"Smaller government" advocates

When ALL the new wealth goes to the 1% and many giant corps pay nothing, only morons think nothing's wrong.

Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.

I guess the question to ask is "How do they do that?".
Not always in the most Kosher fashion.
Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.

I guess the question to ask is "How do they do that?".
Not always in the most Kosher fashion.

They do that by beating out the competition price-wise. They do that by having an attractive company growth to draw in investors.
When ALL the new wealth goes to the 1% and many giant corps pay nothing, only morons think nothing's wrong.

Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.

Yes, very true. Workers basically have a contract with their employers to provide labor but all their labor will not produce wealth if there is poor marketing, purchasing, management of physical and monetary assets, if there is a product produced that no one wants, and many other factors depending on the type of business. Workers typically don't have to worry about any of these things, and that is the trade off. Often times there is a period of intense personal work by the owners of businesses before they take off as a larger company. This often times includes great sacrifice that common employees neither have to do or are aware of.

For every successful business there are others who never made it because they couldn't come up with the right combination. It would be nice for a change to stop looking down on successful business owners and having the mindset that they need some sort of punishment.
Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

In other words, you're a Maxist. Is that what you're admitting?

Was Lincoln a Marxist?

I think he got that idea from Karl Marx.

One thing we know: you're a Marxist. You just proved it.
Muslims love Americans, but hate our gov't, especially the GOP, for getting into their business DUH. And their blind allegiance to Israel, who've ruined Palestinians for 70 years now. They'll be happier when their economies recover from the corrupt Booosh World Depression.

Gee, Democrats hate us and terrorists hate us. Hmmmmm.
Democrats pity the dupes, hate the lies and thievery of Pubs. ISIS would fall apart if there were JOBS. Thanks Boooshies...

ISIS would fall apart if there were jobs? Where do you get that from? Oh yeah, those dopey Democrat leaders of yours.

Well I'm willing to help ISIS get those jobs. I say let's ship Obama over there and he can work his magic. I'm sure he'll make plenty of jobs over there for ISIS.
Maybe we could open some McDonalds and a couple of Walmarts and end the middle east crisis, that's all they really want.

You have to wonder how liberals survived this far through history, don't you?.
Science was improved on MASSIVELY by government help.

Though, if government funds science, it can influence it. The so-called "science" of Global Warming being a prime example.

Is it a prime example? Eight years of Bush in charge, six of those with a Republican Congress, and still global warming was an issue.

Do you think the English government was forcing gravity upon Isaac Newton, and that there were people who were mightily pissed off that someone invented gravity? "You bastard Newton, I was having fun floating around my garden the other day, and then this conspiracy came that invented gravity and I landed on the ground with a massive bump."

Name one government that benefits from promoting global warming..... and then tell me why they benefit.

Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to get more and more control over the people. The only two vestiges left are energy and healthcare. Once government has total control over those two entities, they will have total control over the people.

Since they can't just take away our energy and healthcare, they will try to make us surrender it to them. That's how government benefits from global warming.
Setting up transparent competition between insurers and making fracking safer and more environmental, and helping alt energy to compete with China and the EU is not control, dupe, just intelligent. Ay caramba. All the New BS GOP has is big lie propaganda.

We need the richest and giant corps to pay their fair share, and help and tax cuts for the little guy and small business- DEMOCRAT POLICY, dupes.

Yes, Democrat policy, or in other words, wealth redistribution.
You haven't noticed Pub wealth distribution the last 30 years? Ay caramba. See sig
Muslims love Americans, but hate our gov't, especially the GOP, for getting into their business DUH. And their blind allegiance to Israel, who've ruined Palestinians for 70 years now. They'll be happier when their economies recover from the corrupt Booosh World Depression.

Gee, Democrats hate us and terrorists hate us. Hmmmmm.
Democrats pity the dupes, hate the lies and thievery of Pubs. ISIS would fall apart if there were JOBS. Thanks Boooshies...

ISIS would fall apart if there were jobs? Where do you get that from? Oh yeah, those dopey Democrat leaders of yours.

Well I'm willing to help ISIS get those jobs. I say let's ship Obama over there and he can work his magic. I'm sure he'll make plenty of jobs over there for ISIS.
Maybe we could open some McDonalds and a couple of Walmarts and end the middle east crisis, that's all they really want.

You have to wonder how liberals survived this far through history, don't you?.
Where do you morons think ISIS gets their young men to fight? Only job in some places....duh. Reality is complicated, dufi.
Muslims love Americans, but hate our gov't, especially the GOP, for getting into their business DUH. And their blind allegiance to Israel, who've ruined Palestinians for 70 years now. They'll be happier when their economies recover from the corrupt Booosh World Depression.

Gee, Democrats hate us and terrorists hate us. Hmmmmm.
Democrats pity the dupes, hate the lies and thievery of Pubs. ISIS would fall apart if there were JOBS. Thanks Boooshies...

ISIS would fall apart if there were jobs? Where do you get that from? Oh yeah, those dopey Democrat leaders of yours.

Well I'm willing to help ISIS get those jobs. I say let's ship Obama over there and he can work his magic. I'm sure he'll make plenty of jobs over there for ISIS.
Maybe we could open some McDonalds and a couple of Walmarts and end the middle east crisis, that's all they really want.

You have to wonder how liberals survived this far through history, don't you?.

Democrats realize many of their constituents don't have common sense, so they tell them what to think. Then their sheep repeat whatever it is they're told to say, and they never stop to question the logic.

I had to look up the dingy that makes people like Franko think the way they do, and I found it. Her name is Marie Harf and she's a State Department spokeswoman. Once she made the stupid statement that we can stop terrorist by providing jobs, she was criticized heavily for it and had no choice but to stick by her words.

That's the same kind of logic that goes behind what Nancy Piglosi believes which is welfare and unemployment stimulate the economy.

Whenever I feel a little down and bummed out, I can always thank God that he didn't give me a mind like a liberal. I could never imagine going through life thinking like that.
Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.

Yes, very true. Workers basically have a contract with their employers to provide labor but all their labor will not produce wealth if there is poor marketing, purchasing, management of physical and monetary assets, if there is a product produced that no one wants, and many other factors depending on the type of business. Workers typically don't have to worry about any of these things, and that is the trade off. Often times there is a period of intense personal work by the owners of businesses before they take off as a larger company. This often times includes great sacrifice that common employees neither have to do or are aware of.

For every successful business there are others who never made it because they couldn't come up with the right combination. It would be nice for a change to stop looking down on successful business owners and having the mindset that they need some sort of punishment.

I couldn't agree more. I work for a small company and always have. I see my employer come in at 6:30 am and doesn't leave until 4:30, and even then, he fills his briefcase with work and takes it home with him. He takes two weeks vacation like the rest of us and at times has to fill in when we get busy and some of his employees are out for the day or week.

A few years ago he confessed to me that during the bottom of the recession, he was only two weeks from closing up the business he had for decades. We all tried to help him out by working less hours and only coming in when needed. He used to guarantee us a 40 hour week no matter how many hours we actually worked.

For me and my fellow coworkers, sure, we could have survived on unemployment for a while and eventually got another job, but my employer would have lost everything he put into that business. I'm glad that's a pressure I'll never feel.
How does the US Constitution (1787) defines fair share?

It doesn't.

Now try the Communist Manifesto, how does i defines fair share?

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Americans know this as misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share
When ALL the new wealth goes to the 1% and many giant corps pay nothing, only morons think nothing's wrong.

Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

What is wealth? Is wealth the numbers on bank notes and in bank accounts? Is it the productivity of a person? What is it exactly?
When ALL the new wealth goes to the 1% and many giant corps pay nothing, only morons think nothing's wrong.

Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.
The product does not exist without workers to produce it. Selling a finished product is a very small value added

The problem today is that workers used to get a larger piece of the Poe of the wealth they create. Now, the pie is getting bigger but the workers share gets smaller
Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.
The product does not exist without workers to produce it. Selling a finished product is a very small value added

The problem today is that workers used to get a larger piece of the Poe of the wealth they create. Now, the pie is getting bigger but the workers share gets smaller

Whose role is it to change that?
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.
The product does not exist without workers to produce it. Selling a finished product is a very small value added

The problem today is that workers used to get a larger piece of the Poe of the wealth they create. Now, the pie is getting bigger but the workers share gets smaller

Whose role is it to change that?
Good question
It used to be strong unions who fought for the workers. But with Republicans steadily degrading the influence of unions, it has become every man for himself......just like the one percent want

So, it seems like only the government has the power to stand up for workers
Muslims love Americans, but hate our gov't, especially the GOP, for getting into their business DUH. And their blind allegiance to Israel, who've ruined Palestinians for 70 years now. They'll be happier when their economies recover from the corrupt Booosh World Depression.

Gee, Democrats hate us and terrorists hate us. Hmmmmm.
Democrats pity the dupes, hate the lies and thievery of Pubs. ISIS would fall apart if there were JOBS. Thanks Boooshies...

ISIS would fall apart if there were jobs? Where do you get that from? Oh yeah, those dopey Democrat leaders of yours.

Well I'm willing to help ISIS get those jobs. I say let's ship Obama over there and he can work his magic. I'm sure he'll make plenty of jobs over there for ISIS.
Maybe we could open some McDonalds and a couple of Walmarts and end the middle east crisis, that's all they really want.

You have to wonder how liberals survived this far through history, don't you?.

Democrats realize many of their constituents don't have common sense, so they tell them what to think. Then their sheep repeat whatever it is they're told to say, and they never stop to question the logic.

I had to look up the dingy that makes people like Franko think the way they do, and I found it. Her name is Marie Harf and she's a State Department spokeswoman. Once she made the stupid statement that we can stop terrorist by providing jobs, she was criticized heavily for it and had no choice but to stick by her words.

That's the same kind of logic that goes behind what Nancy Piglosi believes which is welfare and unemployment stimulate the economy.

Whenever I feel a little down and bummed out, I can always thank God that he didn't give me a mind like a liberal. I could never imagine going through life thinking like that.

My brother and I joke about that too, we should be liberals and make our lives so much easier without having to think. I reality though, neither of us want to be that.

Smaller government and personal responsibility though just isn't a selling message to the gimme crowd
Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.
The product does not exist without workers to produce it. Selling a finished product is a very small value added

The problem today is that workers used to get a larger piece of the Poe of the wealth they create. Now, the pie is getting bigger but the workers share gets smaller

I can't change a tire without a tire iron, does that make the tire iron more important than I am in changing a tire? I can get a tire iron anywhere
Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.
The product does not exist without workers to produce it. Selling a finished product is a very small value added

The problem today is that workers used to get a larger piece of the Poe of the wealth they create. Now, the pie is getting bigger but the workers share gets smaller

Whose role is it to change that?
Good question
It used to be strong unions who fought for the workers. But with Republicans steadily degrading the influence of unions, it has become every man for himself......just like the one percent want

So, it seems like only the government has the power to stand up for workers

The only thing that has been reduced is the artificial power given by government to workers. Workers are as free or more than ever to unite and negotiate on actual market power
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.
The product does not exist without workers to produce it. Selling a finished product is a very small value added

The problem today is that workers used to get a larger piece of the Poe of the wealth they create. Now, the pie is getting bigger but the workers share gets smaller

I can't change a tire without a tire iron, does that make the tire iron more important than I am in changing a tire? I can get a tire iron anywhere
I think you are starting to get it

It is the labor that is producing the wealth
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.
The product does not exist without workers to produce it. Selling a finished product is a very small value added

The problem today is that workers used to get a larger piece of the Poe of the wealth they create. Now, the pie is getting bigger but the workers share gets smaller

Whose role is it to change that?
Good question
It used to be strong unions who fought for the workers. But with Republicans steadily degrading the influence of unions, it has become every man for himself......just like the one percent want

So, it seems like only the government has the power to stand up for workers

The only thing that has been reduced is the artificial power given by government to workers. Workers are as free or more than ever to unite and negotiate on actual market power
Actually, Republican laws like right to work ( right to get paid less) erode the power of workers to negotiate. Throw in attacks on collective bargaining and you have workers right where the wealthy need them....hungry and desperate
Our Federal Government was never set up to be some employment center for the people in this country. they have agencies after agency that is worthless and is now out of control making up their own rules and laws without YOUR say on it and GOING over your Representation in Congress. everyone should be in favor of cutting out some of these agencies. start with the EPA, DOE, NEA, cut down the IRS and lets get it done. take back your Federal government. as it now they are STEAMROLLING over us and save US SOME MONEY of having to FEED this Monster

We all have State Governments. that is how we were set up to run. the Feds were to protect us not be a nanny.
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Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Wrong, moron, wealth is produced and earned by those who produce it. Your welfare check, on the other hand, was stolen from the people who earned the money.
Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.

Yes, very true. Workers basically have a contract with their employers to provide labor but all their labor will not produce wealth if there is poor marketing, purchasing, management of physical and monetary assets, if there is a product produced that no one wants, and many other factors depending on the type of business. Workers typically don't have to worry about any of these things, and that is the trade off. Often times there is a period of intense personal work by the owners of businesses before they take off as a larger company. This often times includes great sacrifice that common employees neither have to do or are aware of.

For every successful business there are others who never made it because they couldn't come up with the right combination. It would be nice for a change to stop looking down on successful business owners and having the mindset that they need some sort of punishment.
Why couldn't labor form committees and "drive" product development from the inside? To the extent labor also consumes, they should and could have practical input into better widgets at potentially lower cost.

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