volker Turk said statelessness can be resolved. “For instance, in Cote d’Ivoire, in the Ivory Coast, you had a statelessness problem in the past, which was resolved through the adoption of a nationality law. It also shows if you have an interest and the political will, you can actually resolve them by granting nationality to people who have been habitually resident in that country for a long time,” said Turk. The UNHCR urges all states to ensure universal birth registration, to allow mothers to pass on their nationality to their children, and eliminate laws that deny children nationality because of their ethnicity, race or religion.

Stateless Children Doomed to Life of Discrimination and Despair

See also:

From Ireland to Mexico, Maps Show Changing Face of US Immigrants
November 2nd, 2015 - From Ireland and Germany to Italy and Mexico, a new series of maps illustrates changing trends in immigration to the United States from 1850 until 2013.
The Pew Research Center graphics show the dominant immigrant groups in each state for every decade during that period. The country’s first great wave of immigrants arrived from Ireland and Germany. In 1850, the Irish were the nation’s largest immigrant group, settling primarily on the East Coast and in Southern states. Then came the Age of Mass Migration—from 1850 to 1913—one of the largest migration episodes in modern history, when almost 30 million immigrants moved to the United States.


German immigrants – circa 1860​

At the time, American borders were completely open to European immigrants. By the 1880s, the Germans were the nation’s largest foreign-born group in many Midwestern and Southern states. In 1880, Chinese were the biggest immigrant group in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Nevada. However, when the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 restricted their entry into the United States, other foreign-born groups overtook them in those states.


By the early 1900s, another great influx of immigrants arrived from Southern and Eastern Europe. The 1930s saw Italians become the largest foreign-born group in the country and in nine states, including New York, Louisiana, New Jersey and Nevada. The make-up of immigrants changed again after 1965. Mexicans became the largest foreign-born group in the country by the 1980s, and by 2013 were the largest immigrant group in 33 states.


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