CDZ Small Town America, Guns, and “Black Lives Matter”

I will try to do a separate thread on English language Wikipedia. To me it is one of the most valuable tools to come out of the internet revolution, the most comprehensive and useful Encyclopedia the world has ever known.

And the least accurate. Just so you know, no legitimate college class allows wiki to be used as a source.
I will try to do a separate thread on English language Wikipedia. To me it is one of the most valuable tools to come out of the internet revolution, the most comprehensive and useful Encyclopedia the world has ever known.
And the least accurate. Just so you know, no legitimate college class allows wiki to be used as a source.
Far from being the least accurate. Generally the least accurate are openly partisan opinion pieces or internet propaganda. The Wiki articles are fully sourced, strive to be factual, and the history of each article’s creation and alterations is visible. Articles with factual errors are quickly found and usually quickly fixed, since it has the world’s largest critical base of readers and editors.

Doesn’t mean some of the 30 million+ Wiki articles never have errors, or that there aren’t built in problems with such an open encyclopedia — especially since it usually reflects knowledge and biases of the Wiki language community it emerges from (English, German, Japanese, etc.). Articles on controversial subjects generally indicate different opinions, different schools of thought, etc, and the sources it provides always allow for much further research.

Professional academics use Wiki all the time as a first source in fields they are new to, as a guide for further research. Academic papers are supposed to be based not on any encyclopedia, but on deeper primary and other sources. For people like you or me commenting on an area we are not experts on, Wiki is a godsend, to be used as a quick first source, with a critical mind. Most are too lazy to even do that, let alone have the critical mind, a desire for real knowledge, or the time and inclination to delve deeper.

But of course this is all off topic. As I said, I will try to do a later thread on this subject.
the Peanut Gallery can find those studies on black people evacuated from New Orleans to the dastardly Evul Small Town America' where all these savage evul racist whites live and compare their results to those who were merely shuttled to ghettos in Houston and other urban wonderlands of Democrat managed Diversity.
I'd be really interested in that. Can you link us to one?
I will try to do a separate thread on English language Wikipedia. To me it is one of the most valuable tools to come out of the internet revolution, the most comprehensive and useful Encyclopedia the world has ever known.

And the least accurate. Just so you know, no legitimate college class allows wiki to be used as a source.
That is good to know. My students use if for quick reference, a "what is this" resource only. It can be a helpful place to start when you need to get your toes in the water.
QUOTE="DustyInfinity, post: 24963354, member: 68349"]
Doesn't it seem likely that there is a larger problem than race that is plaguing these urban areas

You're right It's a complicated problem that's been built over hundreds of years. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 didn't magically make disappear what our system had done to blacks as a group prior to that. Those things have an impact and that impact is spread generationally. Ongoing poverty is a major factor, too.

To say all inner city blacks promote gang warfare and have no respect for education is WRONG though. Of course it exists. Only the black community can fix it. They need support from the government, not intervention by more more police. Grants and restructuring of local resources (like taking some police funding and giving it to PREVENTION services) is what they need.

Around here, blacks act like everyone else; our couple of black families have been here since the Revolution. There is no "inner city" 'cuz we've got no cities. So like you, I'd like to see things go better for black folks, but us small town-ers can only raise our kids right and teach them tolerance.
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QUOTE="DustyInfinity, post: 24963354, member: 68349"]
Doesn't it seem likely that there is a larger problem than race that is plaguing these urban areas

You're right It's a complicated problem that's been built over hundreds of years. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 didn't magically make disappear what our system had done to blacks as a group prior to that. Those things have an impact and that impact is spread generationally. Ongoing poverty is a major factor, too.

To say all inner city blacks promote gang warfare and have no respect for education is WRONG though. Of course it exists. Only the black community can fix it. They need support from the government, not intervention by more more police. Grants and restructuring of local resources (like taking some police funding and giving it to PREVENTION services) is what they need.

Around here, blacks act like everyone else; our couple of black families have been here since the Revolution. There is no "inner city" 'cuz we've got no cities. So like you, I'd like to see things go better for black folks, but us small town-ers can only raise our kids right and teach them tolerance.

I don't think anyone denies that racism is the reason many inner cities are the way they are, but I'm thinking that if racism was eliminated, there is still a problem that exists that needs attention. I'm not going to use a broad brush and say that everyone in these areas supports fatherless homes and drugs, but there is enough of that that it can't be ignored. I really don't know how support from the government is going to fix this. Using money to prop up poverty leads to more poverty. I wish I had the answers. I don't see a quick fix. I think a start would be to admit there is a problem, and that maybe the solution doesn't involve race.
Hossfly, sartre play, harmonica, Dogmaphobe, 2aguy, Death-Ninja, andaronjim

Your comments are all rather off topic. This thread is about “Small Town America, Guns, and ‘Black Lives Matter.’” It is mostly about consciousness in small communities and how they have changed (or not) over time. Perhaps some of you live in rural areas and have something to say about this issue? Or about gun militias and actual race relations in rural areas?
your op talked about the 60s riots I followed up with comments on the 60s riots.

you don't really need to be THAT much of a control freak, you know. the entire left seems to be afflicted with that particular malady these days
You guys flock to any thread saying "BLM" like flies on shit and no matter what the discussion is, you turn it into the same disrespectful garbage about blacks. The OP was being more than polite, and he should have taken control of this discussion a long time ago.
There are two problems with your post. The first of this is that you lack the ability to see people as individuals as you have been trained to do. I am not "you guys". I am just me.

Secondly, you have been trained to use your race card even when no racism has been expressed. Where in my post here did I express disrespect towards blacks? I didn't. I merely pointed out the differences between the 60s riots and today's which any thinking person should recognize. It is only those who parrot the dogma they have been trained to repeat who fail to see it.

Your post is emblematic of the real problem in race relations in that unless a person is completely racist they are accused of racism. It's one thing when hateful lacks pull that shit. It is downright embarrassing when self hating white people follow suit.
Hossfly, sartre play, harmonica, Dogmaphobe, 2aguy, Death-Ninja, andaronjim

Your comments are all rather off topic. This thread is about “Small Town America, Guns, and ‘Black Lives Matter.’” It is mostly about consciousness in small communities and how they have changed (or not) over time. Perhaps some of you live in rural areas and have something to say about this issue? Or about gun militias and actual race relations in rural areas?
your op talked about the 60s riots I followed up with comments on the 60s riots.

you don't really need to be THAT much of a control freak, you know. the entire left seems to be afflicted with that particular malady these days
You guys flock to any thread saying "BLM" like flies on shit and no matter what the discussion is, you turn it into the same disrespectful garbage about blacks. The OP was being more than polite, and he should have taken control of this discussion a long time ago.
There are two problems with your post. The first of this is that you lack the ability to see people as individuals as you have been trained to do. I am not "you guys". I am just me.

Secondly, you have been trained to use your race card even when no racism has been expressed. Where in my post here did I express disrespect towards blacks? I didn't. I merely pointed out the differences between the 60s riots and today's which any thinking person should recognize. It is only those who parrot the dogma they have been trained to repeat who fail to see it.

Your post is emblematic of the real problem in race relations in that unless a person is completely racist they are accused of racism. It's one thing when hateful lacks pull that shit. It is downright embarrassing when self hating white people follow suit.
OP postulated that today's riots are nowhere near as severe as the riots of the 60's. You countered:
The riots today are engineered by the (evil) left and its arm the media; that blacks aren't actually the ones that triggered the protests. That is about as dismissive of blacks' concerns as it gets. Except for where you then say the only preferential treatment is for blacks, through Affirmative Action. That is even more dismissive of EVERY SINGLE THING THEY ARE SAYING.

No, you didn't call 'em you-know-what's and say they should all be shot. You just said, in essence, that this thing has no basis in reality at all. That flat out denial of everything they are calling out is a sheer insult. Disagreeing is one thing but ignoring the actual problems is just ongoing Jim Crow attitudes in a 2020's get up.
Guess I would be better able to understand some of your views if I was not so old, and had forgotten the adult white lady in our church her face all twisted with rage, mouth screaming with hate because some black children wanted to go to her school. or seen the many photos of people quietly sitting at Woolworth lunch counters trying to get served,& being assaulted, then police came & dragged quiet sitters away & left the assaulters free . Yes there could be a better less destructive way of getting your point across, but those have worked in name only. If something is not right & we as white people refuse to acknowledge it. whose fault is it when things turn bad?

And the woman screaming....and the ones keeping the Blacks from the lunch counters....were all members of the democrat party. Black lives matter and antifa are rampaging through mostly Black neighborhoods....burning, looting and killing.....just before an election......they are supported, financed, coordinated and organized by allies of the democrat party.....

so......why are democrat groups burning, looting and killing in Black neighborhoods just before an election?
How do you know exactly how the screaming lady voted? why is it that Every thing bad belongs to one party & everything good to the other, is that even humanly possible?
Hossfly, sartre play, harmonica, Dogmaphobe, 2aguy, Death-Ninja, andaronjim

Your comments are all rather off topic. This thread is about “Small Town America, Guns, and ‘Black Lives Matter.’” It is mostly about consciousness in small communities and how they have changed (or not) over time. Perhaps some of you live in rural areas and have something to say about this issue? Or about gun militias and actual race relations in rural areas?
I stay away from the gun issue as am pro gun & anti gun nuts. No one from either side seems able to be realistic about the issue.
We have all seen media coverage of criminal looting and of statues being torn down, and maybe the much larger, peaceful, but less photogenic marches of hundreds of thousands in large cities. People mostly see and pay attention to what confirms their biases.

Yet looting, arson and violence today are nothing like on the scale of the 1960s, when Civil Rights leaders and liberal politicians were assassinated, and anger boiled over. Party partisanship and conspiracy thinking, however, certainly seem higher than ever. While the screamers are more emboldened today, I believe race relations in general have improved.

I watched recently some videos about black and white and integrated gun clubs, and how many organized to act if needed ... without overt racism and without lunatics starting trouble. In rural areas where gun ownership is most prevalent, where voters are much more conservative and “white,” and in areas where police, demonstrators and guns sometimes mixed on the streets, we seem to have gotten through this period — thank heaven — without any serious disasters.

The number of white demonstrators peacefully joining protests against racism and police violence, the increasing recognition among the young that racism is indeed a problem in American society — not just among police, whose jobs are difficult in the best of times — these are encouraging to me. I excerpt below from an article about largely white “Black Lives Matter” demonstrations in small communities in America:

On TV and on social media, the protest movement sweeping the country often looks grim and explosive, a montage of rubber bullets and teargas, activists facing off with police, low-flying military helicopters, broken store windows. When protests first started popping up in small towns across the country, some residents could only imagine they were the work of interlopers. Rumors whipped through dozens of rural and suburban communities about busloads of anti-fascist activists on their way to wreak havoc....

For people living in small towns, the dissonance between the dark fantasy of antifa marauders and the actual nature of local protests—many of which have included kids, dogs, and elderly people—has been hard to miss.... [Soon] armed counter-demonstrators largely disappeared. “They have been made to look kind of silly. You should have seen how they showed up. It was like a war—these people showed up for an enemy that was never there,” said [one black musician in almost all white Klamath Falls, Oregon]. Meanwhile, people continued to gather in town for Black Lives Matter rallies during the first two weeks of June. “I think it’s very important because it shows people, you know, a different side of things? It’s happening in these smaller towns with little to no black population. That shows people this is a human thing, and that there’s a lot of us out there who care about each other and want to stand up for each other. And you know, change can happen from anywhere”....

Some protests offered at least a temporary reclamation of public space in communities long defined by segregation and legacies of brutal racism—places like Vidor, Texas, a former Ku Klux Klan haven that Texas Monthly described as the state’s “most hate-filled town” during a struggle over court-ordered desegregation of public housing in the early 1990s....

“I’ve never seen so many white people give a darn about black people,” said Mildred Henderson, a 78-year-old woman and veteran activist who was interviewed by The Southern Illinoisan at a June 4 rally in Anna, Ill. In 1909, mobs drove black residents out of Anna after a lynching in a nearby town; for decades, Anna was known as a sundown town, where black people were not welcome after dark. Although Anna was originally named for a woman, the town’s racist history has given it an unofficial acronym: “Ain’t No [N-words] Allowed.” Kevin Jackson, who also attended the protest in Anna, told the Belleville News-Democrat that it was the first time he’d ever walked down the town’s Main Street... “I probably wouldn’t do it again without my white brothers and sisters,” Jackson said.

Black Lives Matter Protests Are Everywhere, Even in the Unlikeliest Places
I live in a small town of about 1200 people near Houston. Last week there was a march of about 2 dozen people with a fugly white chick leading the way holding up a sign with a picture of a clenched black fist on it, there.
I rolled my eyes and ignored them and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too.
Hossfly, sartre play, harmonica, Dogmaphobe, 2aguy, Death-Ninja, andaronjim

Your comments are all rather off topic. This thread is about “Small Town America, Guns, and ‘Black Lives Matter.’” It is mostly about consciousness in small communities and how they have changed (or not) over time. Perhaps some of you live in rural areas and have something to say about this issue? Or about gun militias and actual race relations in rural areas?
your op talked about the 60s riots I followed up with comments on the 60s riots.

you don't really need to be THAT much of a control freak, you know. the entire left seems to be afflicted with that particular malady these days
You guys flock to any thread saying "BLM" like flies on shit and no matter what the discussion is, you turn it into the same disrespectful garbage about blacks. The OP was being more than polite, and he should have taken control of this discussion a long time ago.
There are two problems with your post. The first of this is that you lack the ability to see people as individuals as you have been trained to do. I am not "you guys". I am just me.

Secondly, you have been trained to use your race card even when no racism has been expressed. Where in my post here did I express disrespect towards blacks? I didn't. I merely pointed out the differences between the 60s riots and today's which any thinking person should recognize. It is only those who parrot the dogma they have been trained to repeat who fail to see it.

Your post is emblematic of the real problem in race relations in that unless a person is completely racist they are accused of racism. It's one thing when hateful lacks pull that shit. It is downright embarrassing when self hating white people follow suit.
OP postulated that today's riots are nowhere near as severe as the riots of the 60's. You countered:
The riots today are engineered by the (evil) left and its arm the media; that blacks aren't actually the ones that triggered the protests. That is about as dismissive of blacks' concerns as it gets. Except for where you then say the only preferential treatment is for blacks, through Affirmative Action. That is even more dismissive of EVERY SINGLE THING THEY ARE SAYING.

No, you didn't call 'em you-know-what's and say they should all be shot. You just said, in essence, that this thing has no basis in reality at all. That flat out denial of everything they are calling out is a sheer insult. Disagreeing is one thing but ignoring the actual problems is just ongoing Jim Crow attitudes in a 2020's get up.
Ooooh, it's Jim Crow, now, is it? lol. I must say that when you get going with the gospel, you really get going.

Please tell me which laws in our country discriminate against black people? You support laws that punish Asians and Jewish people, I know, but where is this imaginary systematic racism targeting blacks? Where is it?

Your support of black criminality reminds me of the bad parents who hand their kids candy when they throw a tantrum
It shuts them up for a minute, but only teaches them that when they want candy, all they need to do is throw a tantrum.
Hossfly, sartre play, harmonica, Dogmaphobe, 2aguy, Death-Ninja, andaronjim

Your comments are all rather off topic. This thread is about “Small Town America, Guns, and ‘Black Lives Matter.’” It is mostly about consciousness in small communities and how they have changed (or not) over time. Perhaps some of you live in rural areas and have something to say about this issue? Or about gun militias and actual race relations in rural areas?
your op talked about the 60s riots I followed up with comments on the 60s riots.

you don't really need to be THAT much of a control freak, you know. the entire left seems to be afflicted with that particular malady these days
You guys flock to any thread saying "BLM" like flies on shit and no matter what the discussion is, you turn it into the same disrespectful garbage about blacks. The OP was being more than polite, and he should have taken control of this discussion a long time ago.
There are two problems with your post. The first of this is that you lack the ability to see people as individuals as you have been trained to do. I am not "you guys". I am just me.

Secondly, you have been trained to use your race card even when no racism has been expressed. Where in my post here did I express disrespect towards blacks? I didn't. I merely pointed out the differences between the 60s riots and today's which any thinking person should recognize. It is only those who parrot the dogma they have been trained to repeat who fail to see it.

Your post is emblematic of the real problem in race relations in that unless a person is completely racist they are accused of racism. It's one thing when hateful lacks pull that shit. It is downright embarrassing when self hating white people follow suit.
OP postulated that today's riots are nowhere near as severe as the riots of the 60's. You countered:
The riots today are engineered by the (evil) left and its arm the media; that blacks aren't actually the ones that triggered the protests. That is about as dismissive of blacks' concerns as it gets. Except for where you then say the only preferential treatment is for blacks, through Affirmative Action. That is even more dismissive of EVERY SINGLE THING THEY ARE SAYING.

No, you didn't call 'em you-know-what's and say they should all be shot. You just said, in essence, that this thing has no basis in reality at all. That flat out denial of everything they are calling out is a sheer insult. Disagreeing is one thing but ignoring the actual problems is just ongoing Jim Crow attitudes in a 2020's get up.
Ooooh, it's Jim Crow, now, is it? lol. I must say that when you get going with the gospel, you really get going.

Please tell me which laws in our country discriminate against black people? You support laws that punish Asians and Jewish people, I know, but where is this imaginary systematic racism targeting blacks? Where is it?

Your support of black criminality reminds me of the bad parents who hand their kids candy when they throw a tantrum
It shuts them up for a minute, but only teaches them that when they want candy, all they need to do is throw a tantrum.
Correction on one thing... Not just black Criminality, but all criminality is best to describe the leftist desperation to change the political landscapes in America. Blacks in alot of ways are being used by white leftist who have kept the irons hot on racism for certain purposes, otherwise continuing it on into the future for their political goals. It's all usery, but what's funny is when the blacks in the protest lines turn on the white leftist idiots who are acting like they give a crap about the black struggle, when in reality they have their own agenda in which they are trying to make appear as if the blacks have their backs on it. Little do they know..... Infact it's all usery until one group gets its way, then you will see a quick seperation take place (sort of like bank robbers when it's time to split the loot, and they begin to look around to see who they can cut out of it). LOL.
Please tell me which laws in our country discriminate against black people?
None that I know of. Racism in our society is not a "law." It's an attitude.
You support laws that punish Asians and Jewish people,
And I am going to continue to support Affirmative Action until black and white unemployment and income numbers are equal.
Your support of black criminality
Please show me where I support black criminality. Quote me.
all they need to do is throw a tantrum.
More complete dismissiveness.
I will try to do a separate thread on English language Wikipedia. To me it is one of the most valuable tools to come out of the internet revolution, the most comprehensive and useful Encyclopedia the world has ever known.

And the least accurate. Just so you know, no legitimate college class allows wiki to be used as a source.

She has never bothered to click on the rest of the page links, like the ones discussing why something is included and why somethng is not, which is a whole story in itself, especially as the articles are constantly being edited to reflect the latest editor's biases and political fantasies.
Correction on one thing... Not just black Criminality, but all criminality is best to describe the leftist desperation to change the political landscapes in America. Blacks in alot of ways are being used by white leftist who have kept the irons hot on racism for certain purposes, otherwise continuing it on into the future for their political goals. It's all usery, but what's funny is when the blacks in the protest lines turn on the white leftist idiots who are acting like they give a crap about the black struggle, when in reality they have their own agenda in which they are trying to make appear as if the blacks have their backs on it. Little do they know..... Infact it's all usery until one group gets its way, then you will see a quick seperation take place (sort of like bank robbers when it's time to split the loot, and they begin to look around to see who they can cut out of it). LOL.

Exactly. These groups are led by criminal sociopaths, financed by the same, from top to bottom, and appeal directly to sociopaths; if these idiots were truly smart and studied what happened after the Russian and Chinese 'Revolutions', they would see for themselves who ended up getting exterminated en masse; it was always the useful idiots who got purged first.
I will try to do a separate thread on English language Wikipedia. To me it is one of the most valuable tools to come out of the internet revolution, the most comprehensive and useful Encyclopedia the world has ever known.
And the least accurate. Just so you know, no legitimate college class allows wiki to be used as a source.
Far from being the least accurate. Generally the least accurate are openly partisan opinion pieces or internet propaganda. The Wiki articles are fully sourced, strive to be factual, and the history of each article’s creation and alterations is visible. Articles with factual errors are quickly found and usually quickly fixed, since it has the world’s largest critical base of readers and editors.

Doesn’t mean some of the 30 million+ Wiki articles never have errors, or that there aren’t built in problems with such an open encyclopedia — especially since it usually reflects knowledge and biases of the Wiki language community it emerges from (English, German, Japanese, etc.). Articles on controversial subjects generally indicate different opinions, different schools of thought, etc, and the sources it provides always allow for much further research.

Professional academics use Wiki all the time as a first source in fields they are new to, as a guide for further research. Academic papers are supposed to be based not on any encyclopedia, but on deeper primary and other sources. For people like you or me commenting on an area we are not experts on, Wiki is a godsend, to be used as a quick first source, with a critical mind. Most are too lazy to even do that, let alone have the critical mind, a desire for real knowledge, or the time and inclination to delve deeper.

But of course this is all off topic. As I said, I will try to do a later thread on this subject.

Yes, least accurate. Almost anyone with a pulse can edit at will based on their political bias.

Most recently the post for the paleocene/eocene thermal maximum was pretty much eliminated because the scientific papers listed in the post overwhelmingly showed the current claims of catastrophe are false.

So get rid of actual scientific research, and replace it with opinion. All in the name of politics.

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