Small Town in North Dakota


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The author of this reporter, Kayla Gahagan for Al Jazeera America, seems to specialize in stories about American Indians as well as this story that – beneath the surface – appears to be all about how the pristine beauty of the land is being destroyed by the evil natural gas producers. [Sorry for the run-on sentence. I try not to do that.]

Watford City, North Dakota was once a small, sleepy rural community centered on farming and ranching. Now, according to the story, crime is up and nobody knows their neighbors.

The city is poised to build a proposed $56 million recreation center, $58 million health center, and a new high school.

Good or bad? People making high wages bringing lots of business to people once on the verge of going out of business. New owners coming in to take advantage of the boom – increasing taxes to all levels of governments.

Read more @ Oil boom jars small-town North Dakota | Al Jazeera America

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